lol @ those comments being "assholes".
Yo, did you my post where I went thru the steps on how to edit your macros on MFP?
lol @ those comments being "assholes".
What do you guys think about working out really late?
Like 11PM.
If you're just starting out, and if you do your workouts properly, your body SHOULD be sore for days after a workout regardless. You're not going to tip-toe around it (unless you half-ass your workouts.)
No, what you need to do is push through the soreness. Being sore, especially for a beginner, does not mean you can't workout.
Yo, did you my post where I went thru the steps on how to edit your macros on MFP?
What? He's completely right. Those comments reeked of condescending elitism and were absolutely rude. This is the reason why a lot of people will avoid this thread; to avoid comments like that from jerks.
It's having days like these where I never follow through to the single digits of bodyfat percentage. So far, it's been worth it.Petrie said:All told I ate about 2300 calories more than the 1680 I'm shooting for on my cut, but it was a glorious day.
Thanks!Francis -- EPIC BEARD. Holy. Shit.
It's quite the contrast from my usual Bruce Lee avatars. Then again, most posters on this forum aren't twenty-something Korean girls or cartoon ponies, either.
Well, I just injured my lower back, not sure how bad. I was deadlifting and I felt a shift, so immediately stopped and went on to do my biking. I should have known better since it felt a little off since weighted hyperextensions on monday. I think my form was off on the hyperextensions and this did it. Icing and NSAIDs right now to see how it is, but may have to lay off squats/deads for a week or two.
Ok, so that Craze shit works. This has to be what speed feels like, it's fucking nuts. I'm on a severe cut, and I went from feeling no energy to having insane energy today. Deadlifts till I hurt myself felt like warm up weight (even 405) I got on the bike and did 9.8 miles at 8 resistance in 30 minutes without a problem (the underside of the bike looked like a ocean).
This shit also turns you into a sweat bomb, it's fucking nuts. This shit has to be made illegal soon, there's no way this shit will remain on the market. It reminds of of ephedra back in the day.
I would recommend it to anyone who is on a very strict cut, but there's no way I would do this shit on a regular basis. It CANNOT be healthy.
I don't take a steak with pasta at night because when I wake up mystomach feels like a rock, I feel exhausted and becuase it takes me 2 or 3 days to feel light again and to me that's a perfectly valid reason.
Feeling exhausting after eating in the morning and 2-3 days needed to feel "light" is weird. Are you sure you don't have medical conditions?
no, I don't have anything. I exaggerated, I just feel a big belly as opposed to a light feeling in my abdomen, it's just a natural thing. you eat alot? your belly is full and it lasts less, not 3 days.
One day I ate a huge fucking Pizza at night before sleeping and it took me a while to "get rid of it" completely, lol.
Yeah stretching if you have torn something or slipped a disc will just make it worse. That being said though its possible if your hamstrings are naturally really tight that they just seized up and are pulling on your lower back. The only reason I think that is because your having trouble walking with your back straight. Very carefully I would try the following stretches. Be really slow with the first one and be sensitive to any pain from your back. You will be able to tell if the stretch is releasing the pressure or adding to it. If its the latter you definitely injured yourself.
Lower Back Hamstring Stretch
Lower Glute Stretch
Glute Floor Stretch
Hip Flexor
How much of your protein can you safely get from shakes?
i drink 1 shake per day, because i can't afford more than that, but also because i get the other 110g of protein from food. don't replace meals with shakes, but i'd say you can have as much protein shake as your stomach can hold.
I wouldn't ever replace a meal with a shake but I find it incredibly difficult to eat so much protein in the day without more than 1 shake.
I think I may try Jim's 2x a week lifting program with conditioning every day. He's made crazy progress post surgery and I'm thinking I may have to adopt this program down the road anyway since my time will be tight. Plus it gives ample time for recovery and it eliminates deload weeks.
Gonna think on this one.
Also, I really appreciate the concern guys!
kid on the way??
or just school/work?
Wouldn't the issue here be not pigging out on food instead of eating at night then?
I used to do 2 shakes a day and it worked. But I hated the way it made me feel. YMMV I guess. I love meat (teehee) so I never have a problem getting my protein. All the different cuts of chicken do wonders for changing it up but still providing protein.I wouldn't ever replace a meal with a shake but I find it incredibly difficult to eat so much protein in the day without more than 1 shake.
Hence the shitty broscience comment. It isn't about not eating at night, it's about not eating like a pig.
Really sorry to hear you hurt yourself Shogun, just don't rush or push yourself too much. I know you know this, but it's not a sprint, it's a marathon my friend.
Yep, that's why I stoppled DLing after I felt it. I just went on to do my cardio.
I have absolute faith this won't set me back in the least.
The more I look at this 2x a week routine, the more I like it. Maximum time for recovery. Near 0 chance for overtraining and plenty of conditioning.
Should be on TNation. Lemme find itLink to some info? Love reading about alternate routines.
Link to some info? Love reading about alternate routines.
Should be on TNation. Lemme find it
I linked it before. He's doing a weekend version of his "training for grey pubes" from 5/3/1 for powerlifting.
Basically he does all 4 lifts in those two days, but 2 of them are assistance versions, then he alternated the following week for the other two lifts, doing the 2 he did the first week as assistance. Along with some other assistance work.
Sounds a bit confusing, but look at that link and you will "get it."
I am drinking an organic amber ale in your beard's honor.Thanks!
It's quite the contrast from my usual Bruce Lee avatars. Then again, most posters on this forum aren't twenty-something Korean girls or cartoon ponies, either.
What were your intervals like?Just tried HIIT sprints tonight...felt like I was going to puke for 15 minutes after I was done.
What were your intervals like?
30s jog 30s sprint, five times
I'm pretty out of shape.
30s jog 30s sprint, five times
I'm pretty out of shape.
30s jog 30s sprint, five times
I'm pretty out of shape.
Haha, I'm jealous of your 30/30.
30/60 for 14 minutes had me passed out on the grass for about twenty minutes haha.
that's pretty short as well especially for a beginner.
when i was doing HIIT i would sprint the hill (~10-15 seconds), then walk down and just walk around in circles/stand still with my hands on my head for 45 seconds. shit was hard. i'm thinkin next time i do it i will sprint the hill then jog along the ridge to where it's at 0 elevation again then sprint it again. that way i'm constantly moving and get done quicker
I actually found a Couch to 5k-like thing for HIIT, so I'm going to do that. Two weeks of 15/60, two weeks of 30/60, two weeks 30/30, two 30/15.
Will be fun![]()
that just sounds painful. i mean. damn.
mind linking me to it though? i need something to do on non basketball days
I wore a fairly thin tshirt to workout this morning and I did a few calf raises (machine). Not sure if thats the cause but I my shoulders are all splotchy with deep red marks. It looks like I have internal bleeding in my shoulders. Its pretty gnarly.
I wore a fairly thin tshirt to workout this morning and I did a few calf raises (machine). Not sure if thats the cause but I my shoulders are all splotchy with deep red marks. It looks like I have internal bleeding in my shoulders. Its pretty gnarly.
The influence of creatine supplementation on substrate utilization during rest was investigated using a double-blind crossover design. Ten active men participated in 12 wk of weight training and were given creatine and placebo (20 g/day for 4 days, then 2 g/day for 17 days) in two trials separated by a 4-wk washout. Body composition, substrate utilization, and strength were assessed after weeks 2, 5, 9, and 12. Maximal isometric contraction [1 repetition maximum (RM)] leg press increased significantly (P < 0.05) after both treatments, but 1-RM bench press was increased (33 ± 8 kg, P < 0.05) only after creatine. Total body mass increased (1.6 ± 0.5 kg, P < 0.05) after creatine but not after placebo. Significant (P < 0.05) increases in fat-free mass were found after creatine and placebo supplementation (1.9 ± 0.8 and 2.2 ± 0.7 kg, respectively). Fat mass did not change significantly with creatine but decreased after the placebo trial (−2.4 ± 0.8 kg, P < 0.05). Carbohydrate oxidation was increased by creatine (8.9 ± 4.0%,P < 0.05), whereas there was a trend for increased respiratory exchange ratio after creatine supplementation (0.03 ± 0.01, P = 0.07). Changes in substrate oxidation may influence the inhibition of fat mass loss associated with creatine after weight training.