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First images from Disney remake of Snow White and the Seven "Dwarves"


True love is for losers now, I guess.

That's it, pursue money not love! There's a good message right there.


This is what happens when you let retards take control.

How much money will this film loose is the only question, as is certainly won't make any.


Why even remake the dang film if you hate the premise that much?

Why leave a martyr when you can force him to join your side?

Truth. If you really want this movie to fail then just ignore it completely. I'm convinced that Disney pays media outlets to generate controversy to get people to hate watch this stuff because they know the majority of the public will hate it anyways. You want this crap to stop? Ignore it completely. Pretend it doesn't exist. That's what really hurts Disney.

I can't stand this "hate watch" stuff. I was saying this in the Barbie thread. I hate what they're doing, but I'm gonna pay them to find out how just how much I hate it, right now. Control yourselves people. We are rewarding the broken behavior that we complain against.


just gonna leave this here

'Snow White, the strong independant latina woman, and the seven magical creatures'

Sounds like another winner from Disneys factory production line.

You know my mum died a couple of years ago, but she hated all this woke crap. She hated how targeted a lot of her favorite films are by these loons and clown world. For example 'An Officer and a Gentleman'. and the classic final scene where Richard Gere goes to the factory are 'rescues' the woman and takes her away to hopefully a better life. Well yeah that amazing and uplifting scene is now classed as sexist in clown world.

Fuck this crap, and fuck Disney.
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Then they reach their mid to late 40's, biological clock is about to expire, and nobody wants the the loveless "used and abused." Sitting there lonely while downing their barbiturates and a bottle or two of wine on the daily. Maybe.
Mid to late 40s. Bro, make that early to mid 30s. By their mid 40s they are dead inside and will take and do anything just to not be alone anymore.

Everyone feels it when the 30s are approaching, even boys. Remember that time being super horrible for me as well. I don’t even want to fathom how this is for women because mid to late 20s is when men are usually starting to turn their eye on younger women.

This is such a damaging thing to say. REALLY hope this movie fails miserably.
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Gold Member
I thought Disney was tired of losing money? It's not too late to suck this thing up the abortion vacuum.
They are still making about $3B profit on $80B sales. Not great to be honest. Looking back before covid they made $10B profit on $70B sales.

All DIsney has to do to keep it going is just appease the masses with a non-political and no rush business strategy. I thnk of them like Coke. Just dont do anything stupid and brand name alone can keep em coming. It's not like Disney and Coke are high tech companies or noname bio tech firms who need to innovate to be relevant. Slap a coat of paint on current product lines and legacy products will sell.

So for Disney, charge high prices on theme parks, renovate them heere and there to keep modern, and keep classic tv/movies/cartoons humming. They dont even have to reinvent the wheel all the time. Lion King made $1.5B sales and all they did was take the same story and make it realistic looking like National Geographic.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
Why not just make a new thing if you feel that badly about the original?

Because no one will go to or care about a new thing. They have to use the name of something classic to catch the casuals who don't follow all this stuff and just say, "oh the new Snow White is out lets see it".

Its the same thing that happened in comic books but earlier starting in the early 2010s. Comic writers wanted to write diverse characters and modern issues which is fine in a vacuum but no one wanted to buy that because no one really cared about new characters (especially when done poorly, wow big surprise). So instead they just changed all the classic characters established personlities and sexualities and just brought in new diverse characters who are the same as the originals. So now you have 5 spider men, 10 batmans/robins etc, 5 superman/super women.


Hasn't Disney been doing this shit since before time? Heck before the incessant "we hate woke and are going to talk about it more than the actual people we hate" crowds there was shit love action adaptations. According to Wiki, first one was in 1994 with Jungle Book and then following that was 101 Dalmatians.

Heck I remember Cinderella and holy crap that was bad. So really, this is nothing new and the fact I'm wasting time on this reply is just as sad as the people getting fake angry.


Perpetually Offended
Hasn't Disney been doing this shit since before time? Heck before the incessant "we hate woke and are going to talk about it more than the actual people we hate" crowds there was shit love action adaptations. According to Wiki, first one was in 1994 with Jungle Book and then following that was 101 Dalmatians.

Heck I remember Cinderella and holy crap that was bad. So really, this is nothing new and the fact I'm wasting time on this reply is just as sad as the people getting fake angry.

Thank you for reminding me! I had forgotten ALL ABOUT the previous live action movies. Folks forget that not all of the classics are easily available... And most of Gen Z likely isn't aware of them to look for them.


Gold Member
oh wow - just learned they are no longer dwarves....theyre referred to as "magical creatures". I know its old news but still...

that explains a lot.
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Neon Xenon

There's been enough subpar output from Disney's live-action remakes alone to where none of this comes as a shock or a surprise to me.

You already know what parts of the original movie are going to get shifted around to make it "current", what the press cycle is going to be from both the actors and news outlets (what you're seeing from the main actress), and that the result is probably going to be another soulless live-action remake. The whole routine is so boring.
lets hire 1 small dude, a few average sized people, and 1 tall guy.

well done disney you fucking muppets.

should rename it to snow white and the 1 dwarf

edit: greta gerwig is involved ... that explains a lot
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Every time I see this thread I can't help but think that there's a chain of command at Disney where every higher up in that chain had to say "yes, let's do it exactly like that.". This movie is gonna be Disney's Fiat Multipla (first generation).


voted poster of the decade by bots
My son listed off Disney's release lineup to me for the next 2-3 years, it was embarrassing that like 95% were sequels. Time to wake up Disney, people are getting bored of the same movie x 1000. Create some new content, some new franchises, actually use the talent at your disposal. Imagine actually releasing a new action movie not called marvel or star wars.


Oh God… do not remind me…
Season 5 Friends Tv Show GIF by Friends
What made the car so fucking disappointing was that it was made by Fiat. A company that should know better (and did better multiple times before!). If that car had been done by some Chinese no-name, no one would've given a shit.
Same thing with this movie and Disney. They should know better. And it's almost sacrilege that they touch this movie and make something like that out of it. I would've expected them to touch Snow White with a bit more reverence than that.
This movie is going to bomb harder than Little Mermaid, mark my words. Families - their main audience - don’t like their classic fairy tales being fucked with.

For what it’s worth, the live action Cinderella is the only worthy remake. A well cast set of likeable mains and wholesome, old fashioned direction from Kenneth Branagh.
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