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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before


No chalk or grip assistance - just an over/under grip. I think I have shorter arms which help on my bench numbers.

Overhead press I've done 1 rep at 160lbs, but that's only on a good day.
I'd def try chalk. That was what always holding my deadlift back. Maybe invest in some liquid chalk if your gym doesn't allow the real thing.
Assuming I've been cutting with 1,800kcal (NET), what do people reckon is a good number for maintenance?

I know it's the sort of thing you would normally just dial in over time, but I only want to use it for 10 days as I'm starting the Tour of Sufferlandria this week and there's no way I could handle it and continue my cut (plus it would be a waste, performance wise).


Assuming I've been cutting with 1,800kcal (NET), what do people reckon is a good number for maintenance?

I know it's the sort of thing you would normally just dial in over time, but I only want to use it for 10 days as I'm starting the Tour of Sufferlandria this week and there's no way I could handle it and continue my cut (plus it would be a waste, performance wise).

Seems reasonable. I just don't suddenly want to put on weight when I'm desperate to actually get this cut over and done with. lol

Might try 2,300. Should be enough extra to help, but not so much as to start a mini bulk. ;)

My PRs:
Squat: 255x5 (I could go higher but I get crippling headaches when squatting, so I had to tune it down a bit.) with belt, 225x5 raw.
Bench: 225x1
Deadlift: 335x2 with belt and straps, 305x1 raw.

Beth Cyra

I started using creatine last night and was just wondering a few things.

Do you all take a scoop with each protein shake? (I do one before and after my work outs) or just a scoop in the morning?
Seems reasonable. I just don't suddenly want to put on weight when I'm desperate to actually get this cut over and done with. lol

Might try 2,300. Should be enough extra to help, but not so much as to start a mini bulk. ;)


Depending on how long the event is. You might want to try Carb cycling too.

Modify your macros so your getting something like 60% - 70% of your calories from carbs the day before the race.

Should give you nice sustained energy to help you through it.


I started using creatine last night and was just wondering a few things.

Do you all take a scoop with each protein shake? (I do one before and after my work outs) or just a scoop in the morning?

I don't think timing matters with creatine. I believe it just boils down to daily quantity.

It's 10 days of mini races basically. I do actually already carb cycle (and carb load for my 12hr+ events), but as I don't technically have any days off any more, it doesn't actually make much difference. lol

...and yes, creatine is taken at any time. I remember some fitness youtuber saying that they could tell the difference in the quality of the creatine based on how they felt in the workout the first time after taking it. Needless to say I didn't watch another one of their vids. :D
oh cool. how is it so far?

it's interesting going to the gym 5 days a week, but I like it because my usual 3x a week has me missing the gym on my off days.

Heavy squats and deads were challenging, but bench days have been pretty easy. Looking at next week in the .csv, looks like it's about to get way harder. But, if I made my way through Smolov I can do this!
it's interesting going to the gym 5 days a week, but I like it because my usual 3x a week has me missing the gym on my off days.

Heavy squats and deads were challenging, but bench days have been pretty easy. Looking at next week in the .csv, looks like it's about to get way harder. But, if I made my way through Smolov I can do this!
Awesome. I go 5x but I didn't have any real schedule so I was probably overdoing it or under. So its good for me to try this out and see how it goes.


Job interview on Tuesday, fingers crossed might be putting overnight shift behind me soon.
I started using creatine last night and was just wondering a few things.

Do you all take a scoop with each protein shake? (I do one before and after my work outs) or just a scoop in the morning?
just get 3- 5grams a day total and you re fine. Timing does zilch.

Yassssss. I fucking love swimming. Such a great way to recover but still get a workout in. Very meditative too.
Swimming is awesome, will definitely be doing it more now.


I started using creatine last night and was just wondering a few things.

Do you all take a scoop with each protein shake? (I do one before and after my work outs) or just a scoop in the morning?

I just take a 5g scoop straight in my mouth and wash it down with water.
Does anyone here have any experience with fasting/intermittent fasting? I'm thinking about trying it for lent, and also doing some light training as I do so.
Double bodyweight deadlift, and it wasn't even ugly.


(For those unaware, I injured my back three times last year and sustained two broken ribs. It's been more than a year since I've done these sorts of numbers.)

Does anyone here have any experience with fasting/intermittent fasting? I'm thinking about trying it for lent, and also doing some light training as I do so.

I've been doing it more than three years (I actually forget exactly when I started). What would you like to know?
Does anyone here have any experience with fasting/intermittent fasting? I'm thinking about trying it for lent, and also doing some light training as I do so.

I don't know about fasting but intermittent fasting worked great when I did it. I always felt like I had more energy and rarely felt hungry. Plus when you finally eat I'm be afternoon you have lots of calories up your sleeve and you can go all out.

My GF loves breakfast though so we usually try and eat it together now so I've stopped. Highly recommend it though.
Well I either eat at 17:00 and then train at 19:00 (Cycling, Turbo Trainer) or I train at 17:00 then eat about 19:30 (Weights / Mobility Work). I don't eat between 01:00 and those times.

As for what I eat... pretty much the same as everyone who isn't keto here, possibly a little higher than most for carbs because of the high heart rate cycling training.

I do ~0.8g protein per lb of bodyweight, ~0.4g of fat per lb of bodyweight a day. I eat more carbs on workout days... but I workout 7 days a week these days, so that's irrelevant. lol

Throughout the day, just coffee and water.


Came home after a super long and stressful day at work (11+ hours), wife just wants to lay down since she's tired from the pregnancy, so we just lay down and talk till 1230am. She goes to sleep, I'm over half asleep but get up, hit the home gym and knock out 225x2 on bench nice and clean. Sometimes you just have to get in there and things go well.

I would never be able to do any of this without the home gym. Worth every single penny. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise.

Even better when you have a roommate that lifts with you!
I'm reasonably certain anyone I had to live with would be murdered within the first two weeks. My wife gets a pass because we're married... but only just. :D
Candiro 6W program. W1D1

I want to die.

Re squats. I haven't done 6 reps on a working set in awhile so this was rough lol

Deadlift felt like ass. Especially trying to do it after squats lol


Nice workout tonight, I dialed back my squats just cause I had been struggling with them so badly. Did 265x3 tonight super easy. I had a lot more in the tank but I am happy making good progress and wanted to do heavy shrugs for more trap work.

With that, ive finished another 3/5/1 session in record time. I will likely take tomorrow off due to an engagement party, but I'll be back on a whole new session starting Sunday.


Finally got 300lbs on deadlift tonight. If only my bench would show improvement. Hopefully my extra plates come in tomorrow too.


Tried out the 24 hour facility for the new gym I joined. (I drove past it everyday not knowing it was 24 hrs...) It's like the tardis man, the front is a small unimpressive commercial gym, tucked all the way in the back is a huge and badass strength training area. Tons of racks, benches, weights, deadlift jack on a oly platform, and even chains. Holy moly.
Crazy how much difference a few more calories makes. Even with the increased volume I've gone from feeling beaten up to feeling energised and ready to go.
I always take a day off between sessions, as many people have advised me.

I'm taking a break from work lately, so i'm basically always home.
I 'm not stressed, eat very weel, sleep like a baby...
Yesterday i did squat, OHP, overhead extensions. meet my goals, no problems.
Today i feel super fine. Been like that since i'm on vacation in fact.
A bit sore of course (shoulders,always), but nothing crazy.

My question is , should i break my routine and train everyday for my next week of vacation? And maybe see if i can carry on when i'll get back to work?
Or is it definitely a no and i must stick to my initial program and rest?

And i'm so bored and pumped up all the time >_> I'm here on my couch and miring my barbell, thinking "why wait tomorrow for deadlift? DO IT NOW"
In short, no. Your program as is likely doesn't allow for you to work out every day.

If you feel like working out every day, find a program that's specifically made for it (usually some sort of bro-split but also push pull routines).


Didn't have time for a long run today, but I ran 5 miles at a 7:05 pace somehow. That's a serious PR improvement for me. Saweeeet!
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