Jeff Spicoli
That 7 "dwarves" are really ugly.
Can't you just watch the porn parody like every normal dude?I'm really excited to see this.
Can't you just watch the porn parody like every normal dude?
No one is really normal in this world.
After all our exchanges and my posts you're still considering there's any resemblance of normalcy left in me?
Thank you
Kidding aside. I want to watch it for it's subtext.
Also, on second thought; what's so normal about watching midget porn?
No one is really normal in this world.
Who knows if that aspect will even be a part of this. This is updated for "modern audiences." Maybe the evil queen will just be a misunderstood girl boss held back the patriarchy and Snow "White" and her must team up to take down the awful men.My other problem with this movie is that while the girl playing Snow White is an attractive girl.. I'm supposed to find her more attractive than The evil Queen played by Gal Gadot? That's some really bad casting (the casting of Gal.. finding someone hotter than her is not going to be easy)
Disney: let's take a classic tale everyone knows and loves, and change literally everything about it that people love
Sure there is.Dinklage kinda preemptively attacked Disney for the notion of casting dwarves in this so they went to avoid it, then people get mad at Disney for not casting dwarves.
Don't think there was any way escaping Twitter controversy with this one.
Dwarf actor calling out Peter Dinklage pulling up the ladder for those after him.
LOL. Dont you love it when different groups argue with one another when they're supposed to be banded together as a united front? Well, that's what happens when one segment of that giant group has a power trip and tries to take over. And let's face it, out of all the social media cancel culture and progressives, I dont get the sense the dwarf community gets any attention at all. Only thing I've heard is Peter Dinklage speaking out like he's the ruler of all small people.
Btw, the dwarf guy is 100% right. In a role like that, it's not about who can be the best actor like two similar sized dudes going after a traditional part. May the best actor for the budget win. But he has enough common sense bringing up someone like him isnt suited for a 6 ft 4 beefy guy part. And everyone knows that too. But for specialized parts like elves, dwarves and any little person role, just hire actors who have the talent to do the part at the needed size too within budget.
But hey, if the director wants to take the film into a different direction, then so be it.
I mean, they just need to find a chick with an actual breast or ass, how hard it can be?My other problem with this movie is that while the girl playing Snow White is an attractive girl.. I'm supposed to find her more attractive than The evil Queen played by Gal Gadot? That's some really bad casting (the casting of Gal.. finding someone hotter than her is not going to be easy)
Dinklage is a dick, it showed his true colors in more than one occasion.Dinklage kinda preemptively attacked Disney for the notion of casting dwarves in this so they went to avoid it, then people get mad at Disney for not casting dwarves.
Don't think there was any way escaping Twitter controversy with this one.
In a nutshell, most people are self serving. Especially politically motivated people. They might try painting a picture of the greater good but really it’s about them and them only.The guy on the right isn’t too smart. Not sure why he agreed to go on that show. Lol. Of course any good actor gay man can get way more roles, and play it straight or gay. There are countless examples going back to the 60’s….. but a person thats vertically challenged can not just get any role.
Glorious times when Disney, Nintendo and Capcom were at the top of their game and combo'd up. It was like you could trust the machinations of the system to work and even buy a game blind for the IP and it might actually be good. LOL imagineI love the old Disney, when me and my wife have our first child I'm gonna use them as an excuse to re-watch all the old classics. The current stuff though...nah we good.
The reason movies look like they do is mainly because they are shot on film or equivalent digital format (speciffic framerates and shutter speeds), they use custom lighting and filters for every single shot, they use creative angles and shallow depth of field. It has nothing to do with CGI and other elements.Most movies these days look like that when you take away the CGI, make-up, and post-production touch ups. You'd be amazed by how cheap costumes and sets actually look without all the modern technology applied to it. There is a reason that when you go back to the 80's and beyond you look at "big budget" films looking goofy and fake outside of practical effects. They just didn't have the tech to touch it up in the moment. If you took out all the movie magic out of modern films most of them would look like cheap local productions because all the money is in the CGI and special effects.
Which sucks because you used to have older films that looked great because they put in the effort, but those days are mostly long gone outside of people like Nolan.
Sure there is.
Ignore Dinklage.
They could go on a positive PR blitz with other dwarf actors talking about how these roles keep them working and how rare it is for a dwarf actor to semi break out of dwarf roles like Dinklage has a few times. Or just do the perspective photography thing with normal actors. Hell, just have 2D animated dwarves mixed with a live action Snow White, that shit ALWAYS works and no worry about creepy CG versions!
But really, just ignore the fool.
Dwarf actor calling out Peter Dinklage pulling up the ladder for those after him.
I dunno, there is definitely something lost in the mix with the move to digital. I don't need that super rich technicolor feel of the 50-60's but digital allows too much use of natural lighting leading to murky scenes and the small, lighter cameras give way to that shaky cam nonsense which fortunately seems to be dying out a little. I even think that some film grain and stutter gives a film the slightly surreal quality it needs compared to a razor sharp HFR film image. And this is without the excessive use of lens flare and light bloom added in digitally....ahem J.J. Abrams...The reason movies look like they do is mainly because they are shot on film or equivalent digital format (speciffic framerates and shutter speeds), they use custom lighting and filters for every single shot, they use creative angles and shallow depth of field. It has nothing to do with CGI and other elements.
As bad as the actual scripts and acting may be in some Hollywood movies these days, they are still top tier in terms of the film look.
Cgi is best used in situations that involve static images or things move slow and not too crazy. If someone wants to do cgi to make great looking alien rocks and space colonies in orbit with metal construction and neon lights it’ll probably be pretty good and create a good atmosphere.I dunno, there is definitely something lost in the mix with the move to digital. I don't need that super rich technicolor feel of the 50-60's but digital allows too much use of natural lighting leading to murky scenes and the small, lighter cameras give way to that shaky cam nonsense which fortunately seems to be dying out a little. I even think that some film grain and stutter gives a film the slightly surreal quality it needs compared to a razor sharp HFR film image. And this is without the excessive use of lens flare and light bloom added in digitally....ahem J.J. Abrams...
But CG DEFINITELY causes problems when it isn't used as a 1:1 replacement of stunt and film work. If the "camera" zooms around through digital peoples legs, through digital walls, and catches movement in ways a real camera team can't it screws with our perception of the event and makes it feel fake. Now with drones I expect some wild shots but you can tell when a master director (like Cameron) stages his digital stuff to mimic what would be a brutal real stunt versus the guys just playing with the CG like it was a video game. Naturally the Cruise missile does it best by having actors experiencing real world wind/g-forces/tumbling and then adds digital to hide the safety gear versus doing it all with virtual dolls.
Might as well call it "Snow White Power" according to Twitter.It's called Snow White because her skin is white. It's the title of the movie.
If by miracle Disney decides to replace the 7 identity crisis with dwarves, Peter Dinklage would be a perfect Grumpy.Dinklage is a dick, it showed his true colors in more than one occasion.
Are they, though?We're hemorrhaging money!
(Doesn't include Dial of Destiny)Are they, though?
How well did the black mermaid do, at the box office?
Wow. I never kept track of Disney subs but knew enough it was huge. But I didn't know they are already trending down in subs. Losing sub count two quarters in a row is not a good sign. Its so new they should still be in ramp up mode. The service isnt even 4 years old.(Doesn't include Dial of Destiny)
Woke Disney Lost Almost $900 Million On Last 8 Films: Report
A well-known film box office analyst estimates that in the last 12 months, Disney, whose woke agenda has placed it at odds with much of the general public, lost nearly $900 million on its last eight releases. YouTube Financial analyst Valliant Renegade measured the performances of “Lightyear,”
Record Decline: Why Disney+ Lost Another 4 Million Subscribers
Disney+ declines deepen in first three months of the year, marking its second straight quarter of decline. Subscriptions in India are way down following loss of key cricket
The company's also 49 Billion in debt.
Really? Gal Gadot is going to be the queen? That mirror must be pretty dumb if he finds snow white to be prettier then the queen. This is a fail right here.My other problem with this movie is that while the girl playing Snow White is an attractive girl.. I'm supposed to find her more attractive than The evil Queen played by Gal Gadot? That's some really bad casting (the casting of Gal.. finding someone hotter than her is not going to be easy)
Not if the idea is to :Really? Gal Gadot is going to be the queen? That mirror must be pretty dumb if he finds snow white to be prettier then the queen. This is a fail right here.
Snow White guilt rebrand.Its only a matter of time before the woke crowd start to find the name and title of the movie Snow WHITE to be offense.