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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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I am officially a 32 waist now, probably the first time since Jr High School. Also, Skinny Jeans are not meant for people with leg muscles.
hah, I actually had to get rid of both pairs of my skinny jeans I bought after I lost a bunch of weight and was just running. I do not fit into them anymore, though my waist hasn't changed.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Pics? Waiting til it's finished?





That's a really nice space, Brolic. The 3 bodies in the corner add a lot to the ambience as well!

Edit: what do you do in the winter, by the way? My garage gym gets too cold.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement

Cooter / IF boys, I've been trying it for 3 days - admittedly, I think a 6-7 hour window of eating is probably too long, right? - and I like it. Definitely curbs the "snacking" I have been doing from 8:00 - 10:00 PM lately.
I don't think so at all. A 18 hour fast is solid. If you like what you're doing and it's working keep going.


I don't think so at all. A 18 hour fast is solid. If you like what you're doing and it's working keep going.

I definitely plan to continue. It's always been hard to eat when I get home from work anyway (I want to play with the baby before she goes to bed and eating after 8:30 sucks), so this will work out fine. Thanks for the push dude.


So what else are you IF guys eating in the 6 hour window to get 2k+ calories?

Im looking for dense meal ideas.

Today I had an egg sandwich for breakfast (sunday tradition), a homemade mayo-less shrimp salad pita, a protein shake with milk, peanut butter, bananas and oatmeal (post workout) and bun-less bbq meats RIGHT NOW.



Cooter / IF boys, I've been trying it for 3 days - admittedly, I think a 6-7 hour window of eating is probably too long, right? - and I like it. Definitely curbs the "snacking" I have been doing from 8:00 - 10:00 PM lately.

that's not too long at all and 18hr is pretty good. 18/6 has been the sweet spot for me so far.

So what else are you IF guys eating in the 6 hour window to get 2k+ calories?

Im looking for dense meal ideas.

It varies quite a bit but first meal is usually protein shake with berries, pb or pb2, chia seeds, fage yogurt, oats maybe, milk. top it off with sugar free cool whip or whip cream.
second meal usually different kinds of meat over lettuce with mozzarella. throw some pasta sauce over that. if I feel like it some kind of carb, usually sweet potato with some pb, cool whip, cinnamon. in between that usually a quest bar, nuts, or something.
Looking for some advice... the first 6 months of this year I was able to go from 200 pounds down to 175. My target is probably 170, but I'm happy with where I am. I did this mostly through diet and light cardio. I'd like to start putting on some muscle mass. I have a gym however and it is predominately machine weights. Does anyone have suggestions on a regime for machine weights? There is no access to free weights outside of barbells. I know a lot of people suggest free weights so I didn't know if I'm shit out of luck or not.

Age: 26
Height: 6'2
Weight: 175
Goal: 170
Current Training Schedule: Elliptical 3x a week. Some hiking here and there.
Current Training Equipment Available: My apartment provides a gym with machine weights, and individual free weights barbells. No access to free weight bench press.
You have a wrestler's build. You ever wrestle?

Anyway, what's your routine like?

Never wrestled

During the winter my routine looked like this

Monday- Chest & Biceps. Strength and hypertrophy
Tuesday - Back,Shoulders & Tris. Strength and hypertrophy
Wednesday - Legs. Strength and hypertrophy
Thursday- Chest & Biceps. Hypertrophy
Friday - Back,Shoulders and Tris. Hypertrophy

Summer routine I train one body part and beat the shit out of it for 2 hours. Ill do 10+ sets on my big lifts mixing strength and hypertrophy. When traing arms I like to add some chest and back moves for added resistance

Monday - Chest
Tuesday - Back
Wednesday - Legs
Thursday - Arms
Friday - Shoulders

I try to work abs 15 min a day and do HIIT on weekends which are my rest days


My strength has started to mellow out a bit as I continue cutting, but still making progress. I hit 196 the other day.

I had my first real cheat/binge in over 5 weeks today. I wanted to celebrate being able to get married with a bang. Went out, had a good time, alcohol, pizza, friends, dancing. It was worth it.
It was absolutely fantastic news and I am so happy for everyone. It was the right time to cheat if any.

Also totally waiting to see some new pics of you.


Decided to go back to the gym and ended up doing some shoulder and back work. Starting to feel like the work is paying off.
This sounds somewhat wrong, but you are one of the lads in here that I would call very cute. Nice arms and great progress.


I apologise this many short replies in a row but I am using a cellphone.

that's not too long at all and 18hr is pretty good. 18/6 has been the sweet spot for me so far.

It varies quite a bit but first meal is usually protein shake with berries, pb or pb2, chia seeds, fage yogurt, oats maybe, milk. top it off with sugar free cool whip or whip cream.
second meal usually different kinds of meat over lettuce with mozzarella. throw some pasta sauce over that. if I feel like it some kind of carb, usually sweet potato with some pb, cool whip, cinnamon. in between that usually a quest bar, nuts, or something.
My fasting time varies quite much but generally it seems to be between 18-21 hours. To me it is easier to keep it shorter if I so wish since my intake isn't as high as most of yours.


Thanks guys, 6 on 18 off seems to be my new schedule. Honestly, it's just three days but I've felt absolutely no decrease in energy.


This is kind of random for Fitness GAF but does anybody have any recommendations for good headphones for exercising? Preferably bluetooth/wireless?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Need some advice. So I've been making pretty good progress, both with my lifts and my weight. Unfortunately, a good chunk of that weight seems to be fat. My belly has gotten puffier and there's lots of grabbable flab on my lower back too.

Originally my plan was to go to either 170 or 180 lbs. and then start cutting (I'm currently 161) , but now I'm wondering if I should start cutting right now cause I may build up too much fat by the time I would reach those other numbers.



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Need some advice. So I've been making pretty good progress, both with my lifts and my weight. Unfortunately, a good chunk of that weight seems to be fat. My belly has gotten puffier and there's lots of grabbable flab on my lower back too.

Originally my plan was to go to either 170 or 180 lbs. and then start cutting (I'm currently 161) , but now I'm wondering if I should start cutting right now cause I may build up too much fat by the time I would reach those other numbers.


What's too much? Look a few pages back at my post bulk pic. Fat can easily be taken off if you have the will. You being earlier in your lifting career means you should be able to put on more muscle than someone like me 20+ years into it. If you are increasing your strength and can stomach looking at yourself in the mirror I say go for it. I may be in the minority around here but I don't worry much about fat gain during a bulk. If your calories are reasonable it shouldn't be excessive.


On another note, I had a legitimate cheat meal tonight. Felt good. We went to Harrah's Steakhouse. It's an old school steakhouse that Bill Harrah (the founder) used to frequent regularly. It is my all time favorite. I've been to a lot of restaurants with previous jobs and I have yet to find one I enjoy more than this place.

My menu tonight:

-Lobster escargot style
-Creamy five onion soup
-Table side Caesar
-Peppercorn New York steak with a reduced brandy sauce
-Salted Caramel bread pudding (this is to die for!)


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
"Progress" pic, or lack thereof. I've been losing fat around my legs, but damn the fat on the sides/back of my waist is stubborn. I feel like it would be the last to go. I have been working on shoulders though and I think I might be seeing some changes.

Progress pic time.

2-24-15 @220

6-25-15 @179

Goddamn, sons! Glad to have you guys grace us mere mortals with your presence.

Leg gains:

I'm guessing you're referring to your calves? I don't know what they looked like before, but I like em! Tell me how you did it. Now.

What's too much? Look a few pages back at my post bulk pic. Fat can easily be taken off if you have the will. You being earlier in your lifting career means you should be able to put on more muscle than someone like me 20+ years into it. If you are increasing your strength and can stomach looking at yourself in the mirror I say go for it. I may be in the minority around here but I don't worry much about fat gain during a bulk. If your calories are reasonable it shouldn't be excessive.

Well, I was expecting to gain some flab of course, but my belly seems to be expanding faster than other areas. I'll try to post some pics. I'm not really vain or anything so I don't mind not winning any beauty contests for a while, it's just that I heard getting rid of significant amounts of belly fat is really hard.
It can be harder for some than others. By the time I've got rid of all of my belly fat I look like a skeleton on the rest of my body... so I never take myself past ~12% body fat as all I really get is people asking me if I'm ill.


Hey guys...so I climb/boulder on mon/wed/Fri and am looking into working out my "pushing muscles" (extremely simplified, I know) but what exercises would you guys recommend on Tuesday and Thursdays?

I went to the gym yesterday for the first time in awhile and did bar Bench press, over head press, squat, deadlift, that exercise where you're carrying two dumbells and lift your arms working the deltoids mostly, then light dumbell bench presses. Anything I should change/add?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Okay, decided to take some pics to see how much fat I gained, but also just cause it's been a while since I posted progress pics anyway, so...

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3 (arm gainz!)

Third pic has my face cut out cause I made a dumb face without realizing it and was too lazy to retake the pic, haha.

Also, someday I'll remember to clean up my mirror before taking pics.
Was just watching some vids of my last session and I've noticed that I'm going well past 90 degrees / horizontal / flat back / whatever on my straight leg dead lifts. Anyone have any tips to help me work out where the hell my body is?


This is kind of random for Fitness GAF but does anybody have any recommendations for good headphones for exercising? Preferably bluetooth/wireless?

I have these: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00W4YU578/?tag=neogaf0e-20

They sound freaking fantastic for how cheap they are, and they're super light. Comfy as well in the ear, although the cord can be annoying when worn behind the back of your head (most times I have the cord danging in front of me.) Only downside is that they have a 4-5 hour charge, so as long as you remember to chage them every other day or so you'll be fine.


This is kind of random for Fitness GAF but does anybody have any recommendations for good headphones for exercising? Preferably bluetooth/wireless?

I just got the Jaybird Bluebuds X and they are pretty nice.

Sound quality is about what I expected for the price and the wireless nature of them but the hands free is worth it.

They seem to have no issue staying in my ears.

Haven't actually tested full runtime bit they are supposed to get 8 hours.

Def needs aftermarket tips. I got the Comply T500s
I just got the Jaybird Bluebuds X and they are pretty nice.

Sound quality is about what I expected for the price and the wireless nature of them but the hands free is worth it.

They seem to have no issue staying in my ears.

Haven't actually tested full runtime bit they are supposed to get 8 hours.

Def needs aftermarket tips. I got the Comply T500s

This 100%.

I also tried the Power Beats 2 and I think they are great as well.


Okay, decided to take some pics to see how much fat I gained, but also just cause it's been a while since I posted progress pics anyway, so...

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3 (arm gainz!)

Third pic has my face cut out cause I made a dumb face without realizing it and was too lazy to retake the pic, haha.

Also, someday I'll remember to clean up my mirror before taking pics.
Any before pics for comparison?


Okay, decided to take some pics to see how much fat I gained, but also just cause it's been a while since I posted progress pics anyway, so...

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3 (arm gainz!)

Third pic has my face cut out cause I made a dumb face without realizing it and was too lazy to retake the pic, haha.

Also, someday I'll remember to clean up my mirror before taking pics.

Keep going with the bulk. You don't have that much fat on you, despite what you think. Keep going with the eating/lifting big until you put on some hefty muscle.


I'm guessing you're referring to your calves? I don't know what they looked like before, but I like em! Tell me how you did it. Now.
Actually referring to the quads! hah.

My calves have actually shrunk since I bought a new pair of running shoes, they force me to push off with the rear of my foot a lot more than my previous pair.

But yeah, I've always had huge calves. This is the smallest they've been in probably 15+ years.
This sounds somewhat wrong, but you are one of the lads in here that I would call very cute. Nice arms and great progress.

:p thanks


Maintaining weight while trying to bulk is so frustrating. I feel like my week was wasted. I'm trying to gain half a pound a week but it's really hard. I've tried gaining more than that but I just ended up getting fat.


Maintaining weight while trying to bulk is so frustrating. I feel like my week was wasted. I'm trying to gain half a pound a week but it's really hard. I've tried gaining more than that but I just ended up getting fat.

It's a slow process dude. You won't see results as quickly as if you were JUST bulking or JUST maintaining, but it can be done. Eat clean, eat a lot, lift heavy.


It's basically impossible but in the week or so I've been eating more, not even that much more, maybe at 3400-3900 calories a day, and I've gained 8.4lbs lol. I swear my body sucks. The only thing it does well is pack on muscle quick, everything else it sucks for.

I really want to stop and go back to cutting but I want to finish up this 531 session, all I have is deadlift and bench 1s week left.

Once I'm back cutting, I don't see myself taking another week long break till likely next year.


It's basically impossible but in the week or so I've been eating more, not even that much more, maybe at 3400-3900 calories a day, and I've gained 8.4lbs lol. I swear my body sucks. The only thing it does well is pack on muscle quick, everything else it sucks for.

I really want to stop and go back to cutting but I want to finish up this 531 session, all I have is deadlift and bench 1s week left.

Once I'm back cutting, I don't see myself taking another week long break till likely next year.

You've been having almost 4,000 cals a day though, Bish. What'd you expect to happen? Probably more salt with the food (guessing those calories aren't all that healthy) so you're retaining more water too.


My favorite thing about IF so far:

I love eating large portions. With IF each of my meals feels like a "man's meal". The fasting period almost slips my mind.
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