So how do you guys handle the whole wardrobe situation? Do you constantly keep buying new stuff, or wait until you reach your "final form" then do a whole lot of shopping at once?
Some of my favorite shirts don't fit me anymore and my jeans are getting super tight.
I thought, no big deal, I'll just replace them. But today I found the worst thing.
I started lifting right as winter started and now that spring is here I decided to take my motorcycle for a spin.
Well, it turns out that I've gotten so wide that I can barely zip up my jacket. This is gonna be a problem, as this is a fitted $700 leather racing jacket, not some $10 tee that I can keep swapping every time I go up a size.
What do I do GAF? :/
If it makes you feel better the beginner gains are usually the biggest. After that it's much slower and gradual.