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Fitness |OT| Pumpin' Iron and Spittin' Blood.


My country is in the beginning of the infection and I feel the gym is on the verge of closing because of Corona.

Today I picked a glove since I don't want to expose my aging parents to the virus and made it count. Tomorrow I will have a lot of soreness fun.

life goes on


IMO there is no better music than Synthwave for working out. Sometimes I hear AC/DC, Iron Maiden and other rock bands but synth feels so appropriate that sometimes it seems working out is to Synth what dancing is to Pop music.

My favorite:

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Up at 4 and ran 2.25 miles this morning. I’ve been hitting the pull up bar at home too. It’s been a while so I can only get a couple at a time but that’s how it starts.

It seems like getting out for a run is almost the only time I’m leaving the house these days.

We did make a target run last night because they were the only place in town that had our laundry detergent. Their TP shelves are still bare. We got some right as this was popping off so hopefully we’ll be ok for a while. We keep baby wipes around too so those just might come in handy.


Gold Member


God Enel

Fuck corona. After being sick (or having corona.. only god knows) my gym is closed for I don’t know how fucking long (I think after easter is the earliest they’re going to reopen). Now Ihave to work out at home. Problem is I don’t have a lot of space in my shitty small apartment, so every time I want to work out I have to move the table.
And I don’t have a proper pull up bar. Only this shit that you put between your door frames. Have to do pull ups with bend knees and worry if the shit’s gonna hold. I want to do them with proper form. Fuck me. #firstworldproblems

But yeah better than nothing. Will work on my handbalancing 🤷🏻‍♂️


Fuck corona. After being sick (or having corona.. only god knows) my gym is closed for I don’t know how fucking long (I think after easter is the earliest they’re going to reopen). Now Ihave to work out at home. Problem is I don’t have a lot of space in my shitty small apartment, so every time I want to work out I have to move the table.
And I don’t have a proper pull up bar. Only this shit that you put between your door frames. Have to do pull ups with bend knees and worry if the shit’s gonna hold. I want to do them with proper form. Fuck me. #firstworldproblems

But yeah better than nothing. Will work on my handbalancing 🤷🏻‍♂️

just do calisthenics, that's what i do whenever i'm stuck in a tiny cell

God Enel

just do calisthenics, that's what i do whenever i'm stuck in a tiny cell

Of course.. I’m more of a calisthenics/body weight/yoga guy than a “body builder”... So yeah that’s the plan.
I Do have a little bit of equipment at home. (Barbells dip bar parallettes and so on). Though a gym is just better in every way.. and not having a proper pull up bar is pissing me off. But this shit has to do it right now. so lets see? How’s the rest of fit gaf dealing with this shit?

Are your gyms open?

stay safe brothas ❤️
Brahs, I think I‘ve found the training buddy everybody dreams of and it is the most unlikely person I could have thought of... my ex girlfriend. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Got in touch with her again over this virus thing and we decided to do some cross fit training on the playing ground I‘ve posted of earlier. That girl is absolutely insane. She puts on leg days that are not for normal people and it‘s just imposible to raise the stakes. Our warm up alone yesterday was 60 burpees and 220 jumping jacks. Then an absolutely insane leg training and after that we do a 10 minute follow along ab workout on YouTube....

I usually have troubles to fall asleep in the evening. Ever since I train with this girl I‘m dead at 10 pm. God damn it....

Oh, but please keep the envy in check. As much as the training with her is insanely demanding.... so is she. She‘s constantly teasing about my form, often has a very bad temper and gets pissed off very quickly and usually hardly open for any of my training suggestions. But boy does she have a body (trust me, I‘ve seen her naked) and when we put down a plan she is ok with the intensity kills me. Think I‘m gonne get ripped in a couple of weeks time. Hence I‘m more than willing to put up with the hassle. Gotta make a few sacrifices. :messenger_tears_of_joy:
Exercising (on and off) all day is doing wonders for my endurance. Do a set of kettlebell swings, breathe, check on the office (remote), stretch a bit, breathe, more sets, etc

Hope everyone is safe. Definitely not the time to sprain something, pull something out of joint, or otherwise injure yourself. Eh Tessie? :pie_smirking:

God Enel

So... Today I did Yoga, Handbalancing stuff and Calisthenics. It was good.. push pull. Core.

and I’m going to eat better. As long as I’m at home and not moving a lot aside from working out i have to eat healthier. Maybe it will show some effects (and hopefully there will be a change in my mind / eating habits)

for all this calisthenics shit it’s all about hollow body and scapula I feel like.


would you guys wanna create a pool of smartwatch gaf users?

that way we can track each other in real time

i think it would be fun, casual competition and keeping each other honest

something to consider as we move into 2020, let me know
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we can try to remedy this, maybe we pool together some resources, get everyone a watch one by one
Well it's not a matter of $$$, I just don't have one. I don't go running so I never bothered. It does heartrate stuff too, doesn't it? I'm still on kettlebells + pullups + pushups and that gives me a pretty thorough workout.


Oh nice, even water intake? I know it does steps but I didn't realize it does calories. I'll have to look into it. We're talking about the Apple watch, right? I didn't know if smartwatch was their brand or a catch-all term.

dunno what the apple brand is, i'm on android and use a samsung something or other

there's plenty of smarts that interface with both major mobile platforms tho, goog the wave


the one i use tracks sleep cycles as well, interfaces with your phone over bluetooth, music and phone support, texting

it's kinda nice actually, digitizes the fuck outta loads of meat body systems
Up at 4:20. Ran 2 miles.

I can’t do the smart watch thing but I track steps and running on my phone. My workouts are either improv or through an app on my phone. I can post my results here.

My wife and I both just got AirPods and switch lites for animal crossing so a smart watch isn’t in the books for me. I love the idea though tess!
Tesseract Tesseract I've been listening to your song drops during my workout sessions and my muscle mass has increased by 80% in just 48 hours :lollipop_flores:

On a more serious note, I can feel my body tightening up from the all-day routine. Breathing + cold training + kettlebells + stretching + pullups + shmups.

If you aren't taking cold showers I don't know what else to tell you. Muscle soreness from the lactic acid burn is a thing of the past.
I did this workout while my hash browns were cooking on my lunch break. 12 exercises, 30 seconds each, 10 seconds between each exercise to rest and switch positions.

Jumping jacks
pushups with 1 arm rotation up
chair dips
chair step ups
side planks
wall sit
high knees running in place

Then I flipped the hash browns and finished brunch. I can get used to this.

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Holy freaking crap. This whole time and I never saw this thread? Or maybe I did and I just forgot? Anyway, I'm home.

So I've recently, and finally, acquired my first firearm. It's a Remington 870. I'd rather have had a pistol but atm I'm gonna take what I can get. So I've incorporated this into my workout...

I have a set of gymnastics rings that I hung in the middle of my living room right in front of the TV so I have no excuses...


I've been doing the Ido portal method for years now btw. It's helped a LOT with my back injury after losing all flexibility.

Here is a very basic beginner routine for those of you who are interested and are at home without a gym or equipment.

Take it slow though, this will absolutely kick your butt if you aren't used to it. It's deceiving for sure. Especially if you do 3 sets as recommended after getting used to it.

For each movement in the order they appear in the vid I'd do the following...

All rests should be no more than 30 seconds between movements and no longer than 3 minutes between sets. Keep that heart rate going.

1st movement. Do 14 squatting leg extensions. So one extension on the left leg and one on the right equals 1 rep.

2nd movement. Do 12 paces of the squatting walk one way, then turn around and do 12 paces back or 24 paces in total in any direction if you have the room.

3rd movement. Do 12 of the spining into squat then leg sweep. Do two on one side then switch to the other. Each side counts as one whole rep.

4th movement. Do 12 of the frog leap into partial handstand one way then turn around and do 12 back or 24 in total in any direction if you have the room.

5th movement. Do 24 total of the crab walk. 4 backwards and 4 forwards then 4 backwards again transitioning as seen in the video each time.

6th movement. This looks complicated but it is actually a practice for a more advanced move if you stick around. Just do 10 of these for now. 5 in each direction. I believe he is just resetting his position when he does the crab walk here so that is optional but effective.

7th movement. Do 12 of the semi hand stands one way then turn around and do 12 back or 24 in any direction if you have the room.

8th movement. Do 12 paces of the beginner lizard craw one way then turn around and do 12 back or 24 in any direction if you have the room.

9th movement. Do 12 paces of the crawling/flying push-ups one direction then turn around and do 12 back or 24 in any direction if you have the room.

10th movement. Do 12 of the... I forget what this one is called so I'm gonna name it the downward dog walk... one way then turn around and do 12 back or 24 in any direction if you have the room.

11th movement. Do 12 of the crawling squat one direction then turn around and do 12 back or 24 in any direction if you have the room.

12th movement. Again, do 12 of the semi hand stands one way then turn around and do 12 back or 24 in any direction if you have the room.

13th movement. Do 12 of the one armed semi cart wheels one direction with the left arm only then turn around and do 12 back with the right arm only this is one set.

14th movement. Do 12 of these squat into 2 hand semi cartwheel. You can alternate which side you choose to start and any inbetween here. So you could start on your right, do 2 more in that direction, then switch to the left for 3, then right for 5 then left for 2 and so on until you reach 12. This is practice for a more advanced move later on where you will pause while halfway through the movement. Try to keep your arms bent and not straight as you rotate upside down. You want your hands to be about 1 hand width wider than your shoulders on each side as you rotate onto your hands.

And that's it. I would recommend only doing 1 set of these and really taking your time to get the movements right if this is your first time doing anything like this. Work on this 3 times a week resting for a day in-between and 2 days of rest on the weekend. Then just progress from here up to 3 sets. As with any workout, just listen to your body. If you need to take an extra day it's worth it. There is very little healthy benefit to fighting through the pain as your body doesn't heal or develop correctly if you are in a state of pain and stress. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
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VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler what an entrance to the thread! I'll check those videos out. Impressive that you were able to recover. I know several people (including young dudes) who were functionally taken out of any fitness routine due to a back injury. Sad to see. Hang w us in this thread if you feel like it.

Tesseract Tesseract are you doing hangs for your shoulder(s)? For the last two weeks I've been hanging from a bar, from a doorframe, from the steel beam in my basement, etc for a few minutes at a time to stretch my shoulders. It boosts mobility and helps reduce inflammation (by increasing circulation to the joint, I'd guess).


VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler what an entrance to the thread! I'll check those videos out. Impressive that you were able to recover. I know several people (including young dudes) who were functionally taken out of any fitness routine due to a back injury. Sad to see. Hang w us in this thread if you feel like it.

Tesseract Tesseract are you doing hangs for your shoulder(s)? For the last two weeks I've been hanging from a bar, from a doorframe, from the steel beam in my basement, etc for a few minutes at a time to stretch my shoulders. It boosts mobility and helps reduce inflammation (by increasing circulation to the joint, I'd guess).

yeah, doing hangs right now actually
VlaudTheImpaler VlaudTheImpaler what an entrance to the thread! I'll check those videos out. Impressive that you were able to recover. I know several people (including young dudes) who were functionally taken out of any fitness routine due to a back injury. Sad to see. Hang w us in this thread if you feel like it.

Tesseract Tesseract are you doing hangs for your shoulder(s)? For the last two weeks I've been hanging from a bar, from a doorframe, from the steel beam in my basement, etc for a few minutes at a time to stretch my shoulders. It boosts mobility and helps reduce inflammation (by increasing circulation to the joint, I'd guess).

So, I actually have, well, had, weak shoulders due to a car accident. Someone rear ended me @60+mph while I was sitting, signaling to turn. It shattered my clavicle and I've had shoulder issues ever since where my bones would come out of joint. At the time it was slight after my shoulder healed. But then my lower back going out on top of it all after that just compounded things a few years later and I developed a flat spine. It took years but I'm pretty determined/stubborn to not quit and now I'm back in better shape than most and even better than I was before it all. Anyway, as I was starting to get back into working out at the tail end of the heavy chiro visits, working out took on a whole new mask for me. Where I took things way more carefully than I ever had before. A friend of mine introduced me to Ido's stuff and I found a routine specifically for my shoulders that I just incorporated into ANY of my pre workout preps if you guys are interested. Apparently, Ido had some shoulder issues as well.

Here is my full pre workout prep. I do this EVERY time, no exceptions. If this is enough to make you start feeling it, don't worry, I couldn't go any further than this when I first started with my injury. I took it slow and built my tendons and stabilizers back up.

I start with an ankle routine that I put together with this vid and reading his blog on top of some other vids I can't remember rn lol. A friend had come to me to train him and we found that he had terrible flexibility in his ankles due to years of hiking in boots while in the army so I ended up putting together a routine for him, this is just one of the things I ended up incorporating into my prep.

I start with my back to the wall. I do 1 set of 12 heel raises with my feet about 1 and a half foot lengths away from the wall. Just stand where you feel it the most.

Then I do 1 set of 12 toe raises with my feet about 1 foot length away from the wall. Just stand where you feel it the most.

Then I have my feet at shoulder width, toes always pointing forward. I turn my ankles all the way out with my ankles pointed toward the ground as far as I can so I am standing on the outsides of my feet with my toes pointing forward. Like this.
I do this about 12 times, one second on the side of my foot and one second off.

Then I do the opposite side. I turn my ankles in and toward the ground as far as I can so I am standing on the insides of my feet with my toes pointing forward. I do this about 12 times, one second on the side of my foot and one second off.

Then I turn my ankles out again the same way, but this time I try to walk forward with them like that. 12 paces forward and then DON'T turn around, just do 12 paces backwards back to the wall.

Then I turn my ankles the other way, the same as before and I try to walk forward with them like that. It's ok to spread your legs a little wider here as needed. 12 paces forward and then DON'T turn around, just do 12 paces backwards back to the wall.

Do this up to 3 sets and as your body allows.

That's it. On to the next.

Now, I do wrists. So just the first part of this vid until 2:20.

Now onto the shoulders. I start with this.

These are not about building muscle but about fixing weak areas and building tendons and stabilizers so they call for light weight. I've worked my way up to an 8 pound band but I started off with the lightest I had for months, which was 1.5 pounds. This helps immensely with my scapular winging and just holding in the ribs around that area in general. Just concentrate very hard on trying to build that brain body connection if you have a weakness in this area. Feel your scapula rotate and even have someone watch you who can tell you if they are moving properly as you do the motions slowly and make corrections as needed. As you progress and build that connection you will get through this faster.

Then a bit of legs. I had really weak legs and bad knees from years of doing tile with bad pads and then the accident... Plus, it's just great for getting the blood pumping to your legs before the workout.

I do these slow and strong always. Really focusing on what I now understand as my core, my bum and hammies. Which takes much of the stress off of your knees.

Then back to the shoulders.

I use the same band here as I did before. You can go even lighter weight if you need. I've come to find that some people (even some of my beefier friends) are just really weak in some of these areas and need to start really light weight to build up those stabilizers and tendons.

Do these up to 3 sets depending on the length and intensity of your workout. So if you have a high length and intensity workout, just do one set. Do 3 if you have a short or low intensity workout. You can also do the shoulder portion at any time you feel you need to like I do. I even do it before I mow the lawn, but I use one of these for our 1.5 acres...


I'll often substitute mowing for my cardio and I'll do my entire workout prep beforehand...

And there you go. You are now ready to start your workout.
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So, I actually have, well, had, weak shoulders due to a car accident. Someone rear ended me @60+mph while I was sitting, signaling to turn. It shattered my clavicle and I've had shoulder issues ever since where my bones would come out of joint. At the time it was slight after my shoulder healed. But then my lower back going out on top of it all after that just compounded things a few years later and I developed a flat spine. It took years but I'm pretty determined/stubborn to not quit and now I'm back in better shape than most and even better than I was before it all. Anyway, as I was starting to get back into working out at the tail end of the heavy chiro visits, working out took on a whole new mask for me. Where I took things way more carefully than I ever had before. A friend of mine introduced me to Ido's stuff and I found a routine specifically for my shoulders that I just incorporated into ANY of my pre workout preps if you guys are interested. Apparently, Ido had some shoulder issues as well.

Here is my full pre workout prep. I do this EVERY time, no exceptions. If this is enough to make you start feeling it, don't worry, I couldn't go any further than this when I first started with my injury. I took it slow and built my tendons and stabilizers back up.

I start with an ankle routine that I put together with this vid and reading his blog on top of some other vids I can't remember rn lol. A friend had come to me to train him and we found that he had terrible flexibility in his ankles due to years of hiking in boots the army so I ended up putting together a routine for him, this is just one of the things I ended up incorporating into my prep.

I start with my back to the wall. I do 1 set of 12 heel raises with my feet about 1 and a half foot lengths away from the wall. Just stand where you feel it the most.

Then I do 1 set of 12 toe raises with my feet about 1 foot length away from the wall. Just stand where you feel it the most.

Then I have my feet at shoulder width, toes always pointing forward. Then I turn my ankles in and toward the ground as far as I can so I am standing on the insides of my feet with my toes pointing forward. Like this.
I do this about 12 times.

Then at the same position I turn my ankles all the way out the other direction with my ankles pointed toward the ground as far as I can so I am standing on the outsides of my feet with my toes pointing forward. I do this about 12 times.

Then I turn my ankles out again the same way, but this time I try to walk forward with them like that. 12 paces forward and then DON'T turn around, just do 12 paces backwards back to the wall.

Then I turn my ankles the other way, the same as before and I try to walk forward with them like that. 12 paces forward and then DON'T turn around, just do 12 paces backwards back to the wall.

Do this up to 3 sets and as your body allows.

That's it. On to the next.

Now, I do wrists. So just the first part of this vid.

Now onto the shoulders. I start with this.

These are not about building muscle but about fixing weak areas and building tendons and stabilizers so they call for light weight. I've worked my way up to an 8 pound band but I started off with the lightest I had for weeks, which was 1.5 pounds. This helps immensely with my scapular winging and just holding in the ribs around that area in general. Just concentrate very hard on trying to build that brain body connection if you have a weakness in this area. Feel your scapula rotate and even have someone watch you who can tell you if they are moving properly as you do the motions slowly and make corrections as needed. As you progress and build that connection you will get through this faster.

Then a bit of legs. I had really weak legs and bad knees from years of doing tile with bad pads and then the accident... Plus, it's just great for getting the blood pumping to your legs before the workout.

I do these slow and strong always. Really focusing on what I now understand as my core, my bum and hammies. Which takes much of the stress off of your knees.

Then back to the shoulders.

I use the same band here as I did before. You can go even lighter weight if you need. I've come to find that some people (even some of my beefier friends) are just really weak in some of these areas and need to start really light weight to build up those stabilizers and tendons.

Do these up to 3 sets depending on the length and intensity of your workout. So if you have a high length and intensity workout, just do one set. Do 3 if you have a short or low intensity workout. You can also do the shoulder portion at any time you feel you need to like I do. I even do it before I mow the lawn, but I use one of these for our 1.5 acres...


I'll often substitute mowing for my cardio and I'll do my entire workout prep beforehand...

And there you go. You are now ready to start your workout.

These are excellent! Thank you for sharing. I'm definitely going to incorporate the hip and ankle stretches. Always aiming to take care of my joints and strengthen muscles related to balance. I have no interest in getting injured. :lollipop_tired:
These are excellent! Thank you for sharing. I'm definitely going to incorporate the hip and ankle stretches. Always aiming to take care of my joints and strengthen muscles related to balance. I have no interest in getting injured. :lollipop_tired:
Something that is great for balance in the lower body is a bosu ball. You can see it in the pic I posted of my rings. You can turn it over so the ball side is down and it creates a wobbly platform for you to stand on. This is VERY nice for activating your stabilizer muscles all throughout your hips and lower body especially. It's one of the things my physical therapist had me use to reconnect my neural pathways to my spine and stabilizer muscles after so much atrophy. I just never put it down it's so effective.
Something that is great for balance in the lower body is a bosu ball. You can see it in the pic I posted of my rings. You can turn it over so the ball side is down and it creates a wobbly platform for you to stand on. This is VERY nice for activating your stabilizer muscles all throughout your hips and lower body especially. It's one of the things my physical therapist had me use to reconnect my neural pathways to my spine and stabilizer muscles after so much atrophy. I just never put it down it's so effective.
It's not quite the same thing but my wife brought an indo board into the relationship so I've used that pretty regularly to train those stabilizer muscles.



Lil’ Gobbie
So, I actually have, well, had, weak shoulders due to a car accident. Someone rear ended me @60+mph while I was sitting, signaling to turn. It shattered my clavicle and I've had shoulder issues ever since where my bones would come out of joint. At the time it was slight after my shoulder healed. But then my lower back going out on top of it all after that just compounded things a few years later and I developed a flat spine. It took years but I'm pretty determined/stubborn to not quit and now I'm back in better shape than most and even better than I was before it all. Anyway, as I was starting to get back into working out at the tail end of the heavy chiro visits, working out took on a whole new mask for me. Where I took things way more carefully than I ever had before. A friend of mine introduced me to Ido's stuff and I found a routine specifically for my shoulders that I just incorporated into ANY of my pre workout preps if you guys are interested. Apparently, Ido had some shoulder issues as well.

Here is my full pre workout prep. I do this EVERY time, no exceptions. If this is enough to make you start feeling it, don't worry, I couldn't go any further than this when I first started with my injury. I took it slow and built my tendons and stabilizers back up.

I start with an ankle routine that I put together with this vid and reading his blog on top of some other vids I can't remember rn lol. A friend had come to me to train him and we found that he had terrible flexibility in his ankles due to years of hiking in boots while in the army so I ended up putting together a routine for him, this is just one of the things I ended up incorporating into my prep.

I start with my back to the wall. I do 1 set of 12 heel raises with my feet about 1 and a half foot lengths away from the wall. Just stand where you feel it the most.

Then I do 1 set of 12 toe raises with my feet about 1 foot length away from the wall. Just stand where you feel it the most.

Then I have my feet at shoulder width, toes always pointing forward. I turn my ankles all the way out with my ankles pointed toward the ground as far as I can so I am standing on the outsides of my feet with my toes pointing forward. Like this.
I do this about 12 times, one second on the side of my foot and one second off.

Then I do the opposite side. I turn my ankles in and toward the ground as far as I can so I am standing on the insides of my feet with my toes pointing forward. I do this about 12 times, one second on the side of my foot and one second off.

Then I turn my ankles out again the same way, but this time I try to walk forward with them like that. 12 paces forward and then DON'T turn around, just do 12 paces backwards back to the wall.

Then I turn my ankles the other way, the same as before and I try to walk forward with them like that. It's ok to spread your legs a little wider here as needed. 12 paces forward and then DON'T turn around, just do 12 paces backwards back to the wall.

Do this up to 3 sets and as your body allows.

That's it. On to the next.

Now, I do wrists. So just the first part of this vid until 2:20.

Now onto the shoulders. I start with this.

These are not about building muscle but about fixing weak areas and building tendons and stabilizers so they call for light weight. I've worked my way up to an 8 pound band but I started off with the lightest I had for months, which was 1.5 pounds. This helps immensely with my scapular winging and just holding in the ribs around that area in general. Just concentrate very hard on trying to build that brain body connection if you have a weakness in this area. Feel your scapula rotate and even have someone watch you who can tell you if they are moving properly as you do the motions slowly and make corrections as needed. As you progress and build that connection you will get through this faster.

Then a bit of legs. I had really weak legs and bad knees from years of doing tile with bad pads and then the accident... Plus, it's just great for getting the blood pumping to your legs before the workout.

I do these slow and strong always. Really focusing on what I now understand as my core, my bum and hammies. Which takes much of the stress off of your knees.

Then back to the shoulders.

I use the same band here as I did before. You can go even lighter weight if you need. I've come to find that some people (even some of my beefier friends) are just really weak in some of these areas and need to start really light weight to build up those stabilizers and tendons.

Do these up to 3 sets depending on the length and intensity of your workout. So if you have a high length and intensity workout, just do one set. Do 3 if you have a short or low intensity workout. You can also do the shoulder portion at any time you feel you need to like I do. I even do it before I mow the lawn, but I use one of these for our 1.5 acres...


I'll often substitute mowing for my cardio and I'll do my entire workout prep beforehand...

And there you go. You are now ready to start your workout.

Ido portal is the shit!
Up at 4:30. Ran a 5k this morning. Starting to get over the initial difficulties of getting back to running. Pushed myself just right, dry heaved a couple different points but never puked. Kept running through it (slowly) and finished strong.

I had a moment thinking about my son and it helped push me through. He’s doing well through all of this it seems. His caregivers have locked themselves in the house with the kids and they stopped rotating staff to avoid continued possible exposure. They send us pics and I’ve sent him voice messages.

I do this so that if I ever need to be able to scoop him up and run I will be able to. He’s my world. ❤️

I listened to this on my run today. It was perfect!

Up at 4:30. Ran a 5k this morning. Starting to get over the initial difficulties of getting back to running. Pushed myself just right, dry heaved a couple different points but never puked. Kept running through it (slowly) and finished strong.

I had a moment thinking about my son and it helped push me through. He’s doing well through all of this it seems. His caregivers have locked themselves in the house with the kids and they stopped rotating staff to avoid continued possible exposure. They send us pics and I’ve sent him voice messages.

I do this so that if I ever need to be able to scoop him up and run I will be able to. He’s my world. ❤

I listened to this on my run today. It was perfect!

Ginger root prior to your run for the dry heaving/nausea.

Happy to hear your son is doing well, especially considering the circumstances.
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