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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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thanks again guys. really do appreciate it!

to celebrate, made some Sriracha chicken nuggets





Calories in the WHOLE recipe:

Calories: 3572
Fat: 108g
Saturated Fat: 23g
Sodium: 4450mg
Carbs: 103g
Fiber: 13g
Sugar: 19g
Protein: 547g

Calories per Container (if you make 10):

Calories: 357
Fat: 10.8g
Saturated Fat: 2.3g
Sodium: 445mg
Carbs: 10.3g
Fiber: 1.3g
Sugar: 1.9g
Protein: 54.7g

10/10 would consume again
Other than an £8k abdominoplasty, is it possible to get rid of loose skin, it's been a little over a year since my weight loss (about 60kg) so I know its probably not gonna get better over time. The loose skin on my chest is getting better as I lift more, but I doubt the stuff over my stomach will get "filled in" as abs don't really get very big.

If you're with stretch marks, using cocoa butter has done wonders for my body.

I recommend that.

thanks again guys. really do appreciate it!

to celebrate, made some Sriracha chicken nuggets




10/10 would consume again

FE, that looks gooooooooooooood.


Other than an £8k abdominoplasty, is it possible to get rid of loose skin, it's been a little over a year since my weight loss (about 60kg) so I know its probably not gonna get better over time. The loose skin on my chest is getting better as I lift more, but I doubt the stuff over my stomach will get "filled in" as abs don't really get very big.

I'm sure I read somewhere it can take upwards of two years to tighten loose skin, especially if you had rapid weight loss...

So hopefully you are in the right area now and it's just a waiting game
If you're with stretch marks, using cocoa butter has done wonders for my body.

I recommend that.

Just to counter point this, there's basically zero reliable scientific evidence that cocoa butter does anything for stretch marks. Sure as shit did nothing for mine or my wife's (we've tried all sorts).

YMMV obviously.


thanks again guys. really do appreciate it!

to celebrate, made some Sriracha chicken nuggets

[Insert epic food pics]

10/10 would consume again
Those look so delicious! :p

Oh and talking about delicious things, I ordered Quest protein bars (Cinnamon Roll) today. They better arrive soon and they better be as awesome as I assume they are. The chocolate chip cookie dough ones have been heavenly good after 15 seconds in the microwave. Oh, gym is just an awesome excuse to eat those. ^_^


Gold Member
Holy crap, FE really exploded in the last year, absolutely incredible.

I must say I was thinking when the hard bulk pics started to come in that I would not have the soul to risk the fat that necessarily comes with the bulk. Clearly you knew you could strip it off again, and now it shows.

What were your macros and routine in the last year again?


Warning: Long Post! Also, I have ADHD and the caffeine has worn off, so its going to be super rambly!

Hey guys and girls of GAF, I could use some help. Accidentally made a massive diet adjustment (leading to "OMG WHAT IS HAPPENING !!!!!" phase but could use some advice on how to proceed next, cause I'm a little bit clueless as to who I should talk to/schedule appointments with/adjustments I should make to my diet/vitamins/ etc.

(Pre-last two weeks piils- Zyrtec, Sudafed 24-hour + Nasonex Spray (keeps apnea away) , 5000 IUs Vitamin D, Generic Multivitamin.)

Over the past ~5 years I've figured out that I can't eat what, and that extrapolated to realizing my body REALLY hates Fructose. I can't tolerate anything more than small doses. Have been strongly cutting back on that (RIP Chipotle and Avacados :( which has been helping w/ gas issues.) Over the course of the last two weeks, I also found out I'm totally intolerant to Egg, which I was just completely unaware of given the amount of other things my body was saying "F this" to. That's fixed now too - thank god for "Just Mayo", its a lifesaver.

Now for the big change/fix. Two weeks ago, I decided to go off of soda and switch to just a shot of expresso with dextrose instead of regular sugar, since I just kinda hated Coffee and this was more tolerable. I had previously been using Coke Zero/Diet Coke, and figured this might get rid of some gassiness issues I thought were due to carbonation. I was not prepared.

The day I switch, my body starts reaction... like I'm on cocaine. This is not normal to me. I have a lot more energy. Motivation/Drive is up. I'm much happier, I can carry on a conversation without stuttering. I don't feel like me. And over the course of the next two days, I have a toooon of energy. Suddenly, I have the sex drive of 15yo me. With a massive amount of energy 15yo me never had. Everything is fun and going well and ....

I run into the Egg issue accidentally. Oops. And over the next two days as I eat mayo Friday and regular eggs saturday, I realize what the issue is. I manage to fix this and course-correct back to "normal" over the next few days. I still don't know what exactly was going on w/ the diet cola removal, but on Monday, I run into the answer, completely on accident.

While googling "why does plain white rice give me heartburn", I run into magnesium and how people are low and it can cause issues. I then, what-the-heck it, and type in "magnesium soda", curious if there's some sort of interaction. And there is. Carbonation makes the magnesium in your diet (what little I had) bind to other elements, so its not even being processed. Suddenly, the switch away from it (and the insane energy boost) make sense in that these things weren't being stripped out of my diet. And reading around, the "crazy boost in energy" thing in reaction to Magnesium was also not a me-only thing.

And so this week, I went to the local drugstore and picked up Magnesium in a small mag+Calc+D form and a large Mag-only form. This worked great for about two days, lots of energy, felt a lot better, as I took it twice a day... until the side effects from using Mag Oxide hit me pretty bad and I liquefied my insides. This was not good. And then, compounding the issue, over the next 3-4 days, I accidentally gave myself caffeine withdrawal! Because I'm an idiot who didn't realize what was going wrong and why I suddenly felt like crap, since I was used to the heavily, heavily muted effects of caffeine through diet soda (and I wasn't even taking that much, at most 200mg per day.)

Today, I looked through my diet log, realized the caffeine thing, and felt like an enormous moron. After looking around, I found Magnesium Glycinate, which definitely does not have the same tummy issues. It does, however, make me sleepy as F, so I have been taking 2x at night the last two nights (no calcium, currently.) I'm keeping all the other ones in place from before as well.

What I could really use is advice on where to go now. Things like diet, managing caffeine, supplements, etc- I've found some good resources online, but figure there's probably someone in my health care plan I should be talking to in real life as well to help figure this stuff out. I'm currently just doing cardio to lose weight and get my stamina up, and want to switch over to weights once I'm in a place where I'm not falling over once I'm done running. (I don't know quite where the spot to aim there is either.)

The biggest thing though, is that I get it. For a couple of glorious days, I didn't feel like normal tired unmotivated me. I felt way better, happier, motivated, etc. I brolieved, after suffering through PE classes and exercise for the entirety of my life. I just don't know how to get back to that on a consistent and safe basis, and could really use some direction on where I should go next.

Thanks in advance for reading through this Wheel of Time-length essay and thanks for any help/advice you can give here. I was not expecting to be asking myself "Who AM I?" right after turning 30, but I'm very very glad I am.


Does anyone have a baked sweet potato "fries" recipe they are particularly fond of, or sweet potato recipes besides just baking them whole?

EDIT: just noticed FE had some sweet potato fries in his picture, don't know if those were homemade or what.


I think this week and next week I'm going to get into walking, just so I'm doing SOMETHING.

Also, going back to strict calorie counting. I've really fallen off the wagon after this surgery.

I meet with the surgeon on Thursday. We'll see what he says then. I'm assuming after 4-6 weeks I can go back to upper body stuff. Any heavy core stuff like squats and deads I'd want to wait until I'm 100% healed to avoid a hernia.

I'm back on calorie counting as well. It's not so bad when you get into it, I look at it as a little game to play with yourself: Try and meet your protein goal each day while only getting xxxx calories! It's like a puzzle.

I lost about 7ish pounds recently, gotta take it further.
@kirblar: Have you considered going for foods high in magnesium (such as Spinach, which is all round awesome) rather than supplementing? It's always better to get your nutrients from whole foods wherever possible as you usually get a whole bunch of other benefits at the same time.

You can even experiment making some sort of shake with a bunch of other healthy stuff such as almonds (milk, butter, whole). Hell, technically you could even add a little caffeine to that if you wanted a bit of kick.


Just to counter point this, there's basically zero reliable scientific evidence that cocoa butter does anything for stretch marks. Sure as shit did nothing for mine or my wife's (we've tried all sorts).

YMMV obviously.
I thought you were supposed to use it as your skin is stretching, not when it's contracting.


@kirblar: Have you considered going for foods high in magnesium (such as Spinach, which is all round awesome) rather than supplementing? It's always better to get your nutrients from whole foods wherever possible as you usually get a whole bunch of other benefits at the same time.

You can even experiment making some sort of shake with a bunch of other healthy stuff such as almonds (milk, butter, whole). Hell, technically you could even add a little caffeine to that if you wanted a bit of kick.
I'm actually starting to eat a whole bunch of Spinach at meals. :p Having such an immediate positive effect with the supplements definitely made me want to stick with those at least in the short term, since my kidneys work fine.
I thought you were supposed to use it as your skin is stretching, not when it's contracting.

Doesn't seem to work in either case. At least not that's been proven in any well designed studies. It's just become one of those things that people believe. Especially in the case of pregnancy.

I suspect that using any old moisturiser and staying hydrated would work just as well in preventing them.


Got my 50 minute strength work out in. My arms. Weeping... ;_; I'm seriously so glad I work out at home though with no one else. The amount of noises I make when doing arm exercises with a 5lbs weight set is ridiculous. I can't help it lol

Back to Lost rewatch
Holy crap, FE really exploded in the last year, absolutely incredible.

I must say I was thinking when the hard bulk pics started to come in that I would not have the soul to risk the fat that necessarily comes with the bulk. Clearly you knew you could strip it off again, and now it shows.

What were your macros and routine in the last year again?

My routine was a bit all over the place. Did the Magnusson/Ortmayer Deadlift Program. Smolov Jr for Bench. Then a bit of P/P/L.

As for macros... I honestly have no idea. I know I was around 3.5-4K+ calories. Some days a lot more than others. Protein was around 300g. The rest was whatever I felt like eating. To be perfectly honest, I enjoyed being that big. I think if my chest/traps/upper back was bigger and more proportionate to my gut, I would have kept going. That being said, my clothes just weren't fitting any more. Jeans were a pain. Shirts were too tight.

After all that though, I wouldn't change a thing. Dreamer's Bulk was well worth it and was good fun.


Hitting the gym tonight for deadlifts, 3s week. Pretty hyped. Also, my whole body has stretch marks from all the fat loss, ive come to terms that its going to be there forever and that they'll be there to remind me of what i went through, so it no longer bothers me much.
Hitting the gym tonight for deadlifts, 3s week. Pretty hyped. Also, my whole body has stretch marks from all the fat loss, ive come to terms that its going to be there forever and that they'll be there to remind me of what i went through, so it no longer bothers me much.
Yep, it's best to look at things this way. I have stretch marks from both losing weight AND building so much muscle quickly. I got stretch marks on my biceps from the muscle gain, kinda neat really.

The loose skin from losing so much fat is what bothers me still, but I try to keep a similar mindset.


Yep, it's best to look at things this way. I have stretch marks from both losing weight AND building so much muscle quickly. I got stretch marks on my biceps from the muscle gain, kinda neat really.

The loose skin from losing so much fat is what bothers me still, but I try to keep a similar mindset.

Yeah my stretch marks are strange as hell. Only have em on the inside of my legs, and on my left bicep. The leg one doesn't bother me cause they're only really visible if I shave my legs. The bicep one bothers me only because it's not also on my right arm.

Overall, no one will probably notice what we see ourselves, as being that bad. My whole family just talks about fitness when around me, so I think that my strengths make them reflect on themselves, more than analyzing me.


425x2 and 425x1 on deadlift tonight. It's 3s week but on this cut, I'm just glad I got 3 reps in at this weight. I think I might even hit my new pr's on 1s week.

Time for an insulin spike with the last of my protein to hit dem macros.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Woo! Finally had a good work out for once. Today I actually surpassed my previous high on my squats and bench press.

Got a possibly dumb question. My chest has made some great progress, but my core is still tiny, and so I kinda look weird at the moment. Granted, this wouldn't be a big problem if my arms were thicker/bigger but alas. So I'm wondering, should I lay off the chest exercises until my core catches up?


On the other hand, I know some really good looking girls who are into it and it is probably cheaper than going out clubbing. So depends on your personal circumstances.

This seems to hold true which is a positive for it. The premise behind Crossfit is good, it's just the way they go about it that's stupid.
Also fuck kipping pullups

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Woo! Finally had a good work out for once. Today I actually surpassed my previous high on my squats and bench press.

Got a possibly dumb question. My chest has made some great progress, but my core is still tiny, and so I kinda look weird at the moment. Granted, this wouldn't be a big problem if my arms were thicker/bigger but alas. So I'm wondering, should I lay off the chest exercises until my core catches up?
No. If you feel your core is holding you back in terms of strength (or if you just want to work it more), add some assistance like planks, leg lifts, russian twists etc...

What the hell kind of lift is that where the dude lifts over his head? Looks dangerous as fuck.
Snatch, one of the two Olympic lifts.
What the hell kind of lift is that where the dude lifts over his head? Looks dangerous as fuck.
It's called a snatch...one of the main Olympic style lifts...

Could be dangerous if it's not coached properly

What is the utility of squatting with the box at the back?
Box squats are used to reinforce proper technique and squat depth, develop power from your posterior chain (quads,hamstrings,glutes,hips,lower back), and helps keep the back from rounding


Box squats are used to reinforce proper technique and squat depth, develop power from your posterior chain (quads,hamstrings,glutes,hips,lower back), and helps keep the back from rounding

Eh, if you're doing it the way they're doing it, I'd argue that it doesn't reinforce proper technique and squat depth. Their hips are few inches above where there would be in an actual backsquat and the bar path in the box squat is impossible to replicate in an actual backsquat because it goes down and then back instead of staying vertical. Very little carryover. However box squats do train the posterior chain more from what I've heard (so I won't disagree on that)? I would rather do pause squats instead of box squats. But if I must do box squats, this is how I would do them: video; better bar path and hips are lower than those in the SS video a few posts above.
What the hell kind of lift is that where the dude lifts over his head? Looks dangerous as fuck.
The snatch will look better when the lifter practices it more. Here's Milko Tokola doing the snatch with insane bar speed. Have some Ilya training footage too lol.


Gotta love cutting fatigue. A few weeks after effectively getting 275 for 5 reps on bench I struggle with 255 for 6 lol. The game's the game, same as it's always been. Lol


Gold Member
Lower back pain after doing DL's this morning.

Fuck knows what I've done, but it can't be good.

Did you do press on the same day - since SS and other programs do that? Because for a while I thought DL was giving me lower back pain, whereas the culprit actually was press.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
deadlifting today.

bench 210 4x5
deadlift 4x5 at 170lbs.
lat pulldown 3x8 140 lbs.
OHP 100lbs 4x5
barbell curls 80 lbs 4x5
seated db tricep extension 3x8 55lbs.

if I can, I may sneak in squats.
i warm up with 3x6 pull ups and finish with some light ab work.
I've had lower back issues for a while due to some poor form in the past. It's manageable, but sometimes on a particularly heavy set of squats (for me), I'll really feel it. I've been thinking about making the transition from low bar to high bar squat. I know they say low bar works more of the posterior chain, while high bar is more quad, but I should still get a decent PC workout with the high bar squat, right? It would be easier on my lower back, though I hear its tougher on your knees. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks fitgaf!

Edit: I know the most obvious way to solve this problem is to improve my form on the low bar squat, but sometimes on a heavy set it slips through. That's all it takes these days. I'm hoping to decrease the risk of injuring my lowerback any further while still getting some benefit of the squat movement.


Gotta love cutting fatigue. A few weeks after effectively getting 275 for 5 reps on bench I struggle with 255 for 6 lol. The game's the game, same as it's always been. Lol
Just curious did you try lowering volume and/or reps and upping weight when going into your cut?
I did that and managed to gain a very small amount of pressing strength while cutting relatively fast and including refeeds.


Just curious did you try lowering volume and/or reps and upping weight when going into your cut?
I did that and managed to gain a very small amount of pressing strength while cutting relatively fast and including refeeds.

Yup, right before my cut I was doing PHAT and then a month of GVT. During PHAT I'd be doing around 205 for the 3x12 day. During the cut I just try to keep it around 3-5 reps and vary the weight based on whether I do 3 or 5 reps. 5 rep day (today) I'll keep it at 255, 3 rep day I'll bump it to 275.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Great looking back, Matugi. Hard work payin off. You look like a hoss brah.


Yup, right before my cut I was doing PHAT and then a month of GVT. During PHAT I'd be doing around 205 for the 3x12 day. During the cut I just try to keep it around 3-5 reps and vary the weight based on whether I do 3 or 5 reps. 5 rep day (today) I'll keep it at 255, 3 rep day I'll bump it to 275.

How long have you been on your cut?
That's unfortunate but you'll gain it back quickly after you finish cutting :)


Gold Member
My routine was a bit all over the place. Did the Magnusson/Ortmayer Deadlift Program. Smolov Jr for Bench. Then a bit of P/P/L.

As for macros... I honestly have no idea. I know I was around 3.5-4K+ calories. Some days a lot more than others. Protein was around 300g. The rest was whatever I felt like eating. To be perfectly honest, I enjoyed being that big. I think if my chest/traps/upper back was bigger and more proportionate to my gut, I would have kept going. That being said, my clothes just weren't fitting any more. Jeans were a pain. Shirts were too tight.

After all that though, I wouldn't change a thing. Dreamer's Bulk was well worth it and was good fun.

oh wow, that is a lot of eating :D

really inspiring journey, as we rarely see heavy bulks here. I think most people are like me, people who have previously been overweight and are scared to death going back


'Bout one month into the EC stack, liking the progress I'm seeing. Still have belly fat to lose but I don't think that'll go down until I'm around 145ish.
This is a month and a half overall difference:
Now (158lbs)

Good job, keep it up!
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