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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Can i incorporate HIIT Cardio if i am doing starting strength? You know those 20 min workouts that you can do at home to burn fat. Also if so, is it better to do it the same day as your workout or your rest day?
I nowadays always carry around Quest protein bars. They have already saved me once at work. It was a horrid, horrid day. I survived solely because of the almighty coffee and heavenly Quest bar.

Also couple times before the Quests if I was in the city I could go and buy some quark. At least in here it is relatively cheap and very high in protein (250 grams of quark have around 25 grams of protein). My friend on the other hand loves Skyr so she usually gets that if we are shopping for a long time.

Even though I am fairly sure you meant some other sort of fast food... Kebab meat with a salad on the side perhaps?

I live off Chipotle burrito bowls. Ask for minimal rice, then load up on beans, chicken, fajita peppers, pico, and guac (I also ask for guac on the side so they put it in the little cup).

If you have Chik-fil-a in your area, they have a pretty decent grilled chicken sandwich.

And you can definitely find some decent options at Taco Bell as well.

Only thing that's sort of ok from McDonalds is the chicken salad (190kcal, 27g Protein, 10g Carbs, 5g Fat). Buy two and you've probably got a reasonable meal. :)

Thanks all! I have an idea or future dinner should the need Arise.

I killed it today! Final put up 135x 5 for reps on my bench. The bench has always been my weakest lift. Feels super good.

I'm also doing 275 x 5 in DLs and 265 x 5 in squats consistently. That deload really helped me work on form.

2 inches have fallen off my waist! Goddamn the fitness gods are hearing my prayers!

By next year I'll be Spidey strong!


Uber fail on legs today. Tried 225 with proper form and deep depth. I think it was too much for my weak back and it's feeling kinda tweaked at the moment. Had to stop and foam roll.



Well I'm going to buck the trend and say my gym day was fantastically strange, I got hit on by a woman! Usually it's dudes in the steam room ._.

Downsides being she interrupted me to ask 1) if I "did crossfit" 2) where I work out (this was truly fucking baffling, as I was standing on the deadlift platform in the weight room at the time) 3) if she could work out with me next time I'm here and what time that would be at???


I think the creepy awkward dudes are easier to deal with honestly, this was just like loony bin status. Which I will obviously have to pursue. For science. Because no matter what she said she was still a pretty smoking hot ginger ughhhhhh thank you UNIVERSE

don't you know crossfit is code for she wants to smash? all about flailing around for 30 minutes and "pounds" are involved. go for it breh


Looks like you want sth like this


it's just 100% whey isolate (cross flow micro and ultra filtrated) without any additional supplements, minerals, sweeteners or whatever.

I don't know if they export outside germany though.


That's what you need. Or, other stuff from that line is pretty good too.
Thanks for the suggestions guys. I'm looking at that and the optimum platinum hydro whey.

J. Bravo

a girl wants me to squat with her. i already lifted today, including deadlifts. i'm going back up to ball in an hour anyways. i should probably squat with her. right?
Even playing baseball I never hit 135 on my bench for reps, so I'm super happy about it!

Coach didn't want us to lift. *shrugs*

A shame. If he only knew about crossfit, you could have been in the NBA.


a girl wants me to squat with her. i already lifted today, including deadlifts. i'm going back up to ball in an hour anyways. i should probably squat with her. right?

The "a hot girl/guy walked in the room or wants me to lift with her/him" extra set is an important part of lifting. Go with it.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Uber fail on legs today. Tried 225 with proper form and deep depth. I think it was too much for my weak back and it's feeling kinda tweaked at the moment. Had to stop and foam roll.


How often do you squat and at what weight did you previously do your work sets?


Speaking of baseball, I'm kinda pissed I was basically sheltered from playing when I was younger. My mother grew up with baseball and was tired of it so she never let me play and drilled the idea into my head that baseball = boring. But from the little IM I've played I've got crazy range in the outfield and a plus arm and I feel like I could've been a really good player, 5'6 outfielder with pop. My uncle was highly recruit left fielder before tearing his rotator cuff making a throw to home his senior year in front of scouts from Virginia Tech.
Speaking of baseball, I'm kinda pissed I was basically sheltered from playing when I was younger. My mother grew up with baseball and was tired of it so she never let me play and drilled the idea into my head that baseball = boring. But from the little IM I've played I've got crazy range in the outfield and a plus arm and I feel like I could've been a really good player, 5'6 outfielder with pop. My uncle was highly recruit left fielder before tearing his rotator cuff making a throw to home his senior year in front of scouts from Virginia Tech.

You know who else came from Virginia Tech?

David Wright, my favorite baseball player.

You could've been David Wright :/


You know who else came from Virginia Tech?

David Wright, my favorite baseball player.

You could've been David Wright :/

not a third baseman tho

I'm pretty accurate on long throws and can get above 80mph on throws from the outfield and that's obviously with no training other than lifting weights. I'm really quick too and jump pretty high for being a short white guy
not a third baseman tho

I'm pretty accurate on long throws and can get above 80mph on throws from the outfield and that's obviously with no training other than lifting weights. I'm really quick too and jump pretty high for being a short white guy

David wright played OF/IF at VT lol.


I think I'm gonna make a really concentrated effort to just get rid of any and all machine use at the gym. I did that today with chest and tris and it felt really good. Just purely barbell or dumbbell work, see how I feel/how I see myself change compared to using some machine work.

I also made the decision to deload weight a bit on my lifts and continue to work my way up doing my 3x5 thing that I've been doing for a while. the last week's been hell due to commitments and when I miss a day/have to move around my lifting schedule it messes with my whole progression/routine. i'll get back up to where I was in no time.

also took some pics today at the gym. the only time i really like the way i look is during/after a workout. i definitely put on size but I pretty much have zero cuts/definition with my muscles. my fucking biceps are so disappointing imo, lol. i hate doing them, and I never push myself with them so I can;t really complain I guess. i'm not fretting though, just what happens when you focus on strength rather than BB'ing.

i'm going on a little cut. gonna try and take my weight down to 200.

are you just arbitrarily going through super quick cut/bulk cycles?

In effect that's what I've been doing, yeah. Still a newbie at this, and I stopped my initial bulk prematurely for no real reason, to be honest.

Any pointers on how to tell when to switch would be appreciated


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Looks more like a dumbbell snatch.

Sort of. A dumbbell snatch uses a barbell power snatch movement rather than going into a squat (makes sense to me given the asymmetry). This girl is doing something like a regular barbell snatch movement but from a standing position instead of a clean start and swinging the dumbbell like a kettlebell for momentum.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Sort of. A dumbbell snatch uses a barbell power snatch movement rather than going into a squat (makes sense to me given the asymmetry). This girl is doing something like a regular barbell snatch movement but from a standing position instead of a clean start and swinging the dumbbell like a kettlebell for momentum.

Yeah, she probably missed it up horribly.


Update to giant wall of text posted earlier:

Culprit has been located. I had looked into Fructose Malabsorbtion, because I knew I had issues with Fructose in large quantities. I went on a FODMAPs diet that was hyper-restricted the last two days.... and felt worse.

I started doubling back, before I came to a facepalm realization. Hypoglycemia is NOT a symptom of Fructose Malabsorbtion. It's a symptom of Hereditary Fructose Intolerance. And guess what it produces when it fails to properly digest the sugar? You guessed it, Phosphates, the exact same thing that was giving me issues with Soda.

So, I'm about to get a massive wild ride as my hormones actually reboot to where they're supposed to be. This should be fun.
Sort of. A dumbbell snatch uses a barbell power snatch movement rather than going into a squat (makes sense to me given the asymmetry). This girl is doing something like a regular barbell snatch movement but from a standing position instead of a clean start and swinging the dumbbell like a kettlebell for momentum.

That looks like a decent hang dumbell snatch to me. Most will do the power version because it is far easier to do with a dumbell than the squat version not because there is anything inherently wrong with the squat version.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
Bad session yesterday. Couldn't bench press 210lbs consistently. WTF is going on?? Do I need to go back down to 205lbs?

I confess, I've stopped drinking as many protein shakes. Shit was making me gain belly weight!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I think I'm gonna make a really concentrated effort to just get rid of any and all machine use at the gym. I did that today with chest and tris and it felt really good. Just purely barbell or dumbbell work, see how I feel/how I see myself change compared to using some machine work.

I also made the decision to deload weight a bit on my lifts and continue to work my way up doing my 3x5 thing that I've been doing for a while. the last week's been hell due to commitments and when I miss a day/have to move around my lifting schedule it messes with my whole progression/routine. i'll get back up to where I was in no time.

also took some pics today at the gym. the only time i really like the way i look is during/after a workout. i definitely put on size but I pretty much have zero cuts/definition with my muscles. my fucking biceps are so disappointing imo, lol. i hate doing them, and I never push myself with them so I can;t really complain I guess. i'm not fretting though, just what happens when you focus on strength rather than BB'ing.

i'm going on a little cut. gonna try and take my weight down to 200.
Your arms are gonna look shredded as fuck if you cut that weight. Stay the course brother!


a girl wants me to squat with her. i already lifted today, including deadlifts. i'm going back up to ball in an hour anyways. i should probably squat with her. right?
She's probably just wants to squat on your face, bro.
Sounds about right. (Just tell us how it went, we want details.)

Gods, I love this thread so much... (I am also madly in love with all of you)! <3

Well I'm going to buck the trend and say my gym day was fantastically strange, I got hit on by a woman! Usually it's dudes in the steam room ._.

Downsides being she interrupted me to ask 1) if I "did crossfit" 2) where I work out (this was truly fucking baffling, as I was standing on the deadlift platform in the weight room at the time) 3) if she could work out with me next time I'm here and what time that would be at???


I think the creepy awkward dudes are easier to deal with honestly, this was just like loony bin status. Which I will obviously have to pursue. For science. Because no matter what she said she was still a pretty smoking hot ginger ughhhhhh thank you UNIVERSE
Oh yes, do it!

Also that is pretty much goal... within couple of years I'll also be a rather loony hopefully smoking hot ginger (I am being overly optimistic, let me continue living in this bubble - I do like it) bothering everyone at the gym. :p


i'm going on a little cut. gonna try and take my weight down to 200.
You look extremely good as you are - I can only imagine how much of an epic beast you will be if you burn the fat away a bit.


Just caught a girl copping a peek at my high bar squats. Then made eye contact and she broke first. We're getting married, or something

In other news, hit 315x3 no problem on full depth high bars. Down from 335 for 3 reps but hey I'm cutting and I'll take it 8)


Why hello there, fellow fit-brothers and sisters.

I've been working out for 6 months now, super happy with it. 3 times a week, following the 'New Rules of Lifting for Women' like a Holy Bible

Lost 7kg since I started, definitely looking more healthy. And little things like the perks of squats and having a nice butt :x

I am having issues with dieting though. I don't really eat junk food or drink fizzy drinks (soda), BUT I do like my sugar. I'm really struggling to find a replacement for it that doesn't include craploads of fruit sugar instead.

I tried lurking around reddit's /r/xxfitness but the popular diets there are stuff like keto, paleo and primal. I really don't see myself doing any of those. I love my diary and I like my carbs and fats occasionally. I just haven't found a good diet that works for me and makes me happy, because that's what matters at the end of the day :)

Before going to the gym I was on keto for a month and gave up. I have no idea how people do it. I guess it's really up to the person.

What diets do you guys have? Do you always cook your food? I go to eat outside quite often, maybe that's my bad.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Keto's dope, don't fear it.

You keep saying you want sugar - can you possibly inside of your soul, fight sugar to the death and get off of that addiction?

Discipline and hard work, mentally as well, are the keys to sticking to a structured diet. Everyone is different in how they respond - myself and I think Sean are the types of dudes where we find strength in monotony - making meals boring (not that on keto it needs help) but the more "routine" it is the easier it is to reduce it to a function instead of something to be enjoyed.

I don't know if any of that will help, but maybe it will.
I think I'm gonna make a really concentrated effort to just get rid of any and all machine use at the gym. I did that today with chest and tris and it felt really good. Just purely barbell or dumbbell work, see how I feel/how I see myself change compared to using some machine work.

I also made the decision to deload weight a bit on my lifts and continue to work my way up doing my 3x5 thing that I've been doing for a while. the last week's been hell due to commitments and when I miss a day/have to move around my lifting schedule it messes with my whole progression/routine. i'll get back up to where I was in no time.

also took some pics today at the gym. the only time i really like the way i look is during/after a workout. i definitely put on size but I pretty much have zero cuts/definition with my muscles. my fucking biceps are so disappointing imo, lol. i hate doing them, and I never push myself with them so I can;t really complain I guess. i'm not fretting though, just what happens when you focus on strength rather than BB'ing.

i'm going on a little cut. gonna try and take my weight down to 200.

I feel you bro on everything you say haha. Size, but no cuts. Biceps being a weak point. Really liking the way you look during/after workout but don't care other than that. It is all mental but just do what you do. It will always be worth it.

In effect that's what I've been doing, yeah. Still a newbie at this, and I stopped my initial bulk prematurely for no real reason, to be honest.

Any pointers on how to tell when to switch would be appreciated

This is hard. There is no real way to tell. Just how you feel and what you think. Don't get me wrong, if you are too skinny or fat, it will be obvious but when you hit that middle ground, that is just up to you. I will say filling out an XL/XXL shirt is an amazing feeling. Everyone should do it once in their life :)


If you're talking about cravings have you tried diet drinks? I never really drank diet drinks before I started worrying about macros. They help out quite a bit if you're having cravings. Right now I'm addicted to putting lemonade crystal lite into my ninja and blending it up with ice cubes and water. That lemonade slurpee is perfect.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
If you're talking about cravings have you tried diet drinks? I never really drank diet drinks before I started worrying about macros. They help out quite a bit if you're having cravings. Right now I'm addicted to putting lemonade crystal lite into my ninja and blending it up with ice cubes and water. That lemonade slurpee is perfect.

Coke Zero saved me, it's my go-to. Fuck horror stories about aspartame, diet soda keeps me sane.


If you're talking about cravings have you tried diet drinks? I never really drank diet drinks before I started worrying about macros. They help out quite a bit if you're having cravings. Right now I'm addicted to putting lemonade crystal lite into my ninja and blending it up with ice cubes and water. That lemonade slurpee is perfect.

I do take my wheatgrass disgusting green juice and green smoothies, because I don't eat green veggies, I've never liked them, so I need to take my greens somehow. I'm kind of growing found of it though. It's kind of nice with a tiny bit of honey. But can't have honey every day.

I love anything with lemon, so I'm quite open minded about that.

@Vince thanks for the tip dude, but I really don't think that'll work for me. I get it - I really do, but I love food. And sweets. :D

I never ever ever drink any kind of soda though. Not coke zero, not diet coke, not lemonade. I only drink water, coffee and tea. All black, no sugar.
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