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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Looks like I have a good chance to set a state and federation record for deadlift at this competition in December. Apparently there is no deadlift only record in Illinois for "pure" or otherwise and the 242lb class "pure" record is only 565. Pure means lifetime drug free. Open or the other classes is 3 years minimum off of anabolics.

Obviously I'd compete pure division.

Really?? Hmm. I've never even considered it.

Are you guys drinking enough water? Or is that unrelated?

I drink a shitload of water anyway. IMO fiber is one of if not the most important supplement.


Looks like I have a good chance to set a state and federation record for deadlift at this competition in December. Apparently there is no deadlift only record in Illinois for "pure" or otherwise and the 242lb class "pure" record is only 565. Pure means lifetime drug free. Open or the other classes is 3 years minimum off of anabolics.

Dude that's insane!! What weight are you going for?
Hi FitGAF. On my phone so I can't copy and paste the template but I can still give the requested information:

I'm 22 and 6 foot 2, currently at 80kg. My goal is quite a superficial one - I want that beach-ready body: muscular and with a great six pack. I've signed up for the university gym which has a 'lifestyle' gym and a weights room.

How do I achieve what I want? Do I need to bulk and then cut? I've never lifted before. My uni does a 'introduction to lifting' course at the sports centre but that doesn't start for another three weeks and i'do rather start asap :/. Any suggestions?


So I read through most of the OP and probably missed it. As I'm starting the novice routine found on the linked website, how much time is recommended between sets?

3x5 Squat
3x5 Press
1x5 Deadlift

3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
1x5 Deadlift


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Looks like I have a good chance to set a state and federation record for deadlift at this competition in December. Apparently there is no deadlift only record in Illinois for "pure" or otherwise and the 242lb class "pure" record is only 565. Pure means lifetime drug free. Open or the other classes is 3 years minimum off of anabolics.

Obviously I'd compete pure division.

I drink a shitload of water anyway. IMO fiber is one of if not the most important supplement.
It has to be the honor system I imagine? Interesting. What's the pure record in the 180 class because now you have me wanting to go to Illinois and completely shatter it!


So I read through most of the OP and probably missed it. As I'm starting the novice routine found on the linked website, how much time is recommended between sets?

3x5 Squat
3x5 Press
1x5 Deadlift

3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
1x5 Deadlift

As long as needed. Shorter at first and longer when you lift heavier weights. Normally around 2-3min, maybe even 5min or more if you are really gassed.


Lol, up 6.6lbs in 3 days. 228.6 this morning. Can still see my abs just fine. Freaking water retention. Still not bothered, but after the wedding today, right back to the grind.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Dude that's insane!! What weight are you going for?

That's stuff I don't wanna put out. Bad juju.

Its gonna be the best Brolic video yet.

Hope so!
It has to be the honor system I imagine? Interesting. What's the pure record in the 180 class because now you have me wanting to go to Illinois and completely shatter it!

They pretty much background check you and drug test you. If you associate with users you're automatically suspect (which I do, so it should be interesting) but I've got nothing to hide. They can test me all they want. But yeah, it's mostly on the honor system. I can tell you right now though. If I saw someone I know uses competing in this fed, friend or not, I'd bust them out. It's the natural strength athlete association for fucks sake.

180 record for pure is about 575. 220 record is 630ish. Illinois doesn't seem to have any.


Also after my talk with Donnie Thompson these numbers make sense. Thinner guys deadlift better because they can get closer to the bar at setup because they don't have guts that's why when you cut your deadlift actually increases as your other lifts drop.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
That's stuff I don't wanna put out. Bad juju.

Hope so!

They pretty much background check you and drug test you. If you associate with users you're automatically suspect (which I do, so it should be interesting) but I've got nothing to hide. They can test me all they want. But yeah, it's mostly on the honor system. I can tell you right now though. If I saw someone I know uses competing in this fed, friend or not, I'd bust them out. It's the natural strength athlete association for fucks sake.

180 record for pure is about 575. 220 record is 630ish. Illinois doesn't seem to have any.


Also after my talk with Donnie Thompson these numbers make sense. Thinner guys deadlift better because they can get closer to the bar at setup because they don't have guts that's why when you cut your deadlift actually increases as your other lifts drop.
Thanks for the info. Interesting about cutting and increasing your DL. Hmm... Go get it big guy!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
If you're gonna come compete, let me know. It's December 19th. We could meet up.
I would love to and maybe some day but with all that's going on in my life that won't work. Gonna have to live though you on this one. Do you have a certain amount you want to weigh for the meet?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I would love to and maybe some day but with all that's going on in my life that won't work. Gonna have to live though you on this one. Do you have a certain amount you want to weigh for the meet?

I have a general idea. But it's not something I'd want to share yet. Don't wanna jinx myself. I'll share my opener closer to the competition.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
To be clear, are you saying you and I were thinking the same thing or setting a state record will automatically result in Brolic Twins?
The latter. The seed of the mighty Brolic will be at full force after the state record is smashed!

Haha... ok, I think this line of humor has now officially ran its course. My apologies Brolic. ;)
I channelled some Brolic earlier. A fallen tree was blocking the trail and it could no longer be used.

Seemed only right to drag it to the side. RRRRRRrrrrr.

I may have given myself a hernia

Edit - Currently at around 5,000kcal. I can do better than that!

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Almost hit a big milestone for me:

DB bench: 2x5x90s, 1x4.5x90s

Damn it. I wish I could get extra credit for doing the first reps paused. Anyway, from a calculation I read this translates to about a two plate bench, and I do mine with a pretty close grip, so I'm pretty stoked.

Switching back to barbell should be fun if and when I decide to.
Looked at a picture from November last year and I can barely see any difference. Not really sure if I should switch up my training program or increase my calories. At the same time I'm not that upset with the way I look (at least when you can see my chest), but the lack of progress for all the effort of getting up early to go to the gym is a bit annoying.


the piano man
Looked at a picture from November last year and I can barely see any difference. Not really sure if I should switch up my training program or increase my calories. At the same time I'm not that upset with the way I look (at least when you can see my chest), but the lack of progress for all the effort of getting up early to go to the gym is a bit annoying.

doesn't your body change constantly?

that's what puzzles me the most, in my case, at least.

I can get pictures from every year in which I look almost exactly the same as today (probably with the exception of the first year, in which I was skinny as fuck) and can get pictures in which I look like "woah, you've come a long way" with big-ish body parts that weren't there before.

if you don't like the mirror or the selfies, stick to numbers, both regarding strength and your own weight. Numbers don't lie and provide a good, clear goal to follow.
So, I know I posted about this on Facebook and IG, but I don't think it shared with you all here.


Here's a pic of me from January of last year, 2014. Not a decade ago, not 5 years ago, last year. I didn't think I'd fall victim of yo-yo dieting or ever go back to how I was, but a bad case of depression and social anxiety led to me ballooning back to 240 lbs. I never really spoke about it because I was so ashamed that I allowed myself to get back to that.

Surprisingly it didn't take long (about 5 months) to get back to a decent shape. Not quite back to where as I was at before (I had single digit body fat back a couple years ago), but not far off.

I still have my really bad spurts. It's been nigh impossible for me to break the habit of using food to cope with feelings. Break up? I eat. Don't get that job? I eat. Sucks, but I'm working through it.

Mostly posting about it to show that we're all human. We all fuck up. But getting back through it the second time around is even easier than the first. Never get discouraged about anything. Whether you get a bad injury, lose track of yourself, or just fall off the wagon. Doesn't matter, you'll get back there.
Hey, your skin is looking a lot better. I hesitate to mention it, but it was the first thing I noticed when I saw your pic.

I don't know if it's because your abs have filled out a bit, but it looks good.


I'd like to throw in my frustration since I've had a few drinks a don't f*cking care.

My workouts are on point. No missed days, I push myself HARD. I hit my 5x5 compounds then do cardio. If my shirt isn't soaked I've failed. 500 calories burned is the absolute minimum after I lift.

Diet is another story. I'm awesome during the week. I hit my 2K calories each day and my macros are almost perfectly on point. I avoid sweets besides my occasional sugar free jello without issue. But then...

Saturday comes. I tell myself it's OK to treat myself a little. Hell, I'm running 10+ miles tomorrow anyway so why not? I have one bite of a pancake, brownie, whatever and the flood gates open. I become completely ravenous and can't stop. And I don't mean that it stops once that initial treat is gone, I move on to whatever looks appetizing in a frenzy. It's a crazy feeling. I gorge. Hit 4k calories yesterday within a very short window.I didn't feel good about it.

Today? Feeling terribly guilty. Besides a few drinks on an almost empty stomach I've had nothing. I feel like my abs are starting to fade even when a part of me knows nothing has really changed. Maybe that's another issue, I don't know.

I'll go back to my usual diet tomorrow no problem. The issue for me is that if I have it in the house it becomes a temptation on cheat day. I can shop perfectly healthy, but I don't live alone so treats are always here.

I'm really struggling, but eliminating cheat days altogether would be brutal. I feel like I'm in a perpetual one step forward one step back routine.

Of course people tell me I'm an idiot for even being concerned. "You're 'x' percent bodyfat. What are you worried about?" Your perception of me does not equal my perception of myself. My goals might be unrealistic, but they are what they are.

Sorry for the rant. Just feeling pissed at myself.


So, I know I posted about this on Facebook and IG, but I don't think it shared with you all here.


Here's a pic of me from January of last year, 2014. Not a decade ago, not 5 years ago, last year. I didn't think I'd fall victim of yo-yo dieting or ever go back to how I was, but a bad case of depression and social anxiety led to me ballooning back to 240 lbs. I never really spoke about it because I was so ashamed that I allowed myself to get back to that.

Surprisingly it didn't take long (about 5 months) to get back to a decent shape. Not quite back to where as I was at before (I had single digit body fat back a couple years ago), but not far off.

I still have my really bad spurts. It's been nigh impossible for me to break the habit of using food to cope with feelings. Break up? I eat. Don't get that job? I eat. Sucks, but I'm working through it.

Mostly posting about it to show that we're all human. We all fuck up. But getting back through it the second time around is even easier than the first. Never get discouraged about anything. Whether you get a bad injury, lose track of yourself, or just fall off the wagon. Doesn't matter, you'll get back there.

Wow, congrats on taking control of your life again man.

I have a similar story

That's me a year ago on the left. Today I am what you see on the right.

I still have a long way to go as you guys can probably see (stubborn belly fat, and love handles) but I look like a completely different person today. I have never looked like the way I do today in my life.

There is also so much I learned in the process and if I could do it again I would probably have got much better results but I'm proud of what I have achieved


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Darthy?? I had no idea you had gotten that big. Not suprised one bit you got back to looking great so quickly however. Were you lifting at all during your weight gain? Crazy because I didn't understand why you were posting a 5+ year old picture but then I read your post. Keep being awesome!
Saturday comes. I tell myself it's OK to treat myself a little. Hell, I'm running 10+ miles tomorrow anyway so why not? I have one bite of a pancake, brownie, whatever and the flood gates open. I become completely ravenous and can't stop. And I don't mean that it stops once that initial treat is gone, I move on to whatever looks appetizing in a frenzy. It's a crazy feeling. I gorge. Hit 4k calories yesterday within a very short window.I didn't feel good about it.

Ha... 4k calories. That's a starter.

Seriously, on my cheat days now I'm pushing it to the limit because I know (with certainty) after about a month of doing it that by the end of the next week I'll be even lower.

This isn't even about diet adherence (I did 1,500kcal + exercise cals for 6 months without failure), it just works better. The weight literally drops off me after a cheat day, in fact, I find it hard to stop it.


So, I know I posted about this on Facebook and IG, but I don't think it shared with you all here.


Here's a pic of me from January of last year, 2014. Not a decade ago, not 5 years ago, last year. I didn't think I'd fall victim of yo-yo dieting or ever go back to how I was, but a bad case of depression and social anxiety led to me ballooning back to 240 lbs. I never really spoke about it because I was so ashamed that I allowed myself to get back to that.

Surprisingly it didn't take long (about 5 months) to get back to a decent shape. Not quite back to where as I was at before (I had single digit body fat back a couple years ago), but not far off.

I still have my really bad spurts. It's been nigh impossible for me to break the habit of using food to cope with feelings. Break up? I eat. Don't get that job? I eat. Sucks, but I'm working through it.

Mostly posting about it to show that we're all human. We all fuck up. But getting back through it the second time around is even easier than the first. Never get discouraged about anything. Whether you get a bad injury, lose track of yourself, or just fall off the wagon. Doesn't matter, you'll get back there.

THE transformation. Not much else could possibly compare.


the piano man
I love it when the community displays strength, soul and character, like Spiritreaver.

ever since I've been here (OT4) I often take notice when someone has had a trouble and hase been able to come back stronger, makes me happy to learn about it.

I remember from the top of my head some OT's ago, Immortal couldn't deadlift because of a bad low-back problem, Blackflag once landed in the hospital. In that sense, I still think about Sadetar and MTP and await their news.
Hey, your skin is looking a lot better. I hesitate to mention it, but it was the first thing I noticed when I saw your pic.

I don't know if it's because your abs have filled out a bit, but it looks good.
Thanks bud, might just be the angle. You may be right though.

Wow, congrats on taking control of your life again man.
Thanks mate, and incredible work yourself! Keep at it!

Darthy?? I had no idea you had gotten that big. Not suprised one bit you got back to looking great so quickly however. Were you lifting at all during your weight gain? Crazy because I didn't understand why you were posting a 5+ year old picture but then I read your post. Keep being awesome!
Nope. Not only was I eating poorly every day, I stopped the gym altogether. I'm still surprised I bounced back so quickly, the body is an amazing thing.

THE transformation. Not much else could possibly compare.

Holy shit Spirit!!! You're the man dude. That's flat out amazing. Wow.

I love it when the community displays strength, soul and character, like Spiritreaver.

ever since I've been here (OT4) I often take notice when someone has had a trouble and hase been able to come back stronger, makes me happy to learn about it.

I remember from the top of my head some OT's ago, Immortal couldn't deadlift because of a bad low-back problem, Blackflag once landed in the hospital. In that sense, I still think about Sadetar and MTP and await their news.
Thanks all of you. :) Really means a lot. I don't know why I didn't post about it sooner as I love my uplifting/motivational posts. Really appreciate the replies, so so much.


Thanks all of you. :) Really means a lot. I don't know why I didn't post about it sooner as I love my uplifting/motivational posts. Really appreciate the replies, so so much.

Dude, if you ever need to discuss any of that, or a good motivational push, any of us (including myself) are a PM away.
Truly inspired by lots of the posts here. It really makes my health/fitness goals feel that much more obtainable.

Speaking of which, I'm finally fed up on the fact that I haven't really budged in weight for the past 2 months despite gains in strength and the intake in calories and figured it was time to be more precise about eating. I went a bought a food scale through amazon (along with a weight lifting belt and some wrist straps since the lifts in my 5X5 program are starting to get heavy). Its time to really kick things in to high gear, especially if I want to look good for Halloween (shallow, I know, but I've had a specific costume in mind and it requires a specific body type for it)


Anyone have thoughts on the "Bear Complex" lift? There's this guy at my gym, who mostly follows the SA/Strongman type routines, but always works these in as well.

He also does a variation on it where he lunges while fully extended in the press. It strikes me as slightly dangerous if I were to do it, but the precision and control he has over the barbell is fucking marvelous.


I had the same thought. Maybe something with mobility? Helps warm up the body maybe?

I just need to ask him why he does it when he's already doing those lifts by themselves.


Anyone have thoughts on the "Bear Complex" lift? There's this guy at my gym, who mostly follows the SA/Strongman type routines, but always works these in as well.

He also does a variation on it where he lunges while fully extended in the press. It strikes me as slightly dangerous if I were to do it, but the precision and control he has over the barbell is fucking marvelous.

I could see doing it with the bar at the beginning of a workout to limber up, for sure. Anything else seems pointless.


Always get your nutrition as naturally as possible. In this case, vegetables are the best source (and they come with other advantages). The "healthy whole wheat" thing is marketing bullshit... though that's a discussion for another time and place.

I take Metamucil every night before bed.

I use fiber sure...no taste, blends well

Thanks guys, it's just that i started upping my protein intake and i'm noticing some... ermh... unpleasant changes.


Haven't checked in in a while. Pope being in NY kept me busy.

Awesome, Brolic, I await to see your record breaking deadlift.

Spirit, life always hits a bit of speed bumps along the way, but it's great to see that you can find the steady road again.
Hmm... was expecting a huge weight increase after yesterday but I put on about a pound and a half. I'm actually fairly disappointed. lol

Will try harder next time.
All sorts of complete shite...


Edit - Just noticed that the sodium numbers are completely wrong on a couple of those. Not really that big a deal though. :D
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