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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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So my girlfriend wants us to go on this paleo diet. Any thoughts? I haven't done any research myself, but figured you guys and gals would know what's up with it.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
So my girlfriend wants us to go on this paleo diet. Any thoughts? I haven't done any research myself, but figured you guys and gals would know what's up with it.

The only really good thing about paleo is its focus on eating whole foods. Of course, you're starting to see a lot of processed paleo 'bars' and junk.

There's some good stuff to be gained from the diet, but being too much of a stickler to it doesn't make sense to me.

It also seems to be a gateway to Crossfit for a lot of people, so be careful.


The only really good thing about paleo is its focus on eating whole foods. Of course, you're starting to see a lot of processed paleo 'bars' and junk.

There's some good stuff to be gained from the diet, but being too much of a stickler to it doesn't make sense to me.

It also seems to be a gateway to Crossfit for a lot of people, so be careful.

Ha! She's said that she's starting back with crossfit this week and dropping going to the gym with me. I did crossfit with her a couple times in the past, wasn't my thing. Plus I'm seeing great results at the gym after only a month, so I'm sticking with it.


My LA Fitness recently replaced their regular plates with Hex ones. This is a fucking pain when it comes to deadlifting.

Hoping the one a little further away kept the circular ones. If not, fuck. Might have to take my friend's offer on joining his hardcore bodybuilder gym. Problem is, it's like a 15-30 min drive there depending on traffic.
My LA Fitness recently replaced their regular plates with Hex ones. This is a fucking pain when it comes to deadlifting.

Hoping the one a little further away kept the circular ones. If not, fuck. Might have to take my friend's offer on joining his hardcore bodybuilder gym. Problem is, it's like a 15-30 min drive there depending on traffic.
The only powerlifting gym in Miami is about a 40 min drive from where I live. Yea and hex plates can go to the deepest parts of hell and every 24 hr fitness has them :(
Sadetar!!!! I'm absolutely floored at the progress you've made. Incredible!! Wow. Really, amazing job, amazing work, amazing results. Keep up the great work. You bring so much to this thread, great advice, a good spirit, motivating and sweet compliments. All that awesomeness radiates in your physical progress, you've worked hard and come a long way!

Wish you the best and hope it keeps going smoothly as you meet more of your goals. <3
I'm due to start a bulk for the first time in a few weeks, but I got my BF measured the other week (with the handheld device) and I was apparently at 20%. I've lost another 2lb since then but I doubt it would be lower than 19%.

Is this too high to start?


I'm due to start a bulk for the first time in a few weeks, but I got my BF measured the other week (with the handheld device) and I was apparently at 20%. I've lost another 2lb since then but I doubt it would be lower than 19%.

Is this too high to start?

Definately too high. You should preferably be 10-12%, less than 15% definately.
When you say "with a handheld device". You mean electronically, or with callipers?

Because the problem with doing it electronically is that you can easily be 5% off reality anyway (that's not to say it measured you too high, it works both ways). Maybe find someone to pinch your inches (ooer?) and compare the two.

But you'll generally know when you're down near 12% anyway.
So FitGAF, what's your stance on Freeletics?

I had a look.

The first thing they do is hit you up to pay for a coach, then pay for a nutrition guide.

Once through that, you get to the workouts (not all the workouts of course, you need to pay for that). Lets look at the "strength" one:

5 rounds of:
5 Headstand pushups
15 pullups
25 pushups
35 situps
45 squats
120 second rest.

Will that sort of thing get you fitter? Probably. Do you need to pay for somebody to schedule workouts like this? Probably not.... ok maybe some advice with the headstand pushups would be useful?

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
I had a look.

The first thing they do is hit you up to pay for a coach, then pay for a nutrition guide.

Once through that, you get to the workouts (not all the workouts of course, you need to pay for that). Lets look at the "strength" one:

5 rounds of:
5 Headstand pushups
15 pullups
25 pushups
35 situps
45 squats
120 second rest.

Will that sort of thing get you fitter? Probably. Do you need to pay for somebody to schedule workouts like this? Probably not.
Anyone who can complete a training session like that and hit all the reps is probably more than capable of making their own program.

For those interested in bodyweight training, get a copy of Convict Conditioning. It guides you through the progression from easier movements (e.g. unweighted squats or wall pushups) to more difficult ones (e.g. pistol squats or one arm pushups), which is probably the biggest downside/obstacle with bodyweight training compared to weights, where progress is made by adding weight/reps.


awesome progress Sadetar - kudos!

I have a question for you guys - have any of you tried Soylent at all?
It sounds good in theory, but I'm having my doubts if it's enough for when you're working out and that it may turn you into a jelly over time lol

As it's a quite new product, I've failed to find stories of using soylent while working out.


Looking good like always. Attaboy. :D

Oh yes! Great work both of you! ^_^

Took couple photos yesterday at gym. Here are the total comparisons between late January 2014 and early July 2014. (Inform me if the links are broken, please.)

Still a long way to go, but at least I feel I am on the right path.

Solid progress!


I had a look.

The first thing they do is hit you up to pay for a coach, then pay for a nutrition guide.
Yeah, my first thought was that they've managed to do some quite succesful rebranding of know routines and added an exercise app to the mix (which actually looks quite nice).

But anyway, why I'm wondering is that after a few years of basically doing nothing and office work I've picked up running. Going to do half marathon in september and I'm planning to do a full one year. Running is nice and I'm enjoying it very much, but I need something else to the mix and I'd like to try something different.
When you say "with a handheld device". You mean electronically, or with callipers?

Because the problem with doing it electronically is that you can easily be 5% off reality anyway (that's not to say it measured you too high, it works both ways). Maybe find someone to pinch your inches (ooer?) and compare the two.

But you'll generally know when you're down near 12% anyway.

Yeah the electronic handheld one. Thats all they have down the gym. I do have the callipers but I've no idea if I'm doing it right.

When she used it on me, she did tell me that it could be 2% out either way. When it came up 20% she looked at me in surprise. I didn't think it would be that high either, but I know it would be higher than 16% towards the end of last year. I'm also on Creatine, so not sure if that would skew the result as well.

But if it's best to be below 15% before starting a calorie surplus diet, then I'll carry on in a deficit until then.


Yeah the electronic handheld one. Thats all they have down the gym. I do have the callipers but I've no idea if I'm doing it right.

When she used it on me, she did tell me that it could be 2% out either way. When it came up 20% she looked at me in surprise. I didn't think it would be that high either, but I know it would be higher than 16% towards the end of last year. I'm also on Creatine, so not sure if that would skew the result as well.

But if it's best to be below 15% before starting a calorie surplus diet, then I'll carry on in a deficit until then.

Maybe you should post a picture.


When you say "with a handheld device". You mean electronically, or with callipers?

Because the problem with doing it electronically is that you can easily be 5% off reality anyway (that's not to say it measured you too high, it works both ways). Maybe find someone to pinch your inches (ooer?) and compare the two.

But you'll generally know when you're down near 12% anyway.

Whenever I used those digital ones, it always consistently put me at 7.5%....I am 6'0" at 215 pounds.....

...I would be one hellish beast if I was 215 at 7.5%. Unfortunately I am not.
Maybe you should post a picture.

A few months old as I'm not a fan of selfies.

I've lost about 6lbs since. I am tensing though.
She's miles out, sounds like she's going off some sort of manufacturer PR.


(I was actually wrong, it's 8%)


I'll get the gf to help with the callipers then. Can they be out by a few % as well?

Pretty impressive that you managed to take that picture with no hands. Bonus points if you adjusted the flash and zoom first.

Ha! Auto focus and timer got me covered.

So would Gaf say I'm around 20% bf? I certainly don't feel I'm back to 16% which was measured in Bupa strapped up to a machine last september.


Ever since the 4th, I have been in a seemingly never ending mini-bulk.

Whenever I gorge myself with food and booze for a day, it causes me to be really hungry in the following weeks after when I try to go back to a reasonable 2000 cal/day diet. I have been unable to control it.

I am so bloated and poofy. Hate it.


I think you look much skinnier/healthier than I do :)
Oh silly, I may have a bit more muscle mass at the moment than you do but I definitely also have way more extra fat and weight as well. I saw your latest photo on progress thread - you look great!

Dem calves, sadetar!

Awwww, I used to hate my calves since all the other girls used to have slim nice ones. I thought mine were huge (for my size, the beast in here most likely have way bigger ones). The circumference of my ankle at the moment is around 24 cm / 9,4 inches but my calves are 44 cm / 17,3 inches.They are one of the muscles that grow easily on me it seems. Then again I think I have been bulking the last ten years or so and now just checking what I have under the fat and at the same time trying to maintain as much muscles as I can. ;)

Are you kidding me Sadetar? Impressive for sure! Motivation is clearly riding sky high for you. Keep it going!
Awwwww, thanks sweetie!

Hahah, a must is the best motivation! I realized that there is a way to get my back better and that nothing I can do at the gym can hurt as much as the nerve pain reflecting from the spine. It has been very easy to go because even if I don't have the constant pain anymore, I do remember it. Also when I started to see/feel the results it became even more motivational. ^_^

Dude in the weight loss thread said he's dropped 80lbs in the past year by eating no more than 600 cal/day :/
Does he look good? That sounds extremely unhealthy if he isn't ridiculously tiny. I could never do that. I think I am generally hitting something around 1200 cals or couple hundreds higher. Then again I don't too much want to compromise with the muscles - I try to save what there is to be saved and eat accordingly.

Fuku Fedrikinkadulla Helsingissä. Loistavat sapuskat ja hinta kohdillaan. Suosittelen erittäin paljon :)


Ja huikea kehitys noissa sun kuvissa nähtävissä :)
Mahtavaa, kiitos linkistä! Ensi viikolla olen iskeytymässä Helsinkiin siskon kanssa niin saatanpa sen raahata tuonne. :D

Kiitokset myös kehuista. Rehellisesti sanoen, niin kyllä syvällä sielussa hivelee tämä palaute täältä. ^_^

Sadetar dem thighs tho
Lol. Since I am most likely going to lose my tits at some point I better try to compensate them with something. :p

And Sadetar, yeah, I'd say you've figured this diet stuff out. :) Amazing!
Awwwww, that is so sweet of you to say! I haven't done that much, just followed the nutrition information in the OP and had a very low carbonhydrate intake like couple one of you sweethearts in here suggested. But thank you, feels good since I try to do my best!

Solid progress!
^_^ Thank you! Working on it. :p

awesome progress Sadetar - kudos!
Thanks sweetie!

A few months old as I'm not a fan of selfies.

I've lost about 6lbs since. I am tensing though.
Oh I think I saw that selfie also on the Progress thread! Hahah, I think it is awesome and you do look good - now even better I am sure. :D Well done!

Sadetar!!!! I'm absolutely floored at the progress you've made. Incredible!! Wow. Really, amazing job, amazing work, amazing results. Keep up the great work. You bring so much to this thread, great advice, a good spirit, motivating and sweet compliments. All that awesomeness radiates in your physical progress, you've worked hard and come a long way!

Wish you the best and hope it keeps going smoothly as you meet more of your goals. <3
That is incredibly sweet of you to say cutie! All this awesome feedback from you darlings just feels so good that you can't imagine how happy I am! Hahah, blushing like a little girl too to be honest. :p

When I came to here I was totally dazzled by your body and progression! You were so inspirational and kind that I started to think that if you have done it, there is absolutely no reason for me not to be able to accomplish the same
(I am aware that you are light years ahead of me and that I will never ever be in the full beast mode like you are, but I was just merely referring to losing weight and getting toned following your example :D )
. This place have just offered me so much that all I have needed to do is follow the instructions. ^_^

Thank you all! You have made this all so much better! <3


The best way to build calves is be obese all your life, climb the occasional stair, then lose all of your weight. My calves are quite large despite never doing any isolation exercises until just recently.

I was fat and miserable all of my life by choice. Was playing the long bulk just for calves, lol.


Does he look good? That sounds extremely unhealthy if he isn't ridiculously tiny. I could never do that. I think I am generally hitting something around 1200 cals or couple hundreds higher. Then again I don't too much want to compromise with the muscles - I try to save what there is to be saved and eat accordingly.

I checked the thread again and noticed that Zefah clarified that he meant 600 kcals/meal, not per day, which makes a lot more sense lol.


The best way to build calves is be obese all your life, climb the occasional stair, then lose all of your weight. My calves are quite large despite never doing any isolation exercises until just recently.

I was fat and miserable all of my life by choice. Was playing the long bulk just for calves, lol.
Hahahah, my thoughts exactly. I always biked or walked every place as well! We were just thinking this whole thing in a long run! How very smart of us. ;)

Yeah, I should be able to hit. 410-415 next week. Pretty happy about it.
You should! I am sure there are bulls that are jealous of your strenght! :D

I checked the thread again and noticed that Zefah clarified that he meant 600 kcals/meal, not per day, which makes a lot more sense lol.
Oh thank gods! I was already worried. :D That does make more sense indeed!


The best way to build calves is be obese all your life, climb the occasional stair, then lose all of your weight. My calves are quite large despite never doing any isolation exercises until just recently.

I was fat and miserable all of my life by choice. Was playing the long bulk just for calves, lol.

It's genetics too. I've never not had enormous calves, even before ever getting fat.

I do have a large frame though according to the wrist test.
Umm... Help? I am at the gym and was warming up my power cleans when suddenly I felt this immediate, dizzying pain where the back of my neck meets my skull. It's subsiding, but only very gradually.

I was only doing 95 pounds and I normally do 140 for five sets of three no problem. It feels like it came on from straining?

That was only my first exercise for the day. Should I take the day off or should I see if squats or overhead presses fair any better?


Looking good like always. Attaboy. :D

Oh yes! Great work both of you! ^_^

Took couple photos yesterday at gym. Here are the total comparisons between late January 2014 and early July 2014. (Inform me if the links are broken, please.)

Still a long way to go, but at least I feel I am on the right path.

Awesome job!!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Umm... Help? I am at the gym and was warming up my power cleans when suddenly I felt this immediate, dizzying pain where the back of my neck meets my skull. It's subsiding, but only very gradually.

I was only doing 95 pounds and I normally do 140 for five sets of three no problem. It feels like it came on from straining?

That was only my first exercise for the day. Should I take the day off or should I see if squats or overhead presses fair any better?

You're done. Leave.

Don't mess around with shit like that, especially when it involves your neck. You will turn a few days of no gym into weeks or months if you fuck around.
Umm... Help? I am at the gym and was warming up my power cleans when suddenly I felt this immediate, dizzying pain where the back of my neck meets my skull. It's subsiding, but only very gradually.

I was only doing 95 pounds and I normally do 140 for five sets of three no problem. It feels like it came on from straining?

That was only my first exercise for the day. Should I take the day off or should I see if squats or overhead presses fair any better?

I wouldn't fuck with spine/neck pain/dizziness. Go home and see how you feel tomorrow.

See: Brolic's post.


Tried out shorter rest periods today. Rested max 2min between sets. Also it was a start of an "easy week" so I had to use lighter weights than I thought I should.

Anyway I want to improve my work capacity and keeping rest periods shorter should help with that.
You're done. Leave.

Don't mess around with shit like that, especially when it involves your neck. You will turn a few days of no gym into weeks or months if you fuck around.

I wouldn't fuck with spine/neck pain/dizziness. Go home and see how you feel tomorrow.

See: Brolic's post.

Thanks guys. I think I'll just play it safe and skip Saturday too, and try again on Tuesday.

I wish I knew what the hell I did though.
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