There is nothing wrong doing leg curls/extensions with those machines.One, unless you have an injury, there's no reason to begin training with machines.
There is nothing wrong doing leg curls/extensions with those machines.One, unless you have an injury, there's no reason to begin training with machines.
Search "pull up progression".
Here's a starting point:
Thanks budSteam rolling it lately, good shit.
I'd personally go straight to a physio. Can't speak for where you are, but in the UK doctors are fucking useless for sports / fitness related injuries.I'm debating whether to see a doctor too.
Aye, though you need to pass people wherever possible as it's a really thin course in places. Also, you only have 12 hours to get around it (and sub 10 hours if you want a fancy trophy!).Holy shit at that elevation change at the halfway mark. Yikes. I would be conserving my energy for that monster as much as possible!
Goddamned motherfuckers curling in the squat rack! Motherfuckers! [/rage]
Only a handful of you in here will be able to appreciate this, but I just got accepted into Leadville 100 (Mountin biking race in Colorado, USA). Imagine it like being able to compete at one of the most prestigious lifting meets on the planet... only you have to lift weights much heavier than you've ever lifted before.
Now the long and painful training begins (I'm going to crush it).
I'd personally go straight to a physio. Can't speak for where you are, but in the UK doctors are fucking useless for sports / fitness related injuries.
Goddamned motherfuckers curling in the squat rack! Motherfuckers! [/rage]
Any thoughts on adding a vanity day for lifts? My arms seems to respond well to volume, so I'm thinking about once a week just going into the gym for 30-40 minutes to just blast out curls and tricep exercises.
There's so much you can do with Greek Yogurt. I put plain in my Pasta sauces and my oatmeal for an extra boost of protein.Also, a bit late but thanks everyone on the input about what I can do with greek yogurt. Looking forward to trying a variety of ideas when I pick some more up
Just started watching it and was amused to see his missus driving a car worth about as much as their house... especially as it was literally just after he said about living in a mansion if he did a different sport.I watched it recently, it was pretty cool. Pretty insightful and interesting to see what he puts himself through
There's so much you can do with Greek Yogurt. I put plain in my Pasta sauces and my oatmeal for an extra boost of protein.
The taste of Greek yogurt in pasta brings out the flavors quite a bit. I suggest you try it.
He looked so heart broken when he found out that lift didn't count.Just started watching it and was amused to see his missus driving a car worth about as much as their house... especially as it was literally just after he said about living in a mansion if he did a different sport.
Edit - LMAO, describing the Mountain as.having "mong" strength
Edit - Re Deadlift... aww man. Had I known about the deadlift being ruled out in the other competition then I'd have been even more impressed by the 500kg, if such a thing is possible.
glol... I've been working a lot on my glue activation / strength of late and I was just doing some of the exercises when I realised that I can basically twerk now.
Properly amused myself.
Yaaaay! Thats awesome.Finally closed on the house!! Feels so good.
I was watching a vid of his where he was doing the one leg glute bridge. Never would have imagined it was anything like as effective as that. I've been doing a lot of monster / sumo walks, have definitely been working out some of my weaknesses with them.
I'm going to have to look up what a quadruped hip extension is though.
Edit - Nope, I don't have the gear for that. lol Though I guess I could try and do it with bands. Might be a bit awkward.
In reality, you're probably not fully over being ill. Just because you feel better doesn't mean that your body isn't still fighting whatever it is. You wont lose anything in a week. In fact, I was reading a research study recently that stated that for regular trainees, strength can actually increase after 7-10 days of rest because their bodies have had a chance to fully heal and recover.
Though it wasn't all good news, progress after that tended to be slower for a while.
Finally closed on the house!! Feels so good.
Lucky, I'd give anything for a private gym right now. Congrats nonetheless!Thank you guys! Now I can finally get back to working out at home.
Lucky, I'd give anything for a private gym right now. Congrats nonetheless!
Biked a lot this summer and stopped going to the gym. Stopped biking in September and got fat again. Went back to the gym yesterday. In pain today. I'll be back at it tomorrow. Sorry, body, I let you down.
Finally closed on the house!! Feels so good.
If doesnt have to be farmers walks, but conditioning on 'off' days increases work capacity, promotes recovery and inevitably makes you better and stronger.Someone at work told me that he likes to do heavy farmers walk on his off days and says it helps build strength.
Is this true? I would think that if you do heavy walks on off days then your muscles will always be kind of fatigued because they don't get enough rest. Is it feasible to do farmers walks so much?
It just masks the pain.Alright, guys, need some advice.
About a month or so ago, I was carrying a box that had two gallons of milk in it with one hand. Apparently, that was a bad idea, because ever since, my elbow has been hurting. Really weird though since it's not like it was that heavy to begin with. I could lift at least twice as much with one hand!
Anyway, since then, it's hardly healed at all. Initially, I wasn't too concerned about it since I use the gym at my university and we just finished finals and it wouldn't open again until the Spring semester started. Figured it would heal by then, but sadly wasn't the case. So now I need some help on what to do. I should mention that the pain is not particularly excruciating or anything, but I definitely feel it when I move my elbow. I haven't tried, but I feel like I could probably lift around 60-70% of what I did normally.
Was thinking about taking ibuprofen, but does tht actually help in terms of healing or does it just mask the pain? Any other advice is greatly appreciated.
It is also an anti-inflammatory so it may also help in reducing inflammation at the site of injury.It just masks the pain.
Might have strained a muscle. Try some massaging/rolling out your forearms, biceps and triceps for a couple days to see if that helps alleviate.