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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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If i were to pick the best one right now, it'd be OHP, mostly because right now its easily my hardest lift on the Stronglifts program. I haven't gotten to a heavy enough weight on the others yet to get a feel for them (squats are starting to get there though, and by month's end, deadlifts will definitely be there).
It changes for me. It used to be that squat was my favourite. Now I'd say it goes Deadlift > OHP > squat >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>bench. The only constant is my feeling on bench, have never like it and doubt I ever will.
Right now, pullups. Mostly because I'm only just starting to do an appreciable number of them.

If not that, probably squats or tricep pulldowns.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Before the workout, it's not squats. After the workout, it's squats.


Just checking in as it's been a few weeks. I went on two mini vacations and gained a few pounds (totally worth it!), but am getting back to where I was previously.

Ran 11 miles yesterday and had a 50-set chest/lats/abs workout today. Feeling OK overall and still making some progress with 5x5.



What's y'alls favorite exercise you do?

For me, it's deadlifts. Nothing as satisfying as lifting hundreds of pounds off the ground through pure force.

Right now, it's the power clean/strict OHP. It's fun when the weight starts on the floor and ends up above my head.
Just checking in as it's been a few weeks. I went on two mini vacations and gained a few pounds (totally worth it!), but am getting back to where I was previously.

Ran 11 miles yesterday and had a 50-set chest/lats/abs workout today. Feeling OK overall and still making some progress with 5x5.

looking solid bro


Just checking in as it's been a few weeks. I went on two mini vacations and gained a few pounds (totally worth it!), but am getting back to where I was previously.

Ran 11 miles yesterday and had a 50-set chest/lats/abs workout today. Feeling OK overall and still making some progress with 5x5.

This is how my mind processed the whole post.

I ate a ton of food while having fun. Now I need to get back in shape.

Takes shirt off. Still in shape.


This is how my mind processed the whole post.

I ate a ton of food while having fun. Now I need to get back in shape.

Takes shirt off. Still in shape.

Lol I promise I didn't look like this 2 weeks ago. Was on a fairly severe calorie deficit (-1000) for 2 weeks to get my abs back.


What's y'alls favorite exercise you do?

For me, it's deadlifts. Nothing as satisfying as lifting hundreds of pounds off the ground through pure force.

Squats for me. No feeling like pushing out of the bottom of a squat.

I like RDLs for the feeling of the ham/glute/erector spinae synchronously contracting but my genes fucked up with T-Rex arms so regular DLs are misery to me.


Age: 34
Wt: ~180
Ht: 6 ft 2 in

current lifts (my personal bests are at least slightly higher for all of these)
SQ: 185x5
Dead: 205x5
OHP: 100x5
Bench: maybe 150x5? Got some kind of shoulder impingement a couple weeks ago and basically killed my ability to bench.

Sq: 270x5
Dead: 325x5
OHP: 135x5
Bench: 235x5

Those numbers are all pretty arbitrary - they basically just represent the second level awards in fitocracy. I imagine I'll have to be a little higher for all of these because I'll be gaining some more weight in the process of doing this.

While I enjoy lifting and the strength gains that come with it, I am more passionate about running, so I want to keep my goals relatively modest, enjoy the additional strength, and then focus on maintenance while I move on to running speed related goals. I think it's realistic to hit all of the numbers I want just following a standard starting strength routine, right? It seems like the smartest thing for my to do it just embrace that so I can meet that set of goals ASAP. I often gravitate away from that though, because a) the thrice weekly squats haven't always agreed with me (I think a lot of that was related to mobility and form issues which I have since addressed), and 2) I lost a TON of conditioning the last time I fully committed to Starting Strength without including regular conditioning work.

The set of circumstances makes me interested in the CFWF program, as well as a modified starting strength with something like

Day 1:

Day 2:
LIGHT squat

Day 3:

Add in regular walking and it should help me with meet my strength goals quickly while still keeping my conditioning up.

Just checking in as it's been a few weeks. I went on two mini vacations and gained a few pounds (totally worth it!), but am getting back to where I was previously.

Ran 11 miles yesterday and had a 50-set chest/lats/abs workout today. Feeling OK overall and still making some progress with 5x5.

11 miles...50 set...i just cant.

Nice work. Its all showing.
Hey everyone I have a quick question on programming. Right now I'm doing a beyond 5/3/1 split where I typically will do two compound movements a day and I try to do all of the big movements (squat, deadlift, bench, and OHP) twice a week. Twice a week has really helped me gain these last six months or so. The volume and repetition has been awesome. However I'm starting to run into an issue where I'm fatiguing more frequently now. To give you an example Monday's I squat first, then bench, and after that do a couple of accessory movements. On Wednesday I bench first, squat second, and then some accessory work. My question is should I drop 5% to 15% on the second compound movement of the day and do more sets/more reps in each set/speed work/pause/band work? Say I squat 90% on Monday should I only go up on bench somewhere from 70% to 85% and vice versa on Wednesdays?

edit: Also I don't want to increase any calories right now. I have a pretty tight diet where I'm in a pretty small calorie deficit. I'm still gaining strength, but shedding a bit of fat (I went down a hole on my belt, stomach is getting flatter). Eventually after a little more fat loss I'm going to bump up my caloric intake a bit.


Just checking in as it's been a few weeks. I went on two mini vacations and gained a few pounds (totally worth it!), but am getting back to where I was previously.

Ran 11 miles yesterday and had a 50-set chest/lats/abs workout today. Feeling OK overall and still making some progress with 5x5.

Looking good as always, dude.


Would a full body routine be the best way to gain 10 lbs in 9 months?

Full Body routines are optimal when you can go every other day at most and have good recovery time. The latter being more relevant to your joint health.

If you can afford to go more often then you can use a split to get more volume per muscle group.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
That sweet feeling when, after coming back from months without real workout routine, you finally overcome the initial struggle and feel like your body is working again.


Just checking in as it's been a few weeks. I went on two mini vacations and gained a few pounds (totally worth it!), but am getting back to where I was previously.

Ran 11 miles yesterday and had a 50-set chest/lats/abs workout today. Feeling OK overall and still making some progress with 5x5.

Whoa man, terrific shape!


Just checking in as it's been a few weeks. I went on two mini vacations and gained a few pounds (totally worth it!), but am getting back to where I was previously.

Ran 11 miles yesterday and had a 50-set chest/lats/abs workout today. Feeling OK overall and still making some progress with 5x5.

Is the tat new?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
My favorite exercise by far is the deadlift.

3)Bench Press
4)Squat. I haven't been feeling it ever since I stopped bulking.

Honorable mention goes to double cable biceps curls! I kid. I kid


Fit into a size medium tank top flawlessly this morning. Size 32 pants are barely not fitting, right on the edge. So close. Seriously hyped right now lol.
Fit into a size medium tank top flawlessly this morning. Size 32 pants are barely not fitting, right on the edge. So close. Seriously hyped right now lol.

On the subject, I have a pair of 32s which literally fell off me the other day. They wouldn't even fit on my hips... but what's strange about it, when I measure, I'm just over 30"... so god knows what was going on when those things got put together.

The clothes aspect of this is actually pissing me off quite a lot, because I have absolutely no idea what I'll be able to wear when I'm bulking again because god knows what my stats will be once I've been on it for a while. Lots of my (UK) large stuff is now drowning me, but some of my medium stuff is far more fitted than I'm comfortable wearing. Really not a fan of tight fitting clothes... I guess mostly because I know how they made me look for the longest time (and I'm still massively self concious).

My GF hates it. Maybe I'll get dat wax.

I used to get waxed. Am married now... can't be arsed with all that effort. :p


I only wax during beach season and only my back and shoulders.

Can't stand it. I don't know how ladies do it year round with Brazilians.


Quick rant.

Wife and I are doing squats yesterday. Three guys are working out on the rack (doing rows...) and a pulldown plate machine next to us were watching the wife squat. At some point, one guy says "oh that ain't right, that ain't right, come on that ain't right" very loudly. My wife gets distracted and finishes early. She's pissed.

I move forward, I do my set, same comments but louder and more detailed: "when people come in the gym and lift too heavy their form is bad like this and they get hurt, people don't realize you need to drop that weight you can't handle that weight." I get distracted, finish the set early.

Rather than make eye contact, the same guy begins giving a tutorial to one of the others on how to squat "properly" (it wasn't proper). And doing so loudly, so that we can hear: "you see, people new (lol...) to the gym just want to throw big weight up and don't know what to do and then they get hurt, you gotta keep your toes like this, not like over there" etc.

As I move to confront, my wife grabs my arm and says she wants to end the workout early and leave because she's not comfortable being on the weight floor with them around providing a running critique of what she's doing.

This sort of bullshit is precisely what drives women, in particular, but all sorts of people relatively new to lifting weights away from the weight floor. She herself said that's why she's not comfortable doing it alone, and it took me months of consistent 4-5x weekly sessions to where only recently does she feel like she belongs on the weight floor.

Given that we're all regulars at this spot, for her sake, I hope we don't deal with this sort of passive-aggression again tonight.
Sadly the only real way to deal with that sort of shit is to confront it, and I can very much understand why she / you wouldn't want to.

Other option is loud music and blinkers. ;)


I really feel for women especially in the weight areas. Way too many douches and pervs. I see it everyday.

It's no wonder they stick with group fitness and the cardio section.

It's really sad because strength training has the biggest bang for the buck in terms of body composition for women as well.

I know y'all love to bash Crossfit, but that's one of their biggest successes, getting women to lift and love lifting.

I usually recommend to girls who want to train to get some headphones and develop a bitch face (not being chauvinistic here, but that's the only word that comes to mind lol) so dudes won't bother you.

Sad, but it works.
i guess i'm lucky to go to a gym where there aren't any stupid people like that. everyone sticks to what they are doing. but there are times where they chat you know help each other out when stuff doesn't look right.


My favorite exercise by far is the deadlift.

3)Bench Press
4)Squat. I haven't been feeling it ever since I stopped bulking.

Honorable mention goes to double cable biceps curls! I kid. I kid

You of all people with no mention of the pull-up/chin-up/1-armed-weighted-muscle-up?!?


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Headphones are key, for guys. I've seen idiots walk up to girls wearing headphones and try to hit on them mid set at my old uni gym. Some fools just can't take a hint. Probably won't be an issue for you and your wife but during my sets personally I have music blasting so I don't get distracted by the peanut gallery.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
You of all people with no mention of the pull-up/chin-up/1-armed-weighted-muscle-up?!?
I thought we were talking the big four? Pull ups are obviously near the top if we include them. I still put DLs first though followed by pull ups and all the variations you mentioned. Ha ;)

And regarding the vocal losers at the gym, I wouldn't let it bother your wife and you but if it does definitely talk to them. I probably would have just replied, "yeah, I know. Pretty nice huh?" Granted, very little makes me uncomfortable nowadays.
Put me in the camp that absolutely hates cheat days. I've been more of a fan of calculated ReFeeds or even a cheat meal. But cheat days are the worst. I've gone all year without one than I've caved in a month ago. Felt like shit all week.

2 weeks ago, for some reason I was starving on Sunday. I wouldn't get full. Ate like 5 Quest Bars, bread, almond butter, fruit and some lean burger meat. God knows what the calories were but two days later my veins were visable again on my abs. So I guess it's mostly water weight.

If I feel like increasing my calories and eat, I'll almost never eat crap like cookies, candy, pizza, fried food etc. I'll stick to meats, oatmeal, almonds, Quest bars, sushi and low fat frozen yogurt. Sushi is one food that I'll go HAM on. I'll throw calories out the window. I'll eat 40 pieces of White Tuna, Salmon and Yellow Tail with zero fucks given.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Put me in the camp that absolutely hates cheat days. I've been more of a fan of calculated ReFeeds or even a cheat meal. But cheat days are the worst. I've gone all year without one than I've caved in a month ago. Felt like shit all week.

2 weeks ago, for some reason I was starving on Sunday. I wouldn't get full. Ate like 5 Quest Bars, bread, almond butter, fruit and some lean burger meat. God knows what the calories were but two days later my veins were visable again on my abs. So I guess it's mostly water weight.

If I feel like increasing my calories and eat, I'll almost never eat crap like cookies, candy, pizza, fried food etc. I'll stick to meats, oatmeal, almonds, Quest bars, sushi and low fat frozen yogurt. Sushi is one food that I'll go HAM on. I'll throw calories out the window. I'll eat 40 pieces of White Tuna, Salmon and Yellow Tail with zero fucks given.
Yeah... This post is almost exactly opposite of how I feel but more power to you. A life without pizza and ice cream is a life I do not want.

EDIT: And while we're on the subject, this new Ben & Jerry's flavor Peanut Buttah is godly guys! You owe it to yourself to at least give it a try.


Gym went great, felt like a monster strength wise. Back to 1750 calories right now and feeling great. I asked the chick at the gym if it ever gets old looking at your abs, and she said no. Every time I go to the restroom I have my shirt up looking now. I'm finally starting to like how I look.

Put me in the camp that absolutely hates cheat days. I've been more of a fan of calculated ReFeeds or even a cheat meal. But cheat days are the worst. I've gone all year without one than I've caved in a month ago. Felt like shit all week.

2 weeks ago, for some reason I was starving on Sunday. I wouldn't get full. Ate like 5 Quest Bars, bread, almond butter, fruit and some lean burger meat. God knows what the calories were but two days later my veins were visable again on my abs. So I guess it's mostly water weight.

If I feel like increasing my calories and eat, I'll almost never eat crap like cookies, candy, pizza, fried food etc. I'll stick to meats, oatmeal, almonds, Quest bars, sushi and low fat frozen yogurt. Sushi is one food that I'll go HAM on. I'll throw calories out the window. I'll eat 40 pieces of White Tuna, Salmon and Yellow Tail with zero fucks given.

When I eat more, it's just more good food like cheese, eggs, meat, peanut butter unsweetened, etc. I can't see myself purposely hurting my own body with junk food anymore.

On the subject, I have a pair of 32s which literally fell off me the other day. They wouldn't even fit on my hips... but what's strange about it, when I measure, I'm just over 30"... so god knows what was going on when those things got put together.

The clothes aspect of this is actually pissing me off quite a lot, because I have absolutely no idea what I'll be able to wear when I'm bulking again because god knows what my stats will be once I've been on it for a while. Lots of my (UK) large stuff is now drowning me, but some of my medium stuff is far more fitted than I'm comfortable wearing. Really not a fan of tight fitting clothes... I guess mostly because I know how they made me look for the longest time (and I'm still massively self concious).

Buying clothes is difficult period. We're not shaped to be stylish I think.
Yeah... This post is almost exactly opposite of how I feel but more power to you. A life without pizza and ice cream is a life I do not want.

If I have pizza than I go with the margarita slice ( my favorite) it's topped with mozzerella and tomatoes. Not greasy at all. Perfect for a refeed meal because it's low in fat. I like to get 3 slices along with some pasta.

Also I've noticed it's mad rough going all week without a refeed or a cheat meal (Not cheat day). I feel like my performance in the gym suffers greatly when I go straight through with the same macros Monday-Sunday. By Saturday I start feeling it bad. Like my body is starving (which it essentially is).


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
If I have pizza than I go with the margarita slice ( my favorite) it's topped with mozzerella and tomatoes. Not greasy at all. Perfect for a refeed meal because it's low in fat. I like to get 3 slices along with some pasta.

Also I've noticed it's mad rough going all week without a refeed or a cheat meal (Not cheat day). I feel like my performance in the gym suffers greatly when I go straight through with the same macros Monday-Sunday. By Saturday I start feeling it bad. Like my body is starving (which it essentially is).
This I agree with. After 5 days eating at a deficit my training suffers greatly and it's a mental struggle to hit my usual numbers.


Put me in the camp that absolutely hates cheat days. I've been more of a fan of calculated ReFeeds or even a cheat meal. But cheat days are the worst. I've gone all year without one than I've caved in a month ago. Felt like shit all week.

2 weeks ago, for some reason I was starving on Sunday. I wouldn't get full. Ate like 5 Quest Bars, bread, almond butter, fruit and some lean burger meat. God knows what the calories were but two days later my veins were visable again on my abs. So I guess it's mostly water weight.

If I feel like increasing my calories and eat, I'll almost never eat crap like cookies, candy, pizza, fried food etc. I'll stick to meats, oatmeal, almonds, Quest bars, sushi and low fat frozen yogurt. Sushi is one food that I'll go HAM on. I'll throw calories out the window. I'll eat 40 pieces of White Tuna, Salmon and Yellow Tail with zero fucks given.

Eh I love my refeeds/cheat days. I feel you on the junk food but I definitely enjoy my meals without thinking about macros/calories. I don't go crazy but it definitely kills any cravings I may have. Makes the rest of the week easier

Yeah... This post is almost exactly opposite of how I feel but more power to you. A life without pizza and ice cream is a life I do not want.

EDIT: And while we're on the subject, this new Ben & Jerry's flavor Peanut Buttah is godly guys! You owe it to yourself to at least give it a try.

Peanut buttah you say? Will need to look into that. Haven't had ben & jerry in forever, usually grab breyers/blue ribbon


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Peanut buttah you say? Will need to look into that. Haven't had ben & jerry in forever, usually grab breyers/blue ribbon

Look no further.

Peanut Butter Ice Cream with Crunchy Peanut Butter Sugar Bits, Peanut Butter Cookies & a Peanut Butter Cookie Core

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