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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before


Going to the gym at 5 am twice a week is getting easier. Feeling ok on this cut. At 2400 calories now. Still want to drop another 10lbs. 183 this morning.



One hour on a spinner at the gym averaging 93rpm. I'm absolutely dripping in sweat. The wattage on these things is still super inflated. Also my ass hurts.

Edit: looking good Sean!!
Well I just signed up to do Tough Mudder for Teenage Cancer Trust here in the UK in May, I better get off my pizza eating beer drinking arse and start training!


Well I just signed up to do Tough Mudder for Teenage Cancer Trust here in the UK in May, I better get off my pizza eating beer drinking arse and start training!

You'll have fun!

You have plenty of time, but you'll want to start a running and swim regimen soon, if possible. Cross-training or circuit training may also be the most effective way to get your heart and lungs ready for action. And you'll want to work yourself up to doing pull ups.
You'll have fun!

You have plenty of time, but you'll want to start a running and swim regimen soon, if possible. Cross-training or circuit training may also be the most effective way to get your heart and lungs ready for action. And you'll want to work yourself up to doing pull ups.

Yeah running and swimming is simple enough to fit in, it's the other stuff, I've a friend who has done it a few times and agreed to help plan some stuff out for me, it's about time I did something, got to 40 and not really done anything like this before.


Anyway, I'm growing a little tired of SL 5x5 and while I think it was a great program for a beginner I think I want something with a little more of an upper body focus. I want to keep it to a 3 day program. I was thinking of attempting Phrak's GSLP but I fear the chin ups. Any program I do I want to maintain progress on the big 3 lifts. Any suggestions?

Also, I love the app that tracks progress for SL 5x5, are there similar apps that you can customize for other programs?
Ah, came here to recommend GSLP and then read your post closer and saw you were already considering it. :)

Any particular reason why you fear chin-ups? Given your lifting numbers (which are similar to mine), you might find yourself surprised by how many you can do now. I remember back when I was doing P90X, it was a struggle to do a set of chin-ups unassisted, but I was eventually able to. When I got into barbell training, I didn't bother with chin-ups for a while, but when I added them back in to my program I almost threw myself into the ceiling when I tried them. Nowadays I do sets with an extra 50 pounds of weights.

Anyway, I swapped from SL5x5 to GSLP a few months ago and recommend it. Like you, my upper body lifts aren't that good but doing squats three times a week was starting to hurt so I decided to make the change. I'm a big fan of squats coming at the end of my lifting days now since they can be a drain, and also enjoy the AMRAP protocol for the last set of each lift (though with stuff like OHP it's still a struggle for me to get to 5, lol).

As far as apps go, I use Jefit, which allows for customizable workout plans. There are a few downloadable plans for Phrak's GSLP available but I ended up taking an existing one and tweaking it for my own needs.
Ah, came here to recommend GSLP and then read your post closer and saw you were already considering it. :)

Any particular reason why you fear chin-ups? Given your lifting numbers (which are similar to mine), you might find yourself surprised by how many you can do now. I remember back when I was doing P90X, it was a struggle to do a set of chin-ups unassisted, but I was eventually able to. When I got into barbell training, I didn't bother with chin-ups for a while, but when I added them back in to my program I almost threw myself into the ceiling when I tried them. Nowadays I do sets with an extra 50 pounds of weights.

Anyway, I swapped from SL5x5 to GSLP a few months ago and recommend it. Like you, my upper body lifts aren't that good but doing squats three times a week was starting to hurt so I decided to make the change. I'm a big fan of squats coming at the end of my lifting days now since they can be a drain, and also enjoy the AMRAP protocol for the last set of each lift (though with stuff like OHP it's still a struggle for me to get to 5, lol).

As far as apps go, I use Jefit, which allows for customizable workout plans. There are a few downloadable plans for Phrak's GSLP available but I ended up taking an existing one and tweaking it for my own needs.

Thanks for the input! I mostly fear chin ups because the last time I tried them in any capacity I could barely do them. I guess things may be different now so when I go to the gym today I'll give it a shot and see how it goes. My gym DOES have an assisted chinup machine, so even if I am struggling I can use that to get on track.

ACE 1991

just re-ran my calorie calculator on the IIFYM site, does 2600 sound a little too low for a slowish bulk? I'm 25, 5'8'' and 170lb.

Beth Cyra

Checking in I hope Fit gaf is doing well.

Seeing some good benefits and my dead lifts and squats are at my current weight which is an improvement for me, so the extra food seems to have helped.

Still feels weird but I'm happish lol, just gotta keep working towards my surgery.

Thanks all.
Not a great session. I think the calorie deficit is starting to bite a bit.

Still, at least I got in there. That's something.

Still feels weird but I'm happish lol, just gotta keep working towards my surgery.

Thanks all.

Nice One.

just re-ran my calorie calculator on the IIFYM site, does 2600 sound a little too low for a slowish bulk? I'm 25, 5'8'' and 170lb.

Numbers you get from those sites are basically pointless. Pick a number, tune it over time. People vary quite a bit on this sort of stuff.
Squat rack delivered.

Cut off at the top of the photo is a hanging light that I'll need to get replaced with something closer to the ceiling. Until then, OHP is going to be somewhat inconvenienced (have to get further away from the unit than I would like). It blocks a door, but it's actually reasonably light, so on the rare chance I need to go out that door (my electrical box is out there), I can slide the squat rack out.

I'm excited. Who needs a dining room anyway?


I've got a question or two concerning the use of whey protein powder.

I picked up a container of it along with some creatine (store brand ftw) to supplement my work outs, because it seems like I'm not getting enough protein to to get the most out of my lifting. I'm trying to burn a fair amount of excess fat I picked up during the back half of last year(probably gained about 30 pounds all said from the last time I posted here) and build muscle, so I'm usually doing 3 or 4 hour-long strength workouts a week and running or going on long walks the other days.

If I'm going by 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight,I'm looking at about 215 grams of protein. Is that just on lifting days, or should I be going for that every day? I've heard taking in more protein than needed can cause significant weight gain, so I don't wanna be consuming up to 4 scoops of whey protein on days when I don't need it. Especially with how expensive the stuff is. Also, what are your go-to recipes for shakes? Today I've done 2 scoops of powder, a scoop of creatine after my workout, a tablespoon of peanut butter, a banana, and a cup of water.

Also, creatine should just be about 5 grams a day, right? Is it okay to just mix it in with my post-workout shake?
Squat rack delivered.

Cut off at the top of the photo is a hanging light that I'll need to get replaced with something closer to the ceiling. Until then, OHP is going to be somewhat inconvenienced (have to get further away from the unit than I would like). It blocks a door, but it's actually reasonably light, so on the rare chance I need to go out that door (my electrical box is out there), I can slide the squat rack out.

I'm excited. Who needs a dining room anyway?

Hey look, there's a door to bail out when you don't want to do squats hah.

I've got a question or two concerning the use of whey protein powder.

I picked up a container of it along with some creatine (store brand ftw) to supplement my work outs, because it seems like I'm not getting enough protein to to get the most out of my lifting. I'm trying to burn a fair amount of excess fat I picked up during the back half of last year(probably gained about 30 pounds all said from the last time I posted here) and build muscle, so I'm usually doing 3 or 4 hour-long strength workouts a week and running or going on long walks the other days.

If I'm going by 1 gram of whey protein per pound of body weight,I'm looking at about 215 grams of protein. Is that just on lifting days, or should I be going for that every day? I've heard taking in more protein than needed can cause significant weight gain, so I don't wanna be consuming up to 4 scoops of whey protein on days when I don't need it. Especially with how expensive the stuff is. Also, what are your go-to recipes for shakes? Today I've done 2 scoops of powder, a scoop of creatine after my workout, a tablespoon of peanut butter, a banana, and a cup of water.

Also, creatine should just be about 5 grams a day, right? Is it okay to just mix it in with my post-workout shake?

If you're looking to burn fat you should be looking to put more protein in your diet with actual food. Excess amounts of anything will lead to fat gain and it certainly won't help if you're sucking back 2 cups of baby food.

You can probably just put a teaspoon of creatine in your mouth and suck back a bunch of water if you don't have a shake to go along with it. Or mix it in the shake if that's what you wanna do.


Thanks for the tips. I definitely need to get my diet under control, that's the whole reason I went from about 180 to 215. Was working a brutal landscaping job for 6 weeks of the summer and my appetite went through the roof, and when I went through my packed lunch the only other option was junk food from the gas station. Completely went off the rails and haven't been able to get back on track since. But I've been hitting the gym and the pavement harder lately, and I know I can get back to making forward progress.

And thanks for the link about protein intake, I'll shoot for around 160g a day.
I've been doing 5x5 stronglifts for about 2.5 months.

Does anybody have recommendations for some knee sleeves?

Something I can use for my squat/leg stuff but also cardio?
I've never gone above 0.8g, because the science supporting it is WEAK.

These days I'm on ~0.7g (I don't track that carefully any more), and there are many others here who do the same.

Something I can use for my squat/leg stuff but also cardio?

Why would you want to use knee sleeves for cardio? Your knees would end up sweating like crazy. If you really want something to keep them warm, you could look at cycling knee warmers.

For squats, these: http://www.sbdapparel.com/product/sbd-knee-sleeve/

ACE 1991

Dragged my significantly hungover ass on three hours of sleep to the gym this morning before work and crushed a few PRs on lifts I had been struggling with... I really don't understand how the human body works. However, it totally cured my hangover.

ACE 1991

people here generally a fan on Stronglifts? I been off the wagon for a while so I figured I'd stick with one of the beginner programs to get back in the swing of things. 5x5 sounds like its going to get heavy fast though and may be overkill in terms of reps though

If your goals are aesthetics (and if they aren't ignore this post), I cannot recommend this program enough: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/37ylk5/a_linear_progression_based_ppl_program_for/ I've made better gains on it the past 2.5 months that I ever did before. I also find it really, really enjoyable. Being in the gym 6 days a week (I run it as a 5 day program and just cut one of the leg days) isn't feasible for everyone, though.
Getting back on the basketball courts.

I'm barely fitting into 34 size waist pants and creeping towards 200 lbs again.

The harest part of this whole thing is not eating garbage.


I've never gone above 0.8g, because the science supporting it is WEAK.

These days I'm on ~0.7g (I don't track that carefully any more), and there are many others here who do the same.

I should mention, I'm 5'9 125 lbs. Of course, I need to buuulk.

"The only people that may actually need more protein than 0.82g/lb are people with unusually high levels of anabolic hormones or beginners"

I suppose 1g/1lb isn't a terrible idea for me then? Hmm..
They're just caveats because there's no studies to support it in either case. It's really no different to people saying "I'll just eat more, just in case". It's pointless, and expensive, but I can understand why people don't want to risk what they've worked so hard for.




First time lifting since Christmas day, had some awful cheat days, insanely busy at work (11.5+ hours a day) and it's freaking raining kittens here in so cal. But I finally got to sleep early, lifted before work and got 375x2 on deadlift. Likely had a couple more reps in me but was thrilled to still be on track from where I was.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I like to imagine that the cake looks like this one.


Just transfom into a big green dude already Brolic.

Holy shit. Just, wow.

Six...hundred...thirty-what-the-fuuuuu. My lower back is a little sore today. Watching that really made me wince. That is just amazing to watch.

Meanwhile, I squatted 205x9 today. I know, pretty amazing :/ That's what... an estimated 250 1rm? Lots of work to get to my goal of 315.

Hey Brolic, tell us, what's really in that cake of yours?

Lol, thanks guys.
Did the prowler/sled push today and holy shit it's hard. Pushing that thing w/ just one plate on it across the floor as fast as I can for 10 seconds is enough to seriously get me sweating and breathing hard.

Way more satisfying than running but dang I need to get conditioned


Did the prowler/sled push today and holy shit it's hard. Pushing that thing w/ just one plate on it across the floor as fast as I can for 10 seconds is enough to seriously get me sweating and breathing hard.

Way more satisfying than running but dang I need to get conditioned

I like prowler for conditioning too, I usually superset prowler sprints with some kind of loaded carry like suit case carry or farmers walk.


My nutrition is on point for 90% of the day and a trainwreck for the remainder ;)

Edit: Got some time in on the trainer this morning. First time finally on the new bike now that I have shoes, clips, and pedals. I will never use toe cages again. What a difference.
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