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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
yeah I just went back and checked the OP, but thanks :)

what are the advantages to whole milk over skim or 2% exactly? Just more calories?

Delicious fats. (that are good for you) - I also think it's SLIGHTLY lower in calories, but not significantly. It's been a while since I touched normal-ass milk. Unsweetened almond milk baby!
Like, O-M-G! My back is super rounded at 205 lbs deadlift and I still cannot hold the back angle during squats. Is it because my core is weak?


It doesn't sound like you've BEEN lifting. What is it you want to do, what's your goal? Just...go places? Without cars?
Really all I want is to just lose fat.

Sometimes I'm not ok with my physical appearance and it also feels like crap having that excess fat.


So i'm at my leanest @ 160lbs, feelsgoodman. Time to reverse diet to a bulk again but try to not mess it up this time.
Last time i gained waaaay too much fat for my taste.


First day back felt weird. Like the weight felt heavy but not in a it's too heavy for me to handle way.

I assume this is more my body getting used to pushing weight in a certain way instead of significantly losing strength.

I had my appendectomy a little over a year ago, I remember constantly bitching about it on this forum.

I think I took the full 2+ months off and the did starting strength from just the bar because my gp made me super scared of popping a hernia from my newly developed holes.

Right now I'm on starting strength yet again because of my dumbass back injuries.

most recent lifts were
squat 150 3x5
deadlift 295 1x5
ohp 145 3x5
Bench 235 3x5

Clearly I am back to having a huge upper body imbalance, but I am constantly scared of fucking my back up for a third time. So I am keeping that shit super slow.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Really all I want is to just lose fat.

Sometimes I'm not ok with my physical appearance and it also feels like crap having that excess fat.

Shoot, then you don't have to do either.

Diet diet diet brother or sister. Abs are made in the kitchen, fuck wasting time with cardio! Get your diet plan right, stick to it, and pounds vanish.

Do you need any help setting up a diet plan or are you set there?
Shoot, then you don't have to do either.

Diet diet diet brother or sister. Abs are made in the kitchen, fuck wasting time with cardio! Get your diet plan right, stick to it, and pounds vanish.

Do you need any help setting up a diet plan or are you set there?

I could use some help with a diet plan too if you don't mind :)

also does anyone know any good HIIT routines I could do?
Idk if this is nationwide but the GNC near me has Quest bars buy 2 get 1 free!

I now have a quick breakfast for the long weekend.

Felt like I should share with the Fit bros.


I had my appendectomy a little over a year ago, I remember constantly bitching about it on this forum.

I think I took the full 2+ months off and the did starting strength from just the bar because my gp made me super scared of popping a hernia from my newly developed holes.

Right now I'm on starting strength yet again because of my dumbass back injuries.

most recent lifts were
squat 150 3x5
deadlift 295 1x5
ohp 145 3x5
Bench 235 3x5

Clearly I am back to having a huge upper body imbalance, but I am constantly scared of fucking my back up for a third time. So I am keeping that shit super slow.

Looking back do you think you took it too slow? I wasn't planning on de loading THAT much tbh but my surgeon said start with sets of 10 and as I increase weight lower reps
airport cuts #whatanerd



Looking back do you think you took it too slow? I wasn't planning on de loading THAT much tbh but my surgeon said start with sets of 10 and as I increase weight lower reps

I do not regret starting off light because my biggest worry was not getting a hernia. I probably did do it too slow, and I think I could have shaved off a chunk of time, but I think that I had made the right decision in that regard. It worked out in the long run because I went from having a shitty squat to having a pretty solid one. My other major lifts pretty much ended up taking a full 6 months from before my surgery to catch back up.

My real regrets were that I played starting strength by the book in the beginning. I needed to do concentrated ab work, and I probably could have gotten away with doing some more supplementary exercises because my main lifts didn't tax me as much.

I would advise you to really really watch your posture. I wasn't paying attention to it and I realized after way too long that I had developed a slouch, which took a good amount of effort on my part to fix.

For reference I was already doing short walks the day after my surgery and was able to start light jogs within I think it was ~ 4-6 weeks.


Shoot, then you don't have to do either.

Diet diet diet brother or sister. Abs are made in the kitchen, fuck wasting time with cardio! Get your diet plan right, stick to it, and pounds vanish.

Do you need any help setting up a diet plan or are you set there?
I think I can handle diet but if you have any helpful advice then that would be appreciated. :)


Out of curiosity, I remember people talking about epic cut thread some time ago. Has that smashing little thing born yet?

I had my appendectomy a little over a year ago, I remember constantly bitching about it on this forum.

I think I took the full 2+ months off and the did starting strength from just the bar because my gp made me super scared of popping a hernia from my newly developed holes.

Right now I'm on starting strength yet again because of my dumbass back injuries.

most recent lifts were
squat 150 3x5
deadlift 295 1x5
ohp 145 3x5
Bench 235 3x5

Clearly I am back to having a huge upper body imbalance, but I am constantly scared of fucking my back up for a third time. So I am keeping that shit super slow.


Why on earth I can't be like that, I don't need the fucking spine and terrible back.

Also no need to worry about your previous bitchings about your back - I don't believe you have managed to hit the same level of martyrdom as I have with my back. I have been one big drama queen biting my lip like the end of the world was coming. (Thanks for bearing with me sweeties! Appreciated!)

You are smart with taking it easy. I am sure it will grant you the gains you want in the end.

Super anxious. Once I'm 100% I'm hopping right back into ironsport.

There's still time to be a bull by the new year!
Sean, you are already the bull.

Also awesome to hear that you are well enough to slowly get back to gym! :D

Great gym alone.
I would also go with this one.

Hell, I haven't never gone to a gym with anybody, always alone.
Forever alone...

This is gonna be the toughest two days for my cut yet. I'm in a mall 3 hours from home with my fiancee while she's shopping and I am so. hungry. Surrounded by mall food. I found a GNC and bought/devours a Quest Bar so that should hold me for a while. That GNC was like my personal oasis in a desert of mall food court junk food shops.

Tomorrow is July 4th plus my future father-in-law's retirement party... And that whole side of the family makes nothing but sugary sweetened everything.

Worse yet, my phone will die soon and I won't have a place to charge it until tonight. Send me your power FitGAF, this cut must not fall prey to mall food and concentrated sugar desserts!

On another note, but I truly love having a heavy bag and speed bag in my garage. It has been killer cardio and is just a shit ton of fun.
Stay strong my friend! If you can, pack healthy snacks like nuts, almonds, Quest bars and so forth to go with you. It helps.

On that note, am I by the way a total lunatic? Tomorrow is my friend's costume party, but I am not going since it is my scheduled gym day and I also know I would just have hard time with all the delicious goodies around.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I could use some help with a diet plan too if you don't mind :)

also does anyone know any good HIIT routines I could do?

What's your current height, weight, BF% and maintenance calories? And do you track what you eat?
Can anyone recommend a protein powder? My friend has been talking up some sort of Pro Gainer since I'm doing a terrible job of hitting my protein goals. I might post a picture tonight and join in here more seriously soon. Getting a gym membership and everything!
Take 2 on the Quest Protein bars. Note that I've never actually had a Quest Protein bar, because they are extremely expensive to buy/import here.

Trying out the rocky road recipe:

Really quick and easy to make, I used almond milk and agave (light) and it was just 15 seconds in the microwave and mix.

(1 tbsp marshmallows, 1 tbsp cocoa, 3 scoops choc whey, 1 tbsp crushed walnuts, 1 tbsp almond milk and pour on 1 tbsp bubbling agave)

This bar came out a lot better and tasted better too. For reference, the cookies and cream one tasted just like other protein bars I have had, which was really nice, but a little too sweet for my tastes (I don't really like sweet things).

The texture is good and they are just chewy enough to stay together.



Hopefully you don't mind if I am going to get a head start. I will join that thread definitely when I have something more to show, but now I just want to share this with you darlings straight away!

I am trying to find new glasses so I have run through millions (read: nine) stores to find the right ones for me. This means I have taken numerous photos of my face (pilates day though so no make up and no filters since I don't master that kind of magic tricks yet. Halp!).

I might regret sharing the most horrid photo of me ever taken online, but hopefully you can still see what I am seeing. (Not a fair comparison really, since the photos have been taken from different angles, in different light and so forth, but still.)

The thing just is, that now when I actually went through the photos of different frames, I realized that yes, there is a change compared to what I looked like earlier this year!

Them noob gainz. <3

Edit: If the photo doesn't work, here is a link.
Be gentle, I am happy. ^_^

Oh and also what you think of the glasses on the right? I am still thinking will I buy those or not.


Hey FitnessGAF,

As you may know I've been getting in shape over the past six weeks. With every workout I push myself to the limit. So is it normal that I'm always sore? I'm not saying I'm so sore I can't walk around. But some part of my body has been sore every day for the past six weeks.


Hey FitnessGAF,

As you may know I've been getting in shape over the past six weeks. With every workout I push myself to the limit. So is it normal that I'm always sore? I'm not saying I'm so sore I can't walk around. But some part of my body has been sore every day for the past six weeks.
Do you have rest days and what is your programm? Also do you eat enough?
Your pic is broken.

@Carnby: Are you sleeping enough? I'm usually only massively sore if starting a new routine, and that's usually gone within a week or so.


I agree with you Sadetar. Life would be easy without a spine. Or even better, if I never read these fitness threads and had just spent my life being an ignorant curl bro.

Carnby, it's pretty normal to be constantly sore.


Do you have rest days and what is your programm? Also do you eat enough?

Monday - Arms, chest, stomach, back
Tuesday - 30 min running
Wednesday - legs, chest, stomach, back
Thursday - 30 min running
Friday - 30 min running

My rest days are the weekend. I eat healthy. My wife cooks good food with lots of variety. My portion sizes are reasonable.

@Carnby: Are you sleeping enough? I'm usually only massively sore if starting a new routine, and that's usually gone within a week or so.

Good point. I get six hours a night. Sometimes less... I'm literally doing something every hour I'm awake. Work, exercising, dinner with family, putting my son to bed, cleaning the house, and then finally it's 11 PM, and I have the choice of staying up for an hour to do nothing, or going to sleep. Sure I could go right to bed, but I really need some relaxing time at the end of my day.

Could my soreness be due to lack of sleep?

Carnby, it's pretty normal to be constantly sore.

I see. Thanks.


Can anyone recommend a protein powder? My friend has been talking up some sort of Pro Gainer since I'm doing a terrible job of hitting my protein goals. I might post a picture tonight and join in here more seriously soon. Getting a gym membership and everything!

MTS Whey Cookies and Cream, Peanut Butter Fluff, or Caramel Sutra.

In my opinion, best tasting and best mixing/consistency for whey protein.

Cookies and Cream is amazing for shakes/drinks, and I prefer mixing Peanut Butter Fluff and Caramel Sutra into greek yogurt.

Speaking of which, if you need extra help with reaching your protein goal, do one scoop of whey protein with 1 serving of plain 0% fat greek yogurt. Only around 270 calories and around 50 grams of protein. Great snack. I also usually have tuna pouches on hand for snacks if I need protein.



So there's recipes for homemade Quest bars now it seems. Anyone try this yet? I think I'm going to give it a go tomorrow. Only need to buy agave. Got some Gharam Cracker whey that I can not stomach as a drink. Maybe it will work better as a bar. =\

Nope bad flavor still tastes bad. I really was hoping to re-purpose that shit too. Really hate to throw away powder. I will say the longer I left it in the fridge, the more I could stomach. Bought some cheap vanilla whey now so hopefully round 2 will go better. I just don't see myself having any other use for the oreo's I purchased if it doesn't go better.
* routine *

To be honest, you shouldn't be sore continuously from that. The running days are basically rest days anyway. 6 hours sleep isn't that bad either. Do you have a physical job?

That said, are you in your forties or older? That could explain it. Also, you might want to consider a light cool down routine with some stretching.


Your pic is broken.

Thank you for telling me. :D

I uploaded it to another place as well. Does this work?

I agree with you Sadetar. Life would be easy without a spine. Or even better, if I never read these fitness threads and had just spent my life being an ignorant curl bro.
Hahah, I don't know though - now when I think of it, I wouldn't work out without fucking my back in the first place so...

Then again I would have saved myself years of pain, if I wouldn't have the spine. :p

Monday - Arms, chest, stomach, back
Tuesday - 30 min running
Wednesday - legs, chest, stomach, back
Thursday - 30 min running
Friday - 30 min running

My rest days are the weekend. I eat healthy. My wife cooks good food with lots of variety. My portion sizes are reasonable.

Good point. I get six hours a night. Sometimes less... I'm literally doing something every hour I'm awake. Work, exercising, dinner with family, putting my son to bed, cleaning the house, and then finally it's 11 PM, and I have the choice of staying up for an hour to do nothing, or going to sleep. Sure I could go right to bed, but I really need some relaxing time at the end of my day.

Could my soreness be due to lack of sleep?

I see. Thanks.
Your soreness can easily be just about the lack of sleep.

I would say that if you can have two rest days, it would be more beneficial for you not to have them straight but in between the workouts.

Also what are you trying to gain with the running? (I might have missed it in your earlier posts, if so, I apology.) Is it just something that you really enjoy or do you do it for other purposes? If so, I would rethink it.

30 minutes per day isn't really that beneficial so I would rather change it to 1 hour per day and skip another day. This would burn fat better (if that is your goal) and you would gain an extra rest day. If you don't try to burn fat and you don't enjoy running, if I were you, I wouldn't do it at all.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Dem Squats. I did 'em! My form I feel has been getting better. But I won't post vids until I think it's good.
If you can post videos, do. The more videos you post, the more feedback you'll get, meaning you'll get better, faster. Waiting until you think they're good kinda defeats the purpose, a bit like waiting until you're good enough for music or art lessons only to find out that you need to relearn a whole bunch of stuff. Just remember that if someone is critiquing your video, they're critiquing your movement patterns, not you personally.


Can anyone recommend a protein powder? My friend has been talking up some sort of Pro Gainer since I'm doing a terrible job of hitting my protein goals. I might post a picture tonight and join in here more seriously soon. Getting a gym membership and everything!

I swear by Optimum Nutrition 100% Gold Standard Whey. I just discovered the Mocha Cappuccino flavor tonight...oh my god. Oh. My. God.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Fucking weak shit only 405 2x5 had to drop to 315 3x8 for some hypertrophy. Strenf dropping :(
Yeah, really weak you mutant creature. My squat has went to shit too now that I'm focusing on DLs. Three plates feels heavy now. Kinda depressing. I hear ya.


Damn Sadetar!! Looks like a different person. Keep fighting the good fight!


Yeah, really weak you mutant creature. My squat has went to shit too now that I'm focusing on DLs. Three plates feels heavy now. Kinda depressing. I hear ya.

At least it seems you had good squats at one point. My squats have always been garbage. I was an upper-body bro in high school and when I lifted in my first year of college.

So I have some catching up to do. I had a better upper body foundation when I started to take lifting much more serious in the last 8 months.

Now with a shoulder injury, I am doing 3 leg days per week lol. At least now I can squat more than I bench (which should be the case for everyone). My bench is 315, squat is now 335, deadlift of 405. My near future goal is 5 plate deadlift, 4 plate squat, and 3 plate bench for reps.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Yeah, really weak you mutant creature. My squat has went to shit too now that I'm focusing on DLs. Three plates feels heavy now. Kinda depressing. I hear ya.


Damn Sadetar!! Looks like a different person. Keep fighting the good fight!

I'm really dehydrated from work, weighed in at 210.6 and I'm usually 215 :(

Idiot that I am, I took 300mg caffeine after work too lol


Sadetar, those glasses look great! Also, you can totally see how much weight you've lost from your face alone :)

Also, you will understand me when I say...I got a new sports bra and it is not supportive enough and running = ow... :'(

Will only wear this one during weights circuit, not for a cardio work out.


Also, you will understand me when I say...I got a new sports bra and it is not supportive enough and running = ow... :'(

Will only wear this one during weights circuit, not for a cardio work out.
Doubling up on two looser bras will usually do the work of one good bra.

I will admit to FitGAF that I will be drinking lots and eating pretty shitty tomorrow. :D

I already had three straight days of beignets.
Hey man, my fat man status has been going on for the past few days and will continue on. Same with next week lol. Eat up and enjoy the summer peeps <3
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