Spielberg said he always wanted to try a musical and the first was the first popular music his family had when he was a kid.At first I'm like the original still holds up so why remake it. But then I'm also like Spielberg can do whatever he wants and I'll watch it. So Day one.
So is Spielberg.I'm good thanks
I enjoy lots of different kinds of media, because I’m not a miserable fuck, thanks. Enjoy crying into your pillow.Enjoy your musical
how long until he decides to cg a walkie talkie in place of the gun?
So is Spielberg.
yeah you can tell when he's actually directing a movie and when he's signed on because he knows there's only like seven days of live action shooting and the rest some animation director at a cgi factory will do for himBit hit and miss in recent years. Ready Player One was average at best and BFG was absolute dog shit.