If you ever need some lessons...
We send all of our instructions from the hospital bed!
Ah, the joy of bewildered stares you receive from running on a cold ass morning in a full suit of gear...
Time for donuts.
Same sort of thing riding yesterday in freezing cold weather, up to the ears in mud. People looking at us like... the fuck is wrong with you?
I don't mind training in the cold. I think it's fun. Some of it can be difficult if you really need to bundle up like mad as that can limit ROM, like I have a pullups bar, rope and a few other things in the garage and when it is stupid cold i tend to avoid it. I have low ceilings in the basement so I usually drag the weights upstairs for standing OHP and hook a rope to the ceiling downstairs. But neighbors do look at you funny when you bust a sledge and tire out and it's below freezing.
BTW anyone wanting some large tires I can probably nab some used ones from work if you guys/gals do hammers/sledges. I use 2 truck tires I bound together for these. Easy to roll out when needed.
Finally picked up some 25lb plates for my dumbbells. My max before was 8 10s on each but now I can safely fit 6 25s on each for a max of 150. I picked up 8 to let me hit 100 each + I can still use my 10s, 5s and deuces on the outsides. Not much wider/taller than my 10s but it's nice not to be stuck at 80 each for BP. Decided to switch from BB to DB for bench to give the shoulder a rest and man, after 3 weeks it's like I have zero fucking pain in my right shoulder
Now I can go super deep with my long ass arms. I have an olympic bench but for how long my noodles are I need a wider grip so it's hard for me to not let my elbows go way past the bench and out too much stress on my shoulder without me being able to slide my hand on the bar. With DB I can keep at a nice 45ish with my elbow tuck, come down and let my hands slide further out and bring them below my chest nicely and squeeze at the top. I should have bought them a while ago and worked these in every few weeks to let the shoulder relax some. Feelsgoodman. Can't wait to get back to it next week but if 2 days off so far is any indication, I'll be supercharged for bangin and clangin next week.