Did you stop injecting the genetic serum I sent you? Consistency Bish!
I have failed you.
Did you stop injecting the genetic serum I sent you? Consistency Bish!
You just need to learn proper posture. Sit on the backs of your thighs/lower butt, rather than slouching back. Had the same issue myself, and took like literally 2 years to really stop hurting![]()
This works for sitting but....
I can lay on a padded bench and I cant do a situp or leg raise without the tailbone being the fulcrum. Some really really intense pain.
My guess personally is that my quads are monsters and my glutes are weak.
I have no idea how to make it better because it seems like quads take over every compound exercise. Currently working on pre exhausting quads before doing those to try to give the glutes a chance.
This works for sitting but....
I can lay on a padded bench and I cant do a situp or leg raise without the tailbone being the fulcrum. Some really really intense pain.
My guess personally is that my quads are monsters and my glutes are weak.
I have no idea how to make it better because it seems like quads take over every compound exercise. Currently working on pre exhausting quads before doing those to try to give the glutes a chance.
Man, that's really got me thinking. Really interesting video, and holy shit can that guy deadlift.
Nice, I can't wait to move so I can get my full on setup back.
It's going down. I've begun cleaning out my garage to make room for expanding my gym. Maybe I'll have it done end of summer.
Stones to 300lbs, kegs up to 250lbs, rack with dip bar attachment, tires for dumping stones/log, 4 more horse stall mats, Texas power bar, a safety squat bar and a bench with a Donnie thompson fat pad.What's the end state garage gym look like for Brolic?
Stones to 300lbs, kegs up to 250lbs, rack with dip bar attachment, tires for dumping stones/log, 4 more horse stall mats, Texas power bar, a safety squat bar and a bench with a Donnie thompson fat pad.
Oh, and a prowler.
I want a prowler. are you gonna build one or buy something like the elitefts versioN?
glute bridges, lying leg curls, glute ham raises. if you go deep enough (just below parallel), your hamstrings are activated during squats quite a bit.
although idk why weak glutes/hams would cause extreme pain just doing situps. maybe you have a cyst at the top of your crack. those hurt like a bitch. lol.
Stones to 300lbs, kegs up to 250lbs, rack with dip bar attachment, tires for dumping stones/log, 4 more horse stall mats, Texas power bar, a safety squat bar and a bench with a Donnie thompson fat pad.
Oh, and a prowler.
I know. I love it.And FitGaf continues to add great looking specimens. Awesome work UrAvgGuy.
Awwwww. I like you already. ^_^Haha thanks! well now I really feel like I've made it.
My day just keeps getting better and better. That is damn impressive. Also I really, really appreciate the photo.And here it is. Raw, unfiltered disappointment.
Oh I so love this thread...Well, as promised a few weeks back, today was 1s week for squats and I did 315 for the first time in my life. I never lifted when I was younger.
42 years old, 198 lbs.
Critiques welcome.
Awwww, you poor babe. I feel you there. Hopefully it gets better soon! Not being able to work out is pain in the ass on its own not to mention the real physical pain. Just take it easy. I know it sucks, but it is good for you in the long run. You don't want to make it worse.The problem is, being an overuse issue, obviously every rotation of the pedal is technically going to cause more inflammation. I was pretty much having to leave a week between any cycling so that it could heal fully but now it's angry as hell and I don't really want to risk any sort of movement (even sitting at my desk is uncomfortable).
Go you! I am so happy and proud for you at the moment. I can't do either deadlifts or squats at all and all my machine work is also with baby weights. I needed to take off around 30 pounds from everything I do even with the machines. And I can't even imagine deadlifting with 23 most likely at all this year. Hahha, I am just damn jealous.Go go self-healing! Hopefully it won't come to surgery but if it does, I'm sure you're in good hands. And they will fix you right as rain.![]()
On another note, didn't really need to improvise the squats yesterday for my first workout. I was able to "rack" the barbell on the bench's bar almost exactly like a squat rack. So all good, starting strength full speed ahead. I squatted and did bench press with 16lbs~ lmao. And deadlift with 23lbs.
My thighs huuuuuurt today.
Also ordered some peanut butter protein powder. Hope it's good!
That is so awesome! Good for you. How long it has been between the photos? You have been doing great job this far and I am sure you will continue doing brilliantly well!
I need to put a lot more emphasis on arms & abs... my arms are only 14 inches but I've recently found that skullcrushers really hit my triceps hard, so I'm going to do those every week. I need a better ab workout too, I've been using an app on my phone that contains ab workouts but it's not that great. Just going to do my own thing I think, traditional crunches, hanging leg raises, planks and ab rolls feel good on the abs.
You can count it to be what ever you want - I simply adore you.Since we're doing squat form checks, I'll post mine today. Barely over a plate at 165, but we all progress in our own time, right?I think I'm breaking parallel. Can I count this as a PR?
Hahah, I am grinning so wide at the moment. I cencor myself all the time in here.Eating clean would be so much easier living alone. These kids are wolfing down some pretty mean, homemade treats right now and I... Am having a slice of aged cheddar cheese.
Oh god what I would do to those brownies. I won't even describe it as I would get banned.
I need to keep up the cardio work to make sure my heart is in good shape along with the diet but my experience reading the thread seems to be that there's no room for cardio with weight training. Am I wrong in assuming that because I've seen some good results with the routine I've been doing but the people in here are far more experienced than I so I would like some input.
Sorry for the long first post, but I'm excited to join the ranks of FITGaf (and maybe eventually post a progress pic, not there yet at least IMO )
1500 lbs capacity on the power bar?? HOLY SHIT.
325x20 was very easy and I was still a little sore from monday's 315 2x20. I hope to hit 365 high bar beltless this time, I think x15-17 was my best.
Holy shit balls!!
I guess Arnold has to be present all all strength related lifts.[url]
Holy shit balls!!
I guess Arnold has to be present all all strength related lifts.
I've been good about picking out a good program so I don't need any help with all that yet, but I do have a question. I need to keep up the cardio work to make sure my heart is in good shape along with the diet but my experience reading the thread seems to be that there's no room for cardio with weight training. Am I wrong in assuming that because I've seen some good results with the routine I've been doing but the people in here are far more experienced than I so I would like some input.
Sorry for the long first post, but I'm excited to join the ranks of FITGaf (and maybe eventually post a progress pic, not there yet at least IMO )
Yep, don't want a shit quality bar.
crazy ass squat volume.
You can count it to be what ever you want - I simply adore you.
Go you! I am so happy and proud for you at the moment. I can't do either deadlifts or squats at all and all my machine work is also with baby weights. I needed to take off around 30 pounds from everything I do even with the machines. And I can't even imagine deadlifting with 23 most likely at all this year. Hahha, I am just damn jealous.You do it on my behalf and post pics of your progress.
The hurt is good! I can't wait to hear and see how you are doing! I am so excited! ^_^
Leeness - Good start with the Stronglifts. You'll need a more complete setup at some point, but it's nice that you can get a feel for the program with what you have. Looking forward to seeing your progress!
This is amazing.
My understanding is that you'll just end up being mediocre at both if you don't choose a priority. Pick one to focus on and do the other one as "accessory", if you want to call it that. In the end it just depends on what your goals are, and what you want your end physique to look like.
This article might be of help to you for a better understanding and in deciding what to do:
For someone like me, I hate cardio so I cut it out of my program altogether. If it's a necessity for you, then your program will probably change accordingly.
Hello fitgaf! Long time lurker, first time poster as I've finally decided it was time to get into shape. Well, it was more like it was decided for me due to health reasons. Hypertension runs in my family and I've had it pretty bad despite everything else being normal (cholesterol, glucose, etc) I'm also not overweight by any means (6'3" 215lbs) and I've had to be on medication for it for a while. I figure its time to stop the medication (or at least decrease its intake) and do the whole lifestyle change to get it into good levels. So, for the past 6 or so weeks I've drastically changed my diet (fish, fresh vegetables and fruits) and started working out (first with body weight stuff and running for cardiovascular health) and holy shit have things improved. The BP is lowered, and I'm loving what I see in the mirror, and now I want to go even further and that means hitting the gym.
I've been good about picking out a good program so I don't need any help with all that yet, but I do have a question. I need to keep up the cardio work to make sure my heart is in good shape along with the diet but my experience reading the thread seems to be that there's no room for cardio with weight training. Am I wrong in assuming that because I've seen some good results with the routine I've been doing but the people in here are far more experienced than I so I would like some input.
Sorry for the long first post, but I'm excited to join the ranks of FITGaf (and maybe eventually post a progress pic, not there yet at least IMO )
Hey man. I feel you with the high BP. Do not listen to ANYONE telling you not to do cardio. You're not hitting the gym just for aesthetics or for strength, you're doing it for your health. Lift hard, eat right and DEFINITELY do cardiovascular activity.
Nice PRs, videos and pics everyone.
I've been doing rather well if it isn't for the fact that after any main compound or taxing exercise, fatigue starts kicking in and then I have to do long ass pauses between sets and I am yawning every 5 minutes. it sucks.
I think I'll look into a pre-workout. I am completely immune to coffee and don't like redbull that much so any suggestions are welcome.
If your ONLY goal is gaining mass, then I understand why people say that, but even then I think you can do a few things to counteract the effects cardio while bulking in an effort to stay heart healthy:
1. replace calories burned from cardio by eating more
2. Do cardio and lifting at different times
3. Keep cardio sessions shorter, but more intense
Please correct me if I'm wrong. I'm admittedly just regurgitating things I've read.
I think I'll look into a pre-workout. I am completely immune to coffee and don't like redbull that much so any suggestions are welcome.
I have to fast today until 1:35 for a health screening at work. I have five and a half more hours to go and I haven't ate since 6:30pm yesterday.
"Why don't you just use the lat pull-down machine?"
Weighted pull-ups? Yes please. Love doing these. They make body weight pull ups seem so much easier.
"Why don't you just use the lat pull-down machine?"
Never say never. When I was younger I couldn't do a single pull up. Lat pulldown and/or assisted pull ups are a great way to get there. At least they were for me. I would either use bands or just put a bench underneath me so I could push myself up slightly with my feet.Weighted with a plate is a goal but given the history not sure I'll ever get there.