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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before


I'm gonna watch that!

Also, I read this in the SS FULL BODY section:

And I can't even do two-three pull-ups. And when it says X sets of X, I just choose how much weight I'm gonna lift myself, but if it'll only be 5 times each set, shouldn't it be a lot of weight I lift?

If you have access to an assisted pull-up machine, use that. I started there and worked my way up from pretty much nothing. Now I can do 9 real ones!
Also, I read this in the SS FULL BODY section:

And I can't even do two-three pull-ups. And when it says X sets of X, I just choose how much weight I'm gonna lift myself, but if it'll only be 5 times each set, shouldn't it be a lot of weight I lift?

Read this:


The reason SS or any other program suggested might be superior to your previous workout is because it's completely structured. It's built to cover most if not all of your body, and you don't get to "choose" your weights. You can start with an empty bar or 95-100 lbs or whatever, but in the end either you: get your 3x5 or however many sets/reps, or you don't. And that means that next time you either get to increase the weight or you don't.

Two Words

Are puffy nipples one of things that will go away with cutting? I can see that my chest is filling out in my shirts better. My tighter shirts (they're not skin tight) really show the outline of my chest a lot better. But my nupples still make the usual tiny mounds on my shirt. It's a little annoying.


If you have access to an assisted pull-up machine, use that. I started there and worked my way up from pretty much nothing. Now I can do 9 real ones!
I'll look for it.

Read this:


The reason SS or any other program suggested might be superior to your previous workout is because it's completely structured. It's built to cover most if not all of your body, and you don't get to "choose" your weights. You can start with an empty bar or 95-100 lbs or whatever, but in the end either you: get your 3x5 or however many sets/reps, or you don't. And that means that next time you either get to increase the weight or you don't.
Thanks for this, I'm reading through it now. Seems like it's better to just do these six exercises instead of what I did today with no structure.
Just for those of you hoping for me to be labelled Mr Glass...

...I had a pretty major crash on my event this weekend and now have a hole where a good chunk of my right elbow was. Not broken, but it seems I've chipped the bone.

Not going to stop me trying to cycle again this weekend though. I mean hell, I did 4 hours more after I crashed. \o/


I did a ton of volume yesterday.

Close grip bench for 75% 5x2 then 1x13. Then 65% and 55% for 15 reps

Then OHP for a 5x12 at 50%

And then 15 sets of chin ups.

Really emphasizing volume and chasing the pump leading into the end of summer and loving it.


For those in here who began fat, but got lean eventually: did you focus on cardio until you got lean and then bulked, or just slowly lose weight by gaining muscle over time?

I'm kinda over dieting, and I'm enjoying the lifting part more, so I'm considering stopping my crazy low-cal diet and just focus on building muscle instead (with the hope that new muscle will burn fat over time)


I'm gonna take pictures of my body tomorrow probably and share it with the rest of you. I have a skinny to normal build but with a "fat" belly I have gotten over the past three years. I also got on the scale just now, and I weight 78.8kg, which is down 2kg from last weeks but it's probably because of the amount of water and stuff I got in my stomach. My BMI is at 26 while my fat percentage is at 22.1%. Can or should this be used for anything?

My impression as a new one is actually, that there's a surprising amount of calculating, and it sometimes discourages me.



I'm not great at chin ups ;)

Try ending your workouts with 50 in as little time as possible. If you can't beat your best time, punish yourself (extra abs, sprint for 1 minute after cardio, etc.).

Makes a fun little challenge.
Are puffy nipples one of things that will go away with cutting? I can see that my chest is filling out in my shirts better. My tighter shirts (they're not skin tight) really show the outline of my chest a lot better. But my nupples still make the usual tiny mounds on my shirt. It's a little annoying.

Yes somewhat, but it is also possible you have slight gynecomastia. Cut down until you reach low bodyfat before thinking about surgery for that. It may go away or be barely noticeable
Thanks for this, I'm reading through it now. Seems like it's better to just do these six exercises instead of what I did today with no structure.

Good luck, I hope it goes well for you. Also, if you don't have the book (and I don't think you do but neither do I lol), I highly suggest you go on Youtube and search "Mark Rippetoe." Look for each exercise and there should be at least 1 video where Mark goes through the reps for a number of different people. He identifies cues, problems and such in each person's form. Study this before you go in and you should be able to avoid most roadblocks and mishaps.

Also I'd go so far as to suggest not adding power cleans into the mix unless you have someone good to educate you on how to do it. Otherwise you might run the risk of injuring yourself. Your call in the end though.

For those in here who began fat, but got lean eventually: did you focus on cardio until you got lean and then bulked, or just slowly lose weight by gaining muscle over time?

I'm kinda over dieting, and I'm enjoying the lifting part more, so I'm considering stopping my crazy low-cal diet and just focus on building muscle instead (with the hope that new muscle will burn fat over time)

I focus more on my diet than cardio, because I'd rather use that time to play video games. Some of which are lengthy JRPGs so...yup. Haven't done cardio in 2 years now I'd say. How crazy is your low cal? If you've got plenty of fat, your fat stores should be able to accommodate a modest deficit while not affecting your ability to lift. In my experience, it's endurance/recovery that's affected so sets over 10 reps will suffer along with more than 3 sets at near max capacity.

This is from someone who started at 230lbs and is now...184lbs, for reference. I was at 170.6 at some point but then Christmas happened and I ate a buttload of junk constantly. Hopefully I can finish this latest cut by the end of July.


Isn't it better to drink whey with water, as it gets to your body (I don't remember what) much quicker than if you were drinking it with milk? I read it on a website who sells whey and creatine. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Even if this is true (I dunno either way), it sounds super min/maxy and not something you should worry about at your current level of progress.
On the protein talk, I always mix with water. I just discovered a killer addition though. I use chocolate peanut butter flavored protein powder along with a tablespoon of PB2, which is powdered peanut butter. That tablespoon is only 25 calories but it makes the flavor and consistency of the shakes insanely better. Although I didn't have an issue with protein and water before, the pb2 addition is mandatory for me now.


Just for those of you hoping for me to be labelled Mr Glass...

...I had a pretty major crash on my event this weekend and now have a hole where a good chunk of my right elbow was. Not broken, but it seems I've chipped the bone.

Not going to stop me trying to cycle again this weekend though. I mean hell, I did 4 hours more after I crashed. o/

Dammit, Psycho, you don't know when to quit.


Ironically, he's from the UK too.

Nelo Ice

I need to find a new gym. Apparently 24 hr fitness company policy is shoes at all time. Gym police decided to tell me in the middle of my amrap deadlift set I have to keep my shoes on. And it's the same guy telling everyone to only use bumper plates in the bumper area even though there's not nearly enough for the 4 stationed there.
I need to find a new gym. Apparently 24 hr fitness company policy is shoes at all time. Gym police decided to tell me in the middle of my amrap deadlift set I have to keep my shoes on. And it's the same guy telling everyone to only use bumper plates in the bumper area even though there's not nearly enough for the 4 stationed there.

I can see the shoe policy. But bumper plates only? Screw that. Many people need more than four 45 lb plates.

On the protein talk, I always mix with water. I just discovered a killer addition though. I use chocolate peanut butter flavored protein powder along with a tablespoon of PB2, which is powdered peanut butter. That tablespoon is only 25 calories but it makes the flavor and consistency of the shakes insanely better. Although I didn't have an issue with protein and water before, the pb2 addition is mandatory for me now.

That stuff is a god send. It takes any protein that tastes bland or even just nasty and makes it absolutely delicious. It adds a few extra grams of protein, too.

Nelo Ice

I can see the shoe policy. But bumper plates only? Screw that. Many people need more than four 45 lb plates.
Shoe policy is whatever it just annoyed me since just had to tell me in the middle of my lift rather than after I was done. And yeah he always goes around telling people to not use the hex plates when they're being used despite there only being 4 sets of 45lb bumpers at all times :(.
Improved from 425x5 last week to 435x5 this week on squats.

Shoe policy is whatever it just annoyed me since just had to tell me in the middle of my lift rather than after I was done. And yeah he always goes around telling people to not use the hex plates when they're being used despite there only being 4 sets of 45lb bumpers at all times :(.

Yeah seriously. Don't bother me during my set. If you've got something to say, it can wait 20 seconds. Headphones are nice to have on where you can pretend to drown out chatter.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
My best friend and former roommate was open about his saucing. His strength and phyisque gains in such short time frames were unreal. His diet was complete shit yet he was shredded at 200lbs without any effort.

I've got a friend I've competed against that's on tren (and other shit) and he does this. Eats like complete garbage and is completely shredded.


I've got a friend I've competed against that's on tren (and other shit) and he does this. Eats like complete garbage and is completely shredded.

One of my buddies has his pro card in body building, is completely shredded, and his diet primarily consists of Chinese take out, bags of chips, jelly sandwiches and cupcakes.

Has never admitted to anything though.
Anybody experience this? My main compounds my lower back/hips feel fine but when I do lower body accessories (especially with leg press) I feel sore in that area...
Thanks, Bum.


Wanted to apologize for my outbursts earlier. You're all my friends and you guys know how passionate I can be. I shouldn't have used as much animosity but I still stand by my points and observations. I just could have done it in a much more delicate way.

I shat the bed. I apologize to everyone here and you all deserve better than that.
Define "fine"...and "sore" in the above context.
Well probably stiffness during off days. When I just do compounds w/o accessories I can bend down to pick up something without soreness but when I do accessories it feels a bit stiff when I do the same

Do you do the accessories less frequently?
I do leg press for example only once a week but I usually do accessories whenever I work out.


Thanks, Bum.


Wanted to apologize for my outbursts earlier. You're all my friends and you guys know how passionate I can be. I shouldn't have used as much animosity but I still stand by my points and observations. I just could have done it in a much more delicate way.

I shat the bed. I apologize to everyone here and you all deserve better than that.

Absolutely no need to apologize to us, bud. Glad to have you back.

Well probably stiffness during off days. When I just do compounds w/o accessories I can bend down to pick up something without soreness but when I do accessories it feels a bit stiff when I do the same

Might be the added volume but it's DEFINITELY that accessories use slightly different muscles that you aren't using as often.

If you want a form check on your compounds just to make sure they're fine, post it, but I'm guessing it's the two things above.


Thanks, Bum.


Wanted to apologize for my outbursts earlier. You're all my friends and you guys know how passionate I can be. I shouldn't have used as much animosity but I still stand by my points and observations. I just could have done it in a much more delicate way.

I shat the bed. I apologize to everyone here and you all deserve better than that.

I would give you a hug, but, in my condition, you might break my back.

Absolutely no need to apologize to us, bud. Glad to have you back.

Might be the added volume but it's DEFINITELY that accessories use slightly different muscles that you aren't using as often.

If you want a form check on your compounds just to make sure they're fine, post it, but I'm guessing it's the two things above.

I think my squat form is ok (high bar) I'll prob do a deadlift form check tho since until recently that exercise was the worst offender of giving me that stiffness
Absolutely no need to apologize to us, bud. Glad to have you back.
Thanks dude.

I would give you a hug, but, in my condition, you might break my back.

No worries. Today was deadlift and heavy bag day. I'll fist bump you with my crutches XD

They aren't extremely puffy so I hope not.
Wait until you trim some fat. I have a mild bit of gyne since I hit puberty. Thyroid issues obvs with me having Hashimotos since an infant. I take Tirosint as a synthetic thyroid replacement after having one lobe removed from cancer and the other is just not producing.

If you didn't have them before you started serious lifting but do now it might just be extra fat. Everyone holds fat in different places.

Is it okay to eat butter pecan ice cream?

Maybe as a sub for whey? Stupid question Im sure. But I cant resist it
Check the nutrition label and ingredients. Does it fit your macros? Are you OK with eating whatever ingredients are in there?

On my bulk I would treat myself to a monster shake with a zillion calories twice a week. Milk, ice cream, oats, peanut butter, olive oil, protein, egg, banana, etc.


Is it okay to eat butter pecan ice cream?

Maybe as a sub for whey? Stupid question Im sure. But I cant resist it

As Jack said, it's all relative. I'm about to have a bowl of cookie dough ice cream with 3 tbsp of peanut butter, but our goals / macros / caloric intake / etc. are all completely different.
Friends, I have no idea of how to look after my nutrition

I go to the gym and I do a bunch of lifting targeting triceps, biceps, shoulders, abs, back, squats. Im there 1h30- 2 h at least 3 times a week.

Dont take too long a break, dont talk to anyone, dont waste time staring off.

Im so confused as to how to progress effectively though. I feel like Im not efficient

I mean, if Im lifting, I need to eat more right? But I also have belly fat, so i feel like I should be cutting

But putting muscle helps me lose weight right?

I want nice abs. It seems like it takes huge sacrifice and requires cardio and weight loss. But I can settle to just look slimmer/lose my fatty stomach sides that I can pinch with my hands


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Long day. Get home jump in the shower and realize I'm going on a 23 hour fast. Call me Bish Jr.


Thanks, Bum.


Wanted to apologize for my outbursts earlier. You're all my friends and you guys know how passionate I can be. I shouldn't have used as much animosity but I still stand by my points and observations. I just could have done it in a much more delicate way.

I shat the bed. I apologize to everyone here and you all deserve better than that.

Glad you're back. Thread wouldn't be the same without you.
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