Sprinting is no joke.
Yup. It's amazing how you can both love and hate something simultaneously.
Sprinting is no joke.
For a 14 year old you communicate well and use good grammar. I'm more impressed with that.
As for working out, hang out around here and get some advice. If I was 14 again I'd love to know what I and we as a community know now.
You should read as much lifting literature as you can find too.
Also, don't listen to a single thing about lifting from anyone your age, none of them, and take what anyone else older than you says with a giant grain of salt. Always double check what you're being told against other more credible sources, that includes what any sport coach may tell you.
Holy fuck my abs are sore. I don't know if it was all the front squats, the hang cleans or both, squats have never made my abs this sore. Just notices my back/traps are substantially sore too. Guess I'll be doing that again.
Sore abs are pretty common when you first start them, mine don't get sore from anything anymore. IMO it's the best abdominal exercise from a compound. Your rhombs will fatigue before your legs do so your form will break down the higher reps you do, causing you to hunch over losing your vertical posture and shifting the balance of the weight forward. I never go higher than 5 reps with warm ups until 297 and only do doubles and triples with anything over 300.
Depth is important if you plan on hitting the medial and lateral heads (tear drops) properly, really strengthens the area around the knee. Nothing wrong with placing some micro plates under the heels if you don't have oly shoes or the flexibility to achieve maximum depth.
So, I'm 14. Only a teen, would weight-lifting be all right for me? I'm interested in it, I already play sports every other day, I just want to be able to raise my metabolism and have some muscle to show off when I've completed my fat loss. I've done it for two months now, and although puberty has already given me a better, more masculine body shape the fat loss and lifting have enhanced it. I just want to know if there are any long-term consequences for a teenager.
I recommend staying away from magazines. When I say literature/reading I mean books and articles written by big names and typically have science/research to back them up.
Well, it's official, I'm drinking my coffee black. Am I a man now?
Understood, what are some good writers? I know of Mark Rippetoe, who else?
Not sure if you being a man was ever in doubt bro! I only tolerate black coffee if I douse it with sugar, so no black coffee for me.
So yesterday, I was doing squats, and after doing two warm ups and three working sets, I decided to do 10X10 at a much lighter weight. Using a lighter weight made me realize that there are many form problems that I need to address, like I'm leaning forward too much (I'm doing high bar), not getting enough depth with my glutes. It's almost like my body is subconsciously telling me "don't squat too deep, you won't be able to come back up" at higher weight. Somehow, my flexibility is lost with bigger weights. So for the next few weeks, I will focus on improving my form rather than trying to increase weight. (I did go up by 10lbs. on one of my sets, so that was good).
Well, it's official, I'm drinking my coffee black. Am I a man now?
Rippetoe, Pulcinella, Meaddows, Wendler, Dave Tate, etc.
Book mark EliteFTS.com there's constantly good articles coming from there. There's other stuff you may be interested in the body weight category, but I don't know those writers.
I was more or less being sarcastic. As for the black coffee, I just did a slow transition using less sugar/creamer until I just today had it with nothing and it's the strong shit too.
As for the squats, that's odd, since usually higher weight brings out the flaws/weak points. Always good to go back and ensure proper form/depth is being achieved though. No sense in making progress with bad form.
Black coffee is great as long as you drink good coffee.
Tim Hortons or Starbucks are absolutely awful black. Sour as hell.
I guess for me, it's easier to do things properly with a lighter weight, because with heavy shit I'm just thinking about "how do I push this thing up??"
I'm not on any specific diet now, I just came off a bulk and am messin around with a "cut". Yesterday I just didn't eat much and it was a busy day. I usually don't eat till about 1-2pm so I fit in a meal or two before I go to bed. Yesterday was just a salad (mixed greens cucumbers, and olives) and a handful of cranberries, water and a glass of acai juice. Trust me, it was below 1k. =P Doesn't really affect my workouts at all. Obviously I'm not putting up new prs every session but of course I'm not trying to. Just doin my normal cardio and then I'm about to be on my third week of 5/3/1 (was just trying it out, won't be continuing to cycle 2). I haven't "described" anything of my routine though, so maybe you're confusing me with another poster. Shrug..food just isn't that important for my energy levels. Sleep though, I swear if I sleep anything less than 6 hours I have a headache all day and am in no mood to workout. In bed by 10 is the only rule I abide by nowadays.
You certainly won't tolerate bad coffee ever again.Well, it's official, I'm drinking my coffee black. Am I a man now?
I can attest that the latter is absolutely worth passing on. Awful coffee.TheExodu5 said:Tim Hortons or Starbucks are absolutely awful black. Sour as hell.
That's what I'm saying, with heavy weight weak points become obvious.
I call bullshit.
If you knew what you were talking about you'd know a cut does not mean nearly starving yourself. It's not possible for your body to immediately jump from a bulk to a 1200-1500cal deficit. Especially when you're doing 5/3/1 correctly with cardio. Sleep is obviously very important, but there's absolutely no way you can live for more than a week or two on the way you're describing.
Uh. Ok.
If there's anything I recommend to young people, it's take it nice and easy. Your body needs time to adjust and grow - but so does your skin! I remember a lot of us in high school would get unwanted stretch marks from pushing ourselves a bit too much.
Yeah I think we can drop arguing with Revolution. His advice was meant for me in the first place, and he even said he doesn't recommend people do it, it's jut something that (anecdotally) worked for him.
Alien, I'm assuming you're drinking black coffee because you started a fasting program? I'll be curious to see your progress and I'm sure you'll keep us updated. What does your food log look like?
Understood, what are some good writers? I know of Mark Rippetoe, who else?
Yeah I think we can drop arguing with Revolution. His advice was meant for me in the first place, and he even said he doesn't recommend people do it, it's jut something that (anecdotally) worked for him.
Well, it's official, I'm drinking my coffee black. Am I a man now?
It is not a mark of manliness, it is a mark of sanity. Sugar and cream make coffee foul. Your absurdly intense lifting should be all the evidence of manliness you need.
Alien, know any good tutorials for doing hang cleans? And what's the difference between a hang clean and a power clean exactly?
I rarely drink coffee. I don't want to get into the habit of being addicted to caffiene. having to wake up and NEED a coffee sounds terrible. Why do that shit? I'd rather use it as a tool and only use it when needed in extreme circumstances.
Well, it's official, I'm drinking my coffee black. Am I a man now?
So, my wife just bought "natural PB" and I looked at the label and the nutrition facts are nearly identical. Am I missing something?
So, my wife just bought "natural PB" and I looked at the label and the nutrition facts are nearly identical. Am I missing something?
So, my wife just bought "natural PB" and I looked at the label and the nutrition facts are nearly identical. Am I missing something?
Weird, I've been drinking coffee as my "preworkout" for the past few months. Hell, caffeine has been a part of my diet for quite some time, but I can go days without it and not even realize it. I don't know how people get addicted to the stuff.
So, my wife just bought "natural PB" and I looked at the label and the nutrition facts are nearly identical. Am I missing something?
So, my wife just bought "natural PB" and I looked at the label and the nutrition facts are nearly identical. Am I missing something?