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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Here's an old post I made for someone else regarding OHP videos. I also bolded an important part of the lift; you want to stay tight.
If it isn't form: Is it your rest time between sets too short? Getting enough sleep? Eating enough? Thoughts on getting micro-plates to increase the weight in smaller increments?


Sorry guys, I should have read the OP before posting.

I'm also not really doing what any of the rest of you are. I'm just trying to get in shape and am mostly using my body (sit ups, squats with no weights, and wall push ups since I'm to weak to do regular push ups right now) instead of equipment, save for curls.

Again sorry to bother everyone.

Bodyweight stuff is cool. I used https://fitloop.co/routines/bwf-beginner-routine when I was doing bodyweight. reddit bodyweightfitness is a good resource too.

OOps sorry for DP.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Sorry guys, I should have read the OP before posting.

I'm also not really doing what any of the rest of you are. I'm just trying to get in shape and am mostly using my body (sit ups, squats with no weights, and wall push ups since I'm to weak to do regular push ups right now) instead of equipment, save for curls.

Again sorry to bother everyone.

After just having finished reading it a bit ago and started working on the progression routines outlined therein, I highly recommend picking up a copy of Convict Conditioning if you want to go the body weight route. Very good book on getting really strong using just your body weight.


Happy late birthday Cooter! Looking beastly @ 35. I am turning 31 September 1st and will be on the last full day of my California vacation. I am leaving on the 25th and super excited to get the hell out of West Texas.

I am a little late to the bicep train but here is my work in progress.


I'm more of a triceps guy :(

Bonus back shot. Things are starting to pop.



Slayer of Combofiends
2nd day of Creatine and 2nd day of a unsettled stomach and tons of gas. Hope my body adapts to it soon!

Put it in a blender, goes down a lot smoother.

Hello all you wonderful people.

I finally started going back to the gym last week after 1,5 months of laziness in the heat.
I started out with a session to check how I feel, and after that I've been doing the full body plan from the OP, along with a promise to cut down on alcohol. It's been going good, with friends saying my form looks good when I've asked them.

Today though, I decided to record my one set of deadlift since I've already surpassed my workload from before my lazy period, from 70*5 to 80*5 kg in 3 sessions, and even got 100kg up last session without any snapping.
Either way I'm not sure what to think of my form: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UiuMMuyfr4&feature=youtu.be
It looks like the lower part of my back is very rounded (Esp. rep 2), and my legs are moving too much before my upper body starts lifting sometimes? It might be minor since it still felt good, but I dunno, so I thought I'd show it here.

Also, I made a quick 10 week template for the (Slightly altered) full body program in the OP: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dbvgkkwarm26e0z/FullBodyBeginnerOriginal.xlsx.gsheet

You are saint. Don't let anyone change that.


I can't open it... Do you mean uploading it again just as a .xsl file? I got Excel 2007 but can't open it without google.

Edit 2:

Scratch that, it won't even let me get access into it!


You are saint. Don't let anyone change that.


I can't open it... Do you mean uploading it again just as a .xsl file? I got Excel 2007 but can't open it without google.

Edit 2:

Scratch that, it won't even let me get access into it!
I don't know entirely what you mean, but thanks a lot!

D'oh. I mistakenly uploaded a Goodle Drive shortcut. Fixed*

Some lines are missing from the online preview.


Slayer of Combofiends
I don't know entirely what you mean, but thanks a lot!

D'oh. I mistakenly uploaded a Goodle Drive shortcut. Fixed*

Some lines are missing from the online preview.

My brain has been feeling burned out, sleeping schedule has been out of whack going to bed at 3 in the morning for the past 2 days so half of my sentences don't even make sense... Thanks for the update and its perfect! Gonna start sleeping at 10 today!


Put it in a blender, goes down a lot smoother.

but it's already micronized fine dust! i don't think it's a digestion thing, think it's more of a body reacting to having 5g of creatine a day and getting used to it.

the stomach discomfort and wind was a bit better today than yesterday so hopefully that means it's adapting fast and soon it will be a non issue


Anyone got any good videos for OHP? I'm doing stronglifts but I'm stuck at 32.5kg. 5,5,3,5,4 last week then 5,4,4,4,3 this week. I probably could've gotten 4 in the last set but I was just so annoyed with the lift that I just gave up. I'm thinking that maybe my form in wrong somehow so any explanatory vids would really help.

I've been there before with the same weight using SL. How long have you been on SL? I think while SL is great to start you really need to move on after 6 months max. Maybe introduce dips & pull-ups. 3x5 OHP followed by 50 dips and / or 20 pull-ups? 5x5 maxing out the weight each time get's frustrating as it's such a hard lift to progress.


Been watching True Blood on my 20 minute HIIT session. Takes 3 sessions to finish an episode. Makes this HIIT from Hell go much faster lol.
Hahah. I know that feeling. When I go to gym I am always hoping there is something good coming from the telly. :D

I am a little late to the bicep train but here is my work in progress.


I'm more of a triceps guy :(

Bonus back shot. Things are starting to pop.

I am sure they booked a seat for you. I am definitely loving what I am seeing! ;)


Wish could say this was what my arm still looks like :(

lost ALL my gains....

I gained 15 pounds since ( I got carried away with my bulk and got a back injury on top of it)

So now I can't really lift too much but I'm hoping to lose only 6-8 pounds cause my booty looked fine as hell with a little weight on (squat gods, thank you)

I feel like a huge fucking cow so hopefully looking at this thread will motivate me to get back there
For fuck's sake what is wrong with women these days.

You look great on that pic, even if you would add 15 pounds to that there is absolutely no possible way of you looking like "a huge fucking cow".


I hate this bloody mentality that chicks these days seem to be having.

Sorry for the rant, but I think that hating your body what ever you may look like is utterly idiotic. But hey, you are anyways very welcome and I am sure we are all anxious to see your progress in here! :D
Also that booty shot would be highly appreciated. ;)

Edit, ok, I read what you wrote again and I do apology: you said you feel like that not that you look like that - that I can understand. Just start hitting the gym, clean your diet and I am sure that within couple weeks you will feel like your energetic self again. :D

Here is my puny brocep shot :(
It seems it is not only women whining about their looks. :p Naughty boy.

Kitty, you have a really nice arm from what I can tell.

Looool I understand. Also, the US/Canada market is the worst for bras. I either shop online or there is ONE chain in Canada that I can get bras from. No, US sizes are the worst. My actual size is 32i, but if I were to try to buy at, say, La Senza, I'd have to buy like a 40DD (and they barely have any lol). It sucks.

Thank god for Brastop online and Change chain in Canada. Otherwise I was relegated to buying ~specialty~ bras that only came in nude and cost me upwards of $150. Now I have bras with colours and polka dots :')

I went back to cardio tonight and oh god. Even though it's only been two weeks or so since I've done cardio (since I was doing strength stuff), my normal routine kicked my ass. I almost puked ._. Gotta work harder and get my endurance for cardio back. I think these last couple weeks before I go, I'm just going to rotate. Cardio - Strength Yoga - Strength circuit - rest, repeat. See where that gets me before September 3.

I didn't lose that fast last time. I went from a size 14 (... :((((((...) to a size 7/8 in like 10 months. Not that great.
You manage to get your dress size to half of what it was within 10 months and you don't think that is great? You silly.

Ooh! And we do have "Change" store in the city and I visited it today. I noticed that their cup sized are way smaller than in other brands and if I would buy from them, I would need to go up couple cup sizes, but they have really nice colours and models. I will definitely go and visit it again! Thanks for the tip!

Rotating the workouts sounds like a good thing to do! I hope you all the best for the time you have to hit your goals before the trip! ^_^

Hello all you wonderful people.
Either way I'm not sure what to think of my form: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UiuMMuyfr4&feature=youtu.be
Well hello there sweetie pie.

I would have loved to stalk you a bit, but it unfortunately says to me that the video is set to private and thus I am unable to see it.


Has anyone exerted so hard during a squat that it felt like blood vessels in either side of your head were going to pop and subsequently gave you a headache? This has happened during my last two workouts so it's got me a little freaked out.

I don't know if I am maybe breathing incorrectly or not focusing my exertion in the right place? On the other hand, I am working on 1700 calories these days to lose weigh so my workouts have started to become a real grind, even though I am still progressing on some of my lifts. Maybe I should back off the intensity a little until I reach my goal weight?


I have been quite satisfied with my progress this far, even though I know I am far from the goal. Today when I was on my 2 hours nordic walking trip, I actually started to think what I am doing different compared to the times when I tried to lose weight and didn't succeed at all. I realized that this time I am not really even trying to lose weight, but get healthier and feel good and the weight loss just kinda comes with them. Also one of the main thinks I understood was that before even if I changed my diet and tried to work out, I was unsatisfied with myself and couldn't even imagine myself of being more fit or even remotely sexy. Now I don't have basicly any negative thoughts about my appearence at the moment but I am just concentrating of what I want to become and I know I can do it. This recipe seems to work for me at least.

I think that getting used to this will take some time though. I have been so lost with my size lately and picking too big clothes for myself every time I go shopping. I haven't yet fully understood that I am down 8 dress sizes. Feels extremely good.

Has anyone exerted so hard during a squat that it felt like blood vessels in either side of your head were going to pop and subsequently gave you a headache? This has happened during my last two workouts so it's got me a little freaked out.

I don't know if I am maybe breathing incorrectly or not focusing my exertion in the right place? On the other hand, I am working on 1700 calories these days to lose weigh so my workouts have started to become a real grind, even though I am still progressing on some of my lifts. Maybe I should back off the intensity a little until I reach my goal weight?
I am not an expert at all when it comes to lifting, but 1700 calories might be a bit too little if you are also trying to add the weights. Do you eat more on your work out days than on regular days? If not, you could rearrange your foods to give you more energy for the gym. If you are already doing that and you don't want to add extra calories, you could try to back off the intensity a bit like you said.


Has anyone exerted so hard during a squat that it felt like blood vessels in either side of your head were going to pop and subsequently gave you a headache? This has happened during my last two workouts so it's got me a little freaked out.

I don't know if I am maybe breathing incorrectly or not focusing my exertion in the right place? On the other hand, I am working on 1700 calories these days to lose weigh so my workouts have started to become a real grind, even though I am still progressing on some of my lifts. Maybe I should back off the intensity a little until I reach my goal weight?

Exertion headache. You are holding your breath in your sinuses. Hold it lower, in your throat against a closed glottis. Also be hydrated and don't crane your neck. Keep your neck in a neutral position. Good luck! Keep on trucking.


Has anyone exerted so hard during a squat that it felt like blood vessels in either side of your head were going to pop and subsequently gave you a headache? This has happened during my last two workouts so it's got me a little freaked out.

I don't know if I am maybe breathing incorrectly or not focusing my exertion in the right place? On the other hand, I am working on 1700 calories these days to lose weigh so my workouts have started to become a real grind, even though I am still progressing on some of my lifts. Maybe I should back off the intensity a little until I reach my goal weight?
How long did they last? I got one once and my head hurt for a fucking week, no joke.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
For new page.

525lbs x 5 deadlift.


Bahh, I'm bummed out that I'm starting to get more fat than muscle. Maybe it's time to do something on those rest days.

That's not your problem, your diet probably is.

Got 315 for Bench Press today. Got a video so any critique of my form is appreciated. *Waiting for Brolic to tear it to pieces but that's okay*


Gimme a sec.

Edit: I'd lose the suicide grip. You're not tight you're unstable as hell, minimal to no leg drive and work on your arch and you will be more stable.

Grats on the 3 plate bench though bro!

Exertion headache. You are holding your breath in your sinuses. Hold it lower, in your throat against a closed glottis. Also be hydrated and don't crane your neck. Keep your neck in a neutral position. Good luck! Keep on trucking.

This, you're doing the valsava wrong.

If I'm ever pinned under a car, I'll call you before I call 911.

Looked pretty damn easy. Especially comparing it to my 525x1 where I damn near passed out! Impressive as always big guy!

Thanks guys and cooter, I've got. 70ish lbs on you, yours is bad ass.
Good stuff. A little wobbly, a little loose, but you did the damn thing. Bad ass.

For new page.

525lbs x 5 deadlift.


Gimme a sec.

Edit: I'd lose the suicide grip. You're not tight you're unstable as hell, minimal to no leg drive and work on your arch and you will be more stable.

Grats on the 3 plate bench though bro!
Thanks guys! Yeah, I keep rewatching it and seeing how unstable I am. I'll start focusing more on my leg drive and arch. Honestly, I didn't start incorporating leg drive and proper setup until recently when I read about it in here. I hadn't realized my form was so bad all this time. So that's definitely something I will work on.

Awesome work on that deadlift by the way! I jumped on Iron Sport Method 2 months ago and the progress has been way better than 5/3/1. So thanks for that!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Thanks guys! Yeah, I keep rewatching it and seeing how unstable I am. I'll start focusing more on my leg drive and arch. Honestly, I didn't start incorporating leg drive and proper setup until recently when I read about it in here. I hadn't realized my form was so bad all this time. So that's definitely something I will work on.

Awesome work on that deadlift by the way! I jumped on Iron Sport Method 2 months ago and the progress has been way better than 5/3/1. So thanks for that!

Yeah, IMO 5/3/1 isn't for building strength. If anything it's for being healthy and maintaining.


Exertion headache. You are holding your breath in your sinuses. Hold it lower, in your throat against a closed glottis. Also be hydrated and don't crane your neck. Keep your neck in a neutral position. Good luck! Keep on trucking.
Talking about breathing, I have been with an intuition breathing the same way as I do in pilates meaning I am breathing out when I think I need the most strenght and energy.

For example if I am doing lets say dumbbell bench press (only 10 kilos / 22 pounds in each hand in my case though) I am breathing out through mouth when I am lifting them and breathing in through nose when I lower them.

I still have no idea am I doing it right and when should I actually breath. This works just fine, but if someone has any more insight to this, please feel free to enlighten me. ^_^

J. Bravo

Did abs today for once. Just 3x15 leg lifts and 3x5 on the ab wheel lol. Pretty tough but I enjoyed it. Definitely gonna do them a lot more and maybe add one or two exercises.


Exertion headache. You are holding your breath in your sinuses. Hold it lower, in your throat against a closed glottis. Also be hydrated and don't crane your neck. Keep your neck in a neutral position. Good luck! Keep on trucking.

This, you're doing the valsava wrong.

Thanks guys. I had a feeling that might be it. I'll work on it and see how it goes.

How long did they last? I got one once and my head hurt for a fucking week, no joke.

Not that long. It started to subside during the workout but I could still feel remnants a couple of hours later.

J. Bravo

You mean intensity? Because the volume is fine if not perfect. It's the intensity (weight % of max) I found lacking.

i put my 1rm at 225 for bench (which it is), and both 5 and 3 week i got 10 reps on the amrap set. i did test my bench 1rm on an off day for smolov so maybe my body was just exhausted and my true 1rm is much higher, but i still shouldn't be hitting 10 reps lol.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
i put my 1rm at 225 for bench (which it is), and both 5 and 3 week i got 10 reps on the amrap set. i did test my bench 1rm on an off day for smolov so maybe my body was just exhausted and my true 1rm is much higher, but i still shouldn't be hitting 10 reps lol.

In the program's defense,it's supposed to be a slow build up. But yeah, it didn't do jack shit for me really.

J. Bravo

that's why when i hit the week after 1s, i'm just gonna start a new cycle. i'll do this until i can't gain anything else and then i'll re-evaluate


Brian Burke punched my mom
Working 10-11hr shifts this week and have 2500sq ft to tile so Im on my knees for a while and it sucks. My squats are going to suffer :'(

Just exhausted today but I did a small workout Bsquats up to 405x5 and then rows up to 255/265/275/285 2x5 each and hit 230x18. Might record if I hit 240x20. Wearing straps makes them easier and alleviates the occasional nerve pain that shoots through my hands.


When should a noob start thinking about wearing a belt?

To find a 1 rep max, do you just work up to it gradually adding weight until you hit failure?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
You're deloading 3 months (12 weeks) out of the year! That's just crazy.

I can understand deloading every 3 months or so. But not every month.

I don't even do that. I deload as a certain lift needs it and only for that specific movement and in extreme cases when my whole body is beat up, which I can feel coming.

Working 10-11hr shifts this week and have 2500sq ft to tile so Im on my knees for a while and it sucks. My squats are going to suffer :'(

Just exhausted today but I did a small workout Bsquats up to 405x5 and then rows up to 255/265/275/285 2x5 each and hit 230x18. Might record if I hit 240x20. Wearing straps makes them easier and alleviates the occasional nerve pain that shoots through my hands.

Damn man, I'd hate your Job.


The doms cometh. Still going steady. 195 squat, 160 bench and 160 pendlays yesterday.

Brolic, I tried looking for the rude comments on Facebook. Were they deleted?

Either way. Haters gonna hate. Whenever your PRs pop up on my feed it gets me all pumped up to lift


Hey fit-Gaf brass, question for you guys. Do any of you use testosterone boosters to along with your workouts and is it worth the investment to try it out. Thanks.

Pete Rock

Do any of you use testosterone boosters to along with your workouts and is it worth the investment to try it out.
Unless they are anabolic steroids or some type of pharmaceutical grade replacement/supplemental therapy provided by prescription, it is snake oil. Don't waste your money.


Dumb question, but what's the benefit of deloading vs doing the previous set you could manage? Say I'm stuck at 205 bench. Would deloading be better than doing 200 for a couple more workouts?

Pete Rock

God damnit. I could've sworn I changed it successfully yesterday.
Let's try again: Deadlift form check.
Yeah now it's fixed and viewable. You need to hinge at your hips and not your waist. Your low back is rounded on every rep from the very point at which you bend over, and that is basically the only movement that will get me to approach a stranger on the platform to see if they could use some advice. Great way to snap your shit up in a hurry.

Also ditch the athletic shoes (barefoot or vibrams) and decide on traditional or sumo, right now you're kind of halfway between each in terms of the spacing of your feet and the angle of your feet / rotation of your hips.

The worst thing I saw you do though was turn your head to look in the mirror while under load. Do not ever do this. Ever again. (0:30-0:35)


Yeah now it's fixed and viewable. You need to hinge at your hips and not your waist. Your low back is rounded on every rep from the very point at which you bend over, and that is basically the only movement that will get me to approach a stranger on the platform to see if they could use some advice. Great way to snap your shit up in a hurry.

Also ditch the athletic shoes (barefoot or vibrams) and decide on traditional or sumo, right now you're kind of halfway between each in terms of the spacing of your feet and the angle of your feet / rotation of your hips.

The worst thing I saw you do though was turn your head to look in the mirror while under load. Do not ever do this. Ever again. (0:30-0:35)
Thanks for the criticism!
Deadlift is definitely the lift I'm most uncertain about, and I've got work to do. I'll get a friend to look at and correct these things next time I do DL this week, and will post another form video once I think I've got it down without looking in the mirror.

I gotta wonder about the shoes though. They feel stable enough, but then again I can't say it feels worse to be barefoot, only that the floor isn't the cleanest sometimes and eats through socks.
I've got a pair of Nike Free Flyknit 4 which I'm using outside now and am planning to use indoors this fall/winter. Would those still be dramatically worse than just going barefoot?

EDIT: Oh man, I tried an air lift and noticed the difference between waist and hip hinging. I wasn't sure that it'd be easy to correct, but I can feel what I've been doing wrong with that. Thanks again!

EDIT 2: No point in only saying "I think I got it!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nytjOmtRUW4&feature=youtu.be
Is that a conceptual improvement, or am I not getting it at all? Most focus was on the "hip, not waist" part, less on the stance, but I stood narrower now, hip width instead of shoulder. Slap me on the head if it's just as bad as my first vid.


Thanks for the criticism!
Deadlift is definitely the lift I'm most uncertain about, and I've got work to do. I'll get a friend to look at and correct these things next time I do DL this week, and will post another form video once I think I've got it down without looking in the mirror.

I gotta wonder about the shoes though. They feel stable enough, but then again I can't say it feels worse to be barefoot, only that the floor isn't the cleanest sometimes and eats through socks.
I've got a pair of Nike Free Flyknit 4 which I'm using outside now and am planning to use indoors this fall/winter. Would those still be dramatically worse than just going barefoot?

EDIT: Oh man, I tried an air lift and noticed the difference between waist and hip hinging. I wasn't sure that it'd be easy to correct, but I can feel what I've been doing wrong with that. Thanks again!

Trust us, ditch the shoes. And the gloves.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
The doms cometh. Still going steady. 195 squat, 160 bench and 160 pendlays yesterday.

Brolic, I tried looking for the rude comments on Facebook. Were they deleted?

Either way. Haters gonna hate. Whenever your PRs pop up on my feed it gets me all pumped up to lift

Yeah, the gym owner deleted them.

J. Bravo

Question for all you iron sport method guys. Would it be appropriate for me to do this routine if all I want is to rep 225 on bench? I wanna be able to bust out 3 sets of 10 at 225. I haven't really looked into the program but given the glowing reviews you all have put forth, I figured I'd check it out.
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