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First Look at THE FLASH [Extended trailer in OP]

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i know nothing of Flash or Barry Alan so forgive my ignorance BUT doesn't that actor look a TAD bit young? He looks like he's barely out of his teens if that and is supposed to be a "scientist" right?


I love Pokken!
I hope the CW and DCCU stay entirely separate


the running looks not so great for me

I am not feeling his costume either

This is all related to budget though since him as Barry though is good

I also get why some people do not want to include the Arrow/Flash CW universe in the Man of Steel universe seeing as they twisted a lot of villians origins in the Arrow lore


i know nothing of Flash or Barry Alan so forgive my ignorance BUT doesn't that actor look a TAD bit young? He looks like he's barely out of his teens if that and is supposed to be a "scientist" right?

Well, you obviously know nothing. :)

He is supposed to be police forensic who likes science, which is exactly what he was when he appeared in Arrow S2.


I like how it all looks and the costume and everything. But please fix the costume so it is tight and doesn't sag off his chest like that. just horrible.


My Apartment, or the 120 Screenings of Salo
I hope the CW and DCCU stay entirely separate


In my mind the Man of Steel Universe is Earth-1 and the Arrow Universe is Earth-2. I don't even mind if the cast the same actors from the shows in Justice League, as long as they're playing alternate versions of them. The shows should get to stand up on their own, and the movies shouldn't have to deal with all that baggage.


Has anything ever showed a super-speed character (besides Incredibles) and had it not look terrible? Nothing against the show or anything I just can't remember ever seeing a show or movie with a super fast character that looked any kind of realistic. (Yes I understand how that sounds but you know) Has anyone seen the new X-Men film? Does that Quicksilver look any good? Maybe Avengers will get it?

Actually that one video we got of Quicksilver in DoFP looks really nice. Avengers Quicksilver also has some interesting VFX.

In comparison, this is a bit cheesy, a bit Smallville-like, but I'll give it a chance due to Arrow.


Actually that one video we got of Quicksilver in DoFP looks really nice. Avengers Quicksilver also has some interesting VFX.

In comparison, this is a bit cheesy, a bit Smallville-like, but I'll give it a chance due to Arrow.

I'm glad that two films that have almost half a billion dollar combined production budget have good special effects.


I'm glad that two films that have almost half a billion dollar combined production budget have good special effects.

This. Do people knocking this teaser due to its special effects and comparing them with films even hear themselves? Those walking down this path stop and say out loud what your typing. Then take a minute to think about your and are about to type.


I'm glad that two films that have almost half a billion dollar combined production budget have good special effects.

LOL he asked and I answered. I don't think it has much to do with the quality of VFX itself (DoFP Quicksilver just has everything around him going in super slow motion) but more on the creative side. It looks like they took inspiration from the Flashpoint cartoon movie or something.



In my mind the Man of Steel Universe is Earth-1 and the Arrow Universe is Earth-2. I don't even mind if the cast the same actors from the shows in Justice League, as long as they're playing alternate versions of them. The shows should get to stand up on their own, and the movies shouldn't have to deal with all that baggage.

Yeah. One of the best things about Arrow is that they can take from DC Universe as they see fit. if this was connected to a movie universe there's no way we would get even mention of Ra's, let alone possibly have him actually appear.
CW released their Fall schedule this morning. The Flash will air on Tuesdays at 8 before Supernatural and Arrow is sticking to Wednesdays at 8.
I wish this wasn't on the cw. shows gonna be dragged down by melodrama and terrible acting. why must they try to hire the youngest looking people? I wish this was on HBO, or even AMC OR hell I'd take showtimes over cw. bah, I'm trying not to judge it before I see the premiere but every show I try to watch on the cw I end up hating :(


I wish this wasn't on the cw. shows gonna be dragged down by melodrama and terrible acting. why must they try to hire the youngest looking people? I wish this was on HBO, or even AMC OR hell I'd take showtimes over cw. bah, I'm trying not to judge it before I see the premiere but every show I try to watch on the cw I end up hating :(

AMC, so it could be like The Walking Dead? No thanks. The CW is a good fit for the show. Arrow is the best live-action superhero that has ever run.


that looked awesome hope the series gets picked up .. is it me or is the attitude in this clip more Wally West than Barry Allen


I wish this wasn't on the cw. shows gonna be dragged down by melodrama and terrible acting. why must they try to hire the youngest looking people? I wish this was on HBO, or even AMC OR hell I'd take showtimes over cw. bah, I'm trying not to judge it before I see the premiere but every show I try to watch on the cw I end up hating :(

Meh..screw 13 episodes seasons, superhero shows are one of those that really can use the additional episodes. Also....in this type of show I would rather take melodrama over nedless nudity (which would happen on HBO)


I'm kinda sad they're going with Weather Wizard first... but also super happy that they're not going with some no name two bit knock off.

It means we are getting his villains early.

Re-watching the original series, you only got The Trickster like half way through the season


It means we are getting his villains early.

Re-watching the original series, you only got The Trickster like half way through the season

I honestly figured they'd go with Captain Cold first but as long as they eventually get all the proper Rogues introduced I'm cool with it.


This is the correct answer, that way the shows can do whatever the hell they want for the most part. But I'd be okay with the movies casting Manu as Deathswag

They can stay entirely separate while allowing Amell and Gustin to retain their roles in Justice League.

Why would Green Arrow and Flash being in Justice League be a bad thing?


The Flash's Pilot Features an Arrow Crossover!

"In the Flash pilot, Barry comes to me," Amell tells TVGuide.com. "[It's a] little snippet in the Flash pilot where he and I share a scene together, it's in his pilot, but [filming] it felt like our show because he's coming to Starling City. That, to me, was one of the most rewarding things that I did as an actor because it was essentially the same crew that we used for our pilot, and it was two years later and it was the same director. It was like going back in time. [Flash and Arrow director] David Nutter asked me to be a part of the pilot and I will never say no to David Nutter."



They can stay entirely separate while allowing Amell and Gustin to retain their roles in Justice League.

Why would Green Arrow and Flash being in Justice League be a bad thing?

People seem to think that the shows and movies being in the same universe automatically means huge limits on what the show can do. Because reasons.
Worlds Finest releases in 2016 which means realistically a JL movie is still 4 or 5 years aways. Arrow could be comfortably done in that time with zero restrictions on the lore. Having a well established character and actor with a good following reprising his role would only be a boon to the movie.


Wrong thread dammit.

On the subject of the Flash, I still worry about how the budget can possibly hold up when you've got so much more FX work needed every week, compared to Arrow.


*Looks at Agents of SHIELD*

What can I say, not entirely trusting here.

But I don't think that's an inherent problem with the idea so much as a problem with AoS's creative team and their decision making. After all, the biggest problem with AoS wasn't that it didn't have free reign with the Marvel U, but that it couldn't craft anything compelling with what it had. Arrow, thus far, hasn't had that problem. The highest profile characters have been the League of Assassins and Deathstroke. Beyond that, the show has worked fine with B and C list characters. Hell, even with the League, they went with a lesser known child of Ra's rather than Talia or the man himself.

This fear of embargoes seems like a holdover from the days of Batman and Wonder Woman not being allowed on Smallville or certain Batman villains not being on JL(U). But people forget that Smallville by the end had a 14 or so member JLA and appearances by every major Superman rogue, and JLU used the entire DC Universe outside those Batman rogues.

We're talking about a comic book world that has 75 years of history and hundreds of characters and thousands of stories to draw from. There's no reason that the shows and movies have to inherently interfere with each other.
People seem to think that the shows and movies being in the same universe automatically means huge limits on what the show can do. Because reasons.

Because of legitimate reasons. TV production as a lot of exposure. It's a lot easier for stuff to leak that could, if intertwined with these mega budget blockbuster movies, result in spoiling twists and major plot points. There was an interview with Maurissa and Jed where they pointed out that on their very first day of filming for AoS, between the time they left the house and got to the set, someone had seen one of the SHIELD vehicles on the freeway, took a picture of it and uploaded it. The vehicle was covered but the wind had blown the sheet up enough to see the SHIELD logo on the side.

There's also a creative funneling that has to happen for TV shows as well. They can't use villains or run storylines that would conflict with future movie plots and since TV has a faster turn around than movies do, that means TV Writers have to sit on their hands while waiting for the movies to release. You can see this very clearly when comparing Arrow and AoS in terms of the characters each show has used and what they've done with them.

Combining TV and Film Universes is a great concept that could possibly really pay off big but it's a process that has a lot of moving parts and requires a ton of secrecy and management.

But I don't think that's an inherent problem with the idea so much as a problem with AoS's creative team and their decision making. After all, the biggest problem with AoS wasn't that it didn't have free reign with the Marvel U, but that it couldn't craft anything compelling with what it had. Arrow, thus far, hasn't had that problem. The highest profile characters have been the League of Assassins and Deathstroke. Beyond that, the show has worked fine with B and C list characters. Hell, even with the League, they went with a lesser known child of Ra's rather than Talia or the man himself.

This fear of embargoes seems like a holdover from the days of Batman and Wonder Woman not being allowed on Smallville or certain Batman villains not being on JL(U). But people forget that Smallville by the end had a 14 or so member JLA and appearances by every major Superman rogue, and JLU used the entire DC Universe outside those Batman rogues.

We're talking about a comic book world that has 75 years of history and hundreds of characters and thousands of stories to draw from. There's no reason that the shows and movies have to inherently interfere with each other.

The difference in AoS reception between Pre-TWS and Post-TWS refutes your stance here. Clearly the writers are very capable of writing compelling stories and doing a lot with the characters. But you're suggesting what? Having AoS delve into Arcs separate from what's going on with the Movies, using lower tier characters? If they had done that, then AoS' Arcs wouldn't have anything to do with TWS and once TWS happened, whatever AoS had going on would've had to get shifted immediately to the back burner due to the very nature of TWS. It would've been jarring storytelling at best.


Should we really be THAT worried about crossover though? If Weather Wizard ends up dead in the FLASH TV show (God forbid), is that going to affect a future JLA movie? What could possibly happen on Arrow that would cause the producers of The Worlds Finest to throw up their hands in frustration?
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