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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before

various nootropics, vitamins, creatine, other stuff

i'm 33yo, i wanna be shredded out of my mind like wolverine ~ i do so to stave the pains from various injuries i've accumulated over the years


You do know that it's common knowledge Jackman was heavy into dat dere while shooting those movies? I don't think it's possible to get this shredded natty.

Anyway, still got my respect. Nothing I love more than people who have passion for something and put their heart and soul into it.

I'm not much unlike you by the way. Also trying to get as shredded as possible but given at how much weight I've lost and how clean my diet is I at the point where I don't think it's possible without juice. Still gonna work on it though until the day I die.

Was hitting the gym as well today. It was so fucking hot I could barely finish my training... Summer's in full force around here.


You do know that it's common knowledge Jackman was heavy into dat dere while shooting those movies? I don't think it's possible to get this shredded natty.

Anyway, still got my respect. Nothing I love more than people who have passion for something and put their heart and soul into it.

I'm not much unlike you by the way. Also trying to get as shredded as possible but given at how much weight I've lost and how clean my diet is I at the point where I don't think it's possible without juice. Still gonna work on it though until the day I die.

Was hitting the gym as well today. It was so fucking hot I could barely finish my training... Summer's in full force around here.

yeah i'm aware, they all juice

i'm not against it


about to row and cycle and elliptical for 3 hours, will shit post on gaf while i shred

fasting for 72 hours now, just had some coffee and a b12 injection
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about to pull up and sit up and squat and push up until i puke spiders

running an iv drip right now, doing grip strength crushers while i wait

got some black metal going to get ready, all outta chalk tho, gotta go to home depot later

outta injection cartridges, outta hulk loads too, gonna have to hit up amazon after the pump
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about to pull up and sit up and squat and push up until i puke spiders

running an iv drip right now, doing grip strength crushers while i wait

got some black metal going to get ready, all outta chalk tho, gotta go to home depot later

outta injection cartridges, outta hulk loads too, gonna have to hit up amazon after the pump
You need post a pic of your gains man.

God Enel

I honestly think situps and crunches are a waste of time. Never doing them. Don't see the benefits. Leg raises lying/hanging/on dip bars.. around the worlds, toes to bar and so on are way better.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Oh for sure. I would love that life, but sadly I live in the city, and I can't stand all the noise and people. It's gross.

Totally opposite for me. I grew up in the country and hated it. Going on two decades in big cities (DC/Baltimore and then Atlanta) and could never go back. I'm not a people person really, but don't mind the noise. I'm not into nature/outdoors stuff much at all though and love good restaurants, bars, shows, concerts, museums etc. If I was into nature and/or more of a homebody I'd probably opt for at least a smaller city, but I doubt my wife and I could both find decent jobs outside of major metro areas.
Just ran for the first time in 2 months. I’ve suddenly got a lot of free time on my hands and I’m not going to let it go to waste!

2 miles at 10:50 per mile isn’t too bad to get back at it. I’ll be getting it like Tesseract Tesseract in no time!! 😘
Curious to hear what others take (as far as supplements go), and why you take them. I've been on a general regimen of Magnesium and Vit. C (daily) and Zinc (occasionally). I recently added B12 (thanks Tesseract Tesseract ).

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Curious to hear what others take (as far as supplements go), and why you take them. I've been on a general regimen of Magnesium and Vit. C (daily) and Zinc (occasionally). I recently added B12 (thanks Tesseract Tesseract ).

Multivitamin-self explanatory more or less. Make sure I get the vitamins etc I need as I don’t always eat the most balanced diet.

Vitamin D-I’m pasty and can’t get s lot of sun without burning and have skin cancer history in the family so doctor said to take this.

Vitamin C-idk if I need more than the multivitamin, but I seem to get sick less after adding it so I’ve stuck with it. I can’t do much citrus due to acide reflux.

Glucosamine and Chondroiton-joint/cartilidge repair and maintenance. Have taken for years and helped my knee pain. One of the few supplements with soldmresea ch evidence.

Citrucel-fiber to help with my IBS and other digestive issues.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Finally got back in the gym today. Yesterday was one month post surgery to fix my torn bicep tendon and I had to give it that long. I can't do anything upperbody for a long while still (believe I'll start rehab in 2 months, but have a follow up Friday and will know more then), so just did some leg machines and then took the brace off (to not get it all sweaty) and walked on the treadmill at 4mph for 30 minutes, holding onto the heart rate sensor handle to keep the arm supported.

On a bad note, I'm having some other health issues. The prescription Aleve (Naproxen) didn't do my stomach/liver any favors after drinking too much the first half of this year. I didn't drink while taking it, but stopped it and had some drinks with friends in town the weekend before last and have had a lot of stomach discomfort and kind of a dull ache in the liver area. I haven't drank or taken the Naproxen or any other pain meds since the 30th and it's gotten better, but still bothersome. On top of that I felt a little headachy and slightly nauseous last night and this morning and thought to check my blood sugar (my mom randomly gave me a testing kit years ago when she got diagnosed with diabetes--hadn't checked in years) and that came out to 111 which is firmly in the pre-diabetic zone for a fasting blood test. I'll test the next few days and see where it goes.

I have a physical scheduled for early August with my PCP at Kaiser, didn't have any earlier appointments. I'm going to give it a few days and if not better (and definitely if worse) I'll hit the Kaiser Urgent Care and see if they'll run some bloodwork. Hitting 40 sucks!
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get better dude, gotta be careful with alcohol and pills at any age

i'm sorta taking a break from fitness for a week, several injuries have flared up and need time to heal

my ex said she'd give me a full body massage this weekend, looking forward to that
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Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Good on you for taking a break. Risk of over training and injury is high as hard as you’ve been going.
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Mooshie, you’re right about turning 40! I hope you feel better quickly and things are good on your labs.

I went from 260+Lbs down to 175-180 from 38-39/40 and have mostly maintained that since. These last few months going through some personal struggles I’ve stopped exercising and began eating my emotions like I used to. I’m at 205 today and it feels pretty crappy to be above that 200 mark. It was a difficult one to break and I swore I’d never go back. Welp it’s time to get back at it now.

I ran a couple more miles today. Pushed it more and was gassed toward the end which is where I should be. Now it’s the slow process of rebuilding.


This 2 month break I’m coming back from is the longest I’ve taken over the last 4 years. I’m feeling pretty good all things considered.

Curious to hear what others take (as far as supplements go), and why you take them. I've been on a general regimen of Magnesium and Vit. C (daily) and Zinc (occasionally). I recently added B12 (thanks Tesseract Tesseract ).

I take magnesium, potassium, b complex and fish oil regularly. I’ve been running for years and I feel like I have less muscle issues (soreness, tightness, cramping) when taking magnesium and potassium regularly.

The B complex we’re taking right now has a nice blend of things but I don’t really feel like I notice any difference in energy or anything like that. I am a caffeine addict which I imagine could interfere with any energy gains the B supplement might bring.

Fish oil is of course great for the heart and joints as well.


well if you're eating meat regularly you don't really need any, maybe b12, magnesium, zinc, fish oil (use cod)

otherwise just take a centrum daily, it's got everything you need

supples are kinda overrated i find, pick a shredded celebrity close to your genetic profile and replicate their diet, that's the secret cheat to getting healthy quick

fish oil for heart health, joints, tendons
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Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Which supplements would you recommend? I don’t know shit about it? What’s fish oil good for?

As Off Duty Ninja said above, fish oil is for Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Those are good for heart healthy and joint maintenance/pain relief. Alternatively, you can eat more fish, avocados and other food sources rich in Omega 3s. It's always best to get nutrients from food than supplements as they absorb better, but it can be tough to get enough of certain things like Omega 3s, and some sources like Avocado are pretty high calorie so not ideal to eat at ton if trying to lose weight. Better than empty calories of course, but still can make it tougher to keep a calorie deficit.
I got up and put in a 5k this morning. My body is doing surprisingly well in regards to soreness. My pace isn’t where I’d like it but I really want to push my distance right now to build my endurance back up. I’d like to get back to my long run being a 10k with 2-4 mile runs through the week.

In regards to strength, I’m just easing into pushups doing a couple sets of 15 a day. I have shoulder issues that have flared up with the weight gain. I also try to do a minute plank and 25-30 squats. I have a pull up bar on my back porch and can only do about 5 right now but I’ll get that back up. When I installed it a couple years ago I couldn’t even do 1! 😂

What’re you up to today fitGAF?

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I'm 14 days into an (interrupted) fast, with an evening meal every 2-3 days. Dropped some pudgy weight and I feel so clear-headed. Body soreness after exercising goes away faster. Sleep is deeper. I think I'll push this stretch (currently 2 days) until Sunday, then slowly get back into a normal eating routine.
I'm 14 days into an (interrupted) fast, with an evening meal every 2-3 days. Dropped some pudgy weight and I feel so clear-headed. Body soreness after exercising goes away faster. Sleep is deeper. I think I'll push this stretch (currently 2 days) until Sunday, then slowly get back into a normal eating routine.

What's your routine for fasting? I've been doing 16:8 intermittent fasting for a couple years now (but that slipped really bad along with everything else these last couple months) and it really helps maintain and lose weight for me. I usually break fast at noon and wrap up the eating between 6 and 8 in the evening.

I love running in the morning while fasting, I don't crash and I feel energized afterwards. I'm sure running properly fueled would make the runs a little easier/faster but I like the effects running while fasting has on my metabolism and energy.
What's your routine for fasting? I've been doing 16:8 intermittent fasting for a couple years now (but that slipped really bad along with everything else these last couple months) and it really helps maintain and lose weight for me. I usually break fast at noon and wrap up the eating between 6 and 8 in the evening.

I love running in the morning while fasting, I don't crash and I feel energized afterwards. I'm sure running properly fueled would make the runs a little easier/faster but I like the effects running while fasting has on my metabolism and energy.
I try to mix it up to prevent the body getting too accustomed to the fast. When I break the fast I exercise as much as I can that day.

Normal routine is one meal every 24 hours. That meal is in the evening nowadays but I'd like to get back to morning meals because I think it's far better overall. I don't really consider my one-a-day meal a fast anymore because my body got used to it. Pushing my meal to the following morning (~36 hours) or to a two-day fast is also pretty normal and easy for me at this point.

Once you get used to two day fasts, you can easily do a full week or longer. Those initial 48 hours are the worst. Avoid carbs/sugar before and after fasting if you want easy-mode. Seriously, most of the cravings associated with fasting come from your brain wanting carbs.

I drink tea and water during the fast. The calories from milk, juice, pop, etc still count. Plain coffee should be okay but I'm not a coffee drinker. Sometimes I mix in some raw cacao (sunscreen) and/or dried mushroom powder. That's about 50 calories so technically I'm breaking my fast, but the body burns through it rather quickly and I never noticed it making a difference.

I also do deep-breathing exercises and cold training (showers, ice baths, polar plunge, etc) to improve the body's oxygen capacity (I'm sure there's a more official term). Fasting is nice but the body quickly becomes accustomed to it if you don't have other stressors pushing you.
I try to mix it up to prevent the body getting too accustomed to the fast. When I break the fast I exercise as much as I can that day.

Normal routine is one meal every 24 hours. That meal is in the evening nowadays but I'd like to get back to morning meals because I think it's far better overall. I don't really consider my one-a-day meal a fast anymore because my body got used to it. Pushing my meal to the following morning (~36 hours) or to a two-day fast is also pretty normal and easy for me at this point.

Once you get used to two day fasts, you can easily do a full week or longer. Those initial 48 hours are the worst. Avoid carbs/sugar before and after fasting if you want easy-mode. Seriously, most of the cravings associated with fasting come from your brain wanting carbs.

I drink tea and water during the fast. The calories from milk, juice, pop, etc still count. Plain coffee should be okay but I'm not a coffee drinker. Sometimes I mix in some raw cacao (sunscreen) and/or dried mushroom powder. That's about 50 calories so technically I'm breaking my fast, but the body burns through it rather quickly and I never noticed it making a difference.

I also do deep-breathing exercises and cold training (showers, ice baths, polar plunge, etc) to improve the body's oxygen capacity (I'm sure there's a more official term). Fasting is nice but the body quickly becomes accustomed to it if you don't have other stressors pushing you.

Thanks for sharing! I've done keto before and am fully aware of our body's addiction to carbs. A lot of things I used to blame on dairy like sinus congestion, increased allergy symptoms, colds more often, etc. I realized were from carbs and not dairy once I was deep in ketosis. I never got sick or even really noticed my seasonal allergies.

I'd really like to try a multi day fast. Currently I am fighting the cravings during my intermittent fasting because I really let that slide and was binging on ALL the sugar. :messenger_tears_of_joy: Once I'm adjusted back to 16:8 I'll try scaling my hours back until I can do a full 24 hours.

In regards to the cold and breathing training, are there any good resources online? I've heard of the wim hof stuff but if you're familiar with some good youtube channels, blogs or podcasts on the subject I would really love to learn more. I want to increase my oxygen capacity too!
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