Sup everybody.
Just finishing another round of doing Stronglifts 5x5 (been doing it since January this time), and I've progressed even further than I did the last time while weighing 10-15lbs less) Don't know if any of you remember but the back half of last year was pretty bad for me in the gym, was going through a lot of shit, couldn't focus, and I was on and off for almost half a year, lost a lot of weight and strength.
Decided I needed to get my strength foundation back (I've always been more strength inclined than bodybuilding/aesthetics inclined).
Anyway, here's a few lifts that I got on video not too long ago.
Bench Press 1RM 330lbs
Squat 1RM 465lbs
OHP 210lbs (my 1RM is 220, didn't film it though.)
Onwards and upwards, fellas.