How can I lose my small gut without running?
How can I lose my small gut without running?
How can I lose my small gut without running?
What about hopscotch?Ride a bike.
What about hopscotch?
HIIT Hopscotch will now be a thing.
Just skip the alcohol entirely. Yes you can work around having it, yes you can treat yourself. You just gotta be very careful, not only due to the calories/carbs in most alcoholic drinks, but the fact that your inhibition is lowered and you're way more likely to binge eat. That is what usually fucks me over.
I'd just rather not take this risk unless it's a planned cheat. But I also have a bad habit of binging anyway, so it might just be me. I'll allow myself a couple of beers then before I know it... I've consumed 4000+ cals in an hour. :|
You swine. It's clearly a hamburger patty with an egg in the middle.
I lost 50lbs in a year drinking beer everyday. I'm 188lbs right now, I can deadlift 405x5, Squat 315x5 and bench 245x5. Beer makes the body good
Then you aren't drinking anything I'd consider a beer.
steak and veggiesI had 3 eggs and oatmeal for breakfast, big ass chicken breast with a salad for lunch.
My question to you guys is... what do I eat for DINNER? DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN
I bet he drank Michelob Ultra.
Then you aren't drinking anything I'd consider a beer.
What's a good post workout meal (supper) that is nearly instant, isn't a protein shake, and doesn't taste bland (grilled chicken, tuna)?
You aren't really going to get all 4 of those together. A meal that's:
Good for you
Not bland
Not a shake
You'll find 2 or 3 of them together, but not all 4 man. Sack up and cook.
I actually enjoy cooking, but the last thing I want to do after a workout is spend 20-30 minutes in the kitchen preparing a proper meal. I want to get home and eat asap.
Maybe I could make a stew in a slow cooker and keep that for the week? Maybe I could make my own high-protein chilli...hmmmmm.
I had 3 eggs and oatmeal for breakfast, big ass chicken breast with a salad for lunch.
My question to you guys is... what do I eat for DINNER? DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN
You could try the Silverhydra meat slop -
I make a huge batch of the stuff and keep it my fridge for when I'm feeling lazy and don't want to cook. You can spice it however you like and it tastes surprisingly good. I usually throw in some bell peppers, mushrooms, a few onions and some indian herbs/spices (chili powder, masala etc.) and it comes out great.
I actually enjoy cooking, but the last thing I want to do after a workout is spend 20-30 minutes in the kitchen preparing a proper meal. I want to get home and eat asap.
Maybe I could make a stew in a slow cooker and keep that for the week? Maybe I could make my own high-protein chilli...hmmmmm.
That seems like a good idea. What's with the "Due to no simmering of the meat, and instead boiling, minimizes Advanced Glycemic End-product (AGE) content." clause? Boiled beef tastes need to simmer it to make it palatable. Am I killing the nutritional value if I simmer the whole thing for 1-2 hours?
Great post. Qft.Ever heard of the Pareto Principle? It's an idea in business that states that 80% of the results comes from 20% the effort you put into a particular activity. The final 20% of the results take up 80% of the effort. The Pareto Principle, in general, seems to apply to more than just business. When it comes to fitness, it definitely applies.
What I'm saying is.. Focus on the big things that produce the majority of the results instead of trying to micro manage the small things (like advanced glycemic end, whatever that is) that produce very little results.
Just cook the meat however you like. It's hardly going to matter in the long run.
What's a good post workout meal (supper) that is nearly instant, isn't a protein shake, and doesn't taste bland (grilled chicken, tuna)?
What's a good post workout meal (supper) that is nearly instant, isn't a protein shake, and doesn't taste bland (grilled chicken, tuna)?
Eating Stag chili right now...probably not really idea at ~29g fat, 44g carb, 32g protein.
Oh, and although I am eating mostly low carb, I'm guessing I shouldn't be concerned about keeping my post workout meal low carb, since I'm depleting my glycogen stores anyways?
Should I lift weights if I am very poor and cant afford any protein. my caloric intake is about 1000 a day and most of that is brown rice. :é
It sucks when you're pumped then end up having a shitty workout but I'm pretty sure that happens to every single person who has ever worked out for a long time.Had an awful workout today. Was looking forward to Squats and Deadlifts all day and then Failed my entire last set of squats and popped something on my final set of deadlifts.
just got back from smolov + basketball ... my legs are just gonzo
5x7x265 squat. wut. easier than Monday's workout tho. i'm kind of sad that today is probably my last day doing smolov for a while though.
So here it is:Hey guys it's the deadlift again.
I was doing 253lbs when a gym coach stopped me, telling me I'm doing it wrong, didn't like how my upper back was rounded. I've been deadlifting for 3 months, always trying to improve it, but that's as good as I will ever get it to look like during a deadlift, that's just how I'm built. My lower back though is maintained straight, which is the most important according to Starting Strength.
I explained to him that I encountered no problems at all during the last 3 months, he said in deadlifts when you feel something bad it's already too late.
He then proceeded to show me the "correct form", his form starts basically as a parallel squat, hips too low to maintain a complete arched back... the fuck? I can do that, but with a much lighter weight, but then is it even a deadlift?
I told him ok thanks and did my set as regular regardless, though I'm paranoid now, don't want to regret an injury. I will film my next session.
Just saw this on facebook:
Just saw this on facebook:[/IMG
If I also survive to 70 I'm hitting that AAS and HGH like there's no tomorrow.
What beginner level abdominal workouts should I be doing in the beginner's guide in the OP? I'm tired of this gut and want to tackle this hard.
What beginner level abdominal workouts should I be doing in the beginner's guide in the OP? I'm tired of this gut and want to tackle this hard.
What beginner level abdominal workouts should I be doing in the beginner's guide in the OP? I'm tired of this gut and want to tackle this hard.