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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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What do you guys think of this bodyweight routine? My goals are relative strength and mobility. I do three sets of each exercise, with a 2 minute break between sets. the number in parenthesis is my average number of rep. I train 2 days in a row and on the third day I either do cardio on some other sport. I take one break day per week.

Day 1:
- Pull ups (8)
- Single leg calf raises (21)
- Diamond push ups (17)
- Hanging leg raises (13)

Day 2:
- Handstand (1 min)
- Shrimp squats (4)
- Inverted rows (12)
- Side knee raises (16)

Day 3:
- Dips (12)
- Pistol squats (11)
- Grip and forearm work
- Back bridges (15)

Anything missing?

ACE 1991

That's fucking awesome. More gyms should do this but I think they like it better that people don't go regularly so that they can just collect

Squats are looking good though. As you squat more weight try to not hyperextend your back. This will save you back pain

Yep. If you attend the gym less than 16 times you get charged the full $52 for that month.


CherryWood, thanks! Did it look like I was hyperextending my back in the video? I was trying to set my ass like in the SYTYCS video.

ZaCH, are you talking about BioGro?

No Love

Just a little pic from my post-sprint session today.



Note: I never ever do ANY work on my calves. EVER. This has how they've always been naturally.

And those Nike sprinting shoes? Scored those for $6.50. The lightness + traction is amazing for sprints.


CherryWood, thanks! Did it look like I was hyperextending my back in the video? I was trying to set my ass like in the SYTYCS video.

ZaCH, are you talking about BioGro?

No. There was a thread made on it recently in the OT. I can't remember the name of it, though.


The safeway by me started selling Creatine, BCAAs and "Testosterone booster". All in pill form. It's right next to all the candy--I mean protein--bars.
Drink it in haters!
Why? ;-) Also just come to my place and we will throw down. I ain't scared brah.

On another note.

I'm heading back home tomorrow from my US Open trip. I ate like shit all week. Didn't get to workout much either, but it was a vacation.

Anyway, going back on my cut tomorrow. Excited to get back into the swing of things.


Looking at just this page of the thread, we appear to have several people following Convict Conditioning, which despite the cheesy name, is supposed to be a very nicely structured bodyweight program. I've also heard good things about You Are Your Own Gym.

But before worrying about that…

I am concerned when I read statements like these. I'm no doctor, but reading these statements makes me think you'd benefit from seeing a real medical professional, preferably one with nutritional training.

I do hope your vacation gives you a chance to relax.

I looked into both the programs you recommend and I'm going to try adding You Are Your Own Gym to my rotation. Thank you! :) Now I have yoga, cardio kickboxing and my weights DVD as well as this new one. Phew. Not enough days to do them all twice a week.

What you and your body needs is love and piece. And I am not even joking. We wouldn't be giving you ill advices. Like you said, your method haven't been working like you hoped so you better ditch it and change to something healthier and more effective. Why don't you try out something that has proven effects and is better for you compared to what you have been doing?

Your body isn't your problem, but your mentality is. I hope I don't sound too harsh, but you do have some issues with your mind what comes to your body. You think you can't get results and you do things that won't give you them. It is like you like the idea of "punishing" your body instead of doing things that would be better for you. Also even if you would be able to shred couple pounds with your methods, it would most likely come back quite quickly since you can't eat like that the rest of your life. It is just counterproductive in every way.

I truly hope you will relax and find your inner piece on your vacation and come back rested. Don't stress about anything and you are hopefully able to see things from another perspective after the holiday.

I'm going to add the program Cooper recommend above! I might be be able to do some of it on my trip too. Should be fun. I'll be walking lots too so nothing to worry about while I'm on my trip.

Still haven't worked out this week. So stupid, but whatever. Been watching Lost, packing, drinking tea.
Think I'm gonna take a week off. Shoulder, knee and low back are beat up, I'm feeling tired and unmotivated. All indicators it's time for a break. 5 month stretch of being at it, so that's not bad.

Good timing. My shoulder always starts to hitch a little when its time for me to recoop.

J. Bravo

Bro your arms are fucking huge. They make your pecs look small. Also yeah traps like brolic said. But you are looking great


I was on my last set of (of 5) of OHP and I just couldn't get that last rep up. Why does missing it by one rep feel so much worse than failing on the third set or something.

So bummed I couldn't even be happy about my new PR for Deadlift.


Black Canada Mafia
So I got a personal trainer about 2 months ago, after many months of trying to work out and doing shit.

So far it's been great, I only see her twice a week, but I then also do my own shit 1-2 times a week. 2 months ago I was at about 208 lb, (6 feet tall) and It was obviously too much. I was at my most comfortable weight at around 180 lb. Right now I am down to 193 lb.

I had some pretty rapid weight loss, but it's started to slow down - I'm actually not sure if I keep working out the way I do if I'll hit 180 lb again, as I can really feel the changes in my body. My shirts are all tight around the chest/shoulders, and my pants are all falling off of me.

It's been really great, and I am starting to redouble my efforts - I work out harder on my own and I go more often (instead of just once, I have occasionally gone 3 times a week on my own + 2 with the trainer).

My trainer is great, and she is really pushing me in the right direction I think. I really am seeing some great changes and I want to share it with some people! I don't have any 'official' before pictures, but I can probably scrounge up something from some topless pictures 6 months back, which wasn't at 208 but close enough. I'm planning on taking some 'after' pictures this thursday and I'll share with you guys. We already paid for a third month with the trainer (I am actually working out together with my girlfriend, she's had great results too) - and I really hope that soon I'll have that body I really want. I know it'll take many more months, but these two have flown by, and I can only imagine where I'll be by month 6.


On day 7 of 8 of this Cali SF to SD excursion. Been bulking for a week and walking a ton. Feel like a blob with hard calves and ready to get back to lifting heavy and eating clean. Been a hell of a ride though!

J. Bravo

Somehow had the best back workout ever after 4 hours of sleep and working 8 hours. And I drank last night lol. My pump was insaneeeeee


Guys what is/are the best shoulder excercizes to build oversized shoulder blades
I want them to be almost comiczlly big and toned


Hey Brolic, I've been doing rear delt destroyers on the pec deck, and for some reason my triceps are getting sore afterwards. Is this abnormal?

J. Bravo

^no, i notice it too. but maybe we're doing it wrong. i mean, you have to flex your whole arm to keep it in the slightly bent position.

Yes, that.

db/bb shrugs as heavy as you can and hold at the top for 3 seconds. just do a lot until it burns and then do like 10 more or something. do maybe 5 sets idk. i just kind of do these until i'm tired of them and can barely shrug my shirt up lol. also, snatch grip power shrugs. and rear delt flyes.
Guys what is/are the best shoulder excercizes to build oversized shoulder blades
I want them to be almost comiczlly big and toned

If you want COMICAL size you just need roids. Seems like everyone on any kind of gear gets these ridiculous cannon ball shoulders, but not the kind you get with just plain old hard work. There's something different about them.

If you want COSMIC sides you're probably gonna want to get on Galactus's good side

ACE 1991

Quick question about warm up sets. Do you guys do them before every lifting excerise, or just the big compound movements? For instance my workout ends with tricep press downs and dumbbell flyes, should I be doing light weight warm up sets for these as well or am I warmed up enough at this point?
How was watching US Open matches in person, Darth?
It was incredible. Really enjoyed it. Got to watch Serena, Djokovic, Monfils, and Williams sisters do doubles. Great seats, good weather, good matches. I even got an awesome tan from sitting in the sun for 10 hours each day, lol.


It was incredible. Really enjoyed it. Got to watch Serena, Djokovic, Monfils, and Williams sisters do doubles. Great seats, good weather, good matches. I even got an awesome tan from sitting in the sun for 10 hours each day, lol.

Jealous. I've never been to a live tennis event. How far away were your seats and how do you compare watching a match in person compared to on tv? Any visibility issues? Monfils must have been a trip to watch.
damn fit gaf I thought I'd fucked up my hip last week, I took a week off as I was feeling pain whenever I walked. I'm feeling better now and I have full mobility again but I have this tiny pain in my left glute I guess it would be in the area where a doctor would usually administer an injection, anybody ever had this before?
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