Well, I just started weight training, and I want to vent my experiences with someone. I can tell no one in my vicinity really cares when Ive tried to broach the subject, so Im gonna do it here instead. Warning: incoming wall of text, feel free to ignore.
Anyway, Im puny as fuck. Pretty much never did any lifting before in my life. And I dont know the first thing about this stuff (but Im getting fascinated with the subject and doing some research online). Also, my body coordination is horrible, so I need someone very patient to show me how to do each move, which is why I recruited a personal trainer to help me put together a routine and show me how everything is done, starting from a couple of weeks ago. So far, Im having a lot more fun than I expected. I expected to hate it and that I would dread going every time, but I look forward to going to the gym each day I do.
So the trainer put together three routines for me: one full-body routine, one lower body routine and one upper body routine. Ideally, I should do them each once per week, but Im finding it hard to find the time to go more than twice most weeks. I really enjoy the program. I think many people here (where you seem to be really into starting strength and 5X5 powerlifts) will think the rep range is too high for many of the exercises (6-8 for the compound movements at the start of the routines, 10-12 for some of the auxiliary exercises and 12-15 for a few other exercises). But I like it this way. Well sort of, because the high rep exercises always kill me above ten or so reps, but I guess that is sort of the point? From what Ive read, thats how you can really break down the muscles and get some hypertrophy?
Anyway, the full-body routine starts with barbell deadlifts. Two sets in low rep range, and two sets in a higher rep range (of course with lighter loads). And let me just say: I fucking love deadlifts! Nothing makes me feel more manly than hurling these giant pieces of metal off the floor. And afterwards Im sweating like crazy. I just love how it hits your whole body. I sweat almost as much after one set of deadlifts as I do after 30 mins of cardio. And I have to grunt like a fucking animal in my last reps. Sorry to anyone else in the room! Anyway, Ive only had time to do this routine two times on my own, but I feel like I progress relatively quickly. At first, I was scared of just lifting the bar with two 5 kg plates, but I was lifting 50 kg in no time. I think I will add 5 kg to the bar every time I do the full body work-out, for as long as I can keep hitting the reps while doing so. 50 kg is nothing to most guys, but for it feels really good.

Sometimes Im not really sure what Im supposed to be doing at the top of the lift. Should I bring my shoulders back? Or squeeze the lats? I need to make sure to ask the trainer next session were doing deadlifts. Only thing is Ive read online that it can be quite risky, and that you risk hernia. But I should be ok as long as I check my form at the start of each rep and make sure I dont round my back right? Another thing, there seems to be some controversy about whether the shoulders should be slightly in front of the bar at the start of the lift, or straight above the bar at the start of the lift. Different people say different things online. Why does it matter? Is it about how much back to use in relation to legs? Is it just a function of your bodily proportions? Anyway, my trainer told me to keep the shoulders straight above the bar. I should ask him about this too. And make sure to really let the bar come to a full stop between each rep. (Sometimes I see some guys who talk a lot about cross-fit in the gym. Not really sure what cross-fit is, but they seem to have some pretty bad habits. They start out with pretty good form, but each set they get progressively worse the more reps they crack out. And they dont let the bar come to a full stop at the bottom. Just touch and go, without resetting the form. And the back becomes increasingly rounded for each set they are doing.)
Then I do leg press. Two sets in low-rep range and two sets in middle rep range. Not really a lot to say about that. On my second time I hit my reps with 100 kg load, which felt pretty cool I guess. I guess thats the appeal of this exercise. Putting on a lot of plates to feel ultra-buff.
Then standing dumbbell press superset with dumbbell lateral raises in a mid-rep range. I fucking suck at these shoulder exercises. For the presses I start out with 5 kg dumbbells, but wont hit my reps in my last set, where I need to go to lighter dumbbells. For the raises I can barely hit my reps with 3 kg dumbbells. For the presses, I have a really hard time stabilizing my core through the movement. So I really need to work on that.
Then dumbbell bench press, which is pretty fun. I like how the blood soars into my chest after the last set. Again Im using pitifully low weights. I think my pecs are even weaker than my shoulder. Just pitiful.
Then sitting rows on cable machine for high reps. Not much to say about this, except that the last reps of the sets nearly kill me. For some reason, my lower arms get quite exhausted, so I guess that could mean that Im sort of cheating and letting the arms take too much of the load?
Then lat pulldowns for 10-12 reps. I feel pretty sure Im doing this wrong, because it doesnt really feel like they hit the back a lot. By the end of the sets I again feel more exhausted in my lower arms. Thats the full-body workout.
Lower body workout starts with barbell squats for sets of 6-8 reps. Im fucking weak on barbell squats. I can do just fine with just the bar, but the first time I went on my own, I got cocky after that, so I added another 10 kg for a total of 30kg, and I miserably failed my fifth rep. Couldnt get up from the deep position. I suck at them but I fucking love them too. Next time I went I did well with 25 kg. So next time, I will try 30 kg again! You will go down 30 kg barbell!! :< :< :/ I just love that feeling of thinking that I may die when Im at the bottom of the movement. Not knowing whether I will be able to stand up again or not. Its like a real-life Souls game boss, after you got them down to half health and really dont want to die and lose all that progress. Feels fucking good. After my last set I cant walk for a couple of minutes. Fuck yeah!
Then we have goblet squats, to hit the front parts of the legs a bit more, for intermediate-to-high reps.
And then MORE DEADLIFTS! Fuck yeah!! Higher rep range than on full-body day, so I lower the weight a bit.
And then sumo deadlifts. Fuck yeah! Really hits my hamstrings real good.
And then some lunges with one foot behind me on a chair or bench or something, for high reps. Im supposed to them with weights, but my balance is so fucking bad that just hitting my reps with bodyweight is a huge ordeal. Im literally shaking after maybe just five reps. I hate them. I love them.
And then I do hip extensions on my back on the floor for high reps. This one is pretty easy to me. I really like the burn during the last few reps, but compared to other high-rep exercises I do, I find it a lot easier. I have a feeling that a month from now, they will be too easy for me. Is there a safe way to add some weight or something to make them harder? I know I can do them with one leg, but Im too weak for that. But I guess its nice with a high-rep exercise that makes me feel good rather, than like I want to kill myself in the last reps.
Then leg curl machine for high reps, which I dont really like. It just feels like a really awkward movement somehow. I am told to hold for a second when Im at the back (full bend) of the movement, but after the first half of my sets I cant even get that far back. Is that an indication that I should lower the weight, or should I just accept a smaller range of movement for the last reps in each set? It doesnt really get better if I lower the weight a bit. I still feel unable to do the full range of motion at the back of each set.
Finish up leg day with weighted one-legged calf raises. Feels good, man.
After my first leg day I couldnt walk for four days. Stairs were the bane of my existence. Felt bad, man.
Then upper body day. Start with barbell bench press. Did I mention my chest is fucking weak? Because its fucking weak. Im supposed to start with two sets for high reps, which I do with just the bar. And its mostly fine. Then two sets for low reps (6-8). I add just 2.5 kg on each side of the bar, but still Im unable to do more than five reps in each set. My chest fucking sucks. Did I mention it sucks? Usually my left side fails first. This happens in almost all of my exercises for upper body. My left side fucking sucks
Then incline barbell bench press for intermediate reps. I forgot down to write down what angle the bench should be. I will have to ask next time. 30 degrees, or slightly lower fine? Again, my left side lets me down. You suck left side of my body!! :<
And then I do some kind of rowing variation with a barbell. This one is really easy for me. Dont know why. Its one where I stand on the ground and lean forward. The angle between my back and the floor is supposed to be pretty low. Below 45 degrees by quite a bit. I pull the bar up, with an underhand grip, from fully extended arms towards my stomach. The bar doesnt touch the ground until after the set is complete. Anyone knows what this row variation is called in English? Dunno, this one is really easy for me. Maybe Im cheating somehow? Pretty soon the special pre-loaded short barbells they have at my gym for this one (and for biceps curls I think) will be too light for me. Then I guess I will have to use a deadlift bar?
And then I do some kind of back exercise on the cable machine, where I lean back slightly and pull a rope to my face or something.
And then I do assisted pull-ups for intermediate reps. These fucking kill me. Regardless of how much assistance I put in, I will be pretty much dead after my first set. My second and third sets are always pathetic compared to the first one. According to my routine Im only allowed to rest for 60 seconds between sets, but I dont see how such a thing is even possible. Even if I cheat and rest an extra minute, I still cant do the latter sets properly.
And then sitting dumbbell presses. Did I say before that my shoulders suck? They fucking suck. Especially left shoulder. Fuck you, left shoulder. I will break you down and force you to behave, one day.
Then I do some kind of front dumbbell raise thingy for sets of 10-12 reps. I was far too fucking cocky with the weights I chose here today. Everyone could witness my shame as I started cheating more and more with my form, not keeping my back and core stable. And then they witnessed my shame as I had to lower the weight for each following set. By the end to punish myself for my insolence I did a drop set with lower and lower weights until exhaustion with each weight. By the end I was standing there with 1 kg dumbbells. A sorry sight
Last exercise of this day is for the core. I think its called Pallof press. I dunno, you use a cable machine and press out your arms out (and bring them in again) for high reps, while your core is supposed to keep you from rotating towards the weight. First you do your reps with the cable machine to your one side, and then you do it with the cable machine to your other side. And again, my left side is much weaker than the right side. I didnt even think that was possible for the core. My left side transcends all logic and physics in its quest to keep me down, it seems. Anyway, this exercise is a lot harder than it looks. By the end of my sets, I was grunting out really loud again. Everyone else at the gym must hate men. Fuck them.
Anyway, Im kicking myself for not starting going to the gym earlier in my life. Its actually all kinds of fun. And I feel great afterwards. I tried a bit a year ago, but then I had a really shitty routine with a lot of machines and stuff. Wasnt enjoying it much at all. Much more fun with free weights!
Oh, and it should take a couple of months or so before I start seeing visible results, right? Just so I dont get disappointed and discouraged by lack of visual results. But at the end of todays session, it actually looked like my shoulders were a bit bigger than they were when I started out. Probably my imagination, though. The rest of my body is still a pitiable mess.
Wow, that sure is a wall of text. Sorry guys.