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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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So there's recipes for homemade Quest bars now it seems. Anyone try this yet? I think I'm going to give it a go tomorrow. Only need to buy agave. Got some Gharam Cracker whey that I can not stomach as a drink. Maybe it will work better as a bar. =\

Cooling in the fridge now. I don't have a mold or anything, so they are pretty ... rustic. But should get the job done.


If this works out, going to try some Rocky Road ones tomorrow.

Can anyone here point me in the direction of a beginner friendly yoga DVD? A friend of mine wants to start doing some and I don't really have any idea what might be good (beyond just randomly picking from Amazon).

Pete Rock

Can anyone here point me in the direction of a beginner friendly yoga DVD?
I needed focus on my lower back issues so I bought this: Yoga for the rest of us: Back care basics. Apparently it is part of a series but I can only vouch for that one. It is pretty awesome, I still incorporate about 40% of the stretches from that video every day.

This "stretch out strap" is also really awesome because if you were like me, or "the rest of us", you can't grab the ball of your foot when you're laying on your back. So instead of a 8' looped d-ring belt, which is better suited for long holds in static positions, this little strap has a series of loops so you can easily move between them as you get more flexible. Ultimate goal is not needing it at all. But it's better to have it when you start.

I couldn't touch my toes when I began now I can almost touch my face to my shins. Alllllmost. Really close. Gotta start somewhere!


Just got out of the surgeons office. Everything looks good and he said I can go back to upper body work but hold off on lower body for another 3 weeks.

Going back light obviously and a deload will have to happen but it will be good to get back :)


It happens to the best of us. After losing 100 pounds, I spent ten years in great shape, exercising every single day. Three years ago my son was born, I went back to school, and worked fulltime. I didn't have time to work out, and my diet eventually went downhill. I gained 40 pounds over the past three years. And now that everything is back to normal, I'm ready to get back in shape again.

Awwww, poor babe! I can only imagine how stressful and hard it is for you at the moment. Just do the best you can and give yourself some time as well.

Thanks guys. Yeah it's been a time to say "fuck it, pig out!". Though at least I've forced myself to lift and see some gains in the process.

Being a stress eater sucks!

Just got out of the surgeons office. Everything looks good and he said I can go back to upper body work but hold off on lower body for another 3 weeks.

Going back light obviously and a deload will have to happen but it will be good to get back :)

I'm glad everything is going well Sean. You'll be back to full tilt in no time my friend.


Thanks guys. Yeah it's been a time to say "fuck it, pig out!". Though at least I've forced myself to lift and see some gains in the process.

Being a stress eater sucks!

I'm glad everything is going well Sean. You'll be back to full tilt in no time my friend.

Thanks mang, and you'll get back into the swing of things in no time. Once you're in a good place mentally the gainz will flow like milk and honey.
looks like cancerous kidneys lol

Yeah need to work on the presentation. Taste is great though, will be making more.

Just got out of the surgeons office. Everything looks good and he said I can go back to upper body work but hold off on lower body for another 3 weeks.

Going back light obviously and a deload will have to happen but it will be good to get back :)

Good stuff, take it easy.


First time poster here, and I have a couple questions. (Didnt know this thread existed).

I've been working out/eating healthy since late March, I've lost around 25 pounds. I'm 6'2" and in the low 180's. I still have around probably less than 20% Body Fat (might take pictures later for reference). Right now I'm trying to lose some of that BF % and gain muscle att he same time. I try to consume around 1600-1900 calories a day with at least 100g of protein a day.

Current routine is 5 days of cardio, 40 min jogging at around 5mph, then hit the weights and do different types of exercises with dumbbells (cant afford a Gym membership and I had to rely on garage sales for cheap gear) & a bench.

Any advice or tips on how to achieve this propperly, or suggestions on what to modifty (diet or workout wise)?.
Thanks for the drinking thing veezy.

Also are those gnc coupons a thing of the past or does anybody have a link for a current one. It looks like they're doing b2g1 on quest bars at gnc.
Just got out of the surgeons office. Everything looks good and he said I can go back to upper body work but hold off on lower body for another 3 weeks.

Going back light obviously and a deload will have to happen but it will be good to get back :)

Smart move to take it light. I imagine you're damn anxious to get back into things, but it certainly isn't worth risking long-term injury just to push yourself for one or two lifting sessions. Sounds like you've got the right mentality though.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
6. Play a circuit at 150cc of Mario Kart 8 as Daisy on days you are too tired to work out.. You will place 4th on the last race after 3 first places. Your rage will get you through any workout.



Smart move to take it light. I imagine you're damn anxious to get back into things, but it certainly isn't worth risking long-term injury just to push yourself for one or two lifting sessions. Sounds like you've got the right mentality though.

Super anxious. Once I'm 100% I'm hopping right back into ironsport.

There's still time to be a bull by the new year!


So I'm skinny with this slight gut. I think I eat pretty well but the gut is still there. I do ab exercises once a week, still doing the beginners program in the OP. I've always had a pretty bad back that I've been meaning to see a chiropractor about. Are there any good ab exercises that won't strain my back much until I see the chiropractor?
So I'm skinny with this slight gut. I think I eat pretty well but the gut is still there. I do ab exercises once a week, still doing the beginners program in the OP. I've always had a pretty bad back that I've been meaning to see a chiropractor about. Are there any good ab exercises that won't strain my back much until I see the chiropractor?

You can do all the ab exercises in the world and it wont get rid of a gut. Hell, arguably if you're able to build up the muscles enough then you'll make it even bigger.
Only because I hear you talk about them often. Not because you need them you stud muffin.

so much in life i need brah, this being one of them

Cooling in the fridge now. I don't have a mold or anything, so they are pretty ... rustic. But should get the job done.

If this works out, going to try some Rocky Road ones tomorrow.


tell us how it tastes

First time poster here, and I have a couple questions. (Didnt know this thread existed).

I've been working out/eating healthy since late March, I've lost around 25 pounds. I'm 6'2" and in the low 180's. I still have around probably less than 20% Body Fat (might take pictures later for reference). Right now I'm trying to lose some of that BF % and gain muscle att he same time. I try to consume around 1600-1900 calories a day with at least 100g of protein a day.

Current routine is 5 days of cardio, 40 min jogging at around 5mph, then hit the weights and do different types of exercises with dumbbells (cant afford a Gym membership and I had to rely on garage sales for cheap gear) & a bench.

Any advice or tips on how to achieve this propperly, or suggestions on what to modifty (diet or workout wise)?.

You won't be able to do both gain muscle and lose fat. At first you will since you are just starting off but after your beginner gains, you need to focus on one or the other. Also eat more protein. If you are looking to get bigger, really do try to figure out a budget for a gym membership. If weight loss is your goal, then diet is your biggest key. What are you eating?
So I'm skinny with this slight gut. I think I eat pretty well but the gut is still there. I do ab exercises once a week, still doing the beginners program in the OP. I've always had a pretty bad back that I've been meaning to see a chiropractor about. Are there any good ab exercises that won't strain my back much until I see the chiropractor?

Stick to SS and clean up the diet. Don't do ab or core stuff unless it's something like yoga or pilates to supplement.

The diet is paramount to getting a smaller tummy.
I now feel my abs (or what I think are abs) but I don't see them. Come out already motherfuckers.

How many swiss ball crunches more, GAF? /jk
So the film "Results" is shooting at my gym! Guy Pearce, Anthony Michael Hall, and Kevin Corrigan are going to be there; there might be more. I get to be an extra, lifting in the background.

Now I just need to decide which curl exercise I'll be doing.
So I started running hill sprints today to help with my conditioning and BF% I talked about on my last post. 3x30 yard sprints was a whole of a hell lot more tiring than I thought. I spent a good 20 minutes just walking home after it, I was only 2 blocks away.

I think next time I'll do 2 sprints. I'm still a bit woozy, and I went out to run over an hour ago.


I like the getdrunknotfat.com site. Nice to know that I have been doing good by just ordering a double bourbon on the rocks (usually Knob Creek) and sipping on it for a couple of hours. Gets me feeling how I want and looking all classy doing so.
Couple of random observations:

-Eating 3300 calories a day and still avoiding sugar is much harder than I thought it'd be. I did find a recipe for a high-calorie shake (2 scoops vanilla ice cream, 2 bananas, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, and a scoop of vanilla whey protein) that makes the calories easier, but it puts my sugar close to the danger zone. My diet will be a work in progress.

-I just tried Ab Ripper X. I thought it wouldn't be so bad even though I haven't done the routine in over a year, since my abs have supposedly been getting worked by squats and dead lifts.

Oh boy was I wrong. I was physically unable to complete half the sets. Disappointing, but I hope I'll do better next time.

-I'm starting to notice how much better shape I look in than my friends (grammar?). It's definitely a confidence booster and it inspires me to go even further. I've been lifting since February and it feels good to start noticing tangible results.
So the film "Results" is shooting at my gym! Guy Pearce, Anthony Michael Hall, and Kevin Corrigan are going to be there; there might be more. I get to be an extra, lifting in the background.

Now I just need to decide which curl exercise I'll be doing.

Make sure to practice all the noises as seen in that one video from the BroScience guy. I recommend the bitch hiss personally.


First day back felt weird. Like the weight felt heavy but not in a it's too heavy for me to handle way.

I assume this is more my body getting used to pushing weight in a certain way instead of significantly losing strength.
Yes, the book goes in to painstaking detail on how to do these exercises. It gives you all the info you could ever need. 95% of the book is dedicated in explaining the exercises.

It says to eat a lot of food and suggests GOMAD. I would enough to recover but GOMAD isn't for you. Just eat a lot but not too much. Lots of protein and try to keep it clean-ish. Don't eat too much junk.

Cardio is not recommended in most cases because it usually impairs recovery. Maybe some walking if you really wanna do something but you probably shouldn't.

You can't really do SS at Planet Fitness and if there's no other gyms around then it might be better to just focus on losing fat and doing some bodyweight stuff in the meantime. Or/and just keep lifting at your friends house. Maybe practice the lifts with a broom and focus on improving your mobility if you have issues with it.

Chin ups are easier than pull ups but if you can't do either then lat pulldowns are an option. Or if you have some kind of assisted pull up machine in the gym. But once you can do even one clean rep you're good to go. Losing BF ought to help also.

Diet-wise it would help to know what you're doing now aside from the cardio. Usual advice is to keep calories at a level you lose fat at an approriate rate, eat lots of protein, lower your carbs, cut out all crap from your diet etc.. Maybe look in to HIIT instead of doing an hour of "normal" cardio every day.

hey thanks for responding. What is GOMAD exactly? I'm trying to eat around 1400 - 1500 calories a day. How many carbs is too much? I'm also trying to eat a lot of protein. I cut soda and most junk food out a while ago, so I'm pretty good on that front I think. I usually eat eggs, chicken, turkey, veggies, fruit, yogurt, etc. throughout the day. Also do you know of any good HIIT routines I could do?

I'm going to buy the Starting Strength book and get into that when I get back to school in September. I'll focus on losing the body fat for now. Hopefully I can do it in the next 2 months.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
There are so many straight up 10s walking around in bikinis up here in Tahoe right now! Un-freakin-believable!!


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Strep throat has put me out of commission for a few days now. Antibiotics kicked in quickly though and the infection is all but gone now. But I think this is as good a time as any to give myself the rest of the week off and return to the gym on Monday. Would be my longest break in three months, so I was due for a vacation.
This is gonna be the toughest two days for my cut yet. I'm in a mall 3 hours from home with my fiancee while she's shopping and I am so. hungry. Surrounded by mall food. I found a GNC and bought/devours a Quest Bar so that should hold me for a while. That GNC was like my personal oasis in a desert of mall food court junk food shops.

Tomorrow is July 4th plus my future father-in-law's retirement party... And that whole side of the family makes nothing but sugary sweetened everything.

Worse yet, my phone will die soon and I won't have a place to charge it until tonight. Send me your power FitGAF, this cut must not fall prey to mall food and concentrated sugar desserts!

On another note, but I truly love having a heavy bag and speed bag in my garage. It has been killer cardio and is just a shit ton of fun.


I think today is the day I'm cancelling my gym membership.

Instead, what I might be doing is going for runs at the park or swimming laps in my pool.

I just prefer a natural environment not infested with people hogging over equipment.

I do only pay $10/month with an annual charge of around $36, and I haven't been to the gym in the last three months which costed me $30.

For what I care to achieve, I just don't think lifting weights is the right thing for me.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I think today is the day I'm cancelling my gym membership.

Instead, what I might be doing is going for runs at the park or swimming laps in my pool.

I just prefer a natural environment not infested with people hogging over equipment.

I do only pay $10/month with an annual charge of around $36, and I haven't been to the gym in the last three months which costed me $30.

For what I care to achieve, I just don't think lifting weights is the right thing for me.

It doesn't sound like you've BEEN lifting. What is it you want to do, what's your goal? Just...go places? Without cars?
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