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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I will admit that I will keep up my regimen tomorrow! Screw the fourth!
I'm taking my pic for the summer cut thread tomorrow at the beach in Tahoe. After that I will let loose a little. I don't want to be rude to America!


pyshotext: I'm mid 30s. I started stretching after my workout recently. I was skipping that part due to time constraints. I'll be sure to continue it. Thanks for the advice.

Sedetar: I'll consider taking a day off mid week. That's good advice. Thanks.


Brian Burke punched my mom
I'm taking my pic for the summer cut thread tomorrow at the beach in Tahoe. After that I will let loose a little. I don't want to be rude to America!

I'm not even close to looking cut although my veins are out in full force which is great but hard to see with a tan. Legs are fucking massive now and my ghetto ass is unmatched. I need size 38+ waist to get around dat ass.

I stuck my belly out and my boss asked me if I was pregnant. Brought a tear of joy to my eye.

Me and FE can make a Prime Cuts of Meat thread for our fat asses. :)


Wow, great transformation Sadetar, looking great, keep it up! :D


You won't be able to do both gain muscle and lose fat. At first you will since you are just starting off but after your beginner gains, you need to focus on one or the other. Also eat more protein. If you are looking to get bigger, really do try to figure out a budget for a gym membership. If weight loss is your goal, then diet is your biggest key. What are you eating?

Most of meals include either chicken breasts, turkey, salmon or tuna, with sides of black beans and/or salad with no dressing, sometimes i eat fruit between meals.

Breakfast are either fiber/protein cereal with skim milk. Sometimes I have Greek Yogurt or protein shakes.

Like I said before, i manage to drop over 25 pounds with my current jogging and lifting weights (dumbbells). Trying to eat healthy stuff and keeping my calorie intake below 1700.

Gym membership is a no go, closest gym is 25-30 mins away, and that will eat most of my spare cash considering my current gas expense.
I'm not even close to looking cut although my veins are out in full force which is great but hard to see with a tan. Legs are fucking massive now and my ghetto ass is unmatched. I need size 38+ waist to get around dat ass.

I stuck my belly out and my boss asked me if I was pregnant. Brought a tear of joy to my eye.

Me and FE can make a Prime Cuts of Meat thread for our fat asses. :)

Wow, great transformation Sadetar, looking great, keep it up! :D

Man I love it. Keep that ish up. And yeah man, I shoulda created the Big Man thread back in December. Instead, I will just have to post a decent pic for the cut thread. Whatever!

huge difference! gj!!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
It's not going to be a summer cut thread guys. That was my original idea but I want everyone to participate. I will title it something like FitGaf's Official progress thread. Big lifts and transformations will be welcomed. It's not just for shredded folk.


It's not going to be a summer cut thread guys. That was my original idea but I want everyone to participate. I will title it something like FitGaf's Official progress thread. Big lifts and transformations will be welcomed. It's not just for shredded folk.

Yeah this sounds better actually.

hey thanks for responding. What is GOMAD exactly? I'm trying to eat around 1400 - 1500 calories a day. How many carbs is too much? I'm also trying to eat a lot of protein. I cut soda and most junk food out a while ago, so I'm pretty good on that front I think. I usually eat eggs, chicken, turkey, veggies, fruit, yogurt, etc. throughout the day. Also do you know of any good HIIT routines I could do?

I'm going to buy the Starting Strength book and get into that when I get back to school in September. I'll focus on losing the body fat for now. Hopefully I can do it in the next 2 months.

Like said GOMAD means drinking a ton of milk a day. It's also a very very easy way to get fucking fat very quickly unless you are some starving high school kid who's naturally lean. Since you've been losing weight I guess that's not you. So don't do it. You can drink some milk of course but don't do full on GOMAD. But be prepared to eat more than what you're eating now. But as a beginner you can get away with less calories while lifting for a while and will probably recomp a bit even.

Impossible to say how much carbs is too much. It depends. If you're happy with your weight loss then it's fine. But normally carbs are the ones you should decrease on a diet. Never decrease protein (increase even) and fat is more important than carbs for your body. Your food choices look pretty ok to me.

I don't do HIIT so can't help you there but you can find that stuff on google easy.

Buy the book (ebook is cheap), study the lifts, practice them (and mobility if needed). You still have a lot of time to lose fat before so make the most of it so you don't have to worry about being fat in September.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Well one good thing about fucking my back up earlier this week. Today I dialed in my deadlift form even better and worked speed pulls. Just when I thought my setup couldn't get better. It sure did.

FitGaf's Official Summer Transformation Thread

"Progress thread" sounds better. IMO "transformation" focuses too much on looks, even though most of the posts will b pictures.
Well one good thing about fucking my back up earlier this week. Today I dialed in my deadlift form even better and worked speed pulls. Just when I thought my setup couldn't get better. It sure did.

"Progress thread" sounds better. IMO "transformation" focuses too much on looks, even though most of the posts will b pictures.

Sounds good to me. Let's stick with progress then.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Well one good thing about fucking my back up earlier this week. Today I dialed in my deadlift form even better and worked speed pulls. Just when I thought my setup couldn't get better. It sure did.

"Progress thread" sounds better. IMO "transformation" focuses too much on looks, even though most of the posts will b pictures.

Don't be so coy Brahlic you know you're a certified BEAST.

An F-15 could land on your back.


Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Don't be so coy Brahlic you know you're a certified BEAST.

An F-15 could land on your back.

Lol. I don't know about all that, but my back is good to go today. Took 3 days to recover. I think I was simply over doing it on back. It cramping up the day before From a sneeze should have been a warning sign, but I did heavy pulls and rows anyway and got a double snap (upper and lower back). At least it gave me an opportunity to tweak my DL some more. Gotta make the best out of shitty situations.

Appreciate it though bud.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Lol. I don't know about all that, but my back is good to go today. Took 3 days to recover. I think I was simply over doing it on back. It cramping up the day before From a sneeze should have been a warning sign, but I did heavy pulls and rows anyway and got a double snap (upper and lower back). At least it gave me an opportunity to tweak my DL some more. Gotta make the best out of shitty situations.

Appreciate it though bud.

That would suck.

I'll be starting DLs when the new gym opens. Gonna take it slow and get my form down, will give sumo a shot too. My fingers tingle and go numb whenever I put any pressure on my thumbs so that is a dilemma I look forward to.. lol I only use four fingers when rowing now.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
That would suck.

I'll be starting DLs when the new gym opens. Gonna take it slow and get my form down, will give sumo a shot too. My fingers tingle and go numb whenever I put any pressure on my thumbs so that is a dilemma I look forward to.. lol I only use four fingers when rowing now.

It did suck, but I know enough now to know when something ain't right and call it quits. I felt a very small pop in my low back at my 5th single at 555lbs and immediately stopped. Moved on to hammer strength row machine and the moment I finished the set my rhomboids/neck/traps seized up. At that point I walked out of the gym. Clearly was overdoing it. That probably saved me a lot longer of a recovery.

It should be noted I'm pretty proud of how strong my back is, so it's no surprise I work the shit out of it. It finally just caught up with me.

I'm moving to a on and two days off schedule with conditioning work the first day after the lift to improve recovery.

Might need to work hook grip to take your thumb out of it. I'd would be curious if that would work well for you.


Brian Burke punched my mom
It did suck, but I know enough now to know when something ain't right and call it quits. I felt a very small pop in my low back at my 5th single at 555lbs and immediately stopped. Moved on to hammer strength row machine and the moment I finished the set my rhomboids/neck/traps seized up. At that point I walked out of the gym. Clearly was overdoing it. That probably saved me a lot longer of a recovery.

It should be noted I'm pretty proud of how strong my back is, so it's no surprise I work the shit out of it. It finally just caught up with me.

I'm moving to a on and two days off schedule with conditioning work the first day after the lift to improve recovery.

Might need to work hook grip to take your thumb out of it. I'd would be curious if that would work well for you.

That is so important. I've over done it quite a few times over the years because I didn't listen to my body. It just builds up and eventually stops you dead in your tracks and sets you back.

My back feels strong too now, despite not doing any DLs lol. Face pulls have really built my rear delts up and well barbell rows are just the best thing ever.

I'll give hook grip a pass, I have girlishly small hands.
I sure hope that 24hr fitness is empty today...i just wanna do my bench presses and gtfo....

It's ramadan, so many muslims don't work out till dusk which is around 10pm in Berlin. Additionally, germany will play against their arch enemy france in the quarter finals of the world cup at 6pm.
Today it will be a good day.


:mad: I have friends with way higher BF% and still have throbbing bicep veins of awesome.

I have to be sub 10% and even then it's the width of a toothpick.

I would trade having veins at a higher bf% if it meant I wouldn't still have slight love handles at 10% :/
Don't think I'll be posting in the cut thread. Massive change from where I was a year ago, but I've lost so much muscle that I actually look like some of the guys who come in here that are starting off really skinny. :(

Totally not where I want to be, but I'm going to continue "cutting" (Is it still cutting when you have no muscle left?) as I'm determined to get rid of this goddamn stomach fat.


So, guys, I run 8,6 km in 40 minutes but I would really like to be able to hit 10 km at this time. The problem I have is that my legs gets tired too fast, what can I do to improve this? Do I need to train my legs? I have no idea. Maybe I even need to lose weight? I'm 173 cm at 74 kg at the moment.


I'm not even close to looking cut although my veins are out in full force which is great but hard to see with a tan. Legs are fucking massive now and my ghetto ass is unmatched. I need size 38+ waist to get around dat ass.

I stuck my belly out and my boss asked me if I was pregnant. Brought a tear of joy to my eye.

Me and FE can make a Prime Cuts of Meat thread for our fat asses. :)

Wow, great transformation Sadetar, looking great, keep it up! :D

dude your chest genetics are insane for real
Went up an escalator that I didn't need to (realized this after getting on it), thought I could quickly run down it and decided to jump the last step or so (bad idea) landing my heel on the sharp edge of the very last step as it was rising up (and I was wearing flip flops mind you) and now I have a nice 1 cm-sized blood blister underneath the skin of my heel. Hurts when I push on the blister or put weight onto that specific spot. Thank goodness I just did squats the other day and can probably get through my next two lifting sessions without it being a hindrance, but fuck, most bizzare "injury" I've ever had.

Left knee has been hurting for a few months, arms are sore from heavy bag training, one of my knuckles is scuffed up from the same activity, and now my heel. Really just the most random and honestly minor combination of injuries ever. Taking today off from lifting anyway so I'm more than hyped for getting back to things tomorrow.
So, guys, I run 8,6 km in 40 minutes but I would really like to be able to hit 10 km at this time. The problem I have is that my legs gets tired too fast, what can I do to improve this? Do I need to train my legs? I have no idea. Maybe I even need to lose weight? I'm 173 cm at 74 kg at the moment.
Train your legs on a slope and/or do sprints. The distance doesn't matter while doing this. You can start lifting as well.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I've got a busy day tomorrow so I think I'll start the thread later today. Expect a link sometime today. Let's do this my peeps!!!


Been experimenting with a keto style diet the past few days (today is day 3). Hasn't been bad at all (yet), no flu-like symptoms, just a bit of light-headedness here and there. Only thing I miss are bagels so far lol (not that I eat a lot of bagels, but usually have one a week on Saturdays...Everything bagel/egg/cheddar mmm). Reddit keto and ketogains FAQs are super helpful and informative.


I've got a busy day tomorrow so I think I'll start the thread later today. Expect a link sometime today. Let's do this my peeps!!!

I'm nowhere near cut, but I made a comment that I'll post some pics of my old, bloated ass anyway.
What do I need to do to get bigger? Im cutting from my obviously failed bulk and I feel skinny as fuck. Like I have no glykogen or whatever its called in the body. Some lucky days I look and feel big and muscular but those days are far too few. I want to look like that all the time.

can anyone post a simple diet and workout routine for my needs while cutting? I feel like I want to just give up

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
What do I need to do to get bigger? Im cutting from my obviously failed bulk and I feel skinny as fuck. Like I have no glykogen or whatever its called in the body. Some lucky days I look and feel big and muscular but those days are far too few. I want to look like that all the time.

can anyone post a simple diet and workout routine for my needs while cutting? I feel like I want to just give up

Shit takes time. Don't expect quick results unless you're on drugs (and even then it takes a lot of work).

To get bigger you need to lift heavy and eat a lot. There's a lot of theories about timing and partitioning of nutrients out there that may be worth trying. I, for one, would recommend that you don't touch carbs except after a glycogen-depleting weight training session. Then you can go heavy on carbs (preferably in the evening when insulin sensitivity is lowest) and take advantage of the GLUT4 receptors that went to the surface of muscle cells after heavy weight training and are ready to suck up glucose to replenish your muscle glycogen stores.

Keep in mind this is all just hypothesis and hasn't had enough scientific research to claim it works definitively, but a lot of people are posting some impressive anecdotal results. Might be worth looking into if you're interested in trying to build some muscle while also losing body fat.

In the end, you need to either get a knowledgeable trainer to monitor and track your work/diet and give feedback, or just figure things out for yourself through experimentation. People and their routines are often very different, so it's hard to give general advice without knowing the minutia.


So it's finally possible to buy Quest bars here in Norway, from a big gym equipment/nutrition-site. Yay! But they cost almost exactly twice as much as in the US. Can't be worth it, can it?


Weighed in at 259.5 this morning. Was 268.5 2 weeks ago when I dialed in the lower kcals. This cut is happening.

Been experimenting with a keto style diet the past few days (today is day 3). Hasn't been bad at all (yet), no flu-like symptoms, just a bit of light-headedness here and there. Only thing I miss are bagels so far lol (not that I eat a lot of bagels, but usually have one a week on Saturdays...Everything bagel/egg/cheddar mmm). Reddit keto and ketogains FAQs are super helpful and informative.

You will get over anything bread related. I never want anything carby anymore. It just takes time. With today being the 4th, it's perfect for keto, BBQ galore!
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