Hooray for me. Exactly one year ago I first time in my life set a foot on the nice floor of a gym. From that on I have been somewhat consistent (Christmas time when gym was closed and a holiday week aside). A year and one day ago if someone would have said to me that it would become a habit and I would miss going there I wouldn't have believed. I have been happily surprised about how easy it has been. This is definitely only the beginning.
I have managed to heal my herniated disk but now I am dealing with piriformis syndrome. I better be able to heal that within couple months and start doing glute bridges and Romanian deadlifts again. It would be nice for a change to have some injury free quality time. I am also slowly planning to change my work out routines and perhaps stop doing pilates and do something else instead when I am feeling better. Going to gym three times a week would be awesome, but then I would need to figure out new gym programme. What do you think, is it alright to squat three times a week with low weights for the time being?
Have you been doing beach security on weekends Brolic?
Hahahah. Loved your comment.
I love the dude who commented the average gaffer could shove a drunk dude as easily as that cop did.
People have no concept of strength.
Yeah. That man on the video was a total beast. I can't imagine that many Gaffers in general would be able to do that. I don't think that even all of us from here could do it to be honest. Some for sure, but not all, at least not that easily.
I have also always imagined Brolic is huge, but I have no idea how big he really is.
Brolic, do you mind telling how tall are you and how much you weight just for reference?