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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before


That feel when almost every day lunches at work are catered because you in a 4 hour meeting and you sitting over on the side eating grilled chicken breast, broccoli, and brown rice :(

Today was pizza.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
That feel when almost every day lunches at work are catered because you in a 4 hour meeting and you sitting over on the side eating grilled chicken breast, broccoli, and brown rice :(

Today was pizza.

It's a damn good feeling if you ask me.

In my situation at least, the majority of the people eating their catered sandwiches and pizzas, etc. during lunch meetings are typically overweight and sickly, and I know that what they're eating is directly contributing to that.
That feel when you see brolic's new farmers walk gear on facebook and realise that you'd struggle to lift it without any weights on it. lol
Lol. How bad to you have to be fucking up to be lifting and get no enjoyment from it?

I hate lifting, always have. I do it because it's good for me (well, arguably). I've never really understood how people can associate that "I can barely fucking lift this, this is agony" feeling with enjoyment.

It's odd though, I don't get an endorphin release from cycling either... I've never got that "high" from exercise.


Video is kind of shit and it was ugly but I hit a PR clean at 275 today. Pretty stoked. Also hit 265 bench this morning at 5am and also a PR. Good day.


Nice man!

My supper, hotdogs are like 300cal each..

I'm so glad you're back posting epic meals

That feel when almost every day lunches at work are catered because you in a 4 hour meeting and you sitting over on the side eating grilled chicken breast, broccoli, and brown rice :(

Today was pizza.

That's like me, except my co workers are mostly overweight and pretend they barely eat so meetings turn into me with a giant lunch of rice and fish and them eating scraps.

I know it's a bit early, but when you guys are looking for the next thread title do be sure to check here for ideas:


I've been going in. I can't avoid an OT fitness thread.
Haha damn what did y'all do to poor Burrito that he goes into every fitness thread just to trash this community

He's full of shit anyway. I don't think I've ever had anyone saying that what I do with my endurance shit is pointless and that I should spend my time lifting (I've had people say it's detrimental to gains, but then in reality it can be).

I think almost everyone in here is supportive of anyone getting activity, no matter what it is. Sure, lifting is advised, but there definitely isn't a mentality of GET BIG OR GTFO.


Anyone here ever do a physique or bodybuilding show? I'm getting serious about doing one next year, but have questions about prep.


Just saw the Sean thread. Shitposts and all that aside.. Sean you look exactly like my prepress teacher. So thanks for making me think about gains instead of the topic at hand during my exam tomorrow.


I hate lifting, always have. I do it because it's good for me (well, arguably). I've never really understood how people can associate that "I can barely fucking lift this, this is agony" feeling with enjoyment.

It's odd though, I don't get an endorphin release from cycling either... I've never got that "high" from exercise.

Well now I feel bad. Lifting and running both make me feel great. I can't go more than a day without doing one of them.


That feel when you see brolic's new farmers walk gear on facebook and realise that you'd struggle to lift it without any weights on it. lol



Brian Burke punched my mom
Ditched whey and just use PB in my shakes now since it's dirt cheap, so calorie dense..

720c+/24p+ -8+ tbsp PB
390c -3 tbsp coconut oil
720c/24p -2cups oats
100c -Large Banana
10g creatine
750ml-1L water


Trying to get to 155 from 172 doing basic isolated lifts with dumbbells and 1-2 days good cardio. I'm down to 167 and have no idea if I'm losing fat or muscle but I'm really trying not to lose muscle. So far no more definition than before. Eating 1800 calories with a 45/35/25 macro split.



Trying to get to 155 from 172 doing basic isolated lifts with dumbbells and 1-2 days good cardio. I'm down to 167 and have no idea if I'm losing fat or muscle but I'm really trying not to lose muscle. So far no more definition than before. Eating 1800 calories with a 45/35/25 macro split.


It can be surprising how much weight needs to be lost to see definition. Obviously, it depends what your composition is like at the beginning, but 5 lbs for most people is going to be basically unnoticeable. Hell, a lot of what is lost in the beginning isn't fat OR muscle, it's reduced bowel/stomach contents.

Main thing is to not let the slow progress of the mirror be discouraging.


335 bench last week to 350 this week.
If I ever make gym friends maybe I'll ask someone to film me.

Gym friends. Just do what I do.

1. Place phone on a level elevated surface.
2. Place support to keep phone upright.
3. Get properly set up.
4. Breathe in and lower the weight.
5. Exhale as you press the weight up.
6. Get your phone.
7. Realize that you forgot to press Record.
8. Assume fetal position.
Hey guys, I've decided it's time I started taking my health and weight seriously but when I go to the gym I have no idea what I'm doing.

I'm currently 5'7 somewhere between 180-200lbs and I eat terribly which has given me a gut and man boobs. I can't stand looking at this in the mirror anymore and desperately need a change. I have a gym membership and plan on using it more but like I said I have no idea what to do when I get there. Some dietary help would be good as well but I've been doing some research on that and I might be good but some advice would still be appreciated.
Thanks in advance guys

Current Training Schedule:Haven't started yet
Current Training Equipment Available:gym membership
Quoting for new page.
Quoting for new page.

It's a bit of a how long is a piece of string sort of thing to answer... but as a general rule I'd say your starting point needs to be to record what you eat for a week or two (don't change anything, just record it) in something like MyFitnessPal. You can then use that as a baseline and work out what's best to cut out of your diet (there will be plenty you can live without, without feeling like you're starving yourself) and what habits to change.

As for working out, either Starting Strength or Stronglifts 5x5 are good places to begin. Details (and a shitload of other useful info) in the OP.

Unrelated... this was fairly amusing. 22 ridiculous exercise trends
Aren't there studies supporting that?

There are studies supporting everything, and there are studies disproving those studies. It all comes down to how well the studies were performed, and the difference between good and bad studies can be HUGE.

The "don't eat after Xpm" thing is generally based on the fact that you tend to make stupid food decisions late at night, not on any meaningful biological difference in how we digest food late at night / when we're sleeping. On an isocalorific basis, there's no significant difference.

(See also the old broscience of 6 meals a day vs 1 or 3 or whatever. Also, breakfast vs not.)
The "don't eat after Xpm" thing is generally based on the fact that you tend to make stupid food decisions late at night, not on any meaningful biological difference in how we digest food late at night / when we're sleeping.

Not all of the, though:

Two recent studies have shed new light on the potential impact of timing. In a study of 420 overweight or obese people published in 2013, those who ate their major meal after 3 p.m. lost less weight during a 20-week weight-loss program than those who ate that main meal before 3 p.m. — even when the amount they ate, slept and exercised was the same.

“This is the first study to show that eating later in the day . . . makes people lose less weight, and lose it slower,” even when the amount people ate, slept and exercised was the same, says the study’s lead author, Marta Garaulet, a professor of physiology at the University of Murcia in Spain. “It shows that eating late impairs the success of weight-loss therapy.” In the 2013 study, the early eaters lost 22 pounds, the late eaters only 17.

In a subsequent small study of healthy women published this year, Garaulet and her team showed that when participants ate lunch after 4:30 p.m., they burned fewer calories while resting and digesting their food than they did when they ate at 1 p.m. — even though the calories consumed and level of activity was the same.

What’s more, when the participants ate late, they couldn’t metabolize, or burn off, carbohydrates as well as when they ate earlier. They also had decreased glucose tolerance, which can lead to diabetes. (The two-week study did not track whether the women gained or lost weight.)

It doesn't sound like there have been a lot of studies about this particular topic, at least none definitive, so I'm not sure why "lol @ no eating after 7pm".
Not all of the, though:

It doesn't sound like there have been a lot of studies about this particular topic, at least none definitive, so I'm not sure why "lol @ no eating after 7pm".
Becausw your body is not a combustion engine using the fuel as it whips by the fuel rails into the combustion chamber.

The nutrients you consume are processed and absorbed first.

Your metabolic rate, when you exercise and how long you keep the fires burning makes a difference.

If any of this were true - those doing IF would be losing countless slabs of muscle not feeding their bodies throughout the day and often only eating after they lift - breaking down muscle tissue to use for energy working out on a fast.

That doesn't happen like you think it would.

Here's the trick with "studies" - if you are looking for a specific reaction, you will setup the study to get that reaction.

An MIT professor (correct me on that) did a study showing you can lose weight eating nothing but Twinkies.

Should we all now go on a Twinkie eating diet?
It doesn't sound like there have been a lot of studies about this particular topic, at least none definitive, so I'm not sure why "lol @ no eating after 7pm".
Again, see breakfast vs no breakfast.

Two things that have definitively been proven are...

1: If you tell someone they're in a study about food, they automatically start to watch what they eat.

2: If you change someone's eating routine, their metabolism changes and they lose weight in the short term.

I can't be arsed finding them at the moment, but I know of three peer reviewed studies on isocalorific nutrient timing that show no effect in the long term.

Edit - ...and I've just noticed that both of those studies above are free living studies with very limited monitoring. No way to know if people actually stuck to their diets or not (now this could mean that they continued to make bad food choices late in the day, but that wasn't my original argument). Plus the first of the two wasn't even measuring weight loss.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Not all of the, though:

It doesn't sound like there have been a lot of studies about this particular topic, at least none definitive, so I'm not sure why "lol @ no eating after 7pm".

The findings and conclusions are ridiculous.

Two recent studies have shed new light on the potential impact of timing. In a study of 420 overweight or obese people published in 2013, those who ate their major meal after 3 p.m. lost less weight during a 20-week weight-loss program than those who ate that main meal before 3 p.m. — even when the amount they ate, slept and exercised was the same.

There is no reason to expect any kind of physiological mechanism merely from these findings. And yet:

“This is the first study to show that eating later in the day . . . makes people lose less weight, and lose it slower,” even when the amount people ate, slept and exercised was the same, says the study’s lead author, Marta Garaulet, a professor of physiology at the University of Murcia in Spain. “It shows that eating late impairs the success of weight-loss therapy.” In the 2013 study, the early eaters lost 22 pounds, the late eaters only 17.

The quote right there uses "makes," implying some kind of causation. It's nonsense, and there's too much of it in nutritional studies. That's totally besides the fact that the physiological makeup of obese people and non-obese people are quite different, so applying findings in either group to the other is, again, nonsense.
I have an admission to make fitness GAF...

...I've eaten peanut butter and raspberry jam every single day this week. I still don't like it on its own, but I may very well be converted to it with jam. It's even the good stuff without any additions!


I have an admission to make fitness GAF...

...I've eaten peanut butter and raspberry jam every single day this week. I still don't like it on its own, but I may very well be converted to it with jam. It's even the good stuff without any additions!

Now THIS is worth of the 50-post, top-of-page curse! Yasssss


I have an admission to make fitness GAF...

...I've eaten peanut butter and raspberry jam every single day this week. I still don't like it on its own, but I may very well be converted to it with jam. It's even the good stuff without any additions!


You have seen the way, the truth and the light my son
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