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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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What about this

3500 calories of donuts vs 3500 calories of broccoli

The donuts are filled with fats and sugars.

I doubt that the 3500 calories of broccoli would even do anything tbh.
I think calories in vs calories out is the best baseline to go off of and then adjust from there. If you feel better on a low carb diet then by all means do it up but it is something that I won't do.


I think calories in vs calories out is the best baseline to go off of and then adjust from there. If you feel better on a low carb diet then by all means do it up but it is something that I won't do.

You still carb cycling or do you keep the carbs generally around the same everyday?
I was 86kilos, and dropped around 10k's of body fat on a high carb diet.

around 50% carbs, 35% protein, 15% fat. The diet is great and its much easier to stick to... accompanied of course by my weights/lifting routine.

low carb isn't the be all and end all.

The key is finding what works for you, and stick to it... Everybody is different, what works for one person might not necessarily work for the next.

It's a mine-field
I doubt that the 3500 calories of broccoli would even do anything tbh.
/not sure if serious

Is this the study without an adequate amount of fats? Of course a diet of mostly protein and nothing else is bad.

Standard chow (SC, C∶P∶F = 63∶15∶22)
Low carbohydrate (LC, C∶P∶F = 38∶25∶37)
Severely carbohydrate restricted (SR, C∶P∶F = 18∶45∶37)
oh I meant in my gym, not here in the fitgaf community
Oh shiet my bad must have misread

Yea my gym has nobody but bodybuilders/aspiring bodybuilders and a lot of people just dicking around. I would have to come late at night or early morning to even see people squat 315lbs and break parallel


Hey fellas, Vitamine Shoppe is having another BOGO 50% for their store brand items. I personally love their Pro 24 whey, it's basically the same as ON 100% Whey. Tubs of creatine on the cheap. Now's the time I usually stock up on essentials. Liquid Fish Oil, Whey Protein, Creatine, and my liquid Vit D.
Whenever I plateu on losing weight, I always keep the calories the same but go under 100g of carbs and up the fat a little. Then slowly bring them back in again. Works everytime for me.

Once or twice I dropped the calories considerably and it did fuck all apart from make me weaker.


I'm always confused by calories in vs out.

Makes sense- but if you eat 2000 cals of straight sugar- are you really not gonna fatten up? How does cals in/out fit in w all the talk about insulin spikes.

Asking seriously. Sources would be cool thanks.
Depends on your bmr and if you are insulin sensitive or diabetic. In this regard a carb is not always a carb, not quite anyways.


Oh shiet my bad must have misread

Yea my gym has nobody but bodybuilders/aspiring bodybuilders and a lot of people just dicking around. I would have to come late at night or early morning to even see people squat 315lbs and break parallel

Walked into weight room and a dude was dribbling a basketball. There is no court in our gym, he was just dribbling it around the weight room.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I'm always confused by calories in vs out.

Makes sense- but if you eat 2000 cals of straight sugar- are you really not gonna fatten up? How does cals in/out fit in w all the talk about insulin spikes.

Asking seriously. Sources would be cool thanks.

The only answer is that we can't be sure.

Calories are useful for comparing the potential energy yield of a piece of food in the context of a calorimeter, but that's all they tell us.

What our body actually does with the food we eat is a completely different story and much more complex.

Long-Term Low Carbohydrate Diet Leads to Deleterious Metabolic Manifestations in Diabetic Mice.

Man... even their "severely carbohydrate restricted" diet is still 18% carbohydrate and more protein than fat. I'd also be interested in seeing what the food was actually made of.

Pete Rock

I really need help with my deadlift, guys. I. Just. Can't. Seem. To. Get. It.
Red alert! Priority alarm! We all need to help him fix this.

My two cents: All of the examples in your video seem to be relatively ideal for a conventional setup. In my mind, the only variables I would suggest modifying would be sitting back into it more and compressing your hips into a lower start position, a little closer to the bar.

I know it is generally recommended to keep your ass high so it doesn't turn into a squat motion, but this never has worked for me. My hips want to explode and my low back feels terrible. A few inches above parallel, at the point most people want to quit on a squat, that seems to be the best starting position for me.

I transitioned to sumo style with a pretty low pelvic orientation and it has helped me gain muscle in my low back without constantly breaking myself.

This picture was the only one I could find that seemed relevant, as I can literally see nothing wrong with the rest of your setup from the ass up.


After I gave him a look he high tailed out of there.
I wish it was that easy. Apparently the fact that there is a full size basketball court and a sign with bold text on the door stating "no one under the age of 14 is allowed in the weight room" does not keep these jackoffs from wandering across the building while dribbling their stupid fucking ball everywhere. Everywhere. It's like a small child with a blanket or a pacifier for fucks sake.

The closest I came to flipping out on some kids was probably five months ago. I was in the open rack and a guy was next to me doing front squats out of the power cage hooks. These two adolescents came in and started throwing the big inflatable balls at each other. At one point it bounced off one of their skulls and careened over the leg press machine and almost rolled directly under this dudes ass as he was coming down into the hole while overhead squatting 235 fucking pounds.

They literally could have killed this man, having their stupid ignorant fun that they could have in any part of the building. Or at home. Or in the middle of the god damned street. Scum of the earth. Thankfully outside of that incident, the "free month" at the Y promotion went by fast. Ughhhh.


Its interesting to read everybodys take on carb amounts etc. Of course we all know that calories in vs calories out is what matters, but many of us tends to really overdo the protein amount, leaving not many calories left for carbs and fat.

5-10 years ago i was definately one of those guys. I had 300-350g of protein each day and i smelled like an ammonia factory. But the latest studies seem to say that there probably is cause to reduce the protein intake (and thus, increasing carbs and fat)

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2129168/ - This is a 3 month study where they tried to see if there was a difference between taking 1,6g/kg and 1,8g/kg. And they concluded with that there was none.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22150425 - This suggests that 1,8g/kg will maximize your muscle protein synthesis, It also says that experienced athletes might need less protein and that if you are in a caloric defeceit up to 2g/kg might be beneficial.


So with this is mind, you might be able to increase your carbs and fat. Why would you want that? Well for performance sake carbs and fat are golden. Some might be able to get great results with low carb diets. But if it makes you feel miserable then dont kill yourself just because you belive its the only way.

And to finish off i can outline my diet right now at 189cm and 88kgs at around 6-8% bodyfat. Im in a light caloric decifit right now and my macros are like this:

Training days: 170g protein. 260g carbs and 90g fat
Off Days: 170g protein, 120g carbs, 60g fat
I also have a refeed day where i eat 4 light meals and then eat whatever i want.

Pete Rock

And to finish off i can outline my diet right now at 189cm and 88kgs at around 6-8% bodyfat. Im in a light caloric decifit right now and my macros are like this:

Training days: 170g protein. 260g carbs and 90g fat
Off Days: 170g protein, 120g carbs, 60g fat
I also have a refeed day where i eat 4 light meals and then eat whatever i want.

MrMuscle I am always so incredibly excited to see your contributions! I am fascinated by your "been there, done that" perspective and I am finding it increasingly valuable with every piece of information that you share with us. The first half of your post speaks exactly to my last two years of diet experience, which I have been considering modifying to be more in-line with the facts that you have presented. Ammonia factory, lol, your experience is like looking into a mirror!

This is what I have been running for the past 18 months - 3 on days 4 off days:
Training Days: 348g protein, 253 carbs, 141 fat
Off Day: 235g protein, 170g carbs, 99 fat

No refeed days, just a crazy grind with a cheat meals every six months or so. Your intake quantities and scheduling sounds much more appealing. Also while I have not necessarily been personally "struggling", I am kind of bottomed out around 10% and if you can achieve sub 10% body fat on that kind of program you've got me sold already.

I have been suspecting that my protein intake has been unnecessarily high for a while now. I am going to modify my Sunday bulk meal macro pool to hit daily target percentages that are much more in-line with your current example. I will keep my intermittent fasting schedule and water intake the same. Thank you so much for sharing not only your experience but also the data to support your decisions.

3500 calories of donuts vs 3500 calories of broccoli
I think this is a great example of an extreme perspective, one that I tend to agree with. We always say calories in calories out full stop, but there is just no way 3Kcal worth of refined-flour based foods is going to be processed and incorporated into your body the same way as 3Kcal worth of clean vegetable based calories. Obviously that is more relevant to body recomposition and fat percentage reduction goals relative to highly generalized weight loss goals, but that doesn't make it less valuable in my opinion.


Byyyyye FitGAF! Waiting for a plane. :)

Thank you for putting up with my neuroses and freak outs. I do really appreciate all the help you give and I do try and incorporate some of your advice even if you think I'm not.

See you all in two weeks!


I really need help with my deadlift, guys. I. Just. Can't. Seem. To. Get. It.

Today I hurt my UPPER back doing them. HOW? I don't understand it. I took form videos at light weights (135 and 185) and it all LOOKS good, but the biggest problem I have is that I just don't feel powerful from the floor, and I don't know why. It's so frustrating. I absolutely do not feel any hamstring tension before the lift no matter what my setup is. I honestly cannot figure out what the fuck I'm doing wrong. I've followed Rippetoe's advice, Brolic's advice, JL's advice, I've watched tons of powerlifters deadlift, and I can't wrap my head around why this exercise is so mechanically difficult for me. Below is a video with various reps with different starting positions.


You'll see my first pull I'm trying my best to "float the bar" as per JL Holdsworth's advice. But even though I'm doing it, I don't feel "strong." And I'm not quite sure how to actually "pull myself down using the bar."

The rest are more Rippetoe-inspired. Bar close to shin. Bend over and grab bar. Bend knees until shins touch bar. DON'T MOVE BAR. Squeeze chest way up and push heels down into ground. I slowed down the sets a bit to emphasize my form.

All of this sound goods, but I feel like I might actually be pushing my chest TOO far up because my upper back HURTS in a bad way.

Please, I beg you guys for help. What are the glaring flaws? How do I activate my hips and glutes more? I know there's something I'm not quite achieving because I'm thinking about so many damn things already (lat activation, heels into ground, chest up, chin tucked, hump the bar, etc.).

I just want to be able to smoothly transition into my setup and not think about all this other crap anymore!

This probably isn't the answer you want to hear, but maybe you're overthinking it?

Steve P has this section in the iron sport method book where he talks about sometimes you need to just grip it and lift the weights. That if you just get bogged down in every little bit of form checks you're holding yourself back.

Having said that, I really don't think these look bad at all. But I guess like you said they don't feel good. Nothing glaringly obvious sticks out to me. Maybe when you pull yourself into the bar, keep pulling until you FEEL the hamstring tension and then pull.


Byyyyye FitGAF! Waiting for a plane. :)

Thank you for putting up with my neuroses and freak outs. I do really appreciate all the help you give and I do try and incorporate some of your advice even if you think I'm not.

See you all in two weeks!

Enjoy yourself and have a great time!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
On the topic of low-carb diets and such, the results of a randomized, parallel-group trial just got put up yesterday, and they actually tested a proper low-carb (under 40g) on humans without clinical cardiovascular disease and diabetes.


The sample size was fairly small (60 completed the trial in the low-fat group and 59 in the low-carb group). It was a 12 month trial where they checked in at 0, 3, 6, and 12 months and their overall findings were that "the low-carbohydrate diet was more effective for weight loss and cardiovascular risk factor reduction than the low-fat diet."

I don't have access to read anything but the abstract, but this might be interesting for some in here.


Spent July readjusting to a calorie deficiet cut diet and beginning to cut. Spent August following through with 6 days on, 1 day refeed... we're talking tilapia/chicken with brown rice 3-4x a day type stuff. Refeed is probably 500 calories more than the normal day, it's just a lot more carbs because I'll have the brownie that I wanted the rest of the week.

Scale hasn't ticked downward in three weeks. I look leaner, which is the ultimate goal, but not dropping weight is surprising and I'm not leaning out as fast as I had hoped. Same lifting schedule, same 4 miles of walking every workday, same twice weekly racquetball cardio sessions.

The obvious answer is "eat less" because of the math of calorie in v. calorie out, but at 6' 214 pounds, consuming less than 2300 calories a day seems like a bad idea.

In the past, I've done some crazy low carb diets and lost more weight, but never got as lean as I'd like to and I had no energy within a month's time. This time around, I've kept carbs at a higher number (not high, roughly 30% on most days, 50% on a refeed/cheat/sanity promoting day), and the energy is there, but I wonder if the carbs are the culprit.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
If you cut out 1/3 of the main macronutrients of course you're going to lose weight, jesus.

Did you really think that through?

You can't seriously think the advice was to simply cut out all carbs and otherwise not change anything about that diet, right?


Byyyyye FitGAF! Waiting for a plane. :)

Thank you for putting up with my neuroses and freak outs. I do really appreciate all the help you give and I do try and incorporate some of your advice even if you think I'm not.

See you all in two weeks!

Have fun!

J. Bravo

Byyyyye FitGAF! Waiting for a plane. :)

Thank you for putting up with my neuroses and freak outs. I do really appreciate all the help you give and I do try and incorporate some of your advice even if you think I'm not.

See you all in two weeks!
Have fun and don't think too much!!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Cutting carbs is the new hotness anyway. People are falling over themselves to recommend it.

It's definitely not new, but it sure is seeing a resurgence thanks to a lot of new insight.


Did you really think that through?

You can't seriously think the advice was to simply cut out all carbs and otherwise not change anything about that diet, right?

he said "cut out carbs" was the advice he was given, what am I supposed to think?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
he said "cut out carbs" was the advice he was given, what am I supposed to think?

That the person would find a diet that eliminates carbs, I would think.

If you're eating a typical American diet, probably 90% of the individual food items you consume contain carbs. You can't just stop eating all together.


Could those fitgaffers who have experience with speed pulls have a look at mine. Too slow, just right, add more weight?

2nd single :


Final single:


The last rep is slightly slower than when I was fresh, not sure if it was too slow to be a speed pull.

And idk why I do that weird dinosaur head thing, feels like I can get more power that way.
Also need to work on maintaining locked arms after pulling the slack.


Gone up a clothing size and a lot of good clothes I had which didn't fit now fit me perfectly. Very motivating.

Also just ordered a 5g scoop to measure my creatine correctly. Think I've been heaping the tea spoons too much and the extra creatine has been unsettling my stomache a little bit. Time to measure it out properly.


Gone up a clothing size and a lot of good clothes I had which didn't fit now fit me perfectly. Very motivating.

Also just ordered a 5g scoop to measure my creatine correctly. Think I've been heaping the tea spoons too much and the extra creatine has been unsettling my stomache a little bit. Time to measure it out properly.

If you want to be vey strict about it, I would recommend getting a kitchen scale.

Pete Rock

And idk why I do that weird dinosaur head thing, feels like I can get more power that way.
Also need to work on maintaining locked arms after pulling the slack.
I am not familiar with speed pulls whatsoever. That being said, it looks like a really good way to hurt yourself. If you're going to keep doing them you could probably eliminate the massive upper cervical fluctuation, as that motion does not help the weight move in any way and can only serve as a vector of injury.

Also just ordered a 5g scoop to measure my creatine correctly. Think I've been heaping the tea spoons too much and the extra creatine has been unsettling my stomache a little bit. Time to measure it out properly.
Can't you just weigh it out on your food scale like any other ingredient? You could just zero out your scale with the receptacle already in place and scoop directly into that.


I am not familiar with speed pulls whatsoever. That being said, it looks like a really good way to hurt yourself. If you're going to keep doing them you could probably eliminate the massive upper cervical fluctuation, as that motion does not help the weight move in any way and can only serve as a vector of injury.

Can't you just weigh it out on your food scale like any other ingredient? You could just zero out your scale with the receptacle already in place and scoop directly into that.

You mean the unnecessary neck movement?
As I said I'm not sure why I do that, but yeah I'll take on board your advice to stop doing it, need to figure out why I feel stronger when I do that


If you want to be vey strict about it, I would recommend getting a kitchen scale.

Can't you just weigh it out on your food scale like any other ingredient? You could just zero out your scale with the receptacle already in place and scoop directly into that.

Why not just get a cheap set of measuring spoons?

1 tsp is generally equivalent to 5g

this was only 0.45
+2.99 delivery

might not seem like a big deal but i've always had a sensitive digestive system and whenever i've taken too much can feel the effects.


US Open stuff.

Thanks for the info Darth! My biggest surprise is that you get to watch a bunch of matches from one set of tickets, I always thought people buy tickets for each individual match. That's pretty cool. I hope I can make it out there one day. I'll start more realistic and try to go to the Sony Open Tennis next year.


MrMuscle I am always so incredibly excited to see your contributions! I am fascinated by your "been there, done that" perspective and I am finding it increasingly valuable with every piece of information that you share with us. The first half of your post speaks exactly to my last two years of diet experience, which I have been considering modifying to be more in-line with the facts that you have presented. Ammonia factory, lol, your experience is like looking into a mirror!

This is what I have been running for the past 18 months - 3 on days 4 off days:
Training Days: 348g protein, 253 carbs, 141 fat
Off Day: 235g protein, 170g carbs, 99 fat

No refeed days, just a crazy grind with a cheat meals every six months or so. Your intake quantities and scheduling sounds much more appealing. Also while I have not necessarily been personally "struggling", I am kind of bottomed out around 10% and if you can achieve sub 10% body fat on that kind of program you've got me sold already.

I have been suspecting that my protein intake has been unnecessarily high for a while now. I am going to modify my Sunday bulk meal macro pool to hit daily target percentages that are much more in-line with your current example. I will keep my intermittent fasting schedule and water intake the same. Thank you so much for sharing not only your experience but also the data to support your decisions.

Thanks man, I just try to contribute where i can.

Haha yeah unless you are a IFBB pro i dont think lowering your proteins will do any harm at all. You might not even have to transfer the calories to your other macros IF you want to drop below 10% seeing as you are eating a truck load of food.

Examine.com posted a review of the latest 1 year study on low fat vs low carbs (http://annals.org/article.aspx?articleid=1900694). Its to late in the evening for me to start reading it myself, but ill link it here for those that are interested.

Is low-carb really the best weight loss diet?
Cant wait to finally lift again tomorrow after this blood test. Body is feening a good lift.

I hate that my schedule is going to change as I am going to reverse commute leaving me no time for a 2 hour lifting sesh in the A.M. Ill have enough time to easily do a 30 min cardio sesh,but wanted to limit cardio. Might just do it now to wake me up before work. Looks like Ill have to do what I've been trying to avoid doing......peak hours in the gym. My frustration level will be over 9000 when I start going to the gym at 6-7.....I am in NYC too so if you think its bad where you live than you have no idea. Been there at peak once and it was the worst.
My bench has been lagging behind my squat for a while so I have been working on my setup. In particular I'm concerned about some strain I feel on the front of my left shoulder. Does anyone see anything in these videos? The only thing that's coming to mind for me is maybe I need to arch more to prevent my elbows from traveling below the bench line?

Side view (so my shoulder is toward the camera)


Front view (my left shoulder is farthest from the camera)


get a tighter setup. kinda like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYKScL2sgCs


This probably isn't the answer you want to hear, but maybe you're overthinking it?

Steve P has this section in the iron sport method book where he talks about sometimes you need to just grip it and lift the weights. That if you just get bogged down in every little bit of form checks you're holding yourself back.

Unfortunately that was me for a good portion of the one year I started training. In the end I tweaked my squat form enough to how it is now, where the only thing I'm not particularly happy about is my bar path. I still feel decent about my deadlifts, people keep pointing out that my hips aren't low enough I don't think my morphology allows for that without falling back on my heels or bending my knees to a decent degree, since I tried it after CherryWoodFuton (I believe it was him) suggested to do that for (more?) leg drive. I follow Rippetoe's cues because they're more technical and it is easy for me to do; I tried JL Holdsworth's setup and it didn't work for me unfortunately.

Speaking of deadlifts, I saw this article a while ago that was reference in Omar Isuf's sumo or conventional DL video featuring Massthetics. Turns out I have very long arms (~43.33%) and an average torso (~47.41%) and my recommendation DL style is conventional.
On another note, for those who care for this kind of thing, I updated my YouTube Fitness Videos Compilation Evernote note a few days ago.
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