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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Got a hamstring strain from running. Have a bit of a limp. it just bothers me, doesn't hurt that much.

Went to the gym anyway but focused on upper body, no squats ,deadlifts or standing OHP. Leg got hurt.

I guess I need to stop all exercise (?).
Don't stop everything, just work around it. Trust me, I can relate. I'm just glad my knee was just strained, instead of something worse. Have you ever had a deep tissue massage? That could help in your recovery. I had it done for the first time last week, and I got off of that table feeling like a superhero.


So guys, i came back from a 7-days music festival were all of my peers (20yrs) walked around shirtless and with really well fit bodies, i felt like a kid, or a grandpa.
For once, i feel slightly motived to try some fitness.
I just want to get rid of the usual belly fat (that combined with being extremely hairy doesn't make it a really appealing package for the ladies) and get an healtier look.
Note that i don't have any money to join a gym, so everything should be in-house.
Also, jumping the rope works for the above? It's random, but i really like it :p

Where do i start? Help me Fit-Gaf!


So guys, i came back from a 7-days music festival were all of my peers (20yrs) walked around shirtless and with really well fit bodies, i felt like a kid, or a grandpa.
For once, i feel slightly motived to try some fitness.
I just want to get rid of the usual belly fat (that combined with being extremely hairy doesn't make it a really appealing package for the ladies) and get an healtier look.
Note that i don't have any money to join a gym, so everything should be in-house.
Also, jumping the rope works for the above? It's random, but i really like it :p

Where do i start? Help me Fit-Gaf!

Start by reading the OP and looking at the body weight stuff
I haven't been as active in this thread or cebtky, but just wanted to sign-in and say things are going well on my end and also all the pics you guys/gals have posted recently are mighty impressive. Some swoll-ass people in here.


Hey guys, I started doing P90 about a month ago (P90 without the X), and I'm starting to wonder just how wrong I'm doing my protein intake.

I'm currently 6'1" and 217lbs, and my goal is to get to 180ish and be lean.

On my strength days, I'm only taking in about 50g of whey protein. Is this pretty much worthless, going by the 1g/1lb rule? For the sake of keeping my costs down, would I still benefit from upping it to let's say 100g a day?

Also, should I be taking in that much protein every day, including my rest day and my cardio days?


Anyone looking to eat more broccoli, oven roasted broccoli with olive oil and salt + pepper is the bomb...optional, add some minced garlic to it


Anyone looking to eat more broccoli, oven roasted broccoli with olive oil and salt + pepper is the bomb...optional, add some minced garlic to it

Add lemon juice, pine nuts, and parmesan.

Just scheduled a doctors appointment for my back. They told me I HAVE to go to my primary care physician first. So going to go pay $25 copay and push back seeing a specialist for longer than I want, only for my physician to misdiagnose me and refer me to a specialist anyways (like he did for my shoulder).


Anyone looking to eat more broccoli, oven roasted broccoli with olive oil and salt + pepper is the bomb...optional, add some minced garlic to it

Not broccoli, but I used a very simple recipe for pan seared Ahi tuna last night. It was really good.

Season 2, 5oz tuna steaks liberally with cayenne pepper and kosher salt (recipe calls for 1/4 teaspoon cayenne and 1 teaspoon salt but i used a little less salt)

on medium high heat saute 1 teaspoon of whole pepper corns in 1/2 tbl spoon of butter and 2 tbl spoon of olive oil until the pepper corns pop.

Cook the tuna steaks for 1.5 mins on each side for rare.

After removing the tuna steaks I threw in 3 cups of baby spinach and sauteed that enough to wilt the leaves.

Took 15 mins tops.

Pete Rock

But now when he said that I have managed to have such an awesome progress this far, he thinks I can now start to do yoga if I wish and he also actually now recommended doing squats with light or moderate (not too heavy) bar and also he said I could now benefit from deadlifts as well. So I think it is finally time to slowly start to change my program! Pete, you have had awesome ideas. Now would be the perfect time to help me out, if you still want to. ^_^ I don't know how to deadlift at all. I don't know what else should I be doing than those. Suggestions are now warmly welcome! I think I might even contact my physiotherapist and see can she see me the one last time.
I would suggest buying a copy of Starting Strength, reading it front to back and beginning the alternate program that doesn't incorporate power-cleans. That movement is highly technical, very intimidating and is really not a great thing for an absolute novice to be struggling with.

Replace your other strength training methods and frequency with that program, keep your diet in check and keep doing yoga for pre/rehab and flexibility training. You will gain lean muscle tissue while burning fat and this will help you become stronger and more well toned over your entire body. What's not to love?

I am excited to hear you have been given the go-ahead by your doctor and I think you will really enjoy the process. It's a lot of work, but that goes for everything worth doing. When I look at your body I see no reason you could not make significant strides with the core compound lifts, squats and deadlifts. You should still bench and overhead press but those lag behind for everyone, particularly women. No big deal.
Try to narrow your grip slightly on the bench and change the able of your upper arms a bit to bring the bar down slightly lower in the chest. You'll give up a small amout of weight but it's way easier on the shoulders.

It also may be worth your time to take a week off the shoulder movements as your shoulder is inflamed. Also stay away from wide grip benching and upright rows.

thanks, i'll try going narrower..like just outside the smooth parts of the bar? that would be about shoulder width for me. and i'll go low in the chest, but i assume the bar path wouldn't be truly vertical--is that okay?

do you mean to take a week off of pressing movements? or also avoid lat raises and accessory work?
trust me, i'm done wide grip benching and I haven't done upright rows in years.


I made this French "broast" this morning, it was pretty tasty. I made it with a couple of slices of Ezekiel bread because I happened to spot it in the store yesterday, but I think I will play around with the recipe using some lower carb bread and maybe toss some sliced strawberries on top.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Guess now's a pretty good time to talk about it, because I love this community and the friends I've made here.

Yesterday I went in to the Low T clinic to find out if I truly do have low testosterone. I've been depressed for a few years, and while I'm happy with my gains and fat loss, I have a lot of mood issues that sounded like something I should check, so I finally did.

I'm low. I was so happy to hear that, because it provides a reason why I've been feeling so shitty. So, I'm on an injection every two weeks to help fix this. I won't notice any changes until about a month out or more, but I'm optimistic.

All I have to do is make it a month. Depression and shit has been hammering me into the ground lately, just need to make it.
Nope. Front squat grip is arms parallel to the floor, hands relaxed, often less than five fingers under the bar and bar resting on shoulders, under your chin and against your throat.

Took me a few months to get this grip down. I use to hold it like I am doing OHP in fear of dropping the weight. Feels good to finally get this grip down and enjoy this movement. I like it much better than the back squat as it puts no pressure on my lower back.


New BroScienceLife video: How to be a Gym Hater

thanks, i'll try going narrower..like just outside the smooth parts of the bar? that would be about shoulder width for me. and i'll go low in the chest, but i assume the bar path wouldn't be truly vertical--is that okay?
That's fine. Jason Blaha answered a similar question a few months ago in this portion of the video. You can also read Izzy's article from PowerLiftingToWin on bench press bar path; since you have shoulder impingement, it might be worth reading the whole thing since it is also discussed as I was skimming through it. The SS book also talked about this "inefficiency" in the bench press bar path.

EDIT: I'll even make a guess that you have a shoulder impingement because you're trying to bench with a vertical bar path. Don't do that unless you're an equipped powerlifter.


Guess now's a pretty good time to talk about it, because I love this community and the friends I've made here.

Yesterday I went in to the Low T clinic to find out if I truly do have low testosterone. I've been depressed for a few years, and while I'm happy with my gains and fat loss, I have a lot of mood issues that sounded like something I should check, so I finally did.

I'm low. I was so happy to hear that, because it provides a reason why I've been feeling so shitty. So, I'm on an injection every two weeks to help fix this. I won't notice any changes until about a month out or more, but I'm optimistic.

All I have to do is make it a month. Depression and shit has been hammering me into the ground lately, just need to make it.

Stay strong, brother. We're all here if you're ever depressed and wanna chat


Guess now's a pretty good time to talk about it, because I love this community and the friends I've made here.

Yesterday I went in to the Low T clinic to find out if I truly do have low testosterone. I've been depressed for a few years, and while I'm happy with my gains and fat loss, I have a lot of mood issues that sounded like something I should check, so I finally did.

I'm low. I was so happy to hear that, because it provides a reason why I've been feeling so shitty. So, I'm on an injection every two weeks to help fix this. I won't notice any changes until about a month out or more, but I'm optimistic.

All I have to do is make it a month. Depression and shit has been hammering me into the ground lately, just need to make it.

Shit Vince, depression is awful to deal with. It's great that you're on a path to improving though! You can do it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I also will be seeing a therapist because it's getting pretty serious, but I hope fixing my levels will go a long way towards feeling better.


Hey guys, I started doing P90 about a month ago (P90 without the X), and I'm starting to wonder just how wrong I'm doing my protein intake.

I'm currently 6'1" and 217lbs, and my goal is to get to 180ish and be lean.

On my strength days, I'm only taking in about 50g of whey protein. Is this pretty much worthless, going by the 1g/1lb rule? For the sake of keeping my costs down, would I still benefit from upping it to let's say 100g a day?

Also, should I be taking in that much protein every day, including my rest day and my cardio days?

What you're doing is mostly cardio. If you're wanting to lose weight, work on your total caloric intake and try something like a 40/30/30 split or a keto diet. You're not building muscle with P90 so that's probably a lot of wasted protein.


Time to lift on 3.5 hours sleep. Lets see how much this affects my numbers.
Ouch. I feel you there. I went to gym when I had slept under 15 hours in the last three days in total. Hopefully it went well for you though.

Haven't weighed myself in awhile. 214. Lol whoops. Well I don't feel 214... Actually feeling pretty good!!
As you should. :D

I actually weight a ton, but I don't feel like it anymore. It is also insane that I have asked couple people to estimate how much I weight and they have been around 30-45 pounds wrong. I might be carrying it well, but I definitely want to get rid of at least some of the extra still.

I would suggest buying a copy of Starting Strength, reading it front to back and beginning the alternate program that doesn't incorporate power-cleans. That movement is highly technical, very intimidating and is really not a great thing for an absolute novice to be struggling with.

Replace your other strength training methods and frequency with that program, keep your diet in check and keep doing yoga for pre/rehab and flexibility training. You will gain lean muscle tissue while burning fat and this will help you become stronger and more well toned over your entire body. What's not to love?

I am excited to hear you have been given the go-ahead by your doctor and I think you will really enjoy the process. It's a lot of work, but that goes for everything worth doing. When I look at your body I see no reason you could not make significant strides with the core compound lifts, squats and deadlifts. You should still bench and overhead press but those lag behind for everyone, particularly women. No big deal.
Thanks for replying honey! This all sounds very good. Where could I actually buy it? I don't have a kindle and I hate reading from the screen so I would love to get it as a hard copy or in some form I could go and just print out. I have a visa card so some reliable place to buy it would be great. Is the full title of the book "Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training" or should I buy some other version of it?

Also my doc specifically said not to even try to go up with the weights yet though, but just keep them to low or medium and increase the repetitions. Is this a good program for that kind of things? Generally that might be an ill advice, I know, but this far he has actually done extremely wonderful work what comes of making me feel better and healing my back so... I don't know am I actually at least yet willing to do against his advices.

What comes to free weights the only thing I have actually done is barbell bench press and squats. I know I can't do a single pull-up. I suck I know
(I am actually fairly good at it I may add)
, but will these be a problem when starting?

Yoga - I really like the idea of loving it, since according to all rumours it is awesome. This far I have been more into pilates though. Can you (or someone else) actually point me a good solid yoga program I could do at home following a video or something similar? I am ready to give it a try and I truly hope I could grow to like it. If needed I can go to yoga classes (again) but then I would definitely need to know what kind of yoga you would recommend for me, since asthanga at least as far as I remember was just a pure torture.

I do apology for asking million silly questions and being an annoying newbie - I am really planning of slowly changing what I am doing, but I would first just want to make sure I know what I should be doing and how to do it. I am not really planning to fuck my back again. I also hope I will manage to get a hold of my physiotherapist. She might be having her summer holiday. Also even if I would catch her, I am not really sure would I anymore get free sessions with her since I am basicly quite alright at the moment (my university health care system provided them). I will still contact her and see what she thinks and does she also have any ideas what to do next.

I need to add that I am not afraid of the hard work since I think that everything requires it if you want to see results. I am also really much a fan of the idea of getting a program that would be more beneficial than the one I am now having.

Yaaaaaaas! I'm so happy to hear that :) and everything else too. Congrats! :D

Ha ha, I hate dresses and skirts. They just don't work on me. They make me look really stupid and awkward and my legs just should...not be shown. Bad all around.

Boo buying shirts is so tough for me. I always end up with super tight on the top and very baggy around the midsection. Just a pain. And don't even get me started on button ups. Lol.

I'm glad that you're going to get yourself professionally fitted! I bet you will be surprised at what your actual size is.

You already know what I think of myself lol. No pictures of me, it is! Maybe of my face but nothing other than that.
Thanks sweetie.

I am sure fitting pencil skirt would fit you just fine. What comes to button ups, well, I hate them as well. :p

But hey, what comes to your looks I think I might just give up - I won't change my mind and you won't change your mind so there is no point of talking about it anymore. My advice is to do what ever you can to change your attitude toward yourself so you could be happy about yourself, but based on your comments, I think you have surrended what comes to that.

I also will be seeing a therapist because it's getting pretty serious, but I hope fixing my levels will go a long way towards feeling better.
Awww, poor babe. I am sure you can overcome it. It is also a good start that you can talk about it and that you have seeked for help from both therapist and from the shots. We are all here for you. If you ever feel like it, just hit me with a pm. You are going to make it! Just stay strong my friend!


Also my doc specifically said not to even try to go up with the weights yet though, but just keep them to low or medium and increase the repetitions. Is this a good program for that kind of things? Generally that might be an ill advice, I know, but this far he has actually done extremely wonderful work what comes of making me feel better and healing my back so... I don't know am I actually at least yet willing to do against his advices.

What comes to free weights the only thing I have actually done is barbell bench press and squats. I know I can't do a single pull-up. I suck I know
(I am actually fairly good at it I may add)
, but will these be a problem when starting?

Yoga - I really like the idea of loving it, since according to all rumours it is awesome. This far I have been more into pilates though. Can you (or someone else) actually point me a good solid yoga program I could do at home following a video or something similar? I am ready to give it a try and I truly hope I could grow to like it. If needed I can go to yoga classes (again) but then I would definitely need to know what kind of yoga you would recommend for me, since asthanga at least as far as I remember was just a pure torture.

Starting Strength is all about adding weight every workout, so no, it wouldn't be a good program at this time. It will help you learn the correct form, however.

SS doesn't use pull-ups, but there is a variant called Practical Programming that swaps out the power cleans for pull-ups. Since power cleans may not be a good idea for you, you might want to do that with weight assists on the pull-ups (either with resistance bands or a pull-up machine).

As for yoga, I would really recommend you take a class rather than do a home video. It's way too easy to do things incorrectly and injure yourself.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Anyone have any thoughts on the Texas Method? How do you guys like it compared to Madcow 5x5?


Anyone have any thoughts on the Texas Method? How do you guys like it compared to Madcow 5x5?

I have no experience with those programs but Izzy from PowerliftingToWin reviewed those two programs. I would take a look at the reviews because Izzy is very knowledgeable.
Madcow’s 5×5
Moving right along in the programming series, it is time to begin reviewing intermediate style programming. The first program that will fall under our analytical lens is Madcow’s 5×5. Madcow’s is one of the single most popular training programs of all-time. But is popularity any indication of its quality? In this review, I look at the effectiveness of applying Madcow’s programming to the lifter primarily interested in improving his powerlifting results. My conclusion might not be what you were expecting.

The Texas Method
Continuing with our intermediate program reviews, the Texas Method is next up for dissection. I am simultaneously a big fan of the Texas Method and a hater. I find the programmatic structure to be ideal, but I also find the generic version of the template to be greatly lacking in terms of specificity. If you want further information on my recommendations with regards to the Texas Method, this is the review for you.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I just to say thanks Vince for the words of kindness in that thread I made. Me and Fit gaf im sure are here for you whenever you need us...

I'm sorry you're hurting inside, brother. It'll make us all stronger, but goddamn if it doesn't feel like hell right now. Lonely Lifters Club.


Thanks for pointing out MyFitnessPal everyone.

I was vastly underconsuming Sugar, feeling worlds better today now that I'm supplementing it more heavily alongside meals. (Have to eat pure Dextrose, fructose does very bad things to me.)


What you're doing is mostly cardio. If you're wanting to lose weight, work on your total caloric intake and try something like a 40/30/30 split or a keto diet. You're not building muscle with P90 so that's probably a lot of wasted protein.

Well that's a bummer, but good to know. Thanks.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
What you're doing is mostly cardio. If you're wanting to lose weight, work on your total caloric intake and try something like a 40/30/30 split or a keto diet. You're not building muscle with P90 so that's probably a lot of wasted protein.

I'm calling bullshit that you won't build muscle on P90x. I've never done the program, nor do I ever intend to, but a brief look at it shows that there is plenty of resistance training involved.

If you haven't already been doing a lot of strength training, it's highly unlikely that you're going to *not* build some amount of muscle.

I definitely don't think these mixed aerobic/anaerobic programs are ideal for strength training, but they are better than doing nothing for sure.
I'm calling bullshit that you won't build muscle on P90x. I've never done the program, nor do I ever intend to, but a brief look at it shows that there is plenty of resistance training involved.

If you haven't already been doing a lot of strength training, it's highly unlikely that you're going to *not* build some amount of muscle.

I definitely don't think these mixed aerobic/anaerobic programs are ideal for strength training, but they are better than doing nothing for sure.
I did p90x 2 years ago and I did see some noob gains on it. Anybody who hasn't lifted shit will see some results with any resistance program including p90x

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Took me a few months to get this grip down. I use to hold it like I am doing OHP in fear of dropping the weight. Feels good to finally get this grip down and enjoy this movement. I like it much better than the back squat as it puts no pressure on my lower back.
Haha, I had the opposite problem. Found the front squat grip came very naturally to me and also started learning the Olympic lifts at the same time. Fast forward a month or so and I was training with a friend and asked him to have a look at my ohp, which was stagnating. He took one look at me and said "why are you holding it like you're about to front squat it?"

But yeah, I also find the front squat with a proper clean grip to be a very satisfying movement, especially the core involvement.


Ouch. I feel you there. I went to gym when I had slept under 15 hours in the last three days in total. Hopefully it went well for you though.

Crazily enough it was fine.

First two sets of bench I felt a tad sick but after that whatever wall was there got knocked down and completed the workout.

Did loaf up heavy on carbs and protein before the workout to compensate for the poor sleep and that seemed to help it seems.


I am sure fitting pencil skirt would fit you just fine. What comes to button ups, well, I hate them as well. :p

But hey, what comes to your looks I think I might just give up - I won't change my mind and you won't change your mind so there is no point of talking about it anymore. My advice is to do what ever you can to change your attitude toward yourself so you could be happy about yourself, but based on your comments, I think you have surrended what comes to that.

Pencil skirt would be so unflattering on me, oh god. Lol. I don't even want to picture it.

Yep. :p

Kickboxing today, but it wasn't great...my belly hurts :( oh well. Still did it!

Sads, you should do yoga! I agree with Zoe, definitely go to a class, though. I do mine at home because I'm cheap, but I was going to classes so I kind of have a general idea how to do things without hurting myself haha.


General question for all. I brought up a couple months ago my calf seizing up. People suggest magnesium. I have been taking magnesium everyday and...the calf thing is getting more frequent :(

I had one last month, then another this month last week, then ANOTHER last night (on my opposite leg).

Wtf. :( And I don't even do it when I'm exercising. It always happens when I'm asleep and it wakes me up half-screaming :(

Suggestions? Time to just see a doctor and see if they will recommend anything other than magnesium? It's not like I don't stretch my calves, they get a pretty decent amount when I do my yoga, and every work out except the kickboxing has seated leg stretches at the end. :/


Vince, I hope leveling out your hormones helps with your depression. Depression sucks :( I'm glad you're going to go to therapy as well, it can definitely help. I saw someone for about a year.


Washing dishes and my wife comes up from behind and says, "your calves look sexy." I don't train calves! SMH. Got a lot more work to do so she notices the right parts :)


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Washing dishes and my wife comes up from behind and says, "your calves look sexy." I don't train calves! SMH. Got a lot more work to do so she notices the right parts :)
That's one compliment I've yet to receive. Soak that one in!


So pissed off, fuckin injured myself doing plyo jumps. Sprained my knee near MCL area by landing weird on 180 degree squat jumps. It's not THAT bad I can wobble around but it's going to take a few weeks to heal. ughhhh


Slayer of Combofiends
just got the strength book recommended in OP and am switching gyms with free barbells, let the true transformation begin!


I strained my groin muscle on my right side. Guess I'm not doing squats for a couple weeks. Do you guys think bench, ohp, bb rows and deadlifts are safe to do? And what can I do to replace squats until I can do them pain free?
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