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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Personally, I think people dramatically overemphasize required protein intake. Especially if you're doing a ketogenic diet, you shouldn't be consuming so much protein. It's just going to turn into glucose.
Personally, I think people dramatically overemphasize required protein intake. Especially if you're doing a ketogenic diet, you shouldn't be consuming so much protein. It's just going to turn into glucose.

There's quite a bit of evidence that points to a (relatively) high protein intake being particularly advantageous when you're in a large calorific deficit. I've never really understood the people doing 300g+ a day though.

But then I don't weight 250lbs so what do I know? :D


wat. I'm supposed to be taking north of 200g protein per day?! How do you even accomplish that?

You may not need 200+, but you definitely need more than 65g. I'm guessing like most people, you probably don't have an accurate LBM figure for yourself, so I'll just use 20% BF here to work with. Using the lower end of the range I gave, a daily protein amount of 135g should maintain your current LBM as you lose fat.

I get 130+ daily pretty easily. Meat, yogurt, eggs, and some protein powder on workout days are my primary sources. Edit: I forgot to list Quest bars! duh! Forgive me, FitGaffers!


Personally, I think people dramatically overemphasize required protein intake. Especially if you're doing a ketogenic diet, you shouldn't be consuming so much protein. It's just going to turn into glucose.

I'm doing keto and my intake breaks down as:

Lifting days: ~1,930 kcal, 125g protein/147g fat/25g carbs
Rest: ~1,730 kcal, 125g protein/125g fat/25g carbs

I arrived at these figures from the Reddit Ketogains spreadsheet so I think they're reasonably well grounded (15% deficit for fat loss). Protein intake at ~1.0x LBM (145 lbs at ~13-14% BF).
wat. I'm supposed to be taking north of 200g protein per day?! How do you even accomplish that?


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I'm doing keto and my intake breaks down as:

Lifting days: ~1,930 kcal, 125g protein/147g fat/25g carbs
Rest: ~1,730 kcal, 125g protein/125g fat/25g carbs

I arrived at these figures from the Reddit Ketogains spreadsheet so I think they're reasonably well grounded (15% deficit for fat loss). Protein intake at ~1.0x LBM (145 lbs at ~13-14% BF).

Out of curiosity, what does that translate to in terms of actual food?


Out of curiosity, what does that translate to in terms of actual food?

This is what my general intake looks like:

Breakfast: Omelette with broccoli/spinach/jack cheese, side of 1/3 avocado

Lunch: Generally some sort of grilled chicken cobb or Mediterranean tuna salad or I'll go to Chipotle and get a chicken salad with fajita veggies/sour cream/cheese/guac/hot salsa

Snack: 1/3 cup almonds and 1 colby jack cheese stick

Post-workout: 1.5 scoops Whey

Evening snack/before bed: 2 tbsp PB and 1.5 tbsp raw coconut (lifting days) OR 1.5 tbsp PB (rest days)

I keep it pretty much the same on week days and will switch it up a bit on weekends...for example this past weekend one breakfast I had an omelette with veggies and cheddar cheese and 4 slices of bacon. Just meant cutting back on fat at other meals (since the weekend is rest days).

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Almonds give up the fats too, same with cashews. Ahh, cashews~
I eat almonds, but there's a limit to how many I'm willing to throw down my gullet in a day.

Also, you can keep flaxseed. I've fed more enjoyable things to birds.


Two weeks still the nicer (but not air conditioned) gym will open from the summer break. Can't wait! ...even though I am also slightly worried since I have just been getting used to the other gym and it will again take some time to get back to it with full force. It will be worth it though.

I am assuming that when you hung out with these people prior to your weight loss, you often ate poorly? I used to eat/drink awful stuff when I hung out with my friends for most of my life. Whenever I go back to my hometown and visit friends and family, they try to rope me back into those awful eating habits.

I always here the "___ won't hurt you!", "Just eat one ____!"

My new healthy lifestyle is uncomfortable for people I grew up with. They are not used to it. And like Psychotext suggested, there might be some hate/jealousy about improving yourself.

Some people might be genuinely oblivious to your change in your eating habits, but if you made multiple attempts to inform them, then there is obviously something more to it.
Some people hate others improving themselves, it makes them uncomfortable. That said, many of us do get a bit preachy about fitness / health without really realising it. I've done it a few times without knowing I was doing it.

Can also come down to "do you think you're better than me?". My brother takes great pleasure in trying to belittle my fitness / health efforts (and believe me, I'm not a clean eater or any sort of obsessive), but that's mostly because he's threatened by it and knows deep down that he should be doing something.
Thanks for the replies! I don't think I have been preaching about it, but then again who am I to say I haven't. :p I don't care what other people eat or do they work out though - I understand that people have different priorities and I am totally fine by that. I just don't like the athmosphere that with some people I need to explain why I am nowadays working out so much. And Zero, yes, the friends that have been a bit annoyed by this are the ones I used to cook and bake with, not to mention going to nice American fast food resraurants. Also they always do the same to me too with saying exactly those same lines! I noticed that I was weeks if not months without craving anything sweet, but after I last week ate a choclate bar I just want candies, chocolate and all the sweet things constantly - better not do that even once since I hate this feeling. So what comes to my friends I just perhaps better give them some time, stay tough and let them get used to the idea.

Haha at work, since it's summer, the boss will buy sundaes every once in a while for everyone and they're all "Lee I know you're being good buuuuut...?"

I said "Get thee away, foul ice cream wench", and they know I have will. Though they still offer sometime. Hahaha. I don't miiiind it too much because everyone in the office is enjoying so I don't get annoyed. But yeah, if my friends did it and all the time, then I'd get mad.

Heat only for belly when it hurts. Otherwise I hate it. And yeah, I burn like mad too. It sucks.
I hate the office when it comes to sweets and candy. It is everywhere. People bring in food to share but it is always junk.

Someone put out a bowl of mixed fruit and a vegetable tray once. I thought it was a god damn trap because it was such a foreign concept for my office.
Work is a bad place I agree with you there. In our working place there is always a bowl of candy. Luckily there is also a girl who lost over 40 pounds last year and I am supporting her to maintain it and she is keeping me under control as well. She is also adorable and offers me healthy snacks once in a while (I do the same though). :D She is even coming to the gym with me next Monday! Super happy about that too! ^_^ She is awesome (even though she has some odd ideas about eating certain foods only on a certain time of a day and she mainly only uses crosstrainer and does nothing else).

Thoughts on workouts right before bed? Hectic schedule today and I wasn't about to workout until really late, partially due to lack of time and partially due to lack of energy/motivation. But I forced myself to do so and finished up a little before midnight, when by rights I should be shutting down for the night. Also allowed myself a post workout protein shake, which is usually part of my routine but I questioned that too given the time.

What do folks here usually do when super late workouts are the only viable option for a given day?
I actually enjoy super late work outs and do them when ever I have the option to sleep late.

Here's my progress from mid january to today:


Not all that great for exercising 6 times a week and eating pretty healthy. Probably should get on a weightlifting plan instead of just going on random weights til i'm tired.
Looking very good there sweetie pie!

Four week countdown to birthday cheat day. I can taste the maple bacon donuts already.
From one Leo to another all I gotta say is eat like the vicious lion you are!
I am also going to be a fatty and extremely happy little predator on my birthday. A day under five weeks... :p

Went to our favourite all you can eat sushi buffet again. It was glorious and I'm stuffed.

Only had some cottage cheese, some whey and an apple during the day so I was kinda ravenous when we finally got there.
Share your secret! What is the best one in here (if I remember correctly you are from Finland)? :p
Hm...wonder how a fried egg and chunky peanut butter sandwich would taste? Might have to try it.
It's a trip of flavors. I was able to appreciate the taste, but the consistency messed me up.

I'm not sure if it's due to the fact that I'm wearing all black or the intensity of my workout, but I've been sweating like MAD crazy. :/
The gym has AC, so the temperature isn't it.


Peanut butter isn't quite as popular in the UK compared to America. What kind do you guys eat? Is it natural peanut butter or the sugary type you can get in supermarkets? Or does it not matter much?


Peanut butter isn't quite as popular in the UK compared to America. What kind do you guys eat? Is it natural peanut butter or the sugary type you can get in supermarkets? Or does it not matter much?

All natural peanut butter. Nothing but peanuts and salt.


Personally, I think people dramatically overemphasize required protein intake. Especially if you're doing a ketogenic diet, you shouldn't be consuming so much protein. It's just going to turn into glucose.

Even with 180g of protein and 125g of fat, the majority of my calories comes from fat.


Y'all, my muffin top is much less visible in my work pants.


Will punch air extra hard tonight during my workout to celebrate!


pic from today.
Looking good like always. Attaboy. :D

Y'all, my muffin top is much less visible in my work pants.
Will punch air extra hard tonight during my workout to celebrate!
Exactly how I feel about my muffin top!
Oh yes! Great work both of you! ^_^

Took couple photos yesterday at gym. Here are the total comparisons between late January 2014 and early July 2014. (Inform me if the links are broken, please.)

Still a long way to go, but at least I feel I am on the right path.




Peanut butter isn't quite as popular in the UK compared to America. What kind do you guys eat? Is it natural peanut butter or the sugary type you can get in supermarkets? Or does it not matter much?

Definitely natural. I ate Skippy for my entire life up until a few years ago. One taste of natural and you realize how much sugar they put in mass market PB. It took me a jar or so to really get used to it, but now I can never go back. No need for those empty carbs and IMHO it tastes so much better.


That's some pretty fantastic work for 6 months or so.
Thanks sweetie! ^_^

I didn't think I would ever say this, but I actually agree with the OP - losing weight can be extremely simple. I am not even near where I want to be, but this far it hasn't been that hard. Quite naturally I have been working my ass off, but you honey bunnies keep me motivated! I am hopeful that after a year or two and I look like a totally different person. :D
Red meat, chicken, turkey, bacon, eggs, tuna, whey powder, peanut butter, nuts, greek yogurt, cheese sticks, etc.

I get ~125g protein everyday through an omelette, 4oz chicken, 1.5 scoops of whey, handful of almonds, 2 tbsp PB, and a couple of ounces of cheese a day. If you want to cut back on fat and up the protein, you could always cut back on the cheese and nuts and up your intake of whey powder and non-fat greek yogurt.

How much you weight? Also you said you take 25g of carb, are you going for tons of fat loss or just getting lean?

220g might be a bit over the top given what your body fat is, but you'd certainly want to be hitting at least 160g (though this could possibly be too high depending on your current body fat).

Shouldn't it be depending on your weight? He is 210 so about 210g of protein is what he should be taking.


Looking good like always. Attaboy. :D

Oh yes! Great work both of you! ^_^

Took couple photos yesterday at gym. Here are the total comparisons between late January 2014 and early July 2014. (Inform me if the links are broken, please.)

Still a long way to go, but at least I feel I am on the right path.



Looking good like always. Attaboy. :D

Oh yes! Great work both of you! ^_^

Took couple photos yesterday at gym. Here are the total comparisons between late January 2014 and early July 2014. (Inform me if the links are broken, please.)

Still a long way to go, but at least I feel I am on the right path.



Sadetar looking like a fox!

My 6 months progress is coming up mid august. Better catch up with everyone!
Shouldn't it be depending on your weight? He is 210 so about 210g of protein is what he should be taking.
Why would being fatter require more protein than being leaner? Assuming the same body weight that is. It's always better to calculate from lean body mass where you can.

Ignoring the fact that there are numerous research articles that make a very strong case for far lower protein intakes... but that's a different story.


How much you weight? Also you said you take 25g of carb, are you going for tons of fat loss or just getting lean?

Shouldn't it be depending on your weight? He is 210 so about 210g of protein is what he should be taking.
Brb fat people getting into lifting literally drowning in protein shakes.


Great job Sadetar! Awesome progress in 6 months.

How much you weight? Also you said you take 25g of carb, are you going for tons of fat loss or just getting lean?

145 lbs with roughly ~13-14% body fat, so LBM of ~126 lbs. I'm shooting for 1.0x LBM of protein intake so that's where I get 125g protein.

As for the ultra low carb, I'm trying out the ketogenic diet (http://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq) - one week in so far. Basically, carbs are a limit (technically you can take in less than 100g and still be in keto, but it seems that in practice it generally takes below 30g; these are net of fiber btw), protein is a target, and fat is for satiety and to meet macro targets.

So I set my carb limit at 25g net, protein at 1.0x LBM, and fill out the rest with dietary fat. I used the ketogains spreadsheet (http://www.reddit.com/r/ketogains/comments/24f0np/new_ketogains_macro_calculator_v20/) to calculate by TDEE and set a 15% deficit for fat loss. You also plug in your exercise timing (weight training and cardio) and it will spit out a cal intake for exercise days and rest days.

My near-term (next 8-10 weeks) goal is to get around or below 10% BF. Going to try this keto diet for at least 4-5 weeks and reassess progress at that point.


Got some sciatica going on in my left leg, I think that's been the cause of a lot of my issues lately. Noticed it today when I had some pain in the same spot I've been having while flexing my spine a little, and noticed some pain going down the outside of my leg below the knee and into the foot. Nothing I can do about it, the doctor in the family says the only thing that can help is time and that it's fine to keep lifting in th emean time.


Yup, Great progress.

Also, I want those lower legs, mine are shit. :(
Awwwww, thank you!

Hahah, and thanks for the leg comment! Also my colleague one day said that I have "surprisingly nice legs". I told her that when a war elephant ("Sotanorsu" in Finnish, a nickname that I got couple months ago) like me needs to move all the mass it has, it requires quite much muscles. :p

That gif coming from our official black Batman just made my day! You don't even know how happy it made me! Thank you! ^_^

Sadetar, that is amazing progress, especially for only half a year. Keep it up!
Thank you so much for your kind words!

Tomorrow, the 11th, is a day when I have been hitting the gym for four months. I am aware that it is a very short time and I have tried to get the most out of the noob gains. :p

Sadetar looking like a fox!

My 6 months progress is coming up mid august. Better catch up with everyone!
Oh you, you are so sweet like always!

I am also waiting to see those pics! :p

SO awesome!!! It is great to see you dedicated to a healthier lifestyle. I bet you can surprise even yourself in another six months. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you sweetie pie! Also huge thanks for sharing your pics earlier! I remember looking at those in awe!

I have had cheat days here and there but I try to stay mainly focused. :p I will continue working out for sure, I can't even imagine of stopping, but I am aware that I won't be getting this fast results in the future so I am trying to enjoy them while I can. :D

Great results. Keep up the hard work!
I most certainly will! Thank you so much! Feels good and I have huge motivation to work my body into something I have previously only dreamed of. Hahaha, I want to be a sexy beast like everybody else in here. ;)

Great job Sadetar! Awesome progress in 6 months.
Your comments are always highly appreciated! ^_^ Thank you!

I am by the way so amazed by the amount of positive feedback I am getting! FitGAF, don't forget that you all have been here to help me! I feel like this is a good start and with you, I don't know where it will lead me. You have all been so kind and encouraging I don't really know how to even express all my feelings!


Sadetar, you look like a completely different person!
Thank you so much for saying so - I definitely also feel like one! :) It was awesome to see what a difference half a year, proper thyroxine levels, healthy diet, working out and dropping the painkillers could do.
With all honesty I am amazed myself.

Holy yeah, nice job. Kickin ass, girl.
Thank you! I am trying my very best to do so. Good to hear that it is showing. :D

Sadetar, you look so damn good! :D

Sweat box cardio kick box done for the day. Feel a little barfy, lol. Water drinking time.
Well done there!

Hahah, also thank you! Even though I am still not even near the point where you started! :p


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Are you kidding me Sadetar? Impressive for sure! Motivation is clearly riding sky high for you. Keep it going!
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