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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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I've been carb cycling lately and man on the days on low carbs I am so irritable and tired haha.

Morning fitness GAF

edit: Front page? oh gawd
Not saying it's not, only I'm not surprised. I think I could hit 5:15-5:30 with a week of training. That's probably my limit. I hit 8:50 for 1.4 miles last year. I come from a sprinting family. Long distance isn't really our strength.

That is amazing Coot. Im sitting at 5:45 right now and its feeling a bit like I have peaked. It would take some intense dedication for me to break past that.


Day 2 of the sprints down. Stayed at the 6:30 mark, but felt pretty good (relatively speaking). Sprinting in the morning on an empty stomach other than a cup of coffee is significantly easier than at night for me.

Followed it up with a whale of a workout:

DL 4X8 superset with DB Curls 4X5
Squats 4X12
Power Clean 3X5 superset with Back Flys 3X8
Wide Grip Pull Ups (as many sets to 50, which unfortunately took 6 after all that other shit)


Not saying it's not, only I'm not surprised. I think I could hit 5:15-5:30 with a week of training. That's probably my limit. I hit 8:50 for 1.4 miles last year. I come from a sprinting family. Long distance isn't really our strength.

Gotta Go Fast!!!
Day 2 of the sprints down. Stayed at the 6:30 mark, but felt pretty good (relatively speaking). Sprinting in the morning on an empty stomach other than a cup of coffee is significantly easier than at night for me.

Followed it up with a whale of a workout:

DL 4X8 superset with DB Curls 4X5
Squats 4X12
Power Clean 3X5 superset with Back Flys 3X8
Wide Grip Pull Ups (as many sets to 50, which unfortunately took 6 after all that other shit)

Yup its massive before you eat anything. Your going to be amazed how much it strips your BF while maintaining your overall size.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
That is amazing Coot. Im sitting at 5:45 right now and its feeling a bit like I have peaked. It would take some intense dedication for me to break past that.
I keep telling myself I'm going to start running again but always lose the motivation once the day wearse dow.
Day 2 of the sprints down. Stayed at the 6:30 mark, but felt pretty good (relatively speaking). Sprinting in the morning on an empty stomach other than a cup of coffee is significantly easier than at night for me.

Followed it up with a whale of a workout:

DL 4X8 superset with DB Curls 4X5
Squats 4X12
Power Clean 3X5 superset with Back Flys 3X8
Wide Grip Pull Ups (as many sets to 50, which unfortunately took 6 after all that other shit)
You did all that after running a 6:30 mile? I don't know how heavy you're going but it almost doesn't matter. Good for you! You guys and your crazy volume routines exhaust me just reading them.

Szu said:
Gotta Go Fast!!!

I've got one speed!


Last night didn't go as planned. I looked up and it was 11:00 and I was full and only at 2200 calories. Called it a day and went to bed. Fully expect to drop to the 177s when I get home this afternoon after a 17 hour fast.


You did all that after running a 6:30 mile? I don't know how heavy you're going but it almost doesn't matter. Good for you! You guys and your crazy volume routines exhaust me just reading them.

DL: 225
Squat: 205
Power Clean: 135

I focus so well in the morning and I almost have to do volume / Super Set because I only have 45-60 minutes (usually) including cardio so I can't go heavy / take 3 minute breaks
Saw this on Reddit.

I always love seeing old school body builder routines.


They're almost always full body ones.

Arnold build his foundation on his Golden Six.

Bench, Squat, OHP, Chins, Barbell Curls, and Situps.

Splits didn't become popular until the Weider magazine era, which again, were more fashionable for the roided trainee due to the extension of muscle protein synthesis.

I owe the majority of my foundation to Arnolds BB Principles. Classic BB routines still work amazingly well. I also think the only way I got my abs to be the way I wanted was through BB training.

I keep telling myself I'm going to start running again but always lose the motivation once the day wearse dow.

Well you have a great program for stripping BF already. If you can get away with not running and achieve the aesthetic you have live it up I say.


I keep telling myself I'm going to start running again but always lose the motivation once the day wearse dow.

You did all that after running a 6:30 mile? I don't know how heavy you're going but it almost doesn't matter. Good for you! You guys and your crazy volume routines exhaust me just reading them.

I've got one speed!


Last night didn't go as planned. I looked up and it was 11:00 and I was full and only at 2200 calories. Called it a day and went to bed. Fully expect to drop to the 177s when I get home this afternoon after a 17 hour fast.

Get Runkeeper/Nike+/Strava.

You can track your runs on your phone and makes it more motivating. You can easily set goals on it, either for time or distance. And it's fun seeing your runs.

They also run in the background while listening to music/podcasts/audiobooks, with the computer voice giving you updates on miles run, time, etc.

I started running not for fat loss, but for just variety, being outside, getting in zen mode. I'm addicted. It will be fun to do some races too. Not messing with marathons, though.

Don't want to kill my gains running super long distance!


Well, thats one way to start off a cut. After day 1, went from 239.4 to 236.8. 2.6lbs overnight. Screw you water weight. Today i begin fasted lifting but only a practice day.
I hit 5;10 in high school. we'll see what I do friday mornign.

Damn that's a good time, I was never a distance runner. And by distance, I mean anything over the 400m. I was a sprinter through and through. All this talk about fast running is making me want to try it out again, I just might do that.


You guys weight in daily? I find weekly more reasonable.

Too much natural water fluctuations and such.

I used to do once a week, but over the past month I've taken to weighing myself every morning and keeping track of a 7-day average in Excel:


(I'm currently following a CKD so the highlights are the mornings after the high carb refeed, except the first highlight - ran a company-wide 5k the night before to which I attribute the 3lb drop).

On a separate note, on my 5th cycle of 5/3/1 and I'm definitely starting to hit a wall on squats and OHP. 3s week right now, managed to hit my reps on Squat last night (3x195, 3x220, 3x250), but man, that 250 was a grind. I haven't been taking any deload weeks cause I didn't feel the need to, but think this will be the first cycle where I actually do take it.


You guys weight in daily? I find weekly more reasonable.

Too much natural water fluctuations and such.
On the contrary, I think those fluctuations make weekly weigh-ins less reasonable because you have to compare over a longer period to compensate for the chance of weighing in on a bloated day.

If I were doing weekly weigh-ins, I would totally do it on Friday mornings cause Thursday nights are my tempo runs :lol
You guys weight in daily? I find weekly more reasonable.

Too much natural water fluctuations and such.

I was won over by the discussion here. I weigh daily and average the week (specifically to avoid being influenced by water fluctuations and such).

Made mathematical and scientific sense to me once explained.


On the contrary, I think those fluctuations make weekly weigh-ins less reasonable because you have to compare over a longer period to compensate for the chance of weighing in on a bloated day.
Yeah, if there's noise, the more measures you take the easier it becomes to parse noise from underlying trends. (or at least that's what I tell myself to justify my weird scale fetish)


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
DL: 225
Squat: 205
Power Clean: 135

I focus so well in the morning and I almost have to do volume / Super Set because I only have 45-60 minutes (usually) including cardio so I can't go heavy / take 3 minute breaks

Yeah, I get that. Keep going and post a pic when you get where you want to be so you can show people what one of the top posters can achieve!

Well you have a great program for stripping BF already. If you can get away with not running and achieve the aesthetic you have live it up I say.

It's more for heart health. Like you said, the aesthetics is all diet and weights.

Get Runkeeper/Nike+/Strava.

You can track your runs on your phone and makes it more motivating. You can easily set goals on it, either for time or distance. And it's fun seeing your runs.

They also run in the background while listening to music/podcasts/audiobooks, with the computer voice giving you updates on miles run, time, etc.

I started running not for fat loss, but for just variety, being outside, getting in zen mode. I'm addicted. It will be fun to do some races too. Not messing with marathons, though.

Don't want to kill my gains running super long distance!

Damn! Thanks for this. I will look into it.


When I'm trying to lose weight I weigh every day. It's at the exact time of day under the exact same conditions so I know it's an accurate measurement.
I have gained a whole new appreciation for people that are elite swimmers.
I have been trying to get good at swimming long distances lately and it is easily one of the most difficult things I have ever tried especially if there is chop in the water. Running has helped my lungs but the burning you experience in your shoulders is a whole other level.


I have gained a whole new appreciation for people that are elite swimmers.
I have been trying to get good at swimming long distances lately and it is easily one of the most difficult things I have ever tried especially if there is chop in the water. Running has helped my lungs but the burning you experience in your shoulders is a whole other level.

I used to swim in college. I love it, but I don't have access to an Olympic pool right now. I got too spoiled swimming in those in college.

Swimming is very technique based. The best swimmers actually use the less energy. They're hyper efficient.

If you really want to get into it, getting a coach helps. There are many of them due to the triathlon craze.

You can also try a seminar. Total Immersion Swimming is a good one.


Yeah, I get that. Keep going and post a pic when you get where you want to be so you can show people what one of the top posters can achieve!

Will do. I'm sort of in a "before" stage right now, which (oddly enough) feels kind of cool. Gives me something to push for in the next month or two.


I have gained a whole new appreciation for people that are elite swimmers.
I have been trying to get good at swimming long distances lately and it is easily one of the most difficult things I have ever tried especially if there is chop in the water. Running has helped my lungs but the burning you experience in your shoulders is a whole other level.

Wife and I went to Hawaii 5 years ago and I jumped off a 4 story cliff into "DO NOT SWIM, RIPTIDE PRESENT" type waters (Kauai by the way). I have been swimming pool laps throughout my life and figured I'd have no problem swimming the 200 yds or so that it'd take to get back on solid ground. It was the single hardest thing I've ever had to do, cardio-wise. Swimming is no joke.


Yeah, I get that. Keep going and post a pic when you get where you want to be so you can show people what one of the top posters can achieve!

It's more for heart health. Like you said, the aesthetics is all diet and weights.

Damn! Thanks for this. I will look into it.


When I'm trying to lose weight I weigh every day. It's at the exact time of day under the exact same conditions so I know it's an accurate measurement.

Here's the GAF Running thread, which has some FitGaffers in it as well.

What sort of weight loss per week do you guys go for when cutting? I'm concious of the fact that I don't want to risk too much muscle loss, but I also don't want to spend the next 4 months on a cut, as I think I'd rather just give up on the aesthetics than go through that.


What sort of weight loss per week do you guys go for when cutting? I'm concious of the fact that I don't want to risk too much muscle loss, but I also don't want to spend the next 4 months on a cut, as I think I'd rather just give up on the aesthetics than go through that.

I find 1.5 to 2.5 pounds pounds per week very sustainable. Usually, my initial weight loss is pretty quick, due to water loss.

But it slows down to the range above. I find losing more weight per week kills my performance.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Can one of you share what your numbers looked like when you shifted from Starting Strength to an intermediate program? I know you're "supposed" to do three resets on each lift before moving on, but I am curious.

Also, does anyone have recommendations on weighted gloves? I'm considering a shift to dumbbells for bench and press, and I'd like to get gloves that weigh five pounds total yet fit within the dumbbells.


Can one of you share what your numbers looked like when you shifted from Starting Strength to an intermediate program? I know you're "supposed" to do three resets on each lift before moving on, but I am curious.

Also, does anyone have recommendations on weighted gloves? I'm considering a shift to dumbbells for bench and press, and I'd like to get gloves that weigh five pounds total yet fit within the dumbbells.

Admittedly I know nothing about weighted gloves, but why wouldn't you just use DB that were 5 lbs heavier?


How often are you doing deadlifts? 225 is about where I got to when I had to stop doing deadlifts every other workout in order to make progress. Sometimes less is more.
Once a week when I work on my back. Initially I did twice a week when I was doing starting strength. I'm going to focus more on reps and less weight while trying different exercises.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Admittedly I know nothing about weighted gloves, but why wouldn't you just use DB that were 5 lbs heavier?

To clarify, what I mean is gloves that weigh 2.5 pounds each. The search I did last night found some 3 pound gloves and some 1 pound gloves (each).

Once a week when I work on my back. Initially I did twice a week when I was doing starting strength. I'm going to focus more on reps and less weight while try different exercises.

I'll echo eating more. Another thing to consider is whether you're doing too much volume. I do seven reps total of deadlifts a week. Two to work on form, and 5 in my working set. This is assuming your body is still warmed up from squats. Refer to Starting Strength.

Also, if it were me I'd stick to an established program instead of trying different exercises for now. Unless you mean adding bent-over rows and pull-ups to your programming, a great supplement allotted for in Starting Strength.
Goddamnit to hell. Been a week since leg day, try to do another one today and my legs are still shot to shit. I've tweaked something in my left quad now and I'm going to have to find something else to do. God knows how I'm going to get on top of this pain / damage if I can't even do it once a week.


206 this morning!

Going to 2000 calories has been very effective but I think this is the lowest I wanna go.

After that, I'll incorporate the sprints Bruce has talked about. Maybe just a mile before bed each night.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
206 this morning!

Going to 2000 calories has been very effective but I think this is the lowest I wanna go.

After that, I'll incorporate the sprints Bruce has talked about. Maybe just a mile before bed each night.
Meaning 2000 a day is the lowest you want to go or 206 as a bodyweight?
Goddamnit to hell. Been a week since leg day, try to do another one today and my legs are still shot to shit. I've tweaked something in my left quad now and I'm going to have to find something else to do. God knows how I'm going to get on top of this pain / damage if I can't even do it once a week.

one legged squats with right leg (y) jk


I have enough fat on my body for energy, so calories aren't as important to me lol. Plus fasting etc.

I'm back at 1750-1800 everyday now.
Wife and I went to Hawaii 5 years ago and I jumped off a 4 story cliff into "DO NOT SWIM, RIPTIDE PRESENT" type waters (Kauai by the way). I have been swimming pool laps throughout my life and figured I'd have no problem swimming the 200 yds or so that it'd take to get back on solid ground. It was the single hardest thing I've ever had to do, cardio-wise. Swimming is no joke.

That is so crazy bro cause almost the exact same thing happened to me about 5 years ago in Kauai(Which I swear is the most beautiful place on earth) I jumped into the ocean and got into a rip-tide thought I could swim against it and ended up burning so much energy that I let it take me a half mile out from the beach before I wizened up and swam perpendicular to the current and made my way to shore. By the time I got to the beach I was spitting up sea water and my lungs were burning so bad each time I inhaled I would immediately start violently coughing.

You are correct. Swimming well is no joke.


That is so crazy bro cause almost the exact same thing happened to me about 5 years ago in Kauai(Which I swear is the most beautiful place on earth) I jumped into the ocean and got into a rip-tide thought I could swim against it and ended up burning so much energy that I let it take me a half mile out from the beach before I wizened up and swam perpendicular to the current and made my way to shore. By the time I got to the beach I was spitting up sea water and my lungs were burning so bad each time I inhaled I would immediately start violently coughing.

You are correct. Swimming well is no joke.

Dude, are you just effing with me? Did I mention that story on here a few OTs back?? It's like we lived the same exact day 5 years ago in Kauai.
I think I got so pissed off about my legs that I managed to set a (small) PR in deadlift... and yes, I know that's technically a leg exercise too, but I didn't feel any pain in my quad doing it so I carried on.

I think from now on I'm not going to even attempt a leg day unless I've had a full rest day (including no cycling) beforehand.


Bum=Bruce confirmed.

He's a bit taller than I am and he has the sweetest women's superman sweats ever, but otherwise, yeah.

Psycho, has overtraining ever been an issue for you? Reason I ask is because I could NEVER in a million years cycle half as much as you and attempt DL or Squat PRs. Maybe as you get older your body needs more breaks??


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm nervous about hitting the gym today fasted. By the time I get there it will have been 24 hours fasted, I'm not hungry, but I'm just not sure what I'm in for. Less then an hour till it's go time....
Nothing a little
a lot
of caffeine can't fix.
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