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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before

3 years ago I went from a fatty 83kg (183lbs) with zero muscle to a lean 67kg (147lbs) with a decent amount of muscle in 7 months. A sort of a life changing thing considering I really busted my ass in the gym and looked super lean for the first time in my life.

Then came a new job and... well, I very slowly lost track over time and practiced less and less. Started the year with 86kg again and it sucked. I am not really high and my Mediterranean genes are working against me by giving me bigger legs and ass than you would normally see on a guy.

Luckily, I am back at my old positive habits and went to 83.9 in just a few weeks. Feels invigorating again, man.

Can I just express my newly found love for this thing?


I do it on leg day and pushing it is basically cardio and leg burn rolled into one magnificent combo. Lunges give me trouble due to a lot of balancing issues (I guess I need to work on my core more). That's why the sled is a blessing as I found another heavy loaded workout to do when not attempting lunges.

In any case, so far so good. I set the goal to 73kg (160lbs) this time around as I went a tiny bit overboard last time and I want to actually focus on muscle a lot more now. No definite end time in sight, just having a good time.


Great night in the home gym again. Got 210x4 on bench, my weakest lift, but it's made good strides lately and I did this today with no leg drive. It's very tempting to just eat lazy keto and lift heavier and heavier. Decisions decisions....

Also I should mention the other good news, wife is pregnant! 3 months in now. She stopped lifting with me and just does cardio while I lift. I never expected in a million years I'd be having a child, but there you go. We tried for a month or so and got lucky quickly. I've read keto makes you much more fertile, so maybe that's why it happened so quickly.


Then came a new job and... well, I very slowly lost track over time and practiced less and less. Started the year with 86kg again and it sucked. I am not really high and my Mediterranean genes are working against me by giving me bigger legs and ass than you would normally see on a guy.

Tell me more...........

For those with home gyms answer me this, I'm constantly terrified that while loading the barbell its going to flip when I have more weight on a side and bust me in the face. Is there a trick to this or am I just being nervous for nothing?

Also I had no idea how much harder benching and squatting is with real weights. Im ashamed to admit that Planet Fitness was my primary source of "weightlifting" and those smith machines really did me no favors. I feel like I wasted so much time going there and I have to start from scratch.
Test it (just keep adding plates on one side until it tips, ideally with someone on the other side just in case)... I know I can do 40kg on one side without it flipping, but much more and I've had it start to go.

So I just make sure when loading / unloading that I never have more than that one one side at a time (this isn't a major problem for me!)

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I had another indoor triathlon today. I was way too eager to rock the swim. I started off too fast and was gasping 5 minutes in. First time I've ever let myself do that. After slowing down and a few deep breaths I was good.

Swam 560 yards in 10 minutes which is better than last time. Hit 9.8 miles for the 30-minute bike and 2.6 miles for the 20-minute run. That run is still tough after cycling!

Lesson learned: Take your damn time on the swim and save your energy for the bike and run when you can actually suck in as much air as you need.

Edit: 7th place. Damn these people are fast swimmers.

Damn bud. Good learning experience though.


Damn bud. Good learning experience though.

That's for sure. I immediately got back in the water later that day to get my comfort level back to where it was. Swam this morning again and plan to hit the pool for over an hour tomorrow. If I don't immediately take care of the issues that create doubt or fear, they will only build up in my head making things worse.


Great night in the home gym again. Got 210x4 on bench, my weakest lift, but it's made good strides lately and I did this today with no leg drive. It's very tempting to just eat lazy keto and lift heavier and heavier. Decisions decisions....

Also I should mention the other good news, wife is pregnant! 3 months in now. She stopped lifting with me and just does cardio while I lift. I never expected in a million years I'd be having a child, but there you go. We tried for a month or so and got lucky quickly. I've read keto makes you much more fertile, so maybe that's why it happened so quickly.

Heeeey! Congrats buddy!!! That's great news.


Tell me more...........

For those with home gyms answer me this, I'm constantly terrified that while loading the barbell its going to flip when I have more weight on a side and bust me in the face. Is there a trick to this or am I just being nervous for nothing?

Also I had no idea how much harder benching and squatting is with real weights. Im ashamed to admit that Planet Fitness was my primary source of "weightlifting" and those smith machines really did me no favors. I feel like I wasted so much time going there and I have to start from scratch.

Takes about 3 full plates on side with standard width racks. Not sure about 2 45s and a 25 but 3 full ons definitely do. Made this mistake twice.
Great shit from everyone while I've been gone.

Grats to brolic! Chamba, Sean, looking good as usual guys!

I had a nasty sinus infection put me on my ass for 2 weeks since I sure a shit wasn't lifitng with face and head under that much pressure. Was bad. Was banned because of my temper and taking shit too far. Didn't eat all that well. Lost 3 lbs and getting back to it this week is a struggle. I feel weak as shit. Diet went out the window when I was sick. Still feel like poop because of it. At least I got a chance to see Rogue One!


Also I should mention the other good news, wife is pregnant! 3 months in now. She stopped lifting with me and just does cardio while I lift. I never expected in a million years I'd be having a child, but there you go. We tried for a month or so and got lucky quickly. I've read keto makes you much more fertile, so maybe that's why it happened so quickly.
Congrats! That's awesome! Don't even try to wrap your head around it. No matter how hard you try, it's not until you have the baby in your car and start to head home from the hospital that reality will smack you in the face :)

I'll never forget that feeling.

Unrelated: Just hit 10 miles swam in less than a month! :)
Does anyone else use the Starting Strength app and find it janky af? Sometimes the rest timer doesn't start and I have to cancel and reselect whenever I'm warming up for deadlift otherwise it'll just give me 3 warming up reps instead of 5.


Also I should mention the other good news, wife is pregnant! 3 months in now. She stopped lifting with me and just does cardio while I lift. I never expected in a million years I'd be having a child, but there you go. We tried for a month or so and got lucky quickly. I've read keto makes you much more fertile, so maybe that's why it happened so quickly.

Congrats, another official dad bod joins the mix. Welcome to the club!!

ACE 1991

First time posting any sort of progress here. since I've had a very off-and-on relationship with liftin' for a few years (more off than on), but I'm happy with some of the progress I've made in the past three months. I don't deny that is a flatteringly lit picture, but my shoulders and lats are definitely starting to pop at least a bit... Arms still suck butt, however.

For reference, it's been 3 months since I've been back on the horse consistently. Haven't missed a workout (5x a week M-F) since I started again end of October. I'm 25 years old at 5'8", and 171lb at the moment.


Still lifting everyday. 5x155 on OHP, today was the most challenging day yet on this nonstop journey, but I got it. Feels good but I really need a day where I'm lifting earlier and getting proper sleep.

Congrats! That's awesome! Don't even try to wrap your head around it. No matter how hard you try, it's not until you have the baby in your car and start to head home from the hospital that reality will smack you in the face :)

I'll never forget that feeling.

Unrelated: Just hit 10 miles swam in less than a month! :)

Congrats, another official dad bod joins the mix. Welcome to the club!!

Thanks guys, it's extremely exciting. And dadbod is very likely at this point. It's so hard to fast with a pregnant wife. No matter if it's a boy or girl, the child will learn to FADC a shory into an ultra, I swear to it.


I took more like a year off upper body workouts. I kept with running ECT.. but had no motivation to improve myself.

Was a rough time. I guess I didn't realize how weak I have gotten and the added weight doesn't help.

I've been doing negatives, but I've been doing them assisted. I can't hold myself long enough by myself to make them effective.

My core has taken a hit to, but I think it is more to my added weight rather than my core weakening.

At least I can still do my mile in less than 6 minutes.

If your strength went down and your weight went up, then your pullups is going to suffer, a lot. I don't understand losing weight for the sole purpose of improving your ability at pull ups. Unless you are competing in pull ups or need it for some job metric you are judged on, then why lower your weight just for ability to do pullups? If you need to lose weight for some other valid reason, then by all means go ahead. If you are not happy that you can't do any, and that is the only reason, then focus on getting stronger instead. Your weight isn't so high that pull ups are impossible. I weigh 280 and can do 3.
I think it's time to start using my belt for deadlifts again. Cutting seems to have sent that particular lift in the wrong direction (others seem OK for the moment) and I found myself losing my form a bit fairly early on. Put the belt on and was able to hold my tension so much better.


I just want to quote myself... just keep on it dudes! I'm currently at 185lb, just 10 lb away from my normal weight.

Thank you keto and calisthenics.

Avoid treadmills if you are close to your goal weight, they aren't useless but weight training does way better things for you.

Here I am, at 170 lbs

I've lost almost 65 lbs since I started

I'm 3 pounds away of having a normal BMI, I've never had a normal BMI in my lifetime

Just patting myself in the back here


Here I am, at 170 lbs

I've lost almost 65 lbs since I started

I'm 3 pounds away of having a normal BMI, I've never had a normal BMI in my lifetime

Just patting myself in the back here

I was just about to ask for done to post something motivational to get me to run tonight. Thanks dude. That's awesome progress.


Here I am, at 170 lbs

I've lost almost 65 lbs since I started

I'm 3 pounds away of having a normal BMI, I've never had a normal BMI in my lifetime

Just patting myself in the back here
That's awesome! That takes some serious dedication. Great job!


Edit - Good god, the Sous Vide chicken breasts I just did are amazing. Chicken breasts back on the menu!
My girlfriend got me a sous vide device for Christmas 2015 and it changed the cooking game for me. I'm also in love with the Instant Pot (pressure cooker) I bought over Black Friday.
Apart from the fact that I'm a fucking freak with completely wrecked shoulders...

...is there any reason pushups (arms at shoulder width, elbows heading 45 degrees back or less) would be causing pain in my left front delt / collar bone?


Finally used the landmine attachment for single arm rows and chest flys I guess you could call it. Holy crap not only does my forearm burn like hell but my back and chest are super pumped.
Apart from the fact that I'm a fucking freak with completely wrecked shoulders...

...is there any reason pushups (arms at shoulder width, elbows heading 45 degrees back or less) would be causing pain in my left front delt / collar bone?

Arms that close will target shoulders/triceps rather than chest.

I treat pushups like benching.

Keeping my arms wide so when I'm in the low position my upper arms and forearms are perpendicular to each other with elbows flared back at around 45 degrees.

Once you've got your form down then try asymmetric pushups with your hands in the same position but put one hand on top of a ~8 inch high block. This is great for hitting chest even harder.
Apart from the fact that I'm a fucking freak with completely wrecked shoulders...

...is there any reason pushups (arms at shoulder width, elbows heading 45 degrees back or less) would be causing pain in my left front delt / collar bone?

It's causing you pain during the pushup. You're probably still injured.

If it's happening mainly after the fact. Your shoulder strength is probably unbalanced. And you likely need to do more back work.
Not "injured" as such. Just always on the point of injury. I have to be VERY careful about my shoulders as they go at event the slightest provocation.

Arms that close will target shoulders/triceps rather than chest.

I treat pushups like benching.

Keeping my arms wide so when I'm in the low position my upper arms and forearms are perpendicular to each other with elbows flared back at around 45 degrees.

Hmm... I can try it, but in the past when I've done this it has felt even worse on my shoulders. I think I need something I can put on the floor with different widths so I can try it reliably.


Apart from the fact that I'm a fucking freak with completely wrecked shoulders...

...is there any reason pushups (arms at shoulder width, elbows heading 45 degrees back or less) would be causing pain in my left front delt / collar bone?

Like SBK said, that generally puts more pressure on ders than moving your arms out a bit. Try it!


Unconfirmed Member
Had a intense workout yesterday and it felt good. Wake up today and my nose is running and head is killing me, and it feels like I got hit by a car.

Can't tell if the body hurts from being sick or my workout yesterday. Either way today is a day of rest.


I figure this would be a good place to ask, but I just got a job at a Bob's Discount Furniture warehouse, and I started yesterday. I'm just unloading trucks so I'm constantly picking up and moving things that are 50-200 pounds (some stuff 250, but you don't pick those up directly). This is 8 hours a day doing this non-stop aside from two 15 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch.

Is this absolutely atrocious for my body? I'm sore as hell but thats cause I haven't lifted in awhile, so I expected that. But I just wonder about long term effects of this.

EDIT: Top of the page, oops lol


I figure this would be a good place to ask, but I just got a job at a Bob's Discount Furniture warehouse, and I started yesterday. I'm just unloading trucks so I'm constantly picking up and moving things that are 50-200 pounds (some stuff 250, but you don't pick those up directly). This is 8 hours a day doing this non-stop aside from two 15 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch.

Is this absolutely atrocious for my body? I'm sore as hell but thats cause I haven't lifted in awhile, so I expected that. But I just wonder about long term effects of this.

EDIT: Top of the page, oops lol

It will be hell for a little bit but your body will adapt. Definitely make sure to intake a lot of calories right now to make sure your body has adequate resources to recover.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I figure this would be a good place to ask, but I just got a job at a Bob's Discount Furniture warehouse, and I started yesterday. I'm just unloading trucks so I'm constantly picking up and moving things that are 50-200 pounds (some stuff 250, but you don't pick those up directly). This is 8 hours a day doing this non-stop aside from two 15 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch.

Is this absolutely atrocious for my body? I'm sore as hell but thats cause I haven't lifted in awhile, so I expected that. But I just wonder about long term effects of this.

EDIT: Top of the page, oops lol
If you are lifting properly you are getting paid to exercise, so in that sense it is good. Of course packages are not like weights where you can achieve some kind of perfect form, so you should really focus on preventing injuries, especially back injuries. Avoid twisting and jerking motions, and make sure the weight in a package is not going to shift.
Had a intense workout yesterday and it felt good. Wake up today and my nose is running and head is killing me, and it feels like I got hit by a car.

Can't tell if the body hurts from being sick or my workout yesterday. Either way today is a day of rest.
That sounds like the flu. I had it hit me that quick too. Worked out one day, woke up the next morning feeling like I'd been drugged and thrown down a flight of stairs. Get to the doc today. If it's the flu, and they get you some Tamiflu quick enough, you might only be down for a day or two.
Hey, so I've started running again and I'm wondering nose breathing vs mouth breathing. I can't seem to find any definitive answers on which is better, which makes me think it comes down to preference which...isn't helpful.

Currently I breath solely through my nose, because I've heard you inhale deeper or something and it's the more efficient way at getting oxygen. I dunno if it's pseudoscience or not, so I figured I'd ask on here. I'm thinking maybe some combination is the best way? Kind of like when you're swimming and you breath in your nose, breath out your mouth?
FE I need a detailed review of that chicken shell chalupa and how many should I get once I'm inebriated

I think it is fantastic. The chicken shell is crispy and done real well. By default, it doesn't come with any extra meat since the chicken shell acts as your protein. I suggest adding either beef or bacon. Throw in some potatoes or chipotle sauce and are set. That being said, it is 3 bux but I would just get the box so I get a few more tacos and a drink. Ordered an additional chicken shell chalupa cause fuck it and fatmode.

Give is a shot, I love it.


I think it is fantastic. The chicken shell is crispy and done real well. By default, it doesn't come with any extra meat since the chicken shell acts as your protein. That being said, I suggest adding either beef or bacon. Throw in some potatoes or chipotle sauce and are set. That being said, it is 3 bux but I would just get the box so I get a few more tacos and a drink. I ordered the chicken shell chalupa box and an additional chicken shell chalupa plus a few more items.

Give is a shot, I love it.



I think it is fantastic. The chicken shell is crispy and done real well. By default, it doesn't come with any extra meat since the chicken shell acts as your protein. I suggest adding either beef or bacon. Throw in some potatoes or chipotle sauce and are set. That being said, it is 3 bux but I would just get the box so I get a few more tacos and a drink. Ordered an additional chicken shell chalupa cause fuck it and fatmode.

Give is a shot, I love it.

I want this so bad now
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