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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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damn fit gaf I thought I'd fucked up my hip last week, I took a week off as I was feeling pain whenever I walked. I'm feeling better now and I have full mobility again but I have this tiny pain in my left glute I guess it would be in the area where a doctor would usually administer an injection, anybody ever had this before?

I had something similar last year. Could be piriformis syndrome or sciatica.


Speaking of hip pain...

I appear to be 100% healed for my shoulder injury and my recent back injury seems to be doing a lot better (pain was in the mid back). The pain wasn't ever that severe, but it prohibited me from lifting. X-Rays showed some pre-existing conditions, with was a minor amount of arthritis and a slight narrowing of the lumbar spine.

I have been doing nothing but rest these past few weeks, but starting on Friday, my back pain started to radiate in my very low back on the inside of my right hip. Was fairly minor Friday evening, but even from doing nothing but laying around this weekend, it has gotten a lot worse. The pain is the worst when transitioning from seated to standing and vice versa. When I stand up, pain radiates in my right hip, but will eventually go away after walking around for about a minute. And it hurts to poop. The pain does not shoot down my leg and there doesn't appear to be any weakness or tingling in my leg.

Pain is alleviated from laying down for extended periods of time. Pain is severe when laying on my back and lifting my leg straight up. The doctor did this test on me on Thursday and it was perfectly fine, but it started a day later. I was going to call back the hospital today to schedule a session or two of physical therapy for my back issues and will get the doctors opinion on this new pain.

Has anyone had anything like this before, possibly from a back injury? Literally when one injury heals I get another, and this time I was doing nothing but resting. This is really destroying my motivation.


Gaf, I havent lifted weights in over two years. What should I start with? Max on bench 230 back squats 400,power cling 335.


Speaking of hip pain...

I appear to be 100% healed for my shoulder injury and my recent back injury seems to be doing a lot better (pain was in the mid back). The pain wasn't ever that severe, but it prohibited me from lifting. X-Rays showed some pre-existing conditions, with was a minor amount of arthritis and a slight narrowing of the lumbar spine.

I have been doing nothing but rest these past few weeks, but starting on Friday, my back pain started to radiate in my very low back on the inside of my right hip. Was fairly minor Friday evening, but even from doing nothing but laying around this weekend, it has gotten a lot worse. The pain is the worst when transitioning from seated to standing and vice versa. When I stand up, pain radiates in my right hip, but will eventually go away after walking around for about a minute. And it hurts to poop. The pain does not shoot down my leg and there doesn't appear to be any weakness or tingling in my leg.

Pain is alleviated from laying down for extended periods of time. Pain is severe when laying on my back and lifting my leg straight up. The doctor did this test on me on Thursday and it was perfectly fine, but it started a day later. I was going to call back the hospital today to schedule a session or two of physical therapy for my back issues and will get the doctors opinion on this new pain.

Has anyone had anything like this before, possibly from a back injury? Literally when one injury heals I get another, and this time I was doing nothing but resting. This is really destroying my motivation.

Ouch that's rough. How did you get injured in the first place?


Ouch that's rough. How did you get injured in the first place?

Shoulder injury was during bench press. While shoulder was healing, I decided to do Smolov squats. And I strained myself about 2 weeks in. I took 3 weeks of rest and felt fine, but then reinjured it on 225 lb deadlifts (my max is over 400).


After 10 sessions of 5/3/1 strait, with gains in all 10 in a row, I've decided that this is where i stop the gains train. I accomplished so much in so little time, and i'm so happy with the results, that i'm ready to stop caring about gains and finish up with the fat loss. I have ~35 or less pounds of fat to lose to look simply incredible, I'm just going to concentrate on that and then once that is accomplished, go back to gains. But until then, i'm not going to care at all about hitting new pr's at the gym, it is simply all about fat loss and trying to keep whatever strength i can till i hit my goal.


Tried a fasted workout this morning, wasn't too bad. Just need to make my rests a little longer so I don't push myself until throwing up.

215 on bench. Blew right through 210.


5/3/1 continues to bring the gain train in. My 1s week for squats was 330lbs and I thought I might get 2-3 reps at best, and blew right past that to 5. Still no belt or anything too. Can't believe how far I'm taking things with no assistance.


I took Sunday and Monday off from the gym. Didn't eat very much, either. Not intentionally, time just flew by. Went hard in the gym this morning and now I'm just wrecked. I really need to be more consistent with eating or I'm gonna suffer for it.


Quick question about warm up sets. Do you guys do them before every lifting excerise, or just the big compound movements? For instance my workout ends with tricep press downs and dumbbell flyes, should I be doing light weight warm up sets for these as well or am I warmed up enough at this point?

If they're light and the relevant muscles have recently been used you won't need a warmup set.
I train my isolations relatively heavy (5-8 rep range) and sometimes it's been 15+minutes since I've used the relevant muscles. I usually do one warmup set at around 80-90% of my work weight.
Had to take this week off due to a blood test on Thursday (and I needed a week to heal) and I am so jelly that you guys are lifting this week. This is torture. I can't even do cardio till Thursday. ugggggghhh

Also on Saturday I got a date with a hot chick I met on tinder. Gonna be our second date and she wanted me to train her at Equinox. Figure ill teach her the big 5 movements and she has a great base and is already in shape.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Hey Brolic, could you describe what JL means when you pull yourself into the bar? When you yourself grab the bar, are you thinking, "Hips down!" or "Chest up!" or what? Is it a matter of grabbing the bar tight and then pulling up on it by sticking your chest up or what?


Preempting this post by saying I have an appointment on Friday to see an orthopedist, but wanted to field opinions in here as well.

I've been slowly upping my ability to run (for me) large distances in between lifting days, so last Tuesday I ran seven miles and felt fine. On Thursday or Friday morning (can't remember which) I noticed that walking around I'd have mild pain in my right foot that caused me to limp a little as I'd work to keep weight off of it. As of today, that's still the case. When I'm at rest, it feels fine. I can't isolate where in the foot the pain really is and nowhere does it hurt to the touch. I've of course done some looking around online and have some ideas of what might be going on, but I'd welcome any other input on what folks think might be the problem. Going to try an ice bath tonight since someone suggested it could be a goofed up hamstring, and I don't know where exactly I'd apply an ice pack to.


Preempting this post by saying I have an appointment on Friday to see an orthopedist, but wanted to field opinions in here as well.

I've been slowly upping my ability to run (for me) large distances in between lifting days, so last Tuesday I ran seven miles and felt fine. On Thursday or Friday morning (can't remember which) I noticed that walking around I'd have mild pain in my right foot that caused me to limp a little as I'd work to keep weight off of it. As of today, that's still the case. When I'm at rest, it feels fine. I can't isolate where in the foot the pain really is and nowhere does it hurt to the touch. I've of course done some looking around online and have some ideas of what might be going on, but I'd welcome any other input on what folks think might be the problem. Going to try an ice bath tonight since someone suggested it could be a goofed up hamstring, and I don't know where exactly I'd apply an ice pack to.

1) How slowly is "slowly"?

2) Try not to limp. That will injure you in other ways.

3) Everything is connected, so your hamstring could definitely affect your foot. It's more likely to be your calf though.

For the time being, it's better to not run at all if you're experiencing pain.


I had something similar last year. Could be piriformis syndrome or sciatica.

Pretty sure I'm currently suffering from the former. Last year I was doing a ton of sitting due to studying for school for hours on end and driving 60 minutes a day commenting to my job. Now my entire right leg hurts if I sit down for longer than 20 minutes. It really sucks. Deadlifts, which used to be one of my favorite exercises, might have to get nipped in the bud completely, because going over 225 feels like something may tear at times.


1) How slowly is "slowly"?

2) Try not to limp. That will injure you in other ways.

3) Everything is connected, so your hamstring could definitely affect your foot. It's more likely to be your calf though.

For the time being, it's better to not run at all if you're experiencing pain.

1. Had some milestones written by handy, so on July 13th I hit 5 miles, July 21st was 6, and 8/26 was 7. Didn't run much between 6 and 7 but I did consistently workout 4-5 days a week for the past three months.

2. Understood. Limping is probably an overstatement but it has definitely changed up my walk a bit.

I won't be running until I see the ortho on Friday, and even then I will probably steer clear of running for a bit. Unfortunately I have my first Tough Mudder in three weeks and change so I'm hoping they don't tell me it's a stress fracture or anything more serious than something bruised internally or a swollen calf/hamstring/whatever.


Lol. Well. I'd say these last four months did nothing. From end of May until now.

I look pretty much the same.

I go on my trip with a heavy heart and fuck it, imma eat whatever I want there and then come back and work twice as hard. Eat less, work out harder.

I started to lose weight when i changed my diet. Seriously cut out on carbs, run in the morning on an empty stomach, snack on carrot sticks for breakfast, stop eating after 3. Then an evening session of weights. Could be broscience but i dropped 2kg in a week on this.


My bench has been lagging behind my squat for a while so I have been working on my setup. In particular I'm concerned about some strain I feel on the front of my left shoulder. Does anyone see anything in these videos? The only thing that's coming to mind for me is maybe I need to arch more to prevent my elbows from traveling below the bench line?

Side view (so my shoulder is toward the camera)


Front view (my left shoulder is farthest from the camera)



I started to lose weight when i changed my diet. Seriously cut out on carbs, run in the morning on an empty stomach, snack on carrot sticks for breakfast, stop eating after 3. Then an evening session of weights. Could be broscience but i dropped 2kg in a week on this.
That sounds healthy.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I started to lose weight when i changed my diet. Seriously cut out on carbs, run in the morning on an empty stomach, snack on carrot sticks for breakfast, stop eating after 3. Then an evening session of weights. Could be broscience but i dropped 2kg in a week on this.

Unsustainable especially without the rest of the info of what you ate the rest of the day. Also, in a week that's almost all water weight, mostly from carb restriction and glycogen depletion.


Hey FitnessGAF. I just got the Perfect Multi-Gym (basically their Iron Gym). Any routines out there I should follow to get the most out of it. I'm 5'6, 170lbs. Not really fat but could slim down and get a bit more muscular. I have been better. Working behind a desk has had me gain weight / lose some toning.


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Hey FitnessGAF. I just got the Perfect Multi-Gym (basically their Iron Gym). Any routines out there I should follow to get the most out of it. I'm 5'6, 170lbs. Not really fat but could slim down and get a bit more muscular. I have been better. Working behind a desk has had me gain weight / lose some toning.


Pull ups and leg raises with that thing, for sure.
FE putting the work in and it shows. Nice job, man.

My holiday weekend is now complete! You're massive dude! Damn

Dang bro you just keep looking better and better.

Thanks friends. It is what all that hard work has come down too. Gotta keep going.

Your traps just refuse to grow no matter what you do FE? You've gotten much bigger but it seems that is definitely a weak spot.

Bro your arms are fucking huge. They make your pecs look small. Also yeah traps like brolic said. But you are looking great

With regards to my traps, I think it is two things. One, I don't know how to take pics. Now I am not saying that they are monsterous in person, but I do think they are better in person as opposed to pics. Same with pecs. Don't feel very photogenic and don't feel very big. Two, I really feel like that I gotta be doing something wrong. While yes, my traps have gotten bigger, they haven't grown nearly at the rate as other parts of my body. I need to start hitting them two or three times a week. I'm going to cut down on the weight used and just really focus on form and feeling them in the t-bar rows, snatch grip high pulls, shrugs, partial deadlifts, face pulls, etc. It really makes no sense. I got a 505 lbs deadlift yet my traps are ones of a child ;_;

And speaking of chest, first time I really lifted heavy flat bench in a long time and only got 5 reps @ 275 lbs. While heavy lifting hasn't really been a goal for me lately, I do feel disappointed in that number. Was honestly hoping for 8 reps. I feel kinda embarrassed to weigh 240 but only get 5 reps. I'll get back on the strength train eventually. Gonna run with what I am doing for a bit longer.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
I really need help with my deadlift, guys. I. Just. Can't. Seem. To. Get. It.

Today I hurt my UPPER back doing them. HOW? I don't understand it. I took form videos at light weights (135 and 185) and it all LOOKS good, but the biggest problem I have is that I just don't feel powerful from the floor, and I don't know why. It's so frustrating. I absolutely do not feel any hamstring tension before the lift no matter what my setup is. I honestly cannot figure out what the fuck I'm doing wrong. I've followed Rippetoe's advice, Brolic's advice, JL's advice, I've watched tons of powerlifters deadlift, and I can't wrap my head around why this exercise is so mechanically difficult for me. Below is a video with various reps with different starting positions.


You'll see my first pull I'm trying my best to "float the bar" as per JL Holdsworth's advice. But even though I'm doing it, I don't feel "strong." And I'm not quite sure how to actually "pull myself down using the bar."

The rest are more Rippetoe-inspired. Bar close to shin. Bend over and grab bar. Bend knees until shins touch bar. DON'T MOVE BAR. Squeeze chest way up and push heels down into ground. I slowed down the sets a bit to emphasize my form.

All of this sound goods, but I feel like I might actually be pushing my chest TOO far up because my upper back HURTS in a bad way.

Please, I beg you guys for help. What are the glaring flaws? How do I activate my hips and glutes more? I know there's something I'm not quite achieving because I'm thinking about so many damn things already (lat activation, heels into ground, chest up, chin tucked, hump the bar, etc.).

I just want to be able to smoothly transition into my setup and not think about all this other crap anymore!


After two months of no training because of a long trip and also moving to another city, I just went back to the gym. Now I'm going to Gold's Gym, if only because it's the closest (by far) to my house.

Also damn this place is full of massive people. Back on my last gym, it was all skinny girls trying to get some exercise, or just your average guy doing basic training. On this place, over half of the people seem straight off some bodybuilding contest! Anyway, now I feel incredibly tiny, but I guess it will give me more reason to workout!

Oh, and after 2 months, going back my normal training has given me some massive muscle ache! I did back yesterday, not just rotating my body makes my muscles pain.


Slayer of Combofiends
im confused, should i do HIIT on my lift days (i lift three times a week) or in between those days? ive been making progress slowly... might have to add an exercise to the 5x5 program for each day.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
After two months of no training because of a long trip and also moving to another city, I just went back to the gym. Now I'm going to Gold's Gym, if only because it's the closest (by far) to my house.

Also damn this place is full of massive people. Back on my last gym, it was all skinny girls trying to get some exercise, or just your average guy doing basic training. On this place, over half of the people seem straight off some bodybuilding contest! Anyway, now I feel incredibly tiny, but I guess it will give me more reason to workout!

Oh, and after 2 months, going back my normal training has given me some massive muscle ache! I did back yesterday, not just rotating my body makes my muscles pain.

The Gold's Gym in Umeda?


the piano man
After two months of no training because of a long trip and also moving to another city, I just went back to the gym. Now I'm going to Gold's Gym, if only because it's the closest (by far) to my house.

Also damn this place is full of massive people. Back on my last gym, it was all skinny girls trying to get some exercise, or just your average guy doing basic training. On this place, over half of the people seem straight off some bodybuilding contest! Anyway, now I feel incredibly tiny, but I guess it will give me more reason to workout!

Oh, and after 2 months, going back my normal training has given me some massive muscle ache! I did back yesterday, not just rotating my body makes my muscles pain.

man so jelly, I wish huge beasts were roaming my gym, it's so inspiring

We are all amateurs there. There's the occasional "could be" guy here and there but very casual otherwise
man so jelly, I wish huge beasts were roaming my gym, it's so inspiring

We are all amateurs there. There's the occasional "could be" guy here and there but very casual otherwise

Brolic might be the closest gaffer to have a chance to compete in powerlifting competitively

Mrmuscle did some bodybuilding contests right?


I started to lose weight when i changed my diet. Seriously cut out on carbs, run in the morning on an empty stomach, snack on carrot sticks for breakfast, stop eating after 3. Then an evening session of weights. Could be broscience but i dropped 2kg in a week on this.



that is all broscience, but it will work. It's important to understand why something works. Calories in - calories out, c'est simple.


Carrots are very high in carbs.

The carrots were my own thing but the cutting out carbs thing was told to me by the gym staff and my former boss who had a degree in sports medicine. they didn't say completely cut out carbs but they did say cut down on them.
Jealous. I've never been to a live tennis event. How far away were your seats and how do you compare watching a match in person compared to on tv? Any visibility issues? Monfils must have been a trip to watch.
All the seats in smaller stadiums/courts (Armstrong, Grandstand, Court XX) are better than TV. I was really surprised at how close I was to the court in Armstrong/Grandstand. If you plan out your schedule well you can get into most of these courts early enough to sit just outside the expensive seats. Really great view.

Arthur Ashe is really the only stadium where seats can be shitty. Anything on the Loge (second highest level) or lower is better than TV and was where I was at the first day. When I saw Serena/Djokovic. Promenade is worse than watching on TV, BUT it's really not that bad. People said I would need binoculars up there, but that's not true at all. I could see who was playing rather easily. The shitty part about the nosebleeds is the heat.

My biggest tips are to know the schedules of play ahead of time and get there early. If you wanna see specific players go during the first few days of the tournament during the day because that's when they will put top tier players in the smaller stadiums and you'll have a way better chance of sitting near the front. The only downside is the matches may not be as entertaining, but there were a lot of upsets this year, so you never know.

Arthur Ashe tickets give you entry to all the stadiums while also confirming a seat in Arthur. So you don't need to worry about getting to the big stadium early, you'll always have a seat. That lets you walk around and watch other stuff when no one interesting is playing there, or your seats are bad.

Also one big tip I learned from vets of the event. If you go to the US Open and a big name player is on Grandstand there will often be a very long line if you're not there early. However you can bypass this by walking into Armstrong and head up the east side. Armstrong overlooks Grandstand so you can just watch over the edge, there's no seats obviously, but it means you don't have to wait in line if it's a long one.


I'm always confused by calories in vs out.

Makes sense- but if you eat 2000 cals of straight sugar- are you really not gonna fatten up? How does cals in/out fit in w all the talk about insulin spikes.

Asking seriously. Sources would be cool thanks.


I'm always confused by calories in vs out.

Makes sense- but if you eat 2000 cals of straight sugar- are you really not gonna fatten up? How does cals in/out fit in w all the talk about insulin spikes.

Asking seriously. Sources would be cool thanks.

It's okay as a general rule but it doesn't take into account food sensitivities and issues with insulin.

2000 calories of clean eating will get you a lot further than 2000 calories of junk food.
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