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First pic of 'The Thing' in the new Fantastic Four movie!

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Hey, that looks pretty good. Do they have pictures of... what the hell is his name. The fire guy...


Mistaken iRobbery!
For comparisons sake:

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
As much as it pains me to be "that guy" I'm gonna have to say that I think it looks pretty bad. It looks like something out of The Neverending Story (the rock eater guy). The quality doesn't seem much better than that to me and TNS was released 20 years ago.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
I was gonna say it looks like caramel popcorn... I'm sure it will look better once animated and put into film.
Looks okay, but I need to see it in action. I hope they're able to convey a sense of weight. He needs to "feel" heavy. There's nothing worse than seeing painfully obvious styrofoam rocks being tossed about.
Tim Story is directing the Marvel adaptation at 20th Century Fox for a July 1, 2005 release date. No cast has been announced yet.

they want to release in a year and there has been no casting done? this movie is already looking bad.


Spectral Motion did some really amazing work for Hellboy, especially with Abe, Sammael & the behemoth monster. I have faith they'll pull off Grimm rather well.
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