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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before


Almost everybody at work keeps saying I'm losing weight.... It kinda makes sense because I've cut back on eating alot but I don't really see any apparent change on my body.

I have been wearing more form fitting clothes recently though and that prolly has a hand into it.


Almost everybody at work keeps saying I'm losing weight.... It kinda makes sense because I've cut back on eating alot but I don't really see any apparent change on my body.

I have been wearing more form fitting clothes recently though and that prolly has a hand into it.
Better fitting clothes definitely helps, but unless you're taking measurements and photos of yourself each week you're probably not going to see the changes since they occur gradually over time -- every day you are updating how you see yourself.
Almost everybody at work keeps saying I'm losing weight.... It kinda makes sense because I've cut back on eating alot but I don't really see any apparent change on my body.

I have been wearing more form fitting clothes recently though and that prolly has a hand into it.

usually face always the first thing when you lose weight.


Added flip turns to my swim training today. It totally kills the option of catching your breath at the end of each length. It's tough at first, but pretty fun and really helps keep you moving.

Half marathon tomorrow. Feels like 18°F. Perfect >)


Unconfirmed Member
That sounds like the flu. I had it hit me that quick too. Worked out one day, woke up the next morning feeling like I'd been drugged and thrown down a flight of stairs. Get to the doc today. If it's the flu, and they get you some Tamiflu quick enough, you might only be down for a day or two.

Woke up today and feel much better minus a super runny nose ( Literally dripping out water) and my throat is a bit swollen.

Probably not 100% but I got a long hike scheduled today, so I'll suck it up and try to hydrate.


Added flip turns to my swim training today. It totally kills the option of catching your breath at the end of each length. It's tough at first, but pretty fun and really helps keep you moving.

Half marathon tomorrow. Feels like 18°F. Perfect >)

Good luck bud!
Testing out 1rm. My bench is 180. RIP not even near bw. It it's better than the 170 I did a couple of months this ago but still.
Compared to squat and deads it's so disproportionate
New squat 1rm is 365. The previous time was 380. Probably should have just done it on another day lol


If you are lifting properly you are getting paid to exercise, so in that sense it is good. Of course packages are not like weights where you can achieve some kind of perfect form, so you should really focus on preventing injuries, especially back injuries. Avoid twisting and jerking motions, and make sure the weight in a package is not going to shift.

It will be hell for a little bit but your body will adapt. Definitely make sure to intake a lot of calories right now to make sure your body has adequate resources to recover.
Yep, definitely eating good before my shift and during my lunch break. I'm making sure I'm squatting properly and using my legs mostly for the lifting off the ground. I'm a large guy (320 pounds) so I want to avoid injury at all costs. I'm hoping this will also help me build some muscle and lose weight.

Thanks for the replies. I hope I adapt soon lol
So one of the trainers at my gym told me to (heavily) deload my squats and work on form, which kind of messes with my training. I can't exactly ignore him though since he works at the gym. What do?


Junior Member
For those of you have a gym at home, what was the rough cost of all your equipment?

Although these are GBP prices, I purchased a Powertec Power Rack, Bench and a Lat pulldown attachment for roughly £1000.

My rubber coated Olympic weight set (180 or 200kg I believe?) cost me £300.

With this I can do all barbell movements, plus cable row, lat pulldown, tricep pushdown, pullups, dips. I think it's neat and I like it more than going to the gym.


The nutritional side of trying to get healthy was also so confusing to me cause I look at a ton of stuff and it seems like there are conflicting ideas. Is there a tried and true rule that is good for everybody to follow. Low carb and high protein diet and high fats? I'm still not entirely sure if carbs are bad for me and make me have body fat.

Or is there an online resource with proven data about nutritional rules to follow?


The nutritional side of trying to get healthy was also so confusing to me cause I look at a ton of stuff and it seems like there are conflicting ideas. Is there a tried and true rule that is good for everybody to follow. Low carb and high protein diet and high fats? I'm still not entirely sure if carbs are bad for me and make me have body fat.

Or is there an online resource with proven data about nutritional rules to follow?

There is no golden rule, or silver bullet. Everybody responds differently for a variety of reasons. Experiment with different diet types for several weeks each until you find the one that works for you


Junior Member
Calories > Macronutrients > Micronutrients

I like this picture as a nice guideline.


As long as 80% of your diet is from unprocessed sources, I think you'll be ok.


I am feeling like I will be able start Squatting and Deadlifting normally again soon. Maybe 2 or 3 more training weeks. Fingers crossed that I can, although what I am currently doing has been nice my week doesn't feel complete without a good Deadlift or Squat session.


For those of you have a gym at home, what was the rough cost of all your equipment?

Everything was about $1500-$2000 for me, but mine is barebones. I have everything I need for the compounds and accessories though, plus an airdyne for cardio.

I'm guessing Brolic has spent 5-10x that, so it all depends on what you NEED for your goals.


For those of you have a gym at home, what was the rough cost of all your equipment?

I got everything from Amazon for about $700
200lbs dumbbell set, 300lbs barbell set and a rack. I'm a newbie so my setup isn't as crazy as some of the others. I'm sure in 2-3 years I'll outgrow it and build a better one
Age: 31
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 280lbs
Goal: Get down to 210lbs.

No current training but trying to increase activity level though home workouts, plus i go with my brother every so often to a local gym. Plan to sign up to gym full time but might be moving house soon.

Cross posting from another thread. I am at 280lbs want to get down to 210lbs. Basing my diet on this meal plan my brother devised.


Bran flakes with a cut up banana. Semi skimmed or fully skimmed milk. Glass of fruit juice.

Snack: Apple or one whole uncooked carrot.

Lunch: Cooked ham or chicken with 2 spoonfuls of cottage cheese, pickled onions, lettuce, beetroot, handful of cherry tomatoes. Chopped or diced parsnips lightly roasted in oil.

Snack: Handful of roasted walnuts or peanuts.

Supper: Grilled chicken, boiled potatoes, lettuce, 2 hard boiled eggs, lettuce, sliced carrots, low fat coleslaw and green beans. Oven roasted courgettes.

After gym or workouts - whey protein shake, mixed with a scoop full of porridge oats.

Also gradually trying to cut down red meat intake and replace it with chicken or ham, considering adding turkey and making beef an occasional treat. Working on some meals which include fish for increase omega 3 intake.

Drink 15 - 20 500ml glasses of water throughout the day, makes you piss like a damn racehorse but worth it.

Input appreciated.
^Do you know your TDEE/BMR? Do you know the average macros/calorie count of the foods in that meal plan? It sounds great, just make sure it's a moderate deficit of your TDEE and you'll be good.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Won another meet. No big deal.


7:45 pace half marathon PR. It was cold as balls. I can hardly talk because my lips are frozen.

Nice bud, grats.

Everything was about $1500-$2000 for me, but mine is barebones. I have everything I need for the compounds and accessories though, plus an airdyne for cardio.

I'm guessing Brolic has spent 5-10x that, so it all depends on what you NEED for your goals.
My rack alone was 1500.


Neo Member
I'd like to make working out a part of my daily schedule. I've got a gym membership and I've been going on and off since I was a high school sophomore (now a high school senior). I haven't really found a routine that works for me and I would love some help with that. I mess around with a lot of online routines but non have exactly stuck. I'm 100% willing to take this seriously and to dedicate large chunks of my day to it. Some help in finding a routine would be really awesome. I've been working on a diet on my own since I realize that's a big part of it too.


I'd like to make working out a part of my daily schedule. I've got a gym membership and I've been going on and off since I was a high school sophomore (now a high school senior). I haven't really found a routine that works for me and I would love some help with that. I mess around with a lot of online routines but non have exactly stuck. I'm 100% willing to take this seriously and to dedicate large chunks of my day to it. Some help in finding a routine would be really awesome. I've been working on a diet on my own since I realize that's a big part of it too.

Starting Strength plus HIIT cardio. If you put in the time, it's a great program.


2 questions.

1) I have never been able to do a pullup. It's a goal of mine. What exercises should I be focusing on to accomplish this? I test myself everyday at the gym and I feel like I'm getting more travel.

2) I've been doing straight leg deadlifts and can hit 275 but if I do the other version, forget the name, I just hit 335. Should I alternate? What is the "official" style of dead lift?


2 questions.

1) I have never been able to do a pullup. It's a goal of mine. What exercises should I be focusing on to accomplish this? I test myself everyday at the gym and I feel like I'm getting more travel.

2) I've been doing straight leg deadlifts and can hit 275 but if I do the other version, forget the name, I just hit 335. Should I alternate? What is the "official" style of dead lift?
Pullup Negatives multiple times a week for a month or two should grease tye groove enough. On top of that you can use Lat Pull Downs to build up the muscle too.

Conventional Deadlift. Do whichever makes you happy, fits your goals, and allows you to stay injury free. Rotate if you want, don't if you don't want to.

ACE 1991

2 questions.

1) I have never been able to do a pullup. It's a goal of mine. What exercises should I be focusing on to accomplish this? I test myself everyday at the gym and I feel like I'm getting more travel.

2) I've been doing straight leg deadlifts and can hit 275 but if I do the other version, forget the name, I just hit 335. Should I alternate? What is the "official" style of dead lift?

Dang, that's a pretty strong SLDL.


Unconfirmed Member
So thought I was getting over my flu, but I passed out today after a light set of core/push-up workouts.

Luckily or unluckily? I was at home.
Lucky I guess since you posted. Like you I've been either sick or... fuck it lazy (was going to say busy but thats a lie) since late December and have not been going to the gym or doing runs regularly. I really need to get back into it cause I can feel the extra weight.

After new years I got a pretty nasty cold, sorta recovered, then the flu went around, mostly avoided it, now got a weird sore throat randomly which has turned into massive congestion. I just wanna go to the gym comfortably and not be coughing/runny nose the whole time.


Had to take a break from daily lifting for 2 days, Friday I had to go to work early as then the next day was an all day wedding. I hit bench today for 5x200 easy peasy. I'm off diet right now, feel like a bloated whale. At least I'll get some gainz for now.

For those of you have a gym at home, what was the rough cost of all your equipment?

I did a lot of Craigslist deals, the only things I bought new were cage from Titan fitness, which was like 300 during a sale, the nice cap barbell from Amazon for 150ish, and the farmer handles from eBay for 80ish.

Metal weights were .50 a pound on Craigslist, bumper plates I got for .75 cents a pound or so on Craigslist, rower on OfferUp for 40 (it's 300+ on Amazon), treadmill for 150 on Craigslist, GHD machine on Craigslist for 50ish, elliptical given to us by mother in law. The pulley machine was 100 on Craigslist.

Overall around 1k+-ish. Worth every single penny. I didn't buy everything at once, started with cage and metal weights and went from there. Now I have everything I could possibly need.


I have lost over 20 lbs since right before thanksgiving (even after going completely off diet during christmas for two weeks!)

But I didn't feel like I noticed any physical change.

In a rush this morning and couldn't find any jeans. Grabbed the pair that has been too small for over a year off the top shelf to try it in an emergency panic.

To my surprise, they fit fine.

Long way to go, but that moment felt good
First day of Candito 6 week program! Went v well, but skipped my optional power cleans at the end bc I think I hurt my shoulders doing them last time :(

i really need to focus on getting my elbows up on the clean, I always wind up catching the BB wrong and straining my wrists and shoulders. Anyone got any tips?
its that time of year where clothing brands email you to be an ambassador. lucky for them i did buy a few of their products. (y)

and no it's not dreamingelagance (those on IG will know this one lol)


First day of Candito 6 week program! Went v well, but skipped my optional power cleans at the end bc I think I hurt my shoulders doing them last time :(

i really need to focus on getting my elbows up on the clean, I always wind up catching the BB wrong and straining my wrists and shoulders. Anyone got any tips?

Do you have the requisite flexibility for the Front Rack Position out of the rack? If not refer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EC3-JY8Ojq4


its that time of year where clothing brands email you to be an ambassador. lucky for them i did buy a few of their products. (y)

and no it's not dreamingelagance (those on IG will know this one lol)
lol they messaged me recently.


Completely random but anyone have any suggestions on how to get Spotify daily lists to not play the same damn song so close together. It really gets me out of my zone when the same song I just listened to like 20 minutes ago suddenly comes up again.
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