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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Pete Rock

I've got a pair of Nike Free Flyknit 4 which I'm using outside now and am planning to use indoors this fall/winter. Would those still be dramatically worse than just going barefoot?
Yes, you don't want anything designed to relieve compressive forces between your feet and the floor. Any amount of sole or heel is to be avoided.

Is that a conceptual improvement, or am I not getting it at all? Most focus was on the "hip, not waist" part, less on the stance, but I stood narrower now, hip width instead of shoulder. Slap me on the head if it's just as bad as my first vid.
Yep this looks like an immediate improvement, that's the type of motion you are trying to replicate, just with a bar instead of a hockey stick. But it made a good stand in! Your stance looks more traditional in that example as well. This was my last set of Sumo so you can see the difference in stance and orientation. No matter which stance you go with, it is still imperative to hinge/break at the hips while keeping the low back locked out for the entire range of motion.

I wanna be able to bust out 3 sets of 10 at 225.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Question for all you iron sport method guys. Would it be appropriate for me to do this routine if all I want is to rep 225 on bench? I wanna be able to bust out 3 sets of 10 at 225. I haven't really looked into the program but given the glowing reviews you all have put forth, I figured I'd check it out.

That's an odd goal. IMO I'd just progressively bang out more reps. ISSM is about maximal strength.


Question for all you iron sport method guys. Would it be appropriate for me to do this routine if all I want is to rep 225 on bench? I wanna be able to bust out 3 sets of 10 at 225. I haven't really looked into the program but given the glowing reviews you all have put forth, I figured I'd check it out.

Just gotta keep working up...

The highest I ever got 1RM was 235...managed to do 225 x 2.

Right now I'm back at 200 x 3...hoping to get back to 225 in about 3-4 weeks.


Yes, you don't want anything designed to relieve compressive forces between your feet and the floor. Any amount of sole or heel is to be avoided.

Yep this looks like an immediate improvement, that's the type of motion you are trying to replicate, just with a bar instead of a hockey stick. But it made a good stand in! Your stance looks more traditional in that example as well. This was my last set of Sumo so you can see the difference in stance and orientation. No matter which stance you go with, it is still imperative to hinge/break at the hips while keeping the low back locked out for the entire range of motion.
Okay, I believe you.

Great, lol. I'll start off with low(er) weight next time to get a good feel for the technique.


You manage to get your dress size to half of what it was within 10 months and you don't think that is great? You silly.

Ooh! And we do have "Change" store in the city and I visited it today. I noticed that their cup sized are way smaller than in other brands and if I would buy from them, I would need to go up couple cup sizes, but they have really nice colours and models. I will definitely go and visit it again! Thanks for the tip!

Rotating the workouts sounds like a good thing to do! I hope you all the best for the time you have to hit your goals before the trip! ^_^

Well, pant size. Not dress size. I could become a double zero in pant size (no I couldn't lol) and my boobs would stop me from getting a dress any smaller than a 12.

Not that I wear dresses anyway.

Get a fitting at Change! I consider them the best for getting your "real" size. They have cup sizes from A-K (I believe), instead of just stopping at DD and then going up in the band. When I was measured at other stores, they gave me the garbage "oh you're a 40DD" and those sizes were always really uncomfortable. Then I got my "real" size and it's much better, all bras I buy fit and are comfortable now :)

I'm not going to drop another 20lbs in two weeks so... Won't take pictures of myself other than maybe a couple face shots. Don't want to ruin my pictures. Sigh.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Alright guys, question. I'm well aware that I can spend some extra time and do research but what's the point when there are so many people here I trust?

Now that I hit my 3x bw deadlift I will be shifting my focus to a 2.5x or possibly 2.75x squat. What are some good accessory exercises to help get it up? Hit me with some knowledge!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Alright guys, question. I'm well aware that I can spend some extra time and do research but what's the point when there are so many people here I trust?

Now that I hit my 3x bw deadlift I will be shifting my focus to a 2.5x or possibly 2.75x squat. What are some good accessory exercises to help get it up? Hit me with some knowledge!

Front squat, and Beltless paused squats have worked well for me.


Dumb question, but what's the benefit of deloading vs doing the previous set you could manage? Say I'm stuck at 205 bench. Would deloading be better than doing 200 for a couple more workouts?

Linear progression works, that's about all anyone really needs to know. If you're on a program, stick with what it says for deloading and build it back up.

However, there can be many things that help break plateaus. If you're stuck on 205, try it again, or better yet, push it up to 210. A bunch of things have really helped me push past a plateau.


Alright guys, question. I'm well aware that I can spend some extra time and do research but what's the point when there are so many people here I trust?

Now that I hit my 3x bw deadlift I will be shifting my focus to a 2.5x or possibly 2.75x squat. What are some good accessory exercises to help get it up? Hit me with some knowledge!

Rack Pulls and Barbell Rows have helped me. Along with continuing to Squat heavy.


Got up to 215 on deadlifts toady, so I think I've got a good baseline going forward. Don't know if I'll break 4 plates by the end of the year, still getting comfortable with sumo style, but the most important thing is staying healthy.


Just wanted to chime in with some 5/3/1 love. It is still my preferred routine. I enjoy the slow progression at this point and it suits me perfectly.


Just wanted to chime in with some 5/3/1 love. It is still my preferred routine. I enjoy the slow progression at this point and it suits me perfectly.

Same. Still love the constant PRs, and I each month I know I'm stronger than the last.

Probably stick with it for a good long while yet.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Same. Still love the constant PRs, and I each month I know I'm stronger than the last.

Probably stick with it for a good long while yet.

Just wanted to chime in with some 5/3/1 love. It is still my preferred routine. I enjoy the slow progression at this point and it suits me perfectly.

If you guys like it, and it's working for your goals then that's great. No one is saying you shouldn't be doing it. I'm simply saying it did nothing for me. Over a year doing that program and I made minimal to zero progress depending on the lift. But my goals are very different than most people here.


Sadly a big "meh" from me on the Quest chips. Sea salt has barely any salt at all and they have an oddly creamy(?) taste. Bought a box so maybe they will grow on me, but was hoping for a go-to snack.


If you guys like it, and it's working for your goals then that's great. No one is saying you shouldn't be doing it. I'm simply saying it did nothing for me. Over a year doing that program and I made minimal to zero progress depending on the lift. But my goals are very different than most people here.

I didn't even realize anyone thought that. Believe me whatever I know you are doing is working quite well.


If you guys like it, and it's working for your goals then that's great. No one is saying you shouldn't be doing it. I'm simply saying it did nothing for me. Over a year doing that program and I made minimal to zero progress depending on the lift. But my goals are very different than most people here.

What would you recommend in the alternative to 5/3/1 for a similar "up your big lifts" goal program?

I find it's always good to have info stored away.


Is there any reason why MFP's calorie suggestions for weight loss are so off from the ifcalc site? The calculator says I should be doing around 1900 calories to drop weight but MFP keeps changing it to 1500.


Is there any reason why MFP's calorie suggestions for weight loss are so off from the ifcalc site? The calculator says I should be doing around 1900 calories to drop weight but MFP keeps changing it to 1500.

I don't like their algorithm they use, so you can create your own custom goals if you don't like the one MFP is throwing at you, go to the website and click on the Goal tab, then Change Goals button...then choose CUSTOM (manually set your own goals) instead of "guided.



Sadly a big "meh" from me on the Quest chips. Sea salt has barely any salt at all and they have an oddly creamy(?) taste. Bought a box so maybe they will grow on me, but was hoping for a go-to snack.

I am with you on that. I tasted them, wasn't too impressed, but then just threw 3 bags on a plate, loaded up the beef, cheese, and onions, and had a big-ass plate of nachos. Was probably 120g of protein in one meal.

That was worth it alone.

I won't order any more though.


I've got a couple nutrition questions that hopefully someone can answer:
  1. I got one of those big jugs of whey protein for after working out (like the instructions say to). Is it okay to have an extra shake with breakfast for example, or before bed, but not directly after a workout? I weigh 260 so getting even 1 g/lb is kinda tough imo.
  2. How carefully should I be monitoring sodium intake? I like to eat V8 and cottage cheese and both of those are pretty high sodium. I sweat a lot, so I figure a little extra might be okay but I really have no clue.


I've got a couple nutrition questions that hopefully someone can answer:
  1. I got one of those big jugs of whey protein for after working out (like the instructions say to). Is it okay to have an extra shake with breakfast for example, or before bed, but not directly after a workout? I weigh 260 so getting even 1 g/lb is kinda tough imo.
  2. How carefully should I be monitoring sodium intake? I like to eat V8 and cottage cheese and both of those are pretty high sodium. I sweat a lot, so I figure a little extra might be okay but I really have no clue.

Your Whey might suggest that the "optimal" time to take it is before or after a workout. But it doesn't mean you can't take it any other time. It is just a food substitute. Drink some whenever you want. If you need more help to hit your protein macros, hell, take 4 shakes a day if you need it.

And I personally never really tracked my sodium when doing a lot of heavy lifting. So I can't really say.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Front squat, and Beltless paused squats have worked well for me.

I was afraid front squats might be the answer. I've tried them and they hurt my front delts so damn much. Guess I'll tough it up and keep working on my form.

Rack Pulls and Barbell Rows have helped me. Along with continuing to Squat heavy.
These two surprise me. I already do BB rows. Rack pulls huh? What's the thinking behind them helping your squat?

J. Bravo

I was afraid front squats might be the answer. I've tried them and they hurt my front delts so damn much. Guess I'll tough it up and keep working on my form.

These two surprise me. I already do BB rows. Rack pulls huh? What's the thinking behind them helping your squat?
If all you want is a huge squat, do a squat program like smolov. Its effective. You won't be able to really deadlift or do certain back movements, but if anything they will increase as well. My squat went up 40 pounds in 3 weeks. My original 1rm might have been inaccurate, but my new one is definitely going to test me over the next 9 weeks.


If you guys like it, and it's working for your goals then that's great. No one is saying you shouldn't be doing it. I'm simply saying it did nothing for me. Over a year doing that program and I made minimal to zero progress depending on the lift. But my goals are very different than most people here.

Understood. I've had 9 strait sessions on 5/3/1 and gotten gains the entire time even while cutting. For someone who is in it for the long haul, I love it. Of course it is YMMV. I'm about to do my 10th 1s week in a few days.


I was afraid front squats might be the answer. I've tried them and they hurt my front delts so damn much. Guess I'll tough it up and keep working on my form.

These two surprise me. I already do BB rows. Rack pulls huh? What's the thinking behind them helping your squat?

My bad. I misread your post lol. I thought you meant Deads.

Rows will continue to help strengthen your back, essential for squats. But you can also try the glute ham raise. Do you have that machine at your gym? Glute ham raises tend to balance out your hamstrings, which people tend to have weaker than quads.

I would also do heavy core work. Cable crunches and such. At huge weights, you will need to strong ass core to maintain form, which you seem to have, but continue to do heavy weighted core work.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Already ate my box of brownies at work, 1700 calories of pure garbage, what else am I gonna eat?? Pb & honey sandwhiches? :/

Cooter, pause squats and beltless squats. I have a volume (4-5x8-10), heavy day (5x5), and the occasional pause squat day(x3). I don't squat with a belt either just gets in the way, although I only high bar squat so it will be more taxing on lower back doing low bar. I try to squat every 3 days, depending on work, and I find squatting more than once a week keeps your squat strong.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
What do you guys think of Koklyaev's deadlift form?

I like the stretch reflex he engages from squatting all the way down like that. As he comes up and begins to lift from the regular deadlift position he's already got a nice stretch and drive coming up through his heels and legs. Seems to get him into the right position nicely.


Is there any reason why MFP's calorie suggestions for weight loss are so off from the ifcalc site? The calculator says I should be doing around 1900 calories to drop weight but MFP keeps changing it to 1500.

MFP uses NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis) to derive its number, and ifcalc and similar sites give you TDEE (total daily energy expended). That basically means MFP's activity level is not from exercise, but from what you do day to day as a matter of routine. TDEE calculators also include frequency and intensity of exercise in their numbers.

So the "missing" 400 calories are basically from your exercise multiplier. That difference sounds about right. On MFP, you add in exercise calories after the fact. Or you can tell MFP to use whatever number you please for your daily goal.
I've been dealing with shoulder impingement for a couple months and stopped flat BB benching (OHP is fine surprisingly since I've narrowed my grip and hand placement) in favor of neutral grip DB bench for the past 6 weeks or so with less pain.

I tried flat bb bench today at about 70% of my max, and i was definitely feeling some irritation after my last set. i feel like i finally got an adequate chest workout as opposed to using the DBs, but i dont think i can deal with the irritation long-term. should i go back to DB press only? what are some additional chest exercises i can add? i tried cable crossovers, but even those irritated my shoulder.


Ok I am now starting to lose weight I lost 1.5kg last week. I wanna get a protein shake cos I think I am losing muscle as well as fat. What cheap protein shakes from UK stores can anyone recommend. I don't care about bulk just getting cut.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
What do you guys think of Koklyaev's deadlift form?

I like the stretch reflex he engages from squatting all the way down like that. As he comes up and begins to lift from the regular deadlift position he's already got a nice stretch and drive coming up through his heels and legs. Seems to get him into the right position nicely.
Worth noting that Koklyaev does a lot of Olympic lifting as well, so his deadlift is more like the initial stages of the pull for those lifts than a conventional "powerlifting" dead.


This day was perfection in numerous different levels.

First I met with my doctor about my back and I heard what every patient would like to hear - according to him my back is so well healed that I don't need to see him about this matter anymore! He was honestly extremely impressed about my training diary, following all his instructions and losing 9 kilos / 20 pounds since I last time saw him two months and two days ago.
(He did also ask could I strip to undies and could he go through all my back muscles with his hands since I am one of the only patients that he has had that has sticked with everything. So I layed there like 10 minutes flexing different muscles and also stretching for him.)

Yes, sorry if I sounded like a broken record. You are absolutely right in that you should not begin strength training until you have a green light from your specialists. You are moving in the right directions and I always love to see your progress!
But now when he said that I have managed to have such an awesome progress this far, he thinks I can now start to do yoga if I wish and he also actually now recommended doing squats with light or moderate (not too heavy) bar and also he said I could now benefit from deadlifts as well. So I think it is finally time to slowly start to change my program! Pete, you have had awesome ideas. Now would be the perfect time to help me out, if you still want to. ^_^ I don't know how to deadlift at all. I don't know what else should I be doing than those. Suggestions are now warmly welcome! I think I might even contact my physiotherapist and see can she see me the one last time.

If I go back to the awesomeness of my day, I basicly at work hugged everyone and didn't again do nothing else but were happy about life. :D Gym went also extremely nicely, even if I had slept under five hours in total.

And like the day couldn't have been perfect enough, I was contacted from my second working place (I work for two different places and my fulltime job is going to end this month so I can concentrade to my graduating thesis better). They offered me to do 60 hours in total during the three first week of September. As a freelancer my hourly pay is admittedly quite alright so I couldn't refuse so it seems I will postpone the thesis a bit (again).

Also because I am going to have couple thousands extra I decided I need a vacation and booked myself tickets to UK. I am going to have a rest week on October. :D

Even if I would have tried to imagine a day with the best possible news, I couldn't have come up with all of this awesomeness!

Already ate my box of brownies at work, 1700 calories of pure garbage, what else am I gonna eat?? Pb & honey sandwhiches? :/
You are such a meanie... I am drooling in here (both you and the brownies).

Well, pant size. Not dress size. I could become a double zero in pant size (no I couldn't lol) and my boobs would stop me from getting a dress any smaller than a 12.

Not that I wear dresses anyway.

Get a fitting at Change! I consider them the best for getting your "real" size. They have cup sizes from A-K (I believe), instead of just stopping at DD and then going up in the band. When I was measured at other stores, they gave me the garbage "oh you're a 40DD" and those sizes were always really uncomfortable. Then I got my "real" size and it's much better, all bras I buy fit and are comfortable now :)

I'm not going to drop another 20lbs in two weeks so... Won't take pictures of myself other than maybe a couple face shots. Don't want to ruin my pictures. Sigh.
The only trousers I own are actually the ones I work out. I am totally all dresses and skirts. :D Love them. I generally have them made for me by measures though so it doesn't really matter what size I really am to get them.

I have also the same problem with dresses though, since I actually like fitting clothes but most of them won't fit to me cause of the shoulders or cause of the tits. If it fits now from the waist, the tit section is most likely going to be too tight. There is couple brands though that make the upper part roomy enough for even me!

I am going to get myself measured at some point, I promise! I am also planning to buy bras from UK, since they have huge selection of sizes! :D

By the way it makes me sad that you are not satisfied with yourself. I love your body type and what you look like and if feels you are not really appreciating it enough. I weight around 30-40 pounds more than you do, and I am definitely going to take photos in UK! It doesn't matter what size you are - it matters what you think of yourself!

God damnit. I could've sworn I changed it successfully yesterday.
Yay! I managed to now see all of your vids.

You have awesome attitude and great improvements to be seen in the movements. Really good that you posted them in here.

You will be a sexy beast if you stick with us! (Not that you wouldn't look quite alright already! ;) )

critique away.
Hahah, if I need to give you some feedback, I would appreciate more fitting pants in the future. ;) Looking good there sweetie!


Hey FitnessGAF,

When front squatting, I always have a difficult time with Olympic grip (the strain on my wrists causes a lot of pain, even with corrective exercises and wrist stretches). Instead I've been using the cross-armed grip, and I was wondering if there's really a difference (or pro's and con's) to either grip.


Hey FitnessGAF,

When front squatting, I always have a difficult time with Olympic grip (the strain on my wrists causes a lot of pain, even with corrective exercises and wrist stretches). Instead I've been using the cross-armed grip, and I was wondering if there's really a difference (or pro's and con's) to either grip.
Front squats and grip styles were discussed a few weeks ago. Here's what Brolic Gaoler said; I bolded that sentence, I can see some truth in that.
Sometimes these bother my wrists, but I just push through it anyway. I'd really try to do them like I do instead of the cross arm technique if you can. I've heard/read that the cross arm technique actually limits how much upper back involvement there is if you do it that way. I can tell you right now after doing this yesterday my upper back, glutes, quads, hams, and abs are sore as hell and I didn't even do much volume.


Hey FitnessGAF,

When front squatting, I always have a difficult time with Olympic grip (the strain on my wrists causes a lot of pain, even with corrective exercises and wrist stretches). Instead I've been using the cross-armed grip, and I was wondering if there's really a difference (or pro's and con's) to either grip.

How do you OHP? It's the same grip.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
How do you OHP? It's the same grip.
Nope. Front squat grip is arms parallel to the floor, hands relaxed, often less than five fingers under the bar and bar resting on shoulders, under your chin and against your throat.


This day was perfection in numerous different levels.

First I met with my doctor about my back and I heard what every patient would like to hear - according to him my back is so well healed that I don't need to see him about this matter anymore! He was honestly extremely impressed about my training diary, following all his instructions and losing 9 kilos / 20 pounds since I last time saw him two months and two days ago.
(He did also ask could I strip to undies and could he go through all my back muscles with his hands since I am one of the only patients that he has had that has sticked with everything. So I layed there like 10 minutes flexing different muscles and also stretching for him.)

Yaaaaaaas! I'm so happy to hear that :) and everything else too. Congrats! :D

The only trousers I own are actually the ones I work out. I am totally all dresses and skirts. :D Love them. I generally have them made for me by measures though so it doesn't really matter what size I really am to get them.

I have also the same problem with dresses though, since I actually like fitting clothes but most of them won't fit to me cause of the shoulders or cause of the tits. If it fits now from the waist, the tit section is most likely going to be too tight. There is couple brands though that make the upper part roomy enough for even me!

I am going to get myself measured at some point, I promise! I am also planning to buy bras from UK, since they have huge selection of sizes! :D

By the way it makes me sad that you are not satisfied with yourself. I love your body type and what you look like and if feels you are not really appreciating it enough. I weight around 30-40 pounds more than you do, and I am definitely going to take photos in UK! It doesn't matter what size you are - it matters what you think of yourself!

Ha ha, I hate dresses and skirts. They just don't work on me. They make me look really stupid and awkward and my legs just should...not be shown. Bad all around.

Boo buying shirts is so tough for me. I always end up with super tight on the top and very baggy around the midsection. Just a pain. And don't even get me started on button ups. Lol.

I'm glad that you're going to get yourself professionally fitted! I bet you will be surprised at what your actual size is.

You already know what I think of myself lol. No pictures of me, it is! Maybe of my face but nothing other than that.


I'm looking to alter my plan a bit. Any suggestions what to change / add?

I usually do either 1x10, 1x8, 1x6 or 3x10 (or till exhaustion) with less weight.
Day 1 (Chest + Biceps):
-Bench Press + super set
-Incline Bench Press
-Dumbbell chest flys
-Dumbbell biceps curls (standing)
-Seated concentration curls (last set till exhaustion)

Day 2 (Triceps + Back):
-Close grip bench press + super set
-Cable triceps extension (+ super set)
-Upright cable rows + super set
-Pulldowns to chest
-Pulldowns to back
-Cable rows
-3x12 Hyperextensions w/ weights in hand

Day 3 (Legs+Abs):
-Leg press
-1x Leg extensions super set
-Leg curls
-3-4x Seated calf raises
-3x up to 20 (min: 20,15,10) Horizontal crunch machine
-3x20 Side bends

I tried to super set Squats once. Never again.


Friend wants to get into lifting, so I went to the gym today to show him the basics. Was showing him how to deadlift, and my back couldn't even handle 135 without acting up.

Been awhile since I injured it. I guess I'm off to see the doctor again!

Good news is that I was able to bench 175 lb without my shoulder injury flaring up. So I may be able to ease back into that.


I've been dealing with shoulder impingement for a couple months and stopped flat BB benching (OHP is fine surprisingly since I've narrowed my grip and hand placement) in favor of neutral grip DB bench for the past 6 weeks or so with less pain.

I tried flat bb bench today at about 70% of my max, and i was definitely feeling some irritation after my last set. i feel like i finally got an adequate chest workout as opposed to using the DBs, but i dont think i can deal with the irritation long-term. should i go back to DB press only? what are some additional chest exercises i can add? i tried cable crossovers, but even those irritated my shoulder.

Try to narrow your grip slightly on the bench and change the able of your upper arms a bit to bring the bar down slightly lower in the chest. You'll give up a small amout of weight but it's way easier on the shoulders.

It also may be worth your time to take a week off the shoulder movements as your shoulder is inflamed. Also stay away from wide grip benching and upright rows.
Just did rack pulls 405 x 8 this morning; not bad for an old man lol! I've been giving squats and deads a break while my knee heals, so it's good to know I've retained some strength. Just wanted to share; feeling pretty good right now.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
Got a hamstring strain from running. Have a bit of a limp. it just bothers me, doesn't hurt that much.

Went to the gym anyway but focused on upper body, no squats ,deadlifts or standing OHP. Leg got hurt.

I guess I need to stop all exercise (?).
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