I am a virgin
Returning to the series I plebbed up and went with no permadeathI was getting to the point I was feeling HOW LONG IS THIS GOING TO BE A TUTORIAL?! So many new elements just made it so overwhelming right at first.
This game is amazing but feels so very bipolar to me. When venturing around the town is as peaceful and relaxing an experience as one can have. And then you go to the battle and one wrong decision is the loss of a member.
Doing Black Eagle at first I though I'm going to like this one and not this one.......I love them all, I feel a connection to all of them and wish to see them all prosper. I have no idea if this is the same for lion/deer but wow I'm still early on and it's like..... WE ARE ALL COMING HOME TODAY!
Maybe if you're not too invested into your current save swapping over might be better??