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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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You can but the flirting will have to cease. I leave the choice in your hands...
True. That would be a bit too naughty even for me. Let's just forget we ever even had this conversation. :p

Ohh, okay. We'll make sure you take it easy, in and out of gym.

The curse continues lol. Swore I would start today...someone asks me to stay at work OT for like two hours lmao. Only just got home, dinner, bed. Hahaha. I'm starting tomorrow, no matter what. Will do day 1 tomorrow and day 2 on Wednesday and continue from there.

Good luck with the meds, I hope you can keep them down! :)

Back up again by 1.4lbs this morning, but I'm pretty sure it's just going to fluctuate all week, what with the BC pill being off, period on and off, etc. lol. All crazy. Whatever. I know what's going on now.

If I can get to 135, I will be a happy, happy camper. They put my goal at 115-125 according to BMI, but I don't think that low would look great on me, so I'm shooting for 135. :)
Sounds like you have good goal in your mind. Where you are currently is where I want to be. When I get there we will see do I need to drop more than that.

Did you by the way manage to keep your planned work out schedule? :) I am myself still at my parent's place. I have mainly been working at the garden and walking around the neighbourhood. Also catched up a bit with Rabbitweed since he was nice enough to give me a free ride to here. We both happen to have the same hometown.
Care to share Bruce?

3,000 Cal with a split around 60/20/20 prioritizes protein.
1000 of those calories at breakfast.
1 Mile sprint 3 hours before bed to spike your metabolism through the night.
Workouts can be whatever you want just at 5 days a week with a total body on the last day.

So if you did:
Mon - Chest/Back
Tue - Shoulder
Wed - Bicep/Tricep
Thurs - Legs
Friday - Chest/Back/Shoulder/Bicep/Tricep as a circuit.

Saturday and Sunday 3000 cal count @ 50/30/20 Prioritizing complex carbs.
1000 of those calories at lunch.
2 Mile sprints 3 hours after breakfast.

Ill see if its legit or not. A friend of mine that is a PT for the 49'ers told me he has been doing it. Normally his routines prioritize strength and size but this is his "beach body" version. I'll let you know if its crap
This is only 10 days after the last shot.
I weigh 4lbs more and I have a lower BF% so its working so far but I just have to see how quickly I plateau.


So far I am impressed.

Also the a tan adds 10lbs.


Bruce, you looking amazing man. Top tier.

245 on bench was easy peasy. Got it without using any leg drive, not needed to get the lift easily. And that's it for this 1s week.

Next week is deload week, and I'll be transitioning into working out fasted. Then the week after, I'm going to deload 3 cycles of 5/3/1 back and work my way back up again. I'm doing this to ensure I don't have issues with the new fasted working out, it's always been something I've never gotten proper, so want to make sure it goes smooth.

I want to take this cut from next week all the way to the end of the year, but we'll see how it goes.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I'm just gonna leave this here. (My training is going nuts).

Overhead press: 95x5, 115x5, 135x3, 155x3, 175x3, 200x5, 210x3, 220x3, 230x3, 240x2, 155x10.
Incline bench: 135x5, 185x8,9,8.
DB CGBP: 100x5,5,6.
Dips/curl superset 10,10,10/10,10,7



I'm just gonna leave this here. (My training is going nuts).

Overhead press: 95x5, 115x5, 135x3, 155x3, 175x3, 200x5, 210x3, 220x3, 230x3, 240x2, 155x10.
Incline bench: 135x5, 185x8,9,8.
DB CGBP: 100x5,5,6.
Dips/curl superset 10,10,10/10,10,7


Jesus Christ dude. I've posted so many times here about your form, but your videos are incredibly motivational. You OHP 240 cleaner than I OHP 145...that's insane.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Inspiring stuff Brolic.


FitGAF lesson of the day for newbs. The results of one night of binge eating can be undone relatively quickly. After at least 5500 calories on Sunday night I weigh the same as I did the afternoon before the meal. Back to 179.4 today.


I'm thinking....bulking in the summer might be better than winter. Hear me out on this....winter is hibernation mode. Too cold to go out and drink so it's much easier to focus on getting shredded to hell and back. Summer rolls around and there are social activities all the time to take part in.

So say you start your bulk June 1st from 9% body fat. By late Auguest depending on how hard you bulked you can be at 12/13% all while livin the good life.

Brb no worries about drinking and having fun
Brb enjoy good food and BBQs

It's actually better to bulk in the summer since you're getting more Vitamin D. And Vitamin D is anabolic.
Bruce, you looking amazing man. Top tier

Thanks Bish

Inspiring stuff Brolic.


FitGAF lesson of the day for newbs. The results of one night of binge eating can be undone relatively quickly. After at least 5500 calories on Sunday night I weigh the same as I did the afternoon before the meal. Back to 179.4 today.

Yeah when your body is trained to burn fat at a consistent rate it trusts when you over binge you need the calories for something.

I'm just gonna leave this here. (My training is going nuts).

Overhead press: 95x5, 115x5, 135x3, 155x3, 175x3, 200x5, 210x3, 220x3, 230x3, 240x2, 155x10.
Incline bench: 135x5, 185x8,9,8.
DB CGBP: 100x5,5,6.
Dips/curl superset 10,10,10/10,10,7


Brolic your strength is already legendary but I can't get over how solid your form is. Amazing stuff man


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Missed that pic Bruce. Dem abs with that tan just isn't fair!


Just got done with squats and I have officially dropped down 40 pounds. Sacrifice that needed to be made for entering the 170s I guess. 365x3x3 was a challenge. Phew!!


Brian Burke punched my mom
Back still fucking hurts but I went and did squats anyways. Did 315/325/335/345x1 front squat followed immediately by a nonstop 3 second pause squat singles pyramid in 10lbs increments 315>405>325 and 315x5. Shit was exhausting.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Thanks guys, I'm surprised how well my body is reacting to the higher volume honestly. As far as my form is concerned, I appreciate it. I work hard to make sure it's as good as I can make it so the only weakness Inhave to worry about is actual weakness, not technique flaws, but it can never be perfect.


Sounds like you have good goal in your mind. Where you are currently is where I want to be. When I get there we will see do I need to drop more than that.

Did you by the way manage to keep your planned work out schedule? :) I am myself still at my parent's place. I have mainly been working at the garden and walking around the neighbourhood. Also catched up a bit with Rabbitweed since he was nice enough to give me a free ride to here. We both happen to have the same hometown.

I'm pretty sure you were taller than me though? Or am I misremembering? I'm only 5'3 so 150 for me is tooooooo much.

NO. They had me stay even later today at work hahahaha. Got home, made a quick protein shake for dinner, now in bed. The project I was working on is done now though so... Working out tomorrow, come hell or high water. So maybe I'll do a compact "week 1" of SS tomorrow, Friday and Saturday and then get on the proper M/W/F rotation next week. Or something lol. It never works out correctly.

I need to do some more walking--lots of forest paths right beside me. :) Who's Rabbitweed??


I'm just gonna leave this here. (My training is going nuts).

Overhead press: 95x5, 115x5, 135x3, 155x3, 175x3, 200x5, 210x3, 220x3, 230x3, 240x2, 155x10.
Incline bench: 135x5, 185x8,9,8.
DB CGBP: 100x5,5,6.
Dips/curl superset 10,10,10/10,10,7


Hey, I expected to see some actual training. It looks like you're just yawning and stretching.

You beastly bastard with your unholy OHP.

Oh, that guy in the reflection on the right is totally mirin.

Nelo Ice

Any other fit gaffers that go to 24 get actual bumper plates? I go to super sports and the one I was at tonight just replaced trx fuckery with brand new power racks along with round bumper plates. I literally had to stop myself from doing my deadlifts again since I was so happy that I could use actual plates instead of hexagonal nonsense.


Hey, I expected to see some actual training. It looks like you're just yawning and stretching.

You beastly bastard with your unholy OHP.

Oh, that guy in the reflection on the right is totally mirin.

I think you hit the nail on the head. It just never looks THAT hard for Brolic despite the enormous amount of weight.

I can lift relatively heavy for my size, but I end up looking like this when I do so...



Bruce looking fantastic, brolic lifting houses over his head and MTP pushing through and getting back up in numbers. Fit gaf is best gaf
Just tested my bench max and managed to equal my PR 130 kg (286,6 lb) from last December. I'm pretty happy with that considering that I weigh 26 lb less now so haven't lost any bench strength despite the cut. 130 went up pretty easy so had a go at 135 kg (297,5 lb) but my damn friend spotted too early so don't know if I had gotten it up myself. It felt heavy though.

Probably gonna test my squat max later this week but I'm not expecting much from that. My squat numbers have definitely taken a hit due to the cut and my squat max is probably embarrassingly close to the bench max. Anything over 310 lb will be a pleasant surprise.


Hey guys and gals, longtime lurker here. :)

Ugh, being hurt is the worst. I pulled the muscle behind my knee during a Battlefrog Obstacle Course race two Saturdays ago, and it's finally starting to feel better. Can't do real weight on squats or DL while it heals up though. :(


Cut begins today. Did a weigh in, after almost 2 weeks, i went from 231.6 -> 239.4, majority of it is water weight since its impossible what i ate caused that. But i really needed a diet break after 6 months of cutting, and today being the first, proper time to get back on the saddle. Here is to the 209.9 or below goal, then see how much more i'll need for dat 9%.
Haha I'm loving your hyperbole today!!

Are you JUST doing sprints or adding that to HIIT / steady state?

Haha when you have been sidelined by an injury and you start returning to normal all the nuttiness and hyperbole comes with it.

I was doing HIIT - March-May but in June transitioned to straight sprints. The whole aim being to get a mile under 6 min. The fat burning / metabolism engine is just insane.

BruceLeeRoy, dope dope dope. Definitely an inspiration.

This is still my go to hype song.

In fact, I am going to listen to it now.

Edge that means a lot coming from you bro. I remember when you first started posting your inspiration pics and its insane how you surpassed your first guy and are now moving on to a second. Amazing work.


Haha when you have been sidelined by an injury and you start returning to normal all the nuttiness and hyperbole comes with it.

I was doing HIIT - March-May but in June transitioned to straight sprints. The whole aim being to get a mile under 6 min. The fat burning / metabolism engine is just insane.

Edge that means a lot coming from you bro. I remember when you first started posting your inspiration pics and its insane how you surpassed your first guy and are now moving on to a second. Amazing work.

1 mile, under 6, daily? I can do it! I'm in!
1 mile, under 6, daily? I can do it! I'm in!

You will be amazed at the changes you get from it.
Max fat loss and Muscle retention. Plus it puts your metabolism in such a high burn rate that once you acclimate to the schedule you can almost eat what you want on off days and your body will just burn through it.

Sled sprints are brutal the day after squats.

Last time I actually puked not just got nauseous but puked was from Sled Sprints the day after a Squat/Ab combo


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
All you strong benchers: what would you say is your number one most important mental cue while benching?

I find that I'm not balanced on the bench and lose tightness whenever the weight gets really heavy. I'm thinking my biggest problem is not keeping my feet tucked and locked.

But I've also noticed that cues like "keep your shoulders retracted" and "bend the bar" do nothing but confuse me and make the lift needlessly difficult. I've been overcomplicating the lift for a while now.
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