Brolic Gaoler
formerly Alienshogun
Alright gents we've had enough fighting for today. Please keep that stuff in the other thread.
Thems fightin' words.
You lookin' for beef?
Alright gents we've had enough fighting for today. Please keep that stuff in the other thread.
Awesome job man!I can go very low on anything that's like 6+ reps, anything heavier and I can't go below parallel. Could just be the fact that I'm scared because I don't have a spotter.....
Anyways did 235 x 6 today very proud.
Thems fightin' words.
You lookin' for beef?
Thems fightin' words.
You lookin' for beef?
mmmm ground beef with some six gun chilli mix!
Pizza tomorrow!
Aww yeah!
I went nuts at Red Lobster today, it wasn't as good as I thought and I feel like I ate a few salt lick blocks.
Pizza tomorrow!
*high five* I had a nice pizza today.
They apparently screwed up my order though and brought me cinnamon sticks as compensation.
I ate them.![]()
*high five* I had a nice pizza today.
They apparently screwed up my order though and brought me cinnamon sticks as compensation.
I ate them.![]()
Holy shit this is hilarious.
Don't skip this, read it.
I can barely walk today, you should see what I did on Wednesday, shit rocked me.
Those guys are disgusting assholes and its this kind of perceived attitude and potential behavior that turns people off of lifting. Raging against a corrupt, inefficient "fitness" industry by picking on skme kid making $9/hr?
Thanks, squats have always been my weakness, never worked my legs as a youngster.Awesome job man!
or it could just be bad BO.Man I had a good ass workout today, was really feeling myself and I feel almost as if I was exuding this aura of the sheriff is in town, fuck out the way.
I even had this especially fit girl hella checking me out on multiple occasions. I only smiled at her and gave her that look. "baby, I know".
or it could just be bad BO.
I just finished my post-workout shake. Added it all together and it's almost 2500 calories. Jeez christ. If there's one thing I like about bulking it's being able to eat as much as I fuckin want.
Squats are so intense, it's crazy. 3 sets of heavy squats make me feel like I just got out of a fight or fell down a flight of stairs.
Pizza tomorrow!
Hang clean & jerks tend to tax my system more, especially when the weight gets heavier. It's also a much more technical lift that involves more nuance and concentration.
Pizza is your cheat meal? That sucks that you have to make a special day for pizza. Speaking of eating pizza... time to prep my own.
I used my cheat meal for this week to make that pancake recipe you posted a few pages back along with an omelette.
Nice! Did it turn out well? I'm gonna make that shit tomorrow to break my fast. So delicious.
That is what unrestricted means. That is how the word used in medical research. This is not debatable, it is demonstrable fact. The two definitions you have given mean the same thing. I have never said that you wouldn't gain weight if you purposefully ate more than you want on a low-carbohydrate diet. Find the post in which I said that. It doesn't exist. You are making shit up and surely not coincidentally, have essentially admitted to irrationally defaming low-carbohydrate diets. The personality traits associated with this course of action that come to mind are low intelligence and/or being an asshole.Jesus Christ, can you stop hiding behind the research. No self respecting researcher would say "eat as much of whatever you want as long as your carbs are low!!!". It was unrestricted in the sense that there was no "set" restriction on calories. Why can't you just say "well yeah you'd gain weight if you ate too much on low carb.". But no, you refuse to admit your wording was off originally.You must be a blast at parties.
Notice how it's OK to complain if I'm not defending myself. This went on for pages previously, once I made one or two mild posts defending myself the person who started the whining and false accusations was recommending moving the conversation to PMs (which I already had, he still has not done so.) I don't have to apologize because I've done nothing wrong and the people harassing me, some exposed (conclusively) as liars, have refused to do so themselves.You guys should all apologize, give each other bro hugs, and move on so we can keep this thread civil. I'll start.
Sorry I stirred up a nest. Both posts I made in this thread about that thread led to other people responding in such a manner that upset beastmode. So in a way, I feel like it's my fault for letting it leak into this thread.
I also apologize if I said anything insulting/defaming/whathaveyou. It's wrong and silly.
. I have never said that you wouldn't gain weight if you purposefully ate more than you want on a low-carbohydrate diet.
Does a diet recommendation work for every single person on the planet? I've never disagreed with this, but it's irrelevant. That's an absurd remark. If you have a problem with the diet, you are an anomaly. If value your personal experience (and a few others) over medical research + even more people's experiences, you are irrational. You can lose at least as much weight on an unrestricted low-carbohydrate diet as a restricted high-carbohydrate diet. The science (primarily) blames insulin for fat regulation. If you stop eating carbohydrates, you will lose weight. I cannot guarantee that this advice is perfectly foolproof for every single human being alive on planet earth. No one can say that about any treatment for any ailment.Right, but you are saying that no one on a low carb diet can gain weight if they only eat as much as they want and no more (as opposed to as much as they can), right?
That is an incorrect belief. That's what we're trying to tell you, from personal experiences. If I eat only what I want on a low carb diet, I still would have trouble eating too many calories. I have to limit myself, and stop before I'm satiated, if I'm trying to cut.
I completely agree with this sentiment. I asked for a mod to pay attention to the mess but, of course, the remark was misconstrued in an attempt to defame me. We had reasonable discussion of carbohydrates, exercise, and dieting going on until seemingly half of fitnessGAF lost their marbles and went on a crusade against either low-carbohydrate diets or me personally.This low carb nonsense is tedious and irritating to read. Can we just create a "low carb" thread or something for people to argue in instead?
You have no evidence for anything you've just said in this post. I have addressed almost this exact sentiment already. I also doubt that you've read the posts in the main thread:, 5-10 pages of this nonsense, at least. SeanR1221 pretty much admitted to having a grudge against low-carb diets after it didn't work for him for 2 months in a PM. I've made it conclusively clear that andycapps and Septimus were solely interested in defaming my character over many false posts. That this mess only becomes a problem when I defend myself is evident in these last few pages. Not one single person can defend their accusations against me, when I complain against them I get further name called.Dude, at first I genuinely thought you were just someone stating an unpopular opinion who got dogpiled a little - it happens on gaf. But geezus now you're edging on some paranoid conspiracy shit thinking people, in this thread of all places, are on a crusade to "defame" low-carb diets (read the thread from page one and see how many people employ low carb diets.. hint.. a lot) or to "defame" you (no one gives a shit about you). The only reason this nonsense continues is you won't let it go and feel the need to keep stomping your feet here and in other threads about how the evil internet people bullied you on a forum. Get over it, let it go, no one cares.
I don't care if you care. I should be able to voice a respectable opinion in a respectful discussion without being relentlessly misrepresented and personally vilified by a relatively large gang of hostile posters. I am in not in the wrong for standing up to people who have not acknowledged their underhanded actions or left me alone.
Quick question on lean gains macros. My BMR is 1890kcals, and I want to go for something along the lines of +30/-10 macros. If I use a 1.5x multiplier on my workout days that gives TDEE of 2835. So then if I add 30% onto that I get 3685kcal. Now here is where I get confused. Do I base the rest days calories on my TDEE from my workout days or my actual TDEE (which will be slightly above my Bmr if I am resting)? If I base it on my W/O TDEE I get around 2500kcals, or using my actual TDEE I get 1650ish... big difference right?
Quick question on lean gains macros. My BMR is 1890kcals, and I want to go for something along the lines of +30/-10 macros. If I use a 1.5x multiplier on my workout days that gives TDEE of 2835. So then if I add 30% onto that I get 3685kcal. Now here is where I get confused. Do I base the rest days calories on my TDEE from my workout days or my actual TDEE (which will be slightly above my Bmr if I am resting)? If I base it on my W/O TDEE I get around 2500kcals, or using my actual TDEE I get 1650ish... big difference right?
This post is part of the problem. Someone brings up plenty of false accusations, and when those fall through as they always have? That said person makes no mention of lying or being mistaken and resorts to pure ad hominem (proving my point even further.) "Look how silly you are, look how angry you are, I was just trying to calm you down, I didn't mean to make you so incredibly angry, everyone must love being around you in real life, etc." I have had this happen to me multiple times now.Oh man, I really hope this is just your online forum persona and not a representation of how you are in the real world. Tell me your real world self chuckled at the above section like I did.
Oh man, I really hope this is just your online forum persona and not a representation of how you are in the real world. Tell me your real world self chuckled at the above section like I did.
I am so glad I don't subscribe to this stuff.. I honestly have zero idea what you said. =(
This is the problem. Bring up plenty of false accusations. When they fall through as they always have: resort to ad hominem (proving my point even further.) "Look how silly you are, look how angry you are, I was just trying to calm you down, I didn't mean to make you so incredibly angry, everyone must love being around you in real life, etc."
Does anyone have an idea what's the "problem" with my lower/pelvic area back?
When I grab a pull-up bar or something similar and hang from it to stretch and at the same time try to tilt my pelvis to the front my lower back/pelvic are hurts. It only happens when I try to stretch my back and tilting my pelvis forward causes more pain. I don't feel anything if I'm doing pull ups or just hanging.
I'm guessing stretching like this shouldn't hurt should it? I'm not even sure if you could call that stretching..
You're supposed to use the same multiplier for the entire week - not individual days. If you have a desk job and spend little time active apart from your workouts, use 1.2x.
So, that'd mean you should be eating 2950 calories on your workout days and 2050 on your rest days.
Remember - those TDEE formulas only give you an estimation. Monitor your weight/strength for two weeks and, if you're not getting the results you want, adjust the calories upwards or downwards depending on your goals.
You have no evidence for anything you've just said in this post. I have addressed almost this exact sentiment already. I also doubt that you've read the posts in the main thread:, 5-10 pages of this nonsense, at least. SeanR1221 pretty much admitted to having a grudge against low-carb diets after it didn't work for him for 2 months in a PM. I've made it conclusively clear that andycapps and Septimus were solely interested in defaming my character over many false posts. That this mess only becomes a problem when I defend myself is evident in these last few pages. Not one single person can defend their accusations against me, when I complain against them I get further name called.
I don't care if you care. I should be able to voice a respectable opinion in a respectful discussion without being relentlessly misrepresented and personally vilified by a relatively large gang of hostile posters. I am in not in the wrong for standing up to people who have not acknowledged their underhanded actions or left me alone.
First off, those accusations that you ignored and you are now denying:But I haven't accused you of anything, or even addressed your opinions directly. I'm the guy who went out of my way to ask where you were coming from. I feel for you if the posters in the other thread automatically dismissed you and your opinion. But the only thing I've addressed is your attitude and behavior in multiple threads. No, I don't imagine you pounding your keyboard and cursing while typing your responses. But if your line of thought really is "these people just can't accept that I'm right and they're wrong" then no matter how you phrase it you're going to come off as.. well less than positive. Also, calling a spade a spade doesn't prove your point any further, you don't have a point other than "I won't go without a fight".
I'm finished with that thread. It's kind of funny, though. He didn't understand an appeal to authority argument, he suggested I was Brad Pilon, then he called me a liar. I'm content to give him the last word since that is all he's concerned with anyways. Thread's done derailed enough.
I have no problem with low carb and advocating eating less carbs. However, when people say that low carb is better than other methods or that it is the only way to do things, then it becomes an issue of ignorance. Of course you can lose weight by eating 200-300 g of carbs if you are willing to go to the gym and burn that energy. Now, if you prefer to eat less, then do it that way. Whatever works for you. It is just annoying to see it as "all or nothing".
That one guy, I believe his name is beastmode, is all over the place and the stuff he is saying is just incorrect. I understand where he is coming from but he seems to be very close minded in his thoughts and there is no reason for me to try to continue with that conversation.
I was gonna post, but you guys have it well covered. The depressing part about the thread is just how uneducated people are about basic nutrition.
The key to fat loss and being healthy is incredibly simple in pretty much any situation, but people get it wrong time and time again. This coupled with disinterest in learning or even just wanting better one's self... meh it's a mess.
The thread reads like the conversations I have with my mom.
Unfortunately, yes.Is that obesity thread real?
I put in my two cents and got sucked into that guy's nonsense in Sean's thread. He never even wanted to engage in debate or argument, he's just yelling at the internet.
I tried, but of course he wouldn't respond to me.
Seriously, I get what guy is saying, I really fucking do, and it's not that he's wrong about insulin, it's that saying "exercise has little affect on weight loss" is so factually wrong that I could cry somebody would read what he says and believe it since he sounds smart.
Of course, he's getting the fructose/sucrose stuff mixed up with the insulin and carb stuff to where I'm not even sure he knows what he's typing at this point.
You'd think that I'd be allowed to come in and defend myself, but only does this whole discussion become a problem when I attempt to do so (the first hypothesis that comes to mind is that the defame-beastmode-circle-jerk that preceded my posts did a good deal of damage to my credibility and/or character in this thread even among people who had no knowledge of the preceding discussion - and it's not an opinion from Neptune that my concern with people talking shit about me unchecked is not just morally or ethically valid, there are real repercussions in terms of what people think of me and how I'm treated despite the validity of my claimsjust....beastmode said:Exercise can have a role in preventing insulin resistance but is practically worthless for losing weight.
seriously, stay away from that obesity thread.
Great now he followed you guys here.
Sorry, I'm just not OK with people trying to defame me or something I feel is important, especially by cowardly gossiping in a different thread.
I laughed
but in all seriousness, don't fuck up this thread, this is about FITNESS, meaning exercise, weightlifting and cardio, NOT about eating low carb and that shit, keep it out of here.
you and anyone still willing to engage in that particular discussion that should honestly stay in the thread it started.
agreed. Either that or take it to PMs.
In lifting news, bench day tomorrow. Chest, tris, and pullups.
Someone broke the silence, it wasn't me. No condemnation or correction by anyone despite being false:These people were dedicated to finding even the tiniest flaws in low-carbohydrate dieting. When they couldn't come up with anything they resorted to just about every logical fallacy in the book.
Just wanted to put this out there: I don't believe in anything purported as my stance on this topic posted in this thread.
I'm out.
FallingEdge, you don't get to complain about shitting up this thread when you're responsible. I actually did PM certain posters from the anti-obesity thread, you didn't.
edit: In the process of PMing you, worldrevolution.
Just saw those posts from beastmode in the "is gaf too strict" thread. Funny stuff.
Workouts are still going well for me. Thursdays are my pretty easy day, but I went up a few pounds on everything. Still in those beginner gains.
I dipped my toe in that thread. I'm done. Not speaking about it again period. I'm sticking to my guns though, especially when people ask me for help with weight issues.
Only after I've taken care of someone intent on defaming me (once his argument falls apart he resorts to the oddest false ad hominem in this entire post: being a someone he didn't like in the past who espoused some some nutrition blog as if it were the Bible. Bizarre.) has the "carb vs. low-carb" debate become taboo again:Yeah, there's some pretty thick people in that thread. It's always like that when weight loss comes up outside this thread.
I hope this includes yourself, as you responded to the straw beastmode that had already been addressed multiple times (but is perfectly obvious without explanation.) I count at least five others on the last page alone, one of which has all but admitted to having a grudge against low-carbohydrate diets.
I think low-carb diets have their place. I go low carb, low cal when I'm cutting. It's just the way you initially stated that you can eat as much as you can as long as it's low carb and you'll still lose weight is pretty hysterical. It doesn't make much sense. I know you cleared it up afterwards, but the way it was handled was just as funny.
I stated that you'll lose weight on an unrestricted low-carbohydrate diet. Unrestricted means you eat what as much as you want, not as much as you possibly can. Just as a restricted diet doesn't mean that you should eat as little as you can. Even after explaining this multiple times some posters continued to accuse me of either using purposefully obfuscatory language (the study summary I got it from uses actually confusing, technical terms - I thought the meaning of an unrestricted diet was fairly obvious) or ignored said explanations. Someone went a step further after being set straight and posted the most ridiculous statement of that entire thread in response: how can you know that an unrestricted low-carbohydrate diet will work for every single person on the planet? (Of course, it elicited no mention of how insanely stupid a remark it is - because I didn't say it.)
It's possible that you genuinely didn't understand the term, but you must of scrolled through many related posts in order to see the remark itself, right?
I remember you now. You're the guy that only follows Mark's Daily Apple and will defend it like a Bible Belt Mom. Anything not posted on Mark's Daily Apple is wrong.
I'm not going to bother arguing with you because there's no point, I'll start to bring up facts or try to ask a question and you'll start to flip the fuck out like you did in that thread and probably many others.
I don't know what Mark's Daily Apple is.
I wasn't unreasonable with anyone. I didn't let people put words in my mouth or make false statements in effort to defame me, that's not being unreasonable. If you have a legitimate reason for reading a post of mine referring to an unrestricted diet without seeing the exploitation, voice it. If not, your remark of me being a person who "flips the fuck out" and the original post are clearly just attempts to defame.
According to the (allegedly "hysterical/insane/idiotic") medical research.
Jesus Christ, can you stop hiding behind the research. No self respecting researcher would say "eat as much of whatever you want as long as your carbs are low!!!". It was unrestricted in the sense that there was no "set" restriction on calories. Why can't you just say "well yeah you'd gain weight if you ate too much on low carb.". But no, you refuse to admit your wording was off originally. You must be a blast at parties.
Holy shit.. Dude.. I think we have a contender for that meltdown thread.
When someone calls me a liar when he misinterprets my position, yeah, I'll accuse them of "yelling at the internet." If that's my most heinous of crimes, I think I can deal with that.MjFrancis said:I put in my two cents and got sucked into that guy's nonsense in Sean's thread. He never even wanted to engage in debate or argument, he's just yelling at the internet.
I tried that. In turn someone accused me of "calling for the banning of anyone who dares to disagree with [me]." I debunked it and he refused to acknowledge it in favor of personal insults.Beastmode, stop shitting up this thread. Go cry somewhere else or make a thread. Inform a mod about how you're being persecuted/villified, just please take that shit elsewhere.
Now get that shit out of here Beast. Everyone is done with your temper tantrum.
You've admitted to being a full of shit. I would put this in caps or bolded but I'd never hear the end of it: leave me alone.SeanR1221 said:Of course I'm going to judge it. I wasted two months of my time doing ketosis because so many people said how great it was.
Proving the point, again. You say I'm full of shit. I give evidence that I'm not. You then completely ignore my first attempt in giving you evidence. Now you're ignoring the massive post I wrote primarily to help inform you and you insult me in another thread in return? I would call you many things right now if they weren't exactly what you want me to call you.Holy shit.. Dude.. I think we have a contender for that meltdown thread.
This thread sucks
This mob is irrational and out to get me, any way they can. I have given clear examples of such behavior. Those who aren't acting that way themselves are making excuses for the people who are. Despite having absolutely no social support of my own I have kept relatively calm and not resorted to the same gutter tactics. I'm not purposefully posting lies or half-truths. I'm not purposefully trying to get a rise out of people. I'm certainly not ignoring what anyone has to say. This is not pride, it is basic dignity. People were defaming me and I wanted a chance to defend myself. That is not an extreme request. I have still not gotten that chance. I am not to blame for this. It is not unreasonable to challenge assertions made about you then refuse back down to the ensuing insanity this thread and the other have largely spewed back at me.Out of all those quotes you took the time to collect.. point me to where I said you were full of shit. Or where I said anything that amounted to something other than "you're taking this shit too seriously, let it go". I'm not ignoring your "evidence", I'm just not caring much about your lonely adventure to defend your internet pride.