I survived, Fitgaf. After a huge amount of sushi and an an unknown amount of beer, shots and mixed drinks I feel like death. I need water, stat
The best part of last night were the random comments/compliments. First my friend was wearing a cheap suit jacket way too small for him and he tried to flex and rip it. Everyone was like, "have Sean wear it and try!" So yeah it started ripping at the seams Hulk style but left nasty blood blisters on my biceps
My one friend who I haven't seen in like 3 years immediately said "dude you got huge"
Some random girl at the the one crowded bar was trying to get out. So I wanted to go outside too so I was like here I'll push through. She grabbed my arm and said "Oh hello muscles"
When we got back to the hotel and I was in an tank top and sweat pants a couple of my friends were like "are you gonna fit in your tux your so much bigger now"
I was like..uhh you get measured for it
I don't want to come off as bragging to you guys, especially when a ton of you here are bigger/more cut. It was just really nice to have your progress noticed by a lot of different people when you work your ass off at it.

I still
Say I'm too small. I can't wait to be Petrie/falling/blackflag/alien/cooter/Darth/Szu/mrtoughpants big
Oh and here's the obligatory sushi dinner picture.