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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before

This might be a stupid question. So I've started the 5x5 routine, and just very recently started lifting my own body weight, 160lbs (I started at 115 lbs on May 18th)

My question is;

I've just started feeling a lot of uncomfortable pressure on the very bottom of my lower back. Like the last part of my spine. I mostly feel it when I break parallel.

Is this indicative of bad form, lifting heavier weights, or something else entirely?


I can so relate with this. I'm a bit smaller, so usually looking for American small or medium sizes, but finding t-shirts and shirts in general that fit well is an exercise in frustration. No issue with pants for the most part.

I really like the fit of uniqlo shirts. Mediums fit me perfectly
Hello FitGaf, looking for some thoughts or advice.

I'm doing starting strength. Have been for a while, and I generally enjoy the program.

My problem is that I have genetically weak tendons. If I run for a couple weeks regularly I get shin splints. I have been able to conquer these in the past and through a series of what is basically doing toe raises until lactic acid meant I couldn't do anymore multiple times a night, soaking in hot water, wearing sleeves while running, massages to the area was able to conquer them. I don't know what helped and what was placebo, but ultimately it worked. I took a couple months of for a foot injury and am fighting that fight again, but this is something different.

In the past I got forearm tendinitis from doing curls with a barbell, so I cut that shit out years ago.

My problem now is that I have some pretty severe tendinitis in my elbows. I get it in both, but it is worse in my left, and arises there first, to the point that my left is always the limiting factor. Basically its this pain just above my elbow, on the outside of my upper arm. As for treatment I wear sleeves pretty much all the time, as pressure seems to help.

As I built my bench up to above 200 and then to 225 it became a more serious problem. It got to the point where I would wear a sleeve and wrap in voodoo floss bands and I could push it, but not without pain.

The major problem, as I'm willing to work through pain, is that it gets to the point where it collapses. Specifically, I've worked through this a couple times, took a few sessions off and got back in. Recently I took a couple weeks off, and I felt good for a week before it slowly crept back. To the point today on my first rep my left elbow collapsed as soon as it took some of the weight of the rep, and I couldn't put the bar back up.

So what I'm asking is, does anyone have any advice on equipment I can use to help, supplements to help, exercises to strengthen the area, or alternatives that work the chest that may not put so much stress on the elbow, so I don't end up underdeveloped in the chest? Or do I just need to take the rest, and maybe reduce the weight dramatically, and build up incredibly slowly, even though the actual weight may be very easy to bench.

tl:dr: My elbow gets bad tendinitis, especially noticeable in bench press. My arm will actually collapse and I can't push the weight without heavily wrapping the area up. Looking for advice on how to deal with it. Hopefully without just quitting
The major problem, as I'm willing to work through pain, is that it gets to the point where it collapses. Specifically, I've worked through this a couple times, took a few sessions off and got back in. Recently I took a couple weeks off, and I felt good for a week before it slowly crept back. To the point today on my first rep my left elbow collapsed as soon as it took some of the weight of the rep, and I couldn't put the bar back up.

Dear lord, 'working through the pain' is like the shitty advice you get from a high school gym teacher/coach. You ought to stop immediately. Either that, or you can let your injury stop you completely with time.

Anyways, I have(had?) the same problem on the opposite side of my elbow so I don't know how much my advice will help you. But, you should stop any exercise that strains that portion of your elbow immediately. You'll want 2 weeks of complete rest (switch between ice and a compression sleeve), and about half a week in you can schedule with physio/chiro/whoever can do active release massage on your elbow. After a session or two you should understand how to massage your elbow to relieve the tension and pain.

After a week or two of that (more if you still feel aching in your elbow from simply existing), you can move onto rehab and strengthening. Do these 3 exercises at least 3 days a week, high volume and light weight. All you really want is increased blood flow to the area. Progress in weight when you feel that you can do it easily with zero pain or tension:

Wrist Extension
Wrist Flexion
Hammer Turns/Supination

After doing that for a while, you'll want to reset your bench press (probably shoulder press too) to almost nothing. Again, doing high volume with very little weight to gauge your recovery progress. Also you'll want to do the 3 exercises above before AND after any part of your program that strains your elbows (lighter at the beginning to warm up).

Another thing, some people might recommend stretches for the forearm/elbow. I recommend otherwise. It usually makes things worse unless it's done near the end of your rehab period, and even then it doesn't really seem to help.

All the while, you can pray that you haven't turned this into a permanent, chronic condition. If you did, you'll want to seek professional help and see if they need to surgically fix you because you've messed it up beyond any sort of normal repair. I'd say you should look into this option if you see next to no improvement over 2 months of following the above and not doing anything else ridiculous to your elbows.

edit: Oh yeah, you can also take glucosamine/chondroitin/msm. It usually comes in some sort of combination tablet if you look hard enough at the drugstores. It helps, but I dunno which compound is actually helping in that mix. However, it's relatively cheap so...might as well just have it all dumped into a tablet. I still take it to this day.
99% of all elbow tendonitis (tennis/golfer's elbow) is caused by LACK of ELASTICITY in the forearms putting too much strain on a single area.

You'll roll, you'll massage, you'll stretch everything but your forearms.

Wraps won't do much.


I have tennis elbow in both arms. I occasionally still feel a tad bit of pain but I've dramatically reduced it simply by stretching them every day.

Also take a smooth, thin, non sharp object and DRAG it (not roll) across the forearms to break up scar tissue.

I use a screwdriver or butter knife. I prefer the round screwdriver as it creates less friction on the skin. You can use some lotion or the like to grease the surface.

Simple stretches - arms out, palms up, make a fist and curl it towards you - at the apex of the squeeze curl your wrist, fist balled, towards you - you will feel the outside of your forearm stretch.

Inside - arms out, palms up, fingers pointed out - now rotate your wrist down and point your fingers to the ground so that your open palm is facing away from you (don't pronate, keep it supinated) to stretch the inside of your forearm.

Stretch while you drive, watch TV, on the shitter, anywhere and anytime - keep them stretched.

Stretch stretch stretch.

As elasticity returns your pain will begin to subside but the area may still be sore. You will need time to heal.

NEVER work through the pain unless it's absolutely minimal.


Another 1.8 down this week. Gonna toss in a minor cheat today. Maybe 3500 calories. Keep my brain in check after witnessing 2 glorious days of BBQ and not partaking. Nothing crazy, will still keep my macro ratios in check but the cut is going fab.


Yea I would rest it for a couple weeks and I know how much that sucks because any time I've rested an injury I've hated not being at the gym but then there have been times where I didn't rest it and worked around it only to delay eventually needing to rest it or make it worse. Definitely roll out everything around the elbow in the meantime: forearms, bis and tris.


So a few weeks ago some people here suggested I start benching heavy at 4 sets 2 reps each and increase the weight by 10 each week after I said I hit a plateau at 165. I've gone up to 205 but I think this is my limit for now. I can only really do like 1 and a half reps at 205 and they're not very low especially the second one, hence the half. Should I keep at it at 205 or should I go back to 195 for another week to build up some strength?


So a few weeks ago some people here suggested I start benching heavy at 4 sets 2 reps each and increase the weight by 10 each week after I said I hit a plateau at 165. I've gone up to 205 but I think this is my limit for now. I can only really do like 1 and a half reps at 205 and they're not very low especially the second one, hence the half. Should I keep at it at 205 or should I go back to 195 for another week to build up some strength?

I'd go back 85ish% and build back up, while trying to break rep PRs on the way.

Also keep doing back off sets at lower weight. Volume volume volume
Warning the below might get a teensy unpleasant.

Has anyone experienced blood in their stool after biking? Ive picked up a spin class and noticed after 3 classes there was blood when going to the bathroom. Not dark blood like it came from my intestinrs, but bright red blood. Its not so much in the stool as it seems to be coming from in or near the anus. Theres no pain really either. I did a search online and saw it could be I need a better seat. Anyone want to share an experience?


Warning the below might get a teensy unpleasant.

Has anyone experienced blood in their stool after biking? Ive picked up a spin class and noticed after 3 classes there was blood when going to the bathroom. Not dark blood like it came from my intestinrs, but bright red blood. Its not so much in the stool as it seems to be coming from in or near the anus. Theres no pain really either. I did a search online and saw it could be I need a better seat. Anyone want to share an experience?

Yes you have fissures in your butt hole. Happened to me when I first started squatting.

My doctor gave me a stool softener and they eventually went away.


Warning the below might get a teensy unpleasant.

Has anyone experienced blood in their stool after biking? Ive picked up a spin class and noticed after 3 classes there was blood when going to the bathroom. Not dark blood like it came from my intestinrs, but bright red blood. Its not so much in the stool as it seems to be coming from in or near the anus. Theres no pain really either. I did a search online and saw it could be I need a better seat. Anyone want to share an experience?

Not specifically from exercise but yes, from hemerroids or (as was mentioned) or fissures on the inside. Since they are internal they don't hurt but they generate bright red blood. If the blood is dark or you see significant blood in the water (not just on the sides of your poops) I would see a doctor but otherwise you should be fine.


I just finished a 10 day cleanse today, today is the 11th day, and wanted to share my experiences:

TL;DR: Lost 8 lbs, feel great again, and recommend the concept to others.

My main reason for starting was my girlfriend. Her group of friends were doing the cleanse and I wanted to share the experience with her. My other reason was that I had let myself get back out of shape after being into lifting and swimming and I needed something to get me back on track. 2 years ago I would constantly get asked by random people "do you workout?" and felt pretty damn good about it. Now I am 20 lbs heavier and feel like crap about it. My goal is to get back to 185 lbs from 202 lbs.

This is the program I followed

I followed the exact program of smoothies and my snacks each day were 3 boiled eggs, some carrots or celery, 1 tablespoon no salt peanut butter, 1 small handfull of sunflower seeds, and a stalk of broccoli. "Lose-it" app put my calories at around 1200 to 1400 a day.

I was used to drinking a decent amount of wine and beer, dairy, coffee and carbs. The hardest thing was giving up coffee. I am a coffee addict for sure. The first 3 days were miserable and I had headaches most of the time. I took aspirin and powered through. Whenever I felt kind of hungry I ate some carrots or celery and spaced the smoothie out over 3 servings for the day. I spent a lot of the first days thinking about food and what I wasn't eating.

I considered lifting again, as it is my favorite workout and really where I see myself spending the most time, but because I wanted to lose weight and don't feel comfortable jumping back into weights right away after taking a break. I followed the 1st week of the P90x program: basic resistance stuff, plyometrics, yoga, stretching. I am a lot weaker than I used to be, but I was able to get through the full videos, feel soreness the next day and still be ready to do more. The yoga and stretching was a huge revelation to me because I have a tendency to skimp on warm-ups and stretching when I lift, which is very bad. I also spent that time thinking about other ways I can add streching and foundation work into my life going forward.

As time went on my energy levels increased, the headaches went away and I started focusing on doing other things than worrying about food. I did my workouts, went about my day, and slept extremely well. I haven't had vivid dreams like this in a LONG time. I also stopped feeling like I needed a nap in the afternoon after a long day. Maybe the weirdest part was feeling full of energy even when it was time for bed and once I fell asleep I would wake up from a deep sleep and be ready to go.

In 10 days I lost 8 lbs. (210 - 202) I might of lost more withouts snacks, but the program wasn't about fasting as much as eliminating other foods from the diet. (carbs, salt, coffee, alcohol, milk). My girlfriend also says she can see a big difference in my waist/belly.

I plan on moving to a more balanced diet now and I would recommend this experience to anybody who wants to "reboot" their eating habits and get out of thier comfort zone.

Unrelated... I just had probably the hardest two hours of my life on the trainer. Without realising I fucked up and did next week's session and boy was I not ready for it (you build up continuously over time). Heart rate was at 160 (88% max) average for the two hours (including a 15 minute warmup and five minute cooldown).

I can barely stand, and I'm completely overheated.

Will pay more attention next time.
Eating a bunch of pizza an hour and a half before doing intervals on a prowler in 95 degree heat will probably go down as one of the worst ideas I've ever had. How I didn't empty the contents of my stomach right there in the middle of my cul-de-sac, I'll never know.

Two Words

Stuff kept me from working out these past days. I went back today and I actually increased weights on nearly all of my lifts. But I am feeling pretty light-headed afterwards as well as during it. Is that common from coming back from lifting after several days?


Stuff kept me from working out these past days. I went back today and I actually increased weights on nearly all of my lifts. But I am feeling pretty light-headed afterwards as well as during it. Is that common from coming back from lifting after several days?

There are bunch of factors that could have contributed to the increase, but rest is always a good thing.
Oh my god you guys. I cant stop eating butter pecan ice cream. How bad of a sin am I committing?

I started hitting the gym consistently this last week and a half but I also started eating this damn ice cream

2L gone in a week



Update on my 4 week hardcore diet. I started at around 90-90.5kg exactly 2 weeks ago and my weight was at 85.5kg this morning. Bodymedia says that I had a 25.100kcal deficit in these 14 days. I guess I lost around 3.5kg fat and some water. Body fat should be around 12.5% now. Can't wait to see the final result in 2 weeks. I hope I get down to 10% :D


Well, I thought I was out of the woods.

Tried deadlifting yesterday and it felt meh off the floor.

Then, about an hour later, TONS of spasming in my glutes and hams. I could barely sit.

Fuck me man. I'm going to make an appointment with the Ortho on monday. I already know how this will play out.

Take a few weeks off doing anything that aggravates it (which for me is pretty much deads and snatch grip deads and the tire flip/prowler)

Go back at 50-70% of my old numbers and see how I feel

If thats no good, MRI time.

Meaning, I'll need to be communicating with multiple people from the girls (who hit me) insurance company. What a huge pain in the ass, because someone couldn't pay attention on the road and hit me at a red light.

I don't mean to dump a bunch of negativity on this thread, but Im just frustrated right now.


Well, I thought I was out of the woods.

Tried deadlifting yesterday and it felt meh off the floor.

Then, about an hour later, TONS of spasming in my glutes and hams. I could barely sit.

Fuck me man. I'm going to make an appointment with the Ortho on monday. I already know how this will play out.

Take a few weeks off doing anything that aggravates it (which for me is pretty much deads and snatch grip deads and the tire flip/prowler)

Go back at 50-70% of my old numbers and see how I feel

If thats no good, MRI time.

Meaning, I'll need to be communicating with multiple people from the girls (who hit me) insurance company. What a huge pain in the ass, because someone couldn't pay attention on the road and hit me at a red light.

I don't mean to dump a bunch of negativity on this thread, but Im just frustrated right now.

I know it sucks, Sean, but rest up and ease into it.

I'm trying to talk my own advice right now too.
Well, I thought I was out of the woods.

Tried deadlifting yesterday and it felt meh off the floor.

Then, about an hour later, TONS of spasming in my glutes and hams. I could barely sit.

Fuck me man. I'm going to make an appointment with the Ortho on monday. I already know how this will play out.

Take a few weeks off doing anything that aggravates it (which for me is pretty much deads and snatch grip deads and the tire flip/prowler)

Go back at 50-70% of my old numbers and see how I feel

If thats no good, MRI time.

Meaning, I'll need to be communicating with multiple people from the girls (who hit me) insurance company. What a huge pain in the ass, because someone couldn't pay attention on the road and hit me at a red light.

I don't mean to dump a bunch of negativity on this thread, but Im just frustrated right now.
Damn man. Sorry to hear :(


Well, I thought I was out of the woods.

Tried deadlifting yesterday and it felt meh off the floor.

Then, about an hour later, TONS of spasming in my glutes and hams. I could barely sit.

Fuck me man. I'm going to make an appointment with the Ortho on monday. I already know how this will play out.

Take a few weeks off doing anything that aggravates it (which for me is pretty much deads and snatch grip deads and the tire flip/prowler)

Go back at 50-70% of my old numbers and see how I feel

If thats no good, MRI time.

Meaning, I'll need to be communicating with multiple people from the girls (who hit me) insurance company. What a huge pain in the ass, because someone couldn't pay attention on the road and hit me at a red light.

I don't mean to dump a bunch of negativity on this thread, but Im just frustrated right now.

Sorry to hear seanny. Feel better dude!

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
My next goal is a body weight snatch, screw it. I got 115x1 today, down to 177lbs. So much work to do on my form.
So I placed today's infusion set higher up on my abdomen.

Totally not a good idea now that I'm down on a cut. Will relocate next set to an area with more bodyfat because fuck doing that again. I thought I had enough cushion but NOPE. That shit hit HARD :|
Warning the below might get a teensy unpleasant.

Has anyone experienced blood in their stool after biking? Ive picked up a spin class and noticed after 3 classes there was blood when going to the bathroom. Not dark blood like it came from my intestinrs, but bright red blood. Its not so much in the stool as it seems to be coming from in or near the anus. Theres no pain really either. I did a search online and saw it could be I need a better seat. Anyone want to share an experience?

Could be a fissure or hemorrhoid, which is normal from intense exercise or bad diet or any kind of strain. Preparation H every day helped me a little but if you go to the proctologist they will probably give you a more effective cream that you can only get with prescription.


Well, I thought I was out of the woods.

Tried deadlifting yesterday and it felt meh off the floor.

Then, about an hour later, TONS of spasming in my glutes and hams. I could barely sit.

Fuck me man. I'm going to make an appointment with the Ortho on monday. I already know how this will play out.

Take a few weeks off doing anything that aggravates it (which for me is pretty much deads and snatch grip deads and the tire flip/prowler)

Go back at 50-70% of my old numbers and see how I feel

If thats no good, MRI time.

Meaning, I'll need to be communicating with multiple people from the girls (who hit me) insurance company. What a huge pain in the ass, because someone couldn't pay attention on the road and hit me at a red light.

I don't mean to dump a bunch of negativity on this thread, but Im just frustrated right now.
That blows dude :(

Hopefully the pain subsides soon and you can move on from it.


Holy shit I finally got myself to the gym this morning at 7! And I had been trying to get myself to do that for the past 1.5 years. And not only did I work out, but I also got help on how to use one of the machines. It was a great experience and not the disaster I had feared!

And I feel good today. And it feels like I have energy to get things done.


Holy shit I finally got myself to the gym this morning at 7! And I had been trying to get myself to do that for the past 1.5 years. And not only did I work out, but I also got help on how to use one of the machines. It was a great experience and not the disaster I had feared!

And I feel good today. And it feels like I have energy to get things done.

yeah training in the morning really makes you feel good about the rest of the day


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Meaning, I'll need to be communicating with multiple people from the girls (who hit me) insurance company. What a huge pain in the ass, because someone couldn't pay attention on the road and hit me at a red light.

I don't mean to dump a bunch of negativity on this thread, but Im just frustrated right now.


I hate to change up a good thing cause hitting the gym every other day has been working well, but I'm thinking of switching to a 6 day split because I get so restless on my off days.
taking this week off of lifting

didn't feel so hot after leg day yesterday and today i am just drained. The up/down temps here in chicago the past few days have wrecked me - typical thyroid issues.

I feel like a zombie today :(
Figuring that my first couple of sessions back were just bad starts I tried the same weights again, and managed even fewer reps. I don't know if I'm still injured (but not in pain), or the injury did some more severe long term damage, but my upper body strength is absolutely no-where.

What I tried to lift should have been warmup stuff for me and I ended up not even being able to get five reps.
Figuring that my first couple of sessions back were just bad starts I tried the same weights again, and managed even fewer reps. I don't know if I'm still injured (but not in pain), or the injury did some more severe long term damage, but my upper body strength is absolutely no-where.

What I tried to lift should have been warmup stuff for me and I ended up not even being able to get five reps.

Oh yea, we all have our bad days. The way I look at it is that at least I went to the gym vs not going at all. Sometimes I do better than other days.
Any suggestions on how to avoid having your legs pull in when you get tired on squats? When it happens I get mild muscle pull/strain in my abductors from being out of position.

Is it lack of core engagement maybe? I get why (muscles get tired, more leverage if you're under the weight and your body just wants to do it to make the lift easier) but the potential damage isn't worth the risk.
Oh yea, we all have our bad days. The way I look at it is that at least I went to the gym vs not going at all. Sometimes I do better than other days.

Bad days I wouldn't mind, these are barely qualifying as anything days.

Any suggestions on how to avoid having your legs pull in when you get tired on squats?

Legs pull in? You mean letting your knees get closer together? Simple answer is better concentration on pushing them apart. More complex answer would be doing stuff with bands to increase the mind / muscle connection.


Any suggestions on how to avoid having your legs pull in when you get tired on squats? When it happens I get mild muscle pull/strain in my abductors from being out of position.

Is it lack of core engagement maybe? I get why (muscles get tired, more leverage if you're under the weight and your body just wants to do it to make the lift easier) but the potential damage isn't worth the risk.

Be conscious about it and push your knees out to make sure it's aligned with your feet.

It's probably weak glutes and adductors. My knees come in little during squats and my quads does a lot of the work to get out of the hole. I asked my WLing coach about it and he said the above.
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