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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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So how do you guys handle the whole wardrobe situation? Do you constantly keep buying new stuff, or wait until you reach your "final form" then do a whole lot of shopping at once?

Some of my favorite shirts don't fit me anymore and my jeans are getting super tight.

I thought, no big deal, I'll just replace them. But today I found the worst thing.

I started lifting right as winter started and now that spring is here I decided to take my motorcycle for a spin.

Well, it turns out that I've gotten so wide that I can barely zip up my jacket. This is gonna be a problem, as this is a fitted $700 leather racing jacket, not some $10 tee that I can keep swapping every time I go up a size.

What do I do GAF? :/

If it makes you feel better the beginner gains are usually the biggest. After that it's much slower and gradual.
I stopped buying new clothes. I'm wearing all my clothes from when I was fatter, but with much smaller belts etc. Who knows when I'll decide on a size / shape that I'm happy with.


Trying to decide whether to register for a half-marathon. The event is May 3, I only got back into running on Monday. I'm running a 24 minute 5 km.

If I can run 14 km on Sunday, I think it is doable and I'll register. That leaves me with about 6 weeks to train.


I believe he is 5'8 & 240

Yep. Definitely not huge, but I also have no problem throwing dudes around. Low center of gravity and my mass makes it pretty easy.

Just last week I weighed in at 245lbs. You're telling me at one point I weighed more than Brolic but didn't have half his strength?


Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
*Use this grip like me*

*posts video of his back*

In which you can clearly see I cross my arms. Then I posted a video from the other view. Nice try though champ.

Just last week I weighed in at 245lbs. You're telling me at one point I weighed more than Brolic but didn't have half his strength?


I'm easily probably 25-30% BF too. Lol.

That said, strength is all relative and we are all on our own journey. At least we are here to help each other get there.
So how do you guys handle the whole wardrobe situation? Do you constantly keep buying new stuff, or wait until you reach your "final form" then do a whole lot of shopping at once?

Some of my favorite shirts don't fit me anymore and my jeans are getting super tight.

I thought, no big deal, I'll just replace them. But today I found the worst thing.

I started lifting right as winter started and now that spring is here I decided to take my motorcycle for a spin.

Well, it turns out that I've gotten so wide that I can barely zip up my jacket. This is gonna be a problem, as this is a fitted $700 leather racing jacket, not some $10 tee that I can keep swapping every time I go up a size.

What do I do GAF? :/
get by with the bare minimum until you've reached your 'final form'. I went up a couple dress shirt sizes and a suit size over the last year or so; and going back to try on a jacket that you can't put on without feeling like the shoulders are gonna shred is no fun at all. While the drive to increase bulk is hard to pass up I also don't want to replace several 1k+ suits and coats. Again.
So how do you guys handle the whole wardrobe situation? Do you constantly keep buying new stuff, or wait until you reach your "final form" then do a whole lot of shopping at once?

Some of my favorite shirts don't fit me anymore and my jeans are getting super tight.

I thought, no big deal, I'll just replace them. But today I found the worst thing.

I started lifting right as winter started and now that spring is here I decided to take my motorcycle for a spin.

Well, it turns out that I've gotten so wide that I can barely zip up my jacket. This is gonna be a problem, as this is a fitted $700 leather racing jacket, not some $10 tee that I can keep swapping every time I go up a size.

What do I do GAF? :/
I know your pain. Out of the 6 pairs of jeans I own, only 2 actually fit me now. Not to mention I ripped one of my nicer winter jackets just by putting it on. I usally buy new clothes as I go. Now I'm scared of trying on my leather jacket....
Just last week I weighed in at 245lbs. You're telling me at one point I weighed more than Brolic but didn't have half his strength?


Bro, how do you think I felt when I was pushing 270? I swear, I have some wack combo of genetics in which I am not as strong as I weigh nor look like how a dood at 270 who lifts should look like.

get by with the bare minimum until you've reached your 'final form'. I went up a couple dress shirt sizes and a suit size over the last year or so; and going back to try on a jacket that you can't put on without feeling like the shoulders are gonna shred is no fun at all. While the drive to increase bulk is hard to pass up I also don't want to replace several 1k+ suits and coats. Again.

The price you pay to look good.


Had one of those bioimpedance measurements done today. Not any of those at home crap but with a somewhat better machine. I know they are not 100% accurate but this is basically the best I can get. The machine should be pretty good as it's the one they use in clinics and hospitals around here and it was calibrated last week.

Anyway for the results..

- I was one cm longer than I thought.

- Bodyfat%: 17,9.

I had myself figure it would be way over 20% but I'm not really qualified in any way to make that estimation. Most of the calculators online give me around the same number anyway so I guess it's the best estimate I can get.

-Weight: 83,7 kg

-Fat mass: 15 kg

Basically my muscle mass was over the "normal range" for a caucasian man of my age. Bodyfat levels were within normal range but a bit in the upper portion. Waist-hip ratio was 0,87 (a bit on the higher end). Muscle balance was good between limbs but I had relatively more muscle mass in my legs compared to normal. Comparatively my torso was lagging just a little bit.

The machine also told I was 2% dehydrated (ECF/TBF and ECW/TBW) which according to the man measuring me would translate in up to 15-20% drop in training ability. I haven't been able to get as much drink this week as I would've liked and it was visible here. Also apparently my training volume, amount of sleep and food aren't in balance which also contributes to the dehydration levels. I've been on minus calories since january so maybe this is expected.


Hey guys....a little confused here.

I've made some remarkable changes in the past two years, and I've almost achieved what I want. Have a couple questions right now because I'm starting to get confused and don't really know what to do from this point forward.

I'm currently 175 lbs. My build is ALMOST what I want. I'm in pretty decent shape but I still have some fat I'd like to get rid of but I'd also like to put on some more muscle.

However, 175lbs. is pretty much what I've wanted as far as my weight. Essentially, I'd like to be the exact same weight I am right now but I want to have more muscle and less fat.

I know that's basically what everyone says, but I'm trying to bulk and then cut, right? But I don't want to bulk another 10 pounds. I really can't afford a new wardrobe right now and my pants are already a bit snug. So what can/should I do if I want to put on muscle?

If I bulk to put on more muscle, for say, 3 months and put on--let's say 10-15 pounds, then cut until I'm 175 again will that essentially get me what I want? Or is there another way to do this?

It's hard for me to describe what I want. I like where I'm at. I just want more muscle and less fat.

You could just recomposition if you don't want to bulk and cut, it'll get you where you want but take longer than bulking and cutting. I can totally understand not wanting to bulk since being at different levels of fatness really fucks with my head.


Currently on vacation and enjoying my last few days of dietary freedom before I have to drop 15lbs for the meet on May 30. Had both Pat's and Jim's cheesteaks yesterday in Philly, headed to NY today and can't wait to grub on some delicious pizza and street cart food.


Been putting in quite some work on my mobility recently and my squats almost feel natural to me now. Because of my hips and ankles squatting has always felt "wrong". Even squatting normally without weights has felt like a movement i wasnt built to do. So its nice to be able to fix that.

Here is a video from last nights workout. Still a tiny bit of hip tuck at the bottom, but man it has gotten a lot better!


Ive always been flexible when it comes to the splits. Funny how i neglected mobility and only focused on flexibility. Well, you live and you learn!



What are you doing for mobility?

I do ankle mobility drills and squat to stand through out the day. At the gym i start my workouts with foam rolling and dynamic stretches. After my workout i do more stretching and again mobility drills for ankles and hips. Pretty straight forward really, it prolongs my gym time by a lot but its definitively worth it.
Out of interest (and I've seen a lot of debate on this), when you do foam rolling, do you do the form where you just roll back and forth, or do you do the form where you find tight / painful spots and keep pressure on them?


Out of interest (and I've seen a lot of debate on this), when you do foam rolling, do you do the form where you just roll back and forth, or do you do the form where you find tight / painful spots and keep pressure on them?

I do both, but when i use it as a warm up i primarily roll. If i find tight spots i test them out and make a mental note to get back to them after my workout and see how they feel then.


the piano man
Ive always been flexible when it comes to the splits. Funny how i neglected mobility and only focused on flexibility. Well, you live and you learn!

Is that you?? cause if yes you are my absolute hero. I LOVE flexibility moves.

back in the day I was determined to do a split, after a while I had to give up due to lack of time, stretching takes time.


the piano man
Yeah thats me, Ive always loved the split for some reason. Even waaaay waaay back!

damn, and sideways at it, looks amazin in those pics.

this is the most I achieved like 1.5 years ago. but it's front/rear and not complete, sideways I've never tried.


out of Fitgaf, problay Szu has/had one like you show. (and surely others that don't post much or haven't commented about it hehe)

by the way you arms look HUGE in that black/white pic


I think I figured out why my squats have been bad lately.

My core and hamstrings are weak.

I used to be able to do full splits when I did gymnastics.


So I have a bad back that gets sore easily when I try to do ab work outs. It could have to do with having bad formation on top. What are some good ab workouts I can do that won't strain the lower back too much?


So I have a bad back that gets sore easily when I try to do ab work outs. It could have to do with having bad formation on top. What are some good ab workouts I can do that won't strain the lower back too much?

Basically anything that isn't sit ups or crunches. They are useless anyway. What are you doing now?

These are good:
-Long Lever Plank
-Side Plank
-Hanging leg raises
-Ab wheel
-Dragon flag
-Dead Bug

Also chin-ups, deadlifts, squats and overhead presses.


What happens when gains make you lose some of your abs?

Stop eating freely and go back to stricter dieting? More ab exercises? Stop the upper body muscle work?
What happens when gains make you lose some of your abs?

Stop eating freely and go back to stricter dieting? More ab exercises? Stop the upper body muscle work?

Stricter diet or do a cut later on after bulking. Everyone is free to do what they want but I find that chasing the ab train all the time could be damaging to other aspects of your fitness. But if its what you want then go for it.


there is joy in sucking dick
What happens when gains make you lose some of your abs?

Stop eating freely and go back to stricter dieting? More ab exercises? Stop the upper body muscle work?

You're gaining body fat too. Depending on how long you've been bulking it may not be worth going right back into a cut. You'll just have to accept a loss of definition for the time being. Cut too soon and you run the risk of ending up where you began when you initially started bulking in regards to lean mass.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Does anyone else here get bored at work and start doing random body weight exercises to pass the time? I work in a small office with only 4-5 people (they each have their own office) and I really only have about 2 hours of work at the most.

I can only browse NeoGAF and Reddit so much before I get bored in my chair and just start squatting and bending rulers to learn how to engage lats in a bench.


Rested really well last night, ate around 2500 or so calories, and feel really strong this morning. Excited to hit the gym today.

Also bought 20+ pounds of corned beef. Come at me.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Stricter diet or do a cut later on after bulking. Everyone is free to do what they want but I find that chasing the ab train all the time could be damaging to other aspects of your fitness. But if its what you want then go for it.
That's why you don't chase. Get there and chill.


Does anyone else here get bored at work and start doing random body weight exercises to pass the time? I work in a small office with only 4-5 people (they each have their own office) and I really only have about 2 hours of work at the most.

I can only browse NeoGAF and Reddit so much before I get bored in my chair and just start squatting and bending rulers to learn how to engage lats in a bench.

Bored at work is why God gave us Monster Hunter 4U.

(But yeah, sometimes).
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