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First images from Disney remake of Snow White and the Seven "Dwarves"


GAF's Pleasant Genius
1. Subvert the “tropes”
Of course they will have this excuse planned… “what did you mean that I had to do more work than just simply subverting expectations throwing viewers a shit based curveball?”… keeping the TLJ tradition of subverting the expectation the movie should be good…


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Wow. I never kept track of Disney subs but knew enough it was huge. But I didn't know they are already trending down in subs. Losing sub count two quarters in a row is not a good sign. It’s so new they should still be in ramp up mode. The service isnt even 4 years old.
Problem is also sub revenue… streaming wars during COVID gave some customers benefit, but we all knew it was not sustainable… and people will not pay $20 per month or more for each of the 4-5 major streaming services… so well, let’s see what happens now.


The plot twist will be that the queen is ugly from the inside.
Who cares?

Gal Gadot Kiss GIF by The Late Late Show with James Corden
gal gadot GIF by Golden Globes
Wonder Woman Kiss GIF by Saturday Night Live
Happy Wonder Woman GIF


I've been on this forum for a long long time now, and I've never seen somebody so relentlessly and consistently defend mega-corporations as much as you. I certainly hope you're paid for it at least. It's like every single thread about Marvel/Star Wars/Disney, you're right there just chiming in on how it's ackshuwally a good thing.

This stuff is trash, run through the diversifier, soul removed, passion removed, written by people that will take some of the worst paying jobs in the industry (apparently according to the strikes). Why do you defend it so vehemently?
It's just entertainment. Some of us are naturally contrarian and can't believe the amount of vitriol people spill to shit on entertainment products and the perceived political agendas that offend them.

No scratch that People love to shit on entertainment that they don't like esp if it offends their sensibilities. And they'll rewrite facts to meet their aims if need be. And it's so easy to be an armchair shitter.

But there are still thousands of people working very hard to create entertainment even as part of mass corporations. Can't speak for DeafTourette DeafTourette but for me its satisfying knowing you're defending that: The effort and risk that it takes to create...
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(Doesn't include Dial of Destiny)

The company's also 49 Billion in debt.
I would love for this to be completely true and for disney to crash and burn with their shitty family-friendly policies...

...but an article using the term "woke" in the title doesn't exactly inspire confidence, they're pushing an agenda too.

Ulysses 31

I would love for this to be completely true and for disney to crash and burn with their shitty family-friendly policies...

...but an article using the term "woke" in the title doesn't exactly inspire confidence, they're pushing an agenda too.
You think they can just make up that 900 Million number and not get called out on it?

Here's MSN also reporting 900 Million.

  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Fuz


You think they can just make up that 900 Million number and not get called out on it?
No, I believe the number.
It's what represent and its real significance that I'm wary of.

Edit: in any case, they're still keeping the helm straight and going that route, no signal of change. It's strange: it's either a social engineering plan where money don't matter at all, or they're still making profit despite that number, or the greatest, most amazing case of corporate stupidity in history.
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Perpetually Offended
They should do what Nolan did... Make their movies for about 100 million. Lessen their marketing budgets too... Target them more for maximum visibility instead of blanket everywhere.


My other problem with this movie is that while the girl playing Snow White is an attractive girl.. I'm supposed to find her more attractive than The evil Queen played by Gal Gadot? That's some really bad casting (the casting of Gal.. finding someone hotter than her is not going to be easy)
Mirror mirror on the wall is snow white the fairest of them all?
Nah you good


They have to know this one is going to be really hard to defend?

I have a feeling they are going to try sneak this one out because they know it'll bomb.

This one is going to cause war online.
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"There is no such thing as bad publicity".
Truth. If you really want this movie to fail then just ignore it completely. I'm convinced that Disney pays media outlets to generate controversy to get people to hate watch this stuff because they know the majority of the public will hate it anyways. You want this crap to stop? Ignore it completely. Pretend it doesn't exist. That's what really hurts Disney.


They should do what Nolan did... Make their movies for about 100 million. Lessen their marketing budgets too... Target them more for maximum visibility instead of blanket everywhere.

Yeah. The answer instead of JUST NOT SCREWING UP THEIR CLASSIC IPs is just to “make them cheaper, don’t advertise them, don’t care about family mass appeal”.

Yep. That’s an interesting way to get from A to B, respectfully man.
Man I'm never making money back on my Disney stocks at this rate.
I'm always asking co-workers how the stock is doing today, just to keep things positive...how low can we go?!

You can imagine how happy all the other employees are here with large amounts of compensation tied to stocks :pie_invert:. But hey at least the other media giants are doing as bad...uhm...ok. Don't worry we're all working hard for Bob's renovations and next yacht.


just gonna leave this here

Sounds like her reply was scripted. Knew what questions were going to be asked, followed up with a contemporary answer.

She probably has no idea who wrote the original story or what country it came from.

Bad publicity works just as well as good publicity today, if not better. Everyone loves a train wreck, people will go see this just to spite those that are against it.



I just remembered that we already got an excellent remake of Snow White back in 2001:

At the very least, these 4 minutes alone will be far superior and infinitely more enjoyable than whatever POS Disney will shit out with this remake, lol.


I just remembered that we already got an excellent remake of Snow White back in 2001:

At the very least, these 4 minutes alone will be far superior and infinitely more enjoyable than whatever POS Disney will shit out with this remake, lol.

I'd say the 1995 Snow White porno is better then what ever steamy pile Disney is squeezing out.
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