They are. Check their commercials.
The Arnold Schwarzanegger impersonation is not an accident.
I don't get it. It's an ad for a gym that.....makes fun of people who go to the gym?
They are. Check their commercials.
The Arnold Schwarzanegger impersonation is not an accident.
Can anyone tell me why I have just flat out stopped losing any weight? For 3 months I lost 30lbs without any major workout and just healthy diet.
Then I started biking, just lost a couple more pounds and stopped. Then I hit the gym and for a month now I've been going up and down about 5lbs and just can't figure it out. Only thing I can think of is lack protein and carbs so I've tried to improve those in my diet but its pissing me off that I'm not loosing anything.
Workout routine is usually 45min of weights and 20 min of cardio.
They are. Check their commercials.
The Arnold Schwarzanegger impersonation is not an accident.
So I went today to a store for fitness and protein powder and such and they had a scale and it could measure the body fat by grabbing 2 metal handles with the hands.
it said, (specifically for a guy my height 5,4)
Excellent: 14.5%
Good: 21.5%
Regular: 24.5%
Bad: 31.2%
Sphinx: 13.6% , Mass in Fat, 19.4 pounds, I guess that's good.
what are everybody's numbers?
So I went today to a store for fitness and protein powder and such and they had a scale and it could measure the body fat by grabbing 2 metal handles with the hands.
it said, (specifically for a guy my height 5,4)
Excellent: 14.5%
Good: 21.5%
Regular: 24.5%
Bad: 31.2%
Sphinx: 13.6% , Mass in Fat, 19.4 pounds, I guess that's good.
what are everybody's numbers?
that's not planet fitness though.. LA Fitness is not that bad, they have a lot of free weights and they don't ban deadlifts or anything like that.
If you keep eating the same amount, what was once a calorie deficit eventually becomes normal. Has your diet progressed alongside your weightloss?
It's Planet Fitness. I don't know why LA Fitness flashed at the end of that particular clip, but when I've seen it and its ilk on TV, it always ended with "dum dum dum dum... Planet Fitness!" splashed across the screen.
Fairly recent pic of my physique at the moment.
It kind of bugs me that my damn stomach/abdomen sticks out so far (relative to my chest, of course). I have a really strong core, but I also eat pretty shitty, hence the weird mix of fat and muscle. Or maybe I just have a small chest. lol
I really wish I didn't have to essentially starve myself to lose that fat (since I do tons of running and other cardio already... my diet is the main culprit).
I think that's like a caveman trait and I believe women find that attractive. I'm a bit like that myself.
Great work man, you look fantastic! I really envy you guys with the killer arm vascularity. Damn.![]()
Fairly recent pic of my physique at the moment.
It kind of bugs me that my damn stomach/abdomen sticks out so far (relative to my chest, of course). I have a really strong core, but I also eat pretty shitty, hence the weird mix of fat and muscle. Or maybe I just have a small chest. lol
I really wish I didn't have to essentially starve myself to lose that fat (since I do tons of running and other cardio already... my diet is the main culprit).
Haha, let's hope!
Benson Henderson is about the same size as me (150-155lbs, although I'm ~1.5" taller), and in my opinion he's got the perfect physique for someone our size.
So maybe I just need to stop aspiring to look like him. lol
Haha, let's hope!
Benson Henderson is about the same size as me (150-155lbs, although I'm ~1.5" taller), and in my opinion he's got the perfect physique for someone our size.
So maybe I just need to stop aspiring to look like him. lol
Benson fights at 155, but that's not his actual weight. Like most fighters and wrestlers, Benson cuts weight to make the limit for his weight division. He'll diet, dehydrate, or whatever in the following weeks to make weight. After making weight he'll rehydrate and eat normally again. And on the next day he'll up up about 15-20 pounds heavier than the actual weight limit for the fight. Dude is definitely not a true 155 pounder, I think he's actually considered one of the biggest in his division.
Fairly recent pic of my physique at the moment.
It kind of bugs me that my damn stomach/abdomen sticks out so far (relative to my chest, of course). I have a really strong core, but I also eat pretty shitty, hence the weird mix of fat and muscle. Or maybe I just have a small chest. lol
I really wish I didn't have to essentially starve myself to lose that fat (since I do tons of running and other cardio already... my diet is the main culprit).
Just did 4 sets of pushups to failure. I really pushed myself hard on the last set.
I got up, and about 30 seconds later, I started feeling sick. Then, I got dizzy, and my hearing went out. I lied down for about 2 minutes and was completely drenched in sweat. Seems like I pushed too hard and the blood flow to my brain was interrupted for a while. What an awful feeling.
Benson fights at 155, but that's not his actual weight. Like most fighters and wrestlers, Benson cuts weight to make the limit for his weight division. He'll diet, dehydrate, or whatever in the following weeks to make weight. After making weight he'll rehydrate and eat normally again. And in the next day he'll be about 15-20 pounds heavier than the actual weight limit for the fight. Dude is definitely not a true 155 pounder, I think he's actually considered one of the biggest in his division.
But yeah I would love to have his physique. It's also pretty much my idea physique if I were to pick one.
Part of the charm, my friend. I don't remember the exact measurement but the serving size is on the back. It is like creatine in the sense that you need to take it everyday to "fill up your reserves" if that makes any sense.
It kind of bugs me that my damn stomach/abdomen sticks out so far (relative to my chest, of course). I have a really strong core, but I also eat pretty shitty, hence the weird mix of fat and muscle. Or maybe I just have a small chest. lol
You might have an anterior pelvic tilt.
Check out this reddit thread to learn how to fix it --
I have an anterior pelvic tilt, thanks to the fact that I've been working from home for 3 years. Lots of sitting.
I need to commit to the lunge stretches more. I've heard they're fantastic for rectifying the problem.
I'd really like to pick things up.
I've been doing leangains excercis 3 days a week. I just do squats, deads, bench, pullups and chin-ups, along with the occasional clean and press.
I typically do three sets, starting with the heaviest and progressing lower with more reps.
I'm stuck at a 315 lb deadlift, a 205 squat, and about 155 on bench. I'm 5'7 170 and on a good day I'll probably eat 3-4000 calories, most calories from fat from ice cream as my budget is limited.
Any advice on how to get past this, should I do more reps or go more days to the gym? Thanks.
PS Sorry, I'm very tired.
n anyone tell me why I have just flat out stopped losing any weight? For 3 months I lost 30lbs without any major workout and just healthy diet.
Then I started biking, just lost a couple more pounds and stopped. Then I hit the gym and for a month now I've been going up and down about 5lbs and just can't figure it out. Only thing I can think of is lack protein and carbs so I've tried to improve those in my diet but its pissing me off that I'm not loosing anything.
Workout routine is usually 45min of weights and 20 min of cardio.
I'm in the same situation. I work at home too which has made me pretty lazy, haha.
One of the things that helped me most with my APT was tensing my glutes and abs slightly while walking - about 25% tension will do. My APT has improved a ton ever since I started doing that.
What's your current routine like and how are you planning for progression?
Dunno about that since it feels a bit like I'd gotten too much sunWell let's see how it goes..
That makes more sense. Your original post made it seem like you were "going for" 405 like it was a 1rm.
(Also, PR can be rep maxes, they aren't just 1rm).
Dunno about that since it feels a bit like I'd gotten too much sunWell let's see how it goes..
The few days off worked wonders! I cut 3 minutes off my 5K and lost 4lbs. So happy about this.
Still would've taken the full week!
No sir. Arthur's Rock near the Horsetooth Reservoir in Fort Collins, Colorado.
Notice the burnt trees... That's one of the areas totally destroyed by the recent wildfire.
So I went today to a store for fitness and protein powder and such and they had a scale and it could measure the body fat by grabbing 2 metal handles with the hands.
it said, (specifically for a guy my height 5,4)
Excellent: 14.5%
Good: 21.5%
Regular: 24.5%
Bad: 31.2%
Sphinx: 13.6% , Mass in Fat, 19.4 pounds, I guess that's good.
what are everybody's numbers?
200 lbs, 5'10, 12%So I went today to a store for fitness and protein powder and such and they had a scale and it could measure the body fat by grabbing 2 metal handles with the hands.
it said, (specifically for a guy my height 5,4)
Excellent: 14.5%
Good: 21.5%
Regular: 24.5%
Bad: 31.2%
Sphinx: 13.6% , Mass in Fat, 19.4 pounds, I guess that's good.
what are everybody's numbers?
I know, I should have but I just spent a shit load of money getting my clothes all tailored and the fear of gaining weight back made me get back out there. Stupid, but being overweight once a time ago, makes me sensitive to any weight changes.
Looking to find a protein powder without all the useless fillings that seem to be permeating the market. Minimal calories is important and taste isnt really an issue as it will be mixed into a fruit smoothie. My friends have recommended Designer Protein.