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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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So my cutting has finally had an effect. Was doing 3x5 on squats...


Not sure where I got the energy from on the last set, but yeah, complete and utter fail today. Have never failed all three sets before, never knew how annoying it could be to re-rack the weights so much.


So I've been eating more and I don't really care at this point. I'm still finishing up the remaining food and its been so difficult. Plus wedding this weekend. So whatever. I also took this opportunity to make ice cream.


Literally incredible. Pure ice cream. Flavor out of control good. I used the whole egg recipe and used pasteurized eggs.

So my cutting has finally had an effect. Was doing 3x5 on squats...


Not sure where I got the energy from on the last set, but yeah, complete and utter fail today. Have never failed all three sets before, never knew how annoying it could be to re-rack the weights so much.

It's all part of the process.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
It's so predictable how the strength of my OHP on heavy days is directly tied to how long my cheat day has been prior. Ha

If it falls somewhere close I can usually get 185x3x3. Today it's been 6 days since and 185x2x3 plus 185x2 (barely) is all I had. Such a hard lift if your name isn't Brolic Gaoler.


It's so predictable how the strength of my OHP on heavy days os directly tied to how long my cheat day has been prior. Ha

If it falls somewhere close I can usually get 185x3x3. Today it's been 6 days since and 185x3x2 plus 185x2 (barely) is all I had. Such a hard lift if your name isn't Brolic Gaoler.

185x2 is tough even for Brolic, Coot. Oh wait, you didn't mean 185 in each hand, did you?

P.s. I completely agree. OHP is one of those "need sleep and food" lifts for sure
I'm using that as an excuse for why I can only just about lift a third of some of the monsters here (I also weigh about half some of the monsters here).


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
185x2 is tough even for Brolic, Coot. Oh wait, you didn't mean 185 in each hand, did you?

P.s. I completely agree. OHP is one of those "need sleep and food" lifts for sure
All his lifts are impressive but especially OHP. That of all his the lifts is staggering. Hitting the high 200s weighing 230-240 is unreal!
Wow... so I just checked out that strength standards site and squat / deadlift are novice, which I'm OK with. My OHP is pretty much bang on untrained (I've trained it plenty) and my bench is actually sub untrained. Amazing. lol

I'm off to do something that I'm actually good at for a couple of hours. :(


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I agree. I feel like I'm more excited for him to hit 300 than he is.
He always keeps things close to the vest. Just how he is. Don't kid yourself, Mrs. Goaler is getting it extra good that night when he hits 300!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
You guys are hilarious, and you humble me. Thank you. Just got back from another ass kicking at the MT. She worked on my traps, shit sucked, again, but now my back feels great. That hour is absolutely miserable though.

I agree. I feel like I'm more excited for him to hit 300 than he is.

He always keeps things close to the vest. Just how he is. Don't kid yourself, Mrs. Goaler is getting it extra good that night when he hits 300!

Lol, this actually went on the back burner for now. Focus is the deadlift competition with NASA in December.

First sanctioned powerlifting meet. (Only deadlifting though).


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Lol, this actually went on the back burner for now. Focus is the deadlift competition with NASA in December.

First sanctioned powerlifting meet. (Only deadlifting though).
Well shit. Mrs. Gaoler must really hate these competitions!
Wow... so I just checked out that strength standards site and squat / deadlift are novice, which I'm OK with. My OHP is pretty much bang on untrained (I've trained it plenty) and my bench is actually sub untrained. Amazing. lol

I'm off to do something that I'm actually good at for a couple of hours. :(

I felt super weak putting my info into that site. I've been doing a 5X5 program and since it doesn't include 1RM in there, i don't ever try to see just how much I can lift. I know I'm no elite or intermediate lifter, but I don't think I'm untrained anymore. According to my height/weight, I should be lifting way heavier. Sometimes, I feel like I should attempt to see what my 1RM is, but I have no idea how to go about doing that at this point in my lifting.
It does have a little calculator for 1RM on there. Oddly, my real life 1RM are actually a bit higher than my 5 rep numbers would indicate.


Been focusing a lot on my chest lately and sorta upset at the results.
My lower chest has been a struggle and at this point I'm ready to throw
in the towel guys lol.


Age: 29
Height: 5'9
Weight: 185
Goal: lose fat while getting stronger
Current Training Schedule: monday/wednesday/friday stronglifts
Current Training Equipment Available: weight lifting gym has everything I need for SL
Comments: Started SL from the lightest weights it recommended.
I'm currently at:
165lbs squat
90lbs OHP
215lbs DL
130lbs bench
125lbs Rows (pendlay).

I've read that eventually I'll have to pick one; either lose weight or get stronger/gain muscle. Currently, though I think it's working out alright (so far) being that I'm a noobie.
I also try to climb/boulder on Tuesday/thursday and sometimes Saturday. Is this detrimental to what I'm trying to accomplish? Sometimes it feels like I'm super tired and probably haven't recovered enough but will drag my ass to the gym to lift.


Been focusing a lot on my chest lately and sorta upset at the results.
My lower chest has been a struggle and at this point I'm ready to throw
in the towel guys lol.

What are you doing for it? Decline bench? Decline press? Low pulley cable flys? Etc.


Age: 29
Height: 5'9
Weight: 185
Goal: lose fat while getting stronger
Current Training Schedule: monday/wednesday/friday stronglifts
Current Training Equipment Available: weight lifting gym has everything I need for SL
Comments: Started SL from the lightest weights it recommended.
I'm currently at:
165lbs squat
90lbs OHP
215lbs DL
130lbs bench
125lbs Rows (pendlay).

I've read that eventually I'll have to pick one; either lose weight or get stronger/gain muscle. Currently, though I think it's working out alright (so far) being that I'm a noobie.
I also try to climb/boulder on Tuesday/thursday and sometimes Saturday. Is this detrimental to what I'm trying to accomplish? Sometimes it feels like I'm super tired and probably haven't recovered enough but will drag my ass to the gym to lift.

Not detrimental but you may see slower SL gains as your body will be tired from climbing. Keep it up dude...it's a marathon, and once you realize this you're half way there


Korean BBQ today, plus lots of coffee and pecans, ice cream when i woke up, i can still see my abs. I think as a benchmark, my bottom end is near acceptable. I think by the end of the year, i'll be able to actually start a recomp and just go on with life. 2015 has been an amazing year for me in so many ways, hoping 2016 is even better.


Focusing on all of that. :

Heavy weight pause press DBs are (in my opinion) the best way to get definition on your chest. Should NOT replace BB bench press but should supplement.

Also, you need to be eating a lot and sleeping well if you want size gains in your pecs.
I was half convinced I'd get here and they'd be all "lol lava sauce yeah right man".

Picking mine up now...

Had it for lunch and dinner yesterday. Gonna have it for a late night snack here in a few. I am obsessed.

My new diet plan for the next 4 months: Just eat whatever. Don't go full dreamers bulk or anything but still eat what I want but be smart. Eat clean but also eat dirty. Lots of protein, etc. Monitor weight. When it gets back up to 230, diet back down. Rinse and repeat as necessary.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Had it for lunch and dinner yesterday. Gonna have it for a late night snack here in a few. I am obsessed.

My new diet plan for the next 4 months: Just eat whatever. Don't go full dreamers bulk or anything but still eat what I want but be smart. Eat clean but also eat dirty. Lots of protein, etc. Monitor weight. When it gets back up to 230, diet back down. Rinse and repeat as necessary.
So you'll be dieting back down in mid October? Got it.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Heavy weight pause press DBs are (in my opinion) the best way to get definition on your chest. Should NOT replace BB bench press but should supplement.

Also, you need to be eating a lot and sleeping well if you want size gains in your pecs.

So that's where my definition went. I think there's definitely room for both paused and unpaused work. Curious how you program that in, Bum.
So, what's the difference between incline and decline bench? I've been supplementing my flat benchpress with incline dumbbell flys and getting some decent result, but I want to know if I'm missing out on a better supplemental exercise.


Had it for lunch and dinner yesterday. Gonna have it for a late night snack here in a few. I am obsessed.

My new diet plan for the next 4 months: Just eat whatever. Don't go full dreamers bulk or anything but still eat what I want but be smart. Eat clean but also eat dirty. Lots of protein, etc. Monitor weight. When it gets back up to 230, diet back down. Rinse and repeat as necessary.

Noo don't do it. Get down to dem abs and then slow bulk.
lol, of course... but like, in powder form?, vegetables?, whole grain wheat?

Always get your nutrition as naturally as possible. In this case, vegetables are the best source (and they come with other advantages). The "healthy whole wheat" thing is marketing bullshit... though that's a discussion for another time and place.

Noo don't do it. Get down to dem abs and then slow bulk.

Yup. He's clearly starting to look great, and giving up on the cut now seems bizarre.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Yup. He's clearly starting to look great, and giving up on the cut now seems bizarre.

Is the difference between great and phenomenal worth it when you haven't reached your strength goals? I don't think most girls care about a little gut, and it's Fall now anyway.


So that's where my definition went. I think there's definitely room for both paused and unpaused work. Curious how you program that in, Bum.

I do 2 push days a week and 2 pull ( with squats). On each of the push days I do paused work as one of my assistance lifts, cycling through flat, incline, decline. I usually do sets of 8 with a 4 second negative and a 4 second pause.


So, what's the difference between incline and decline bench? I've been supplementing my flat benchpress with incline dumbbell flys and getting some decent result, but I want to know if I'm missing out on a better supplemental exercise.

What's the difference for your body? They target different areas of your pecs. Doing both will greatly improve your flat bench BB (and give your pecs a more 3D look, if you care about aesthetics) as it will strengthen more of your pectoral as a whole. As I wrote ab9ve, I suggest paused DBs for incline / decline


Seems you haven't settled on a clear choice.

If you want to put on a lot of muscle, SS or any other compound lift program based on linear progression will help. Linear progression is just a fancy name adding weight to each lift per workout.

Doing so taxes the muscle more thoroughly and forces adaptations that include muscle growth.

You can get reasonably fit on Beach Body programs with a dialed in diet. Body composition is more diet related.

But you seem to want to put on serious muscle, so needing to add weight to the bar is essential.

That either means a gym membership or a home gym setup--the latter can expensive up front but cheaper in the long term, but you need the space.

A few lifters here have garage gyms, but again you need the equipment and the space. And being a rank novice, I won't recommend it. You may not like it and then you've wasted a lot of money.

If you're a home workout enthusiast, maybe consider getting a cheap bench on CL and do a dumbbell program.

You can still get a nice physique with that and a good diet. It just depends on your tradeoffs. You'll need to be more patient with DB only.

This thread, man....it moves so fast!!!

So, this is a response to this post of mine a few pages back.

First, I just want to say that I have a full dumbbell set, bench, and pull up bar at home. I just don't have a bar bell/squat rack/etc.

And yes, I'd like to put on muscle. I'm fairly certain of that. And I'd like to develop my back, shoulders, and chest the most.

However, if I do the standard Starting Strength routine as outlined in the OP (the one that's under Beginner's Programs), will I fully developing everything? Will this develop my arms and legs? I think this is my main question.

If you want to develop your legs, you need a barbell. You will not get to 185 lbs. at 8% BF without squatting over 300 lbs.

Good to know. Thanks.
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