Sure, there's a gym like 5 minutes away.
I'm more comfortable in my own home though, can train without caring about how I look/what i'm wearing and I won't have to pay a monthly fee if I do it at home.
And I of course can do it whenever and don't have to care about opening times/other people occupying the stuff I need.
What I'm saying is I really don't like people.
Buying your own equipment can be pretty costly though.
Question for those fitness inclined: Is briskly walking for 30 minutes a day decent cardio to lose weight?
It's about 2 miles a day. 5 days a week.
Not really. Your diet will determine weight loss.
I'm sick of this gut I have. Starting to make an effort to clean up the food I eat. Not a strict diet, per se, just consciously eating more healthy foods rather than the junk I used to eat. I'm also going to try my hardest to not stuff my face until I can't take another bite. I'll eat until I'm content and then stop.
Is this how most of you guys eat?
I track my stuff on Fitday, except if I go out to eat, which is usually a special occasion.