Yes, yes, I've angered the textbook gods. Forgive me. I get it, you guys want the all around total package of strength and health and looks and clean. But this guy wanted to lose some weight, went at it for 3 months, failed, and felt frustrated about it. Notice I didn't tell him to starve himself and run 20 miles a day, I told him if he values his weight loss above his other gains, he can achieve that goal first by doing x, y, and z. Then if he wants to rebuild his strength/muscle he's free to do it with whatever e-book he likes.
The issue is you bring in a mentality that goes against everything this thread is supposed to represent. This is not a thread for eating disorders, or unhealthy diets, or any of that nonsense. It is a fitness thread. Nothing about 1000 calories a day along with both weight lifting and cardio promotes anything even remotely resembling fitness.
Also, unless you were regularly getting blood work and exams done during this training, you can not assess whether you were as healthy as you claim. There are a number of things under the surface.